T r » « Page 12...The Portland Observer...January 22, 1992 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SALUTES MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. “ H P here conies a nme »hen a moral man can'i obey a la» which his A. conscience tells him is unjust And the important thing is that when he does that, he w illingly accepts the penalty. It is important to see that there are times w hen a manmade law is out o f harmony w ith the moral law o f the universe." Happy Birthday! MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. A f f ir m a t iv e A c t io n M a n a g e r Saluting the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. i NEIL KELLY M University of Oregon in Eugene is seeking an individual to manage Affirma­ tive Action/Equal Opportunity functions including preparation of Affirmative Action Plan, development of strategies to recruit and retain employees from protected classes, technical assistance for search committees and other in the campus community, and supervision of staff. Requires at least two years experience in development, implementation and/or auditing of affirmative action programs with specific emphasis on compliance issues and a degree in public administration or related field. Salary $30 - 35,000; excellent retire­ ment and benefits. Application information is available at UO Office of Human Resources, 463 Oregon Hall, Eugene, OR 97403, (503) 346-2950. Application deadline January 27,1992. EO/AA institution committed to cul­ tural diversity. i DESIGNERS/REMODELERS NOW WITH TWO DESIGNER SHOWROOMS, EAST AND WEST. 804 N A lb e rta (2 b lo cks e a st of I-5) 288-7461 (Vane. 696-2204) Or. Reg. 1663; Wash. Reg. NEILKCI 18702 8101 SW N im b u s f*/ I