Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 1992, Page 10, Image 10

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Page 10...The Portland O b s e n ^ J a n u a r r U S H ^
Portland Observer
Notice of Metro Council Vacancy
N o tic e is h e re b y g iv e n o f a v a c a n c y fo r th e D is tric t 11 p o s itio n on
th e M e tro p o lita n S e rv ic e D is tric t C o u n c il e ffe c tiv e Ja n . 10,
1992. T h e p o s itio n w ill be fille d by a p p o in tm e n t by th e M e tro
C o u n c il p u rs u a n t to C h a p te r 2 6 8 of th e O re g o n R e v is e d S ta t­
u te s a n d S e c tio n 2 .0 1 .1 8 0 o f the M e tro C o d e . T h e a p p o in tm e n t
p ro c e s s in c lu d e s ; (1) G e n e ra l n o tific a tio n o f th e a p p o in tm e n t
p ro c e s s th ro u g h the p rin t m e d ia ; (2) S p e c ific n o tific a tio n o f the
a p p o in tm e n t p ro c e s s to re c o g n iz e d g ro u p s w ith te rrito ry w ith in
th e v a c a n t C o u n c il s u b -d is tric t; (3) D is trib u tio n o f a C o u n c il a p ­
p o in tm e n t a p p lic a tio n to in te re s te d c itiz e n s ; (4) C o n d u c t of a
p u b lic h e a rin g in th e v a c a n t d is tric t b e fo re a s u b c o m m itte e o f
th e C o u n c ii a p p o in te d b y th e P re s id in g O ffice r, w h ic h s u b c o m ­
m itte e s h a ll re p o rt all te s tim o n y re c e iv e d to th e fu ll C o u n c il; (5)
C o n d u c t o f in te rv ie w s w ith a p p lic a n ts fo r the v a c a n t p o s itio n
b e fo re th e C o u n c il. T h e C o u n c il w ill in a p u b lic m e e tin g a p p o in t
th e p e rs o n to fill the v a c a n c y fro m a list of a p p lic a n ts w h o h ave
b e e n n o m in a te d a n d s e c o n d e d by C o u n c ilo rs . T h e a p p o in te d
te rm w ill b e g in upon M e tro C o u n c il a ctio n a nd th e ta k in g of an
o a th o f o ffice , a n d w ill e x p ire on J a n . 3, 1993. T o q u a lify fo r
a p p o in tm e n t to th is n o n -p a rtis a n o ffice , an a p p lic a n t m u st be a
re g is te re d v o te r a n d a re s id e n t of M e tro D istrict 11 a n d m u st
h a v e re s id e d w ith in D is tric t 11 fo r a c o n tin u o u s p e rio d of at le a s t
o n e y e a r p rio r to th e a p p o in tm e n t. D is tric t 11 in c lu d e s th e a re a
b o u n d e d on th e n orth by NE C o lu m b ia B lvd. fro m NE M a rtin
L u th e r K ing B lvd . e a s t to NE 4 2 n d A ve ., N E 4 2 n d so u th to th e
U n io n P a c ific rig h t-o f-w a y , a nd th e UP rig h t-o f-w a y e a s t to NE
C u lly B lv d .; on the e a s t by N E C u lly B lvd., so u th to NE 5 7 th ,
s o u th to NE F re m o n t, NE F re m o n t e a s t to NE 6 2 n d , NE 6 2 n d
s o u th to NE H a ls e y , NE H a ls e y e a s t to NE 6 3 rd , a n d NE 6 3 rd
s o u th to th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y (I-8 4 ); on the s o u th b y th e
B a n fie ld F re e w a y fro m N E 63 rd w e s t to the c e n te r c h a n n e l of
th e W illa m e tte R iv e r; a n d on th e w e s t by th e c e n te r c h a n n e l of
th e W illa m e tte R iv e r n orth to the F re m o n t B rid g e , th e F re m o n t
B rid g e to N. G re e le y A v e ., N. G re e le y n orth to N. F re m o n t S t.,
N. F re m o n t e a s t to N M is s is s ip p i, N M ississip p i north to N.
P re s c o tt, N. P re s c o tt e a s t to N. A lb in a , N. A lb in a n orth to N.
K illin g s w o rth , N /N E K illin g s w o rth e a s t to H ig h w a y 9 9E (N E
M a rtin L u th e r K in g B lv d .), a nd NE M a rlin L u th e r K ing B lvd. n orth
to N E C o lu m b ia B lvd. A ll o f th e d is tric t is w ith in th e c ity o f
P o rtla n d . N e ig h b o rh o o d a s s o c ia tio n s in d u c e
A la m e d a ,
B e a u m o n t-W ils h ire , B o ise , C o n c o rd ia , C u lly, E lliot, G ra n t P ark,
H o lly w o o d , H u m b o ld t, Irv in g to n , K ing, R ose C ity P ark, S a b in ,
S u lliv a n 's G u lc h , V e rn o n a nd W o o d la w n .
