Page 4...The Portland Observer...January 22, 1992 O re g o n P u b lic B ro a d c a s tin g 's Coffee, Tea & O P B O ffe rs C h ild r e n a n U n fo rg e tta b le W in te r W e e k e n d NEWS FROM OPB The Oregon Public Broadcasting Foundation announces plans for its second winter fundraising extravaganza entitled Coffee, Tea & OPB. The public is invited to come out of the cold and relax in a coffeehouse atmosphere. Enjoy piping hot coffee and tea drinks, light entrees and delectable desserts from some of Portland s finest establish­ ments Classical and jazz groups, literary readings and children's activities will also be featured in a festive 35,000-sq< iare-foot coffee-house setting. Admission is $5.00 (children under 12 FREE) for the event at Montgomery Park, 2701 NW Vaughn, Port­ LOOK WHAT’S AVAILABLE AT THE MULTICULTURAL SENIOR CENTER land, Oregon, Friday, January 3 1 ,5:30pm to 10pm; Saturday, February 1 ,9am to 10pm and Sunday, February 2 ,9am to 6pm. Scrip will be sold at the event for the purchase of food and beverages. 5325 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 Coffee, Tea & OPB is not just for the m ature caffeine lover. Children under the age of 12 will be adm itted free and find a whole component has been designed especially for them. Art Media is providing supplies for a hands-on art project that kids will be able ALZHEIMER’S ACTIVITIES (Art, Music and Movement Therapy for People with Alzheimer’s or Stroke Disabilities) Every Wednesday from 1J0 to 3:00 p.m. (Cost: $5.00 per session) Looking for fun and meaningful activities? Looking for new friendships? to take home. A sampling of the N orthw est's finest children's perform ers will offer a unique opportunity for entertainment and education. Strings Attached, a chamber ensemble, will play a program that educates young audiences about classical music while involving them in a great adventure story. The Lady Bug T heater will present one of its many popular children's theater performances. Angel Ocasio will be on Then this group is for you! hand to entertain with his special assortment of clowning, mime and vaudeville CAREGIVER’S EDUCATION AND SUPPORT GROUP comedy routines. Jay H arris brings us the multi-cultural and fun Rhythm of Cultures and The Abalone Kids shows. O ther performers throughout the three days include Looking for some simple solutions? If the answer is yes, then join the Sheila R ubin and The Frog Dance, Tim othy Turtle, D an'l B loons, R ainshine s Espresso Magic, The Jelly Bean Show and Roger Coles - The Storytelling Fool. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group. Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 130 to 3:00 p.m. (No cost) Starting date: January 29,1992. Coffee, Tea & OPB is presented by Davis W right Trem aine Lawyers; and co-sponsored OR ELO S PUBLIC For more information, call Urban League Adult & Senior Services 248-5470, exL 4551. BROADCASTING 714(1 SW Macadam. Portland. Oregon Illin o is S to re O w n e r S e n te n c e d to P ris o n A n d R e s titu tio n O f $1,000,000 A L Z m iM E tö Multwmah Oxmiy Gry of Portland Urban Lcajot ' \ r f i K in g , on speaking: " U n ­ fortunately, w hen hope d i­ m inishes, the hate is often turned m ost bitterly tow ard those w ho originally built up the h o p e only tim e v S» ? ’ ■ T.”< « ' j ; « . zV • \ I a J P m f -V ' * H ' < d e r s ta n d in g fo r th o se young people...their hopes had soared. T hey w ere now booing b ecause they felt th a t w e w ere unable to deliver on our prom ises [of e q u a lity ] ." 284-6977 hm. 284*1374 but. PO Box 6090 Portland, OR 97208 :;v. ' An East St. Louis, 111. grocery store owner was sentenced to 25-months in prison and three years’ probation after pleading guilty to illegal acquisition and redemption o f over $1 million in food stamps. Accourding to Leon Snead, inspec­ tor general for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kenneth J. Coates, 44 owner of Coats Market, was sentenced in U.S. District Court in East St. Louis after a guilty plea in October 1991. He was ■ u '. *<•<• ’ •»- ' v i'L *» *««»!//, v , 1 v.'f : ’ ' • x 1 M ' • ,'■ , 7877 1 j A YES! I will contribute the following amount: $50.00 □ $250.00 □ O ther □ I ’ r; . POUND <» * 5 ^ A £- Lw-’ V 4 S o a p Address I I I I J Your Community Site For All Washing Needs. me emewouesT stores in town since i 90s SPECIALS EPF ECT iv ST u ESC a y through SUNDAY JANUARY 21 through 26 1992 M E M B E R O F ’J N IT E b G R O C E R S --------------------------------------- Bring in this AD and you will receive Free Soap for the month of February Name KIENOW'S -------------------------------------------- . - F re e Signature POUND 41 S Mr, Lee and Staff Welcome All LEAN GROUND BEEF Less than 20% fat tution. Coates pled guilty to one count charging him with theft of food stamps. As part of his plea, he agreed to forfeit to the government his 1987 Mercedes- Benz automobile, stocks, and the pro­ ceeds from the sale o f his store. An Office of Inspector General in­ vestigation disclosed that Coated pur­ chased food stamps for 65 to 85 percent of their value and subsequently redeemed them for the full face value. Over a 17- month period, he redeemed $ 1,682,711 in food stamps, while his legitimate food stamp sales during the period to­ taled less than $400,000. Food stamps may only be used to purchase eligible food items at stores authorized to participate in the Food Stamp Program. It is illegal to exchange them for cash or other non-food items. The case was prosecuted by A ssis­ tant U.S. Attorney Robert T. Coleman, (GRAND ( ^ opening BONELESS HAMS ,‘?*j ','■ also ordered to pay $1 million in resti­ that I have been b o o ed ...I w en t hom e that nig h t w ith an ugly feeling...I finally cam e to myself, and I could n o t fo r the life o f m e have less than patience and u n ­ G eneral Roofing H ot R oofs and Shingles 25 years experience » ,>.V- & •■ Broadcasting. The event, a benefit for OPB, is designed and produced by M etropolitan Events. 97219 Program sponsored by the Urban League of Portland, Multnomah County Aging Services, Alzheimer’s Association - Columbia Willamette Chapter and the City of Portland’s Neighborhood Self-Help Program. by Capital T rust Company, KINK FM 102, W illam ette W eek and O regon Public I’hone All contributions are tax-exempt $£; < ; . \ < « ' 2( »»••» r. - . -V-; z . t’X * ‘ *•*,**' • 1:1 i jt -W .V 4 3 ' - Ml - ’ *■<%.*/■**** * r* « * » a . ’ j. i • 'J?/ • « 5 4 A 4 i I