Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 1992, Page 19, Image 19

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January 1 5 ,1992...The Portland Observer...Page 19
"The dream is one o f equality o f opportunity, o f
privilege and property w idely distributed; a dream o f
a land w here men will not take necessities from the
m any to give luxuries to the few; a dream o f a land
w here men do not agree that the color o f a m an’s skin
determ ines the content o f his character; a dream o f a
place w here all our gifts and resources are held not
for us alone but as instrum ents o f service for the rest
o f hum anity; the dream o f a country w here every m an
w ill respect the dignity and w orth o f all hum an
personality, and men will dare to live together as
brothers . . . "
"This is no time for apathy or complacency.
This is a time fo r vigorous and positive action."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Martin Luther King, Jr.
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"Democracy means equal justice, equity in
every aspect of our society.
I think Martin
understood from the very beginning that this goal
could not be accomplished all at once. He knew
he could not take a people who were largely
uneducated and unrepresented and suddenly
transform them into political activists who could
immediately change the system.
A nd he also
knew that the basic problem in our society had to
do with economic injustice . . . Believe it or not, he
spoke these words to me when I first met him ."
M artin L uther K ing , J r .
1929 - 1968
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Coretta Scott King, in Wc Shall Overcome
"I believe that unarmed truth
and unconditional love
will have the final say
in reality”
"In the spirit o f Dr. King, let us join in working to make
Portland a city o f opportunity and justice fo r all"
City Commissioner Dick Bogle
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Martin Luther King, Jr.
Self-Enhancement, Inc.
Birthday presence.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
W h a t w o uld you give
M a rtin on his b irth d a y ’
Can you separate the m an
Irom his ideas’
How do y o u gift w ra p a d re am ’
Can you put Peace in a box?
Maybe vou could send him
a w o rld o f people w h o are
glad that he lived,
w h o are tryin g
to live the lessons
o f com passion
o l courage
o l a rig h t and w ro n g
y ï
w h e i- tru th does not discrim inate,
l ilt (.an be lound in the soul
A w o ild o f people try in g sim p ly
to do w h at is right
Those lessons,
that he left us
Happy Birthday, Dr King
Making Ih t most of your tima.'
Self-Enhancement, Inc.
2156 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97212
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