Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8...The Portland Observer...January 15, 1992
Portland Observer
Forest Unit
Supervisor 1
Assistant Unit Forester
$ 19 4 7-$2614 Monthly
The Oregon Department of For­
estry has an opening in Toledo
for an Assistant Unit Forester.
This announcement is to fill the
current vacancy.
Submit an
application now if you wish to be
considered for this job classifica­
tion. The Assistant Unit Forester
assists in implementing fire pre­
vention, detection, and suppres­
sion plans on approximately
430,000 acres; enforces Oregon
forest laws; coordinates coop­
erative programs with other
agencies; involved with crew
schedules, training, inventories,
and building maintenance; and
assists and directs fire control
Qualifications are: a
Bachelor's degree in Forestry OR
an Associate degree in Forest
Management, Forest Engineer­
ing, or Wildland Fire Manage­
ment; AND two years of experi­
ence in forest road location and
design, cruising timber, harvest­
ing timber, reforestation, young
growth management or wildland
fire suppression. (If the Associ­
ate’s degree is not in Wildland
Fire Management, one of the two
years of experience must be in
wildland fire suppression; OR
three years of experience in the
above areas with one of the three
years being in wildland fire sup­
Announcement closes February 10,
1992. Contact Department of
Forestry Personnel Section, 2600
State Street, Salem, OR 97310,
(503) 378-2565 for job announce­
ment, test questions, and appli­
Hydrogeologist 3 And
Specialist 4
Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality
(DEQ) is a growing state agency
committed to protecting and
im proving the environm ent.
DEQ's Environmental Cleanup
Division is currently seeking high
quality, self-motivated profession­
als for the positions of HYDRO­
ect Manager) to be located at
agency headquarters in Portland.
CIALIST 4 serve as technical
experts and/or project managers
overseeing sites where hazard­
ous substance investigation and
cleanup is being conducted.
The State of Oregon offers a sub­
stantial benefits package, includ­
ing medical, dental and life insur­
ance, paid vacation, sick leave
and holidays, and contributions
to a retirement plan.
If you would like to be considered
for one of these vacancies, please
leave a m essage on the D EQ job
recording line (503) 229-5785 to
request announcements and
applications. If you are inter­
ested in future vacancies with
DEQ, it is recommended that you
check the job line regularly,
application materials for the
hydrogeologist 3 must be sub­
mitted no later than the close of
business, February 14,1992, and
for the Environments! Specialist
4, February 28, 1992. These
lists will be used to fill openings
as they occur. Apply NOW if you
wish to be considered for current
vacancies. Be sure to request
application materials well in
advance of these dates. Please
mention this advertisement when
you requst application materials.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Financial Analyst/
Treasury Officer
City of Eugene, Oregon
Performs complex policy analysis;
supervises investment operations
and issues and services debt
Salary Range:
$2,350 - $3,357/mo. For com ­
plete job description and appli­
cation packet, contact City of
Eugene, Human Resource and
Risk Services, Rm 101, 777 Pear
St. Eugene, OR 97401.
(503) 687-5061. Closing Date;
January 31,1992.
Affirmative Action Manager - Uni­
versity of Oregon In Eugene Is
seeking an Individual to manage
Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­
tunity functions Including prepa­
ration of Affirmative Action Plan,
development of strategies to
recruit and retain employees from
protected classes, technical
assistance for search commit­
tees and other In the campus
community, and supervision of
staff. Requires at least two years
experience In development, Im­
plementation and/or auditing of
affirmative action programs with
specific emphasis on compliance
Issues and a degree in public
administration or reiated field. Sal­
ary $30 - 35,000; excellent retire­
ment and benefits. Application
Information Is available at UO
Office of Human Resources, 463
Oregon Hall, Eugene, OR 97403,
(503) 346-2950.
deadline January 27,1992. EO/
AA Institution committed to cul­
tural diversity.
Accounts Receivable
McCaw Cellular
Communications, Inc.
Cellular One
#164-Accounts Receivable
Our Accounts Receivable Repre­
sentative will recover delinquent
subscriber payments by phone,
handle subscriber correspon­
dence, document all subscriber
contacts on a computer system,
and provide excellent customer
service while maintaining com­
pany profitability.
Applicants must have a minimum
one year experience In on-line
collections, possess excellent
customer service skills and be
detail oriented with excellent In­
terpersonal and wrlltten skills.
Send your resume referencing the
aoove number/title to:
Cellular One
People Development Dept.