Administrative Assistant
Property Manager
The Port of Portland has an opening for an Administrative Assistant to
assume administrative responsibility for the Real Estate Management
and Development Director and to provide budget and financial report­
ing assistance to the department Business Manager
The Port of Portland has an opening for a Property Manager in its Real
Estate Management and Development Department. The successful
candidate will:
• Prepare and implement a property maintenance program for building,
grounds, street rights-of-way, recreational facilities, and other facilities
The successful candidate will:
• Manage and direct the day-to-day activities of the landscape mainte­
nance crew
• Participate in preparation of operating and capital budgets
• Prepare and analyze quarterly financial reports
• Coordinate and manage the operation of the industrial and business
park properties
• Monitor and maintain financial reporting systems
• Manages department local area network
• Enforces lease provisions and Codes, Covenants and Restriction
• Provide secretarial support to Director
Preferred Education And Experience
• Prepares maintenance plans and related budgets and cost effective­
ness studies
• Course work or experience in secretarial science and business ad­
• Manages the Common Area Maintenance program within the business
and industrial parks
• Demonstrated expertise in PC software application, mainframe sys­
tems, and local area networks
Preferred Education And Qualifications
• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• Course work or experience equivalent to a degree in facilities manage­
ment, property management, construction management, or related
• Previous experience in executive secretarial or administrative position
• Good analytical skills
• Certified property manager
• Financial or accounting background
• Five years as a property manager for large commercial and/or indus­
trial properties
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400.
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m., Friday, January 17, 1992.
• Expertise in all phases of building and property maintenance
• Experience using personal computers
• Experience in managing construction and maintenance contractors
• Experience in budgeting and cost-efficiency analysis
Port of Portland
• Supervisory experience
• Excellent oral and written communication skills
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled applicants
may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemploy­
ment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5
p.m., Friday, January 17,1992.
Contracts Administrator
The Port of Portland has an opening for a Contracts Administrator in its
Real Estate Management and Development Department.
The successful candidate will:
• Maintain, modify, and administer computerized real estate contract
management system
• Responsible for departmental revenue control of proceeds from land
sales, leases, common area maintenance assessments, and revenue
• Course work or experience equivalent to a degree in contract manage­
ment, business administration, real estate, property management, or
other comparable areas
Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m.
on the dates in d ica te d in the Purchasing
Department, Multnomah County School D is t r ic t
#1J, 501 N. Dixon, P ortland, Oregon fo r the
items lis t e d herein:
• Skill in managing several ongoing projects concurrently
• Excellent written and oral communication skills
• Ability to analyze legal, quasi-legal, and financial documents
Sub-Bids Requested
• Computer and data management abilities
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400.
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m., Friday, January 17,1992.
Portland Water Bureau
(Bid No. 45) Water Control
Center/Water Quality Lab
Bid Date: January 23,1992 @ 2PM
Koll Construction
8705 SW Nimbus Ave., Suite 120
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
(503)626-6994 Fax (503)641-6804
License # 52303
Plans are available at the plan centers, City of Portland, and the plan room at
the above address, during normal office hours, 8:00 am to 5:50pm. If you
have any questions, please call Burr Boutwell or Eric Moeuwsen. Bids may
be phoned or faxed to the numbers listed above.
Please inform us of your intention to bid, and scope of work bidding prior to
Port of Portland
Preferred Education And Experience
F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n o r to o b ta in an a p p lic a tio n , c o n ta c t Don
C a rls o n , C o u n c il A d m in is tra to r, 221 -1 6 4 6 . D e a d lin e fo r s u b m it­
tin g a p p lic a tio n s is 5 p.m . T u e s d a y , F eb. 4, 1 9 92, at M e tro
C e n te r, 2 0 0 0 S W F irst A v e ., P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 1 .
Feb. 4, 1992
Custodial Equip. & Supplies For
Warehouse Stock, 1992-93
E le c tric a l Supplies For Whse. Stock
(Requirement C ontract)
Permanentware For Select Schools,
Port of Portland
Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and
bidding documents may be obtained a t the above
address. For a d d itio n a l inform at io n ,p i ease contact
M.J. Hutchens, D ir. Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581.
The Port of Portland has an opening for an experienced secretary to
provide clerical support to staff in the Real Estate Management and
Development Department.
The successful candidate will:
• Wordprocess and edit proposals,leases,correspondence, and memos
Friday, January 17,1992.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority
• Develop and maintain relational databases
business, disadvantaged business and women business enterprises.
• Answer phones, distribute mail, maintain filing system, arrange meet­
ings, and coordinate travel arrangements
• Responsible for computer network administration
Sub-Bids Requested
Preferred Education And Experience
• Demonstrated expertise in the use of PC software, including data­
base, word processing, spreadsheet, and mainframe applications
Portland Water Bureau
Water Control Center and Water Quality Lab
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: January 23,1992 @ 2 PM
• Experience providing secretarial support to several staff members
• Excellent oral and written communication skills, including proofread­
Emerick Construction
ing and editing
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em­
ployment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400.
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m., Friday, January 17,1992.
PO Box 66100
Portland, OR 97290-6100
(503)777-5531 Fax (503)771-2933
CCB# 10723
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority
business, disadvantaged business and women business enterprises.
Applicants Sought For Metro
Council District 11 Vacancy
Port of Portland
A p p lic a tio n s are b e in g a c c e p te d fro m p e rs o n s in te re s te d in
fillin g a v a c a n c y on the M e tro p o lita n S e rvice D is tric t C o u n cil.
T h e D is tric t 11 p o s itio n , s e rv in g p o rtio n s o f north an d n o rth e a s t
P o rtla n d , b e c a m e v a c a n t w h e n D a vid K n o w le s re s ig n e d Ja n .
A ll o f th e d is tric t is w ith in th e city of P o rtla n d . N e ig h b o rh o o d a s ­
s o c ia tio n s in c lu d e A la m e d a , B e a u m o n t-W ils h ire , B oise, C o n ­
c o rd ia , C u lly , E lio t, G ra n