► V * • • * «• » »»I ♦ r^v • ♦ v • * v~* * ♦ » » I * <#<*#«*»•••< W» « * e * <«»-»•♦*• January 22, 1992...The Portland ()bserver...Page 11 G race C ollins M emorial D ay C are C enter ' *• 128 N. E. Russell ! 281-6930 Accepting children from 6 w eeks to 6 years Latch key before and after school A Daycare where love and education are our most important service • >. /I • ; *». y-'j- > Meal and snacks approved by U .S.D .A . State Licensed Rates based on sliding scale from $12.50 a day hen I speak o f lose I am not speaking o f some senlimenlal and W ■ ii-V *'- weak response. I am speaking o f that force which all of the great religions hase seen as the supreme unifying principle of life ." •iv'j'r •a.« progress is precarious, and the lution o f one problem brings us face to face a- » T he function o f education is to teach one to think intensively » • ' • 'J-* and to think critically__ Intelligence with another troblem.' plus character—that is the goal •r.. • o f true education.’’ • r • Martin Luther King, Jr. Strength to Love >7 ‘ < Who Killed Sergeant Waters, And Why? The Oregon Department of Transportation strives to provide positive, constructive affirmative action programs. ODOT offers career opportunities in management, engineering, highway maintenance and related fields. For information on current job openings, call 1-800-233-1618. IFCC Theatre Presents A Soldier’s Play The gripping Pulitzer-Prize winning dram a By Charles Fuller “ W hen evil m en plot, good m en m ust plan. W hen evil m en burn and bom b, good m en m ust build and bind. W hen evil January 24-February 23,1992 m en shout ugly w ords or hatred, good m em m ust com m it Friday/Saturday 8pm, Sunday 2pm them selves to the glories o f love. W here evil m en w ould Tickets: $10, Students/Seniors $8 Ask about group and day of show discounts seek to perpetuate an unjust status quo, good m en m ust seek j • - 1. .r . _ • Reservations: 823-2000 to bring into being a real o rd er o f ju stic e .” IFCC 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Tri Met Bus #5 Martin Luther King Jr. r -V / • x tv -.’ - • r>w’ ikwjun Depart m eni o! Transportation "The dream is one of equality o f opportunity; a dream of a land w here men do not agree th at the color o f a m an’s skin determ ines the content o f his character; a dream of a’ place w h ere all our gifts and re­ sources are held not for our­ selves alone but as instru­ m ents o f service fo r the rest of hum anity; the dream of a coun try w here every man will respect the dignity and worth o f all hum an personality, and m en will dare to live together as b ro th e rs ___ " 1 The Port of Portland honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. f M.. e { . f i by celebrating our cultural history in rec- ognition of King’s struggle for civil rights W’.-i ' - ' S fe -• S' ä for all people. The Port is an ■ ï à ’f e » equal opportunity employer, com- -M arlin Luther King, Jr., 1960 mitted to affirma- B ureau of L abor and I ndustries fte fe tive action. For information on employment opportunities Commissioner Mary Wendy Roberts with the Port, call the 24-hour job Hotline 8 ■ Civil Rights Division, Wage and Hour Division, Apprenticeship and Training Division, Support Services Division at (503) 731-7480. The Bureau q f Labor and Industries is charged with the responsibility o f protecting the civil right» q f Oregonians, ei\forcing wage and hour and youth employment laws, and promoting skilled training through appren­ ticeship. We Join in celebrating the memory q f Martin Luther King and pledge to continue working with the goal q f making his dream an Oregon reality. L 1 4 0 0 SW F ifth A ven ue • 2 2 9 -5 7 3 5 . . . . -, , *. • • /•» • a ’ « - . ’ » M * . » -• * í, a. «, Port of Portland i