409 S. W. 9th
Portland, OR 97205
Cellular One Jobline 789-JOBS
All replies in confidence
An equal opportunity employer
Chemical Dependency
Fulltime position available at Kai­
ser Permanente’s residential ado­
lescent treatment center. Must
have counseling skills for Inde­
pendent work as a group and an
Individual therapist and alcohol/
drug educator. The program Is
family focused and knowledge of
adolescent development and
skills In family therapy and mul­
tiple family therapy are highly
desired. Evening and weekend
work are part of the schedule.
Requires Master’s degree In
counseling or related field plus
one year of post-master’s, full­
time paid experience. Salary is
$29,194 to $32,497/year to start
with excellent benefits including:
Family medlcal/dental, life and
disability insurances, two pen­
sion plans, TSA's, paid continu­
ing medical education and more.
Please forward resume to J.
Parmenter, Professional Staff
Recruiter, Kaiser Permanente,
2701 NW Vaughn, Suite 300,
Portland, OR 97210-5398.
Customer Service
McCaw Cellular
Communications, Inc.
Cellular One
#166 - Customer Care
Our Customer Care Representa­
tive will listen and respond to
customer's questions or com­
plaints concerning billing or serv­
ice. This respresentatlve will then
investigate complaints, clarify In­
formation, and initiate necessary
corrections to customers' ac­
Candidates must have customer
service experience in a service
Industry, in addition to being detail
oriented and possessing excel­
lent interpersonal skills.
Send your resume referencing the
above number/title to:
Cellular One
People Development Dept.
409 S.W. 9th
Portland, OR 97205
Cellular One Jobline 789-JOBS
All replies in confidence
An equal opportunity employer
Career Counselor
McCaw Cellular
Communications, Inc.
sity of Oregon, Career Planning
Cellular One
and Placement Service. Instruc­
tor 12-month full-time. Master’s
#161 -M TSO Switch
degree or BA/BS and extensive
experience in career deveopment.
Our MTSO Switch Technician will
Provide career counseling and
be responsible for operating,
placement advice. Develop ca­
maintaining and repairing a cel­
reer Identification programs in- 1
lular switching system.
eluding career assessment, ca­
technician will also review sys­
reer exploration, courses and
tem performance, resolve cus­
assist with Internships. Super­
tomer complaints, process bill­
vise career counseling Interns.
ing and system backup tapes
Conduct workshops. Ability to
and perform test and acceptance
work with diverse populations.
on new switching equipment.
Send resume, cover letter and
At a minimum, candidates must
three references to Dr. Lawrence
hold a 2 year degree in Elec­
H. Smith, Director, Career Plan­
tronic Engineering Technology
ning and Placement Service,
or equivalent experience and 1
University of Oregon, PO Box
year switching experience with
3257, Eugene, OR 97403-0257.
another cellular, RBOC or inter­
Deadline January 31,1992. Equal
change carrier. Candidates must
Opportunlty/Afflrmatlve Action
have proven ability to understand
Institution committed to cultural
and troubleshoot telephone
switching system and strong
computer skills.
Send your resume referencing the
Assistant Planner
above number/title to:
Cellular One
ence in data analysis and per­
People Development Dept.
sonal computer applications.
409 S. W. 9th
Background In transportation or
Portland, OR 97205
air quality analysis desirable. This
Cellular One Jobline 789-Jobs
position requires a Bachelor’s
All repliess in confidence
degree In planning or a related
An equal opportunity employer
field and one year of relevant
experience (or Equivalent). Call
Multnomah County
(206) 786-5480 for application
Care Coordinator- Chil­
materials (Thurston Regional
Health Partners
Planning Council, 2000 Lakeridge
per hour; appli­
Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98502).
by January 24,
Salary Range: $2,161 (Step 1) to
$2,986 (Step 11) monthly
Data Technician - Youth Program
Starting Salary DOQ. Applica­
Office: $10.89 per hour; apply by
tion closing date: January 31,
1992. EOE
Where To Apply: The standard
Multnomah County application
Break Assistant/
form and supplemental applica­
tion form, if applicable, are re­
Special Education
and must be postmarked
(Emotionally Handicapped
closing date. Apply In
or mall self-addressed,
3 3/4 hours day/5 days week -
envelope, requesting an
school year
for the position(s) in
To provide break coverage for
are in terested.
classroom staff. Application
Deadline: 5:00 pm, 1/21/92
Salary: $6.61 /hr
Requires: High school graduate; at
Portland, Oregon 97214.
least 18 years of age; ability to lift
Opportunity Employer
up to 60 lbs.
Required MESD applications can
be obtained in person at MESD’s
Recruitment Office, 11611 N. E.
Ainsworth Circle, (Airport Way),
hours are 8:00-5:00, Monday thru
Friday. To receive the applica­
tion materials by mall, please
send a self-addressed, stamped,
legal envelope to Multnomah
Education Serrvlce District, Attn.
Recruitment Office, P. O. Box
301039, Portland, Oregon 97230-
An Equal Opportunity Employer
& Drug Free Work Place
Credit Representative
McCaw Cellular
Communications, Inc.
Cellular One
#167 - Credit Representative
Our Credit Representative will
receive and process all Incoming
subscription agreements, credit
checks, credit reports, and voice
mall requests. This representa­
tive will also prepare all credit
cover sheets and approval codes.
Candidates must have a minimum
6 months on-line customer serv­
ice and prior credit report experi­
ence is preferred, but training or
school may be substituted.
Candidates must be detail ori­
ented and possess excellent in­
terpersonal and written commu­
nication skills.
Send your resume referencing the
above number/title to:
Cellular One
People Development Dept.
409 S. W. 9th
Portland, OR 97205
Cellular One Jobline 789-JOBS
All replies In confidence
An equal opportunity employer
Dental Assistant Instructor - Man­
agement & Training Corp. (MTC)
has a full-time opening, teaching
dental asst, curriculum to 16-24
year students at our young adult
vocational training center in As­
toria, OR.
Requires current
D.A.N.B. certflcation, plus mini­
mum 2 years directly related
experience. Apply to: Human
Resources, Tongue Point Job
Corps Center, Astoria, OR 97103.
(503) 325-2131 Ext. 101. EOE
News Bureau Assistant
Director Sought
Good feature writer needed In busy
media relations office in AAU
university. Successful candidate
will have proven track record In
writing news features for state
and regional media markets, pub­
licizing major events and man­
aging broadcast news services,
and familiarity with media needs
and higher education Issues. B.A7
B.S., plus three years' experi­
ence with a newspaper, maga­
zine or university Information
office required. Academic rank
with competitive salary and bene­
fits. Send resume, references
and copies of clips postmarked
on or before Jan. 24, 1991, to:
Chair, Assistant Director Search
Committee, University News Bu­
reau, University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR 97403. An EO/AA
Institution committed to cultural
You’ve got to be kidding.
That's what Pam. Louis, and Cliff
said. But being the type of people they
are. they investigated and found that
they were among the highest paid
professionals in their industry
($40,000 to $70,000 annually). Ask
them what they enjoy about their
careers and they will tell you about:
• Company set appointments
• Guaranteed base
• Full benefits package
• Mostly daytime appointments
• Fast growing company
• The appreciation of the families
they serve
Most of all. they like having a reward­
ing career with an organization
devoted to the well-being of its
employees. Life insurance required.
If you are a friendly, persuasive in­
dividual with a professional appear­
ance and you're interested in this out­
standing opportunity, we urge you to
call 1-800-424-2001 to find out more
We are an Equal Opportunity
». Employment
& Bids/Sub-Bids
Energy Management
Services Analyst/
EWEB has need for an Energy
Management Services Analyst
Inspector for a 12-month limited
duration. There Is no expecta­
tion of continued employment
upon termination of the 12-month
Qualifications are one year of energy
analyst trainee experience at
EWEB; or two years of energy
analyst training at the com m u­
nity college level; or two years of
utility energy analyst experience;
or equivalent combination of
education and experience. Ex­
perience or training in residential
building construction.
school-level education with train­
ing in energy analyses and in­
spections with successful com ­
pletion of BPA energy analyst
and inspector examinations. Valid
driver’s license required. $1,117-
$ 1 ,442/bi-weekly.
For information packet contact:
Eugene Water & Electric Board,
PO Box 10148, Eugene, OR
97440. ATTN: Human Resource
Dept., or (503)484-2411 ext.,
Position closes January 27,1992 -
5:00 pm
Equal Opportunity Employer
News Bureau Assistant
Director Sought
Good feature writer needed In busy
media relations office In AAU
university. Successful candidate
will have proven track record In
writing news features for state
and regional media markets, pub­
licizing major events and man­
aging broadcast news services,
and familiarity with media needs
and higher education Issues. B.A?
B.S., plus three years' experi­
ence with a newspaper, maga­
zine or university Information
office required. Academic rank
with competitive salary and bene­
fits. Send resume, references
and copies of clips postmarked
on or before Jan. 24, 1992, to:
Chair, Assistant Director Search
Committee, University News Bu­
reau, University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR 97403. An EO/AA
Institution committed to cultural
School of Extended Studies
Portland State University
Coordinates registration services
for the School of Extended Stud­
ies. Provides training, technical
support, diagnostic help and
operating instructions to all
computer users. Manages and
supervises local area network.
Installs new hardware and soft­
ware. Requires baccalaureate
degree and experience with per­
sonal computers. In particular
networking, database, and ac­
counting software. For a com ­
plete job description and qualifi­
cations call 725-4862.
Applications will be reviewed be­
ginning February 3rd. Submit
resume and letter highlighting
qualifications and reasons for
interest in the position and the
names, addresses and phone
numbers of three Individuals who
can provide recommendations.
Send to Barbara Scott, Registra­
tion Coordinator Search, PSU/
School of Extended Studies, PO
Box 1491, Portland, OR 97207.
Portland State University is an Equal
Oportunity and Affirmative Ac­
tion employer and Is committed
to the concept of diversity in its
workforce. Women, minorities,
and other protected groups are
encouraged to apply.
PHYSICIAN, Health Service, or St.
Univ., excellent quality of life.
Send resume: Susan Longer-
beam, Assoc. Dir., Student Health
Serv, Plageman, OSU, Corvalls,
OR, 97331 -5801. OSU is an AA/
EEO employer/responsive to dual
career needs.
Albina Ministerial
Homeless Families Case Manager
D&A experience & Spanish speak­
ing preferred.
Salary range $17,500 - $ 19,800
Apply by Jan. 22 at 1425 NE Dekum
Data Processing
Systems Technician/
Computer Operator
Oregon Steel Mills, a world class
producer of steel plate and pipe
products is seeking a Systems
Technician who desires to be
part of an organization where
employees make a difference.
Responsibilities include operating
a mainframe computer, provid­
ing technical assistance in a mini­
computer and personal computer
environment and assisting us­
ers with computer hardware and
software problems. The suc­
cessful candidate must have an
associate degree or equivalent
in Computer Science and rele­
vant experience Including famili­
arity with terminals, printers,
personal computers, telecommu­
nications and knowledge of UNIX
and DOS. Emphasis is on the
ability to work independently and
a willingness to work irregular
shifts including weekends.
Oregon Steel Mills offers a com­
petitive salary and a full range of
benefits including profit sharing
and company ownership through
an ESOP. Submit resume to:
Employment Specialist
Oregon Steel Mills, Inc.
PO Box 2760
Portland, OR 97208
Utility Company Jobs
Start $7.80-15.75/hr, your area. Men
and women needed. No experi­
ence necessary. For informa­
tion, call 1-900-370-4561, ext.
6 8 5 7 ,6 - 8 ,7 days - $12.95 fee.
Office Assistants
Oregon's fastest growing and larg­
est retailer of Home Funishings
needs entry level, full-time office
assistants at our Clackamas Store
location. Successful candidates
will have previous experience in
customer service, data-entry,
multi-line phones, cashiering, fil­
ing, and 10-key. Must be flexible
to work evenings and weekends.
A competitive benefit and com ­
pensation package and the op­
portunity for professional growth
is offered.
Smith’s Home Furnishings
Corporate Headquaters
25600 Parkway Center Drive
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Monday, January 13 -
Friday, January 17
9am to 4pm
No phone calls please.
Smith’s Home Furnishings is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Budget Operations
Associate Director in UO Budget
Office. Position is responsible
for managing the campus oper­
ating budget and various com pu­
terized support systems. Quali­
fied candidate will have budget
or accounting experience, exten­
sive microcomputer experience,
coordination and presentation
skills, and combination of five
years of related experience and
training. Bachelor’s degree re­
quired, master’s degree prefered.
Unclassified position, salary range
$37,200 to $44,000. Applica­
tions due by January 24, 1992.
Send applications to Search
Commltte Chair, UO Budget
Office, 1 Johnson Hall, Eugene,
OR 97403, or phone (503)346-
Equal Opportunlty/Affirmative A c­
tion Organization committed to
cultural diversity.
If your are a skllled/amateur car­
penter, plumber, electrician or
just a weekend handyperson,
Northeast Portland seniors need
your help with minor home re­
pairs. By volunteering two (2)
hours a month, you can make a
difference In a senior’s life. Call
Project Linkage, a division of Met­
ropolitan Family Service, at 249-
8215 to volunteer.
After School
Program Leader
Several part-time after school or
evening program leader/teach-
ers needed for co-ed program.
Variable hours at various loca­
tions in Multnomah and W ash­
ington counties available. Expe­
rience with groups of young chil­
dren desirable but will train.
Minorities invited to apply. $5.00/
hr. Call Mary at Camp Fire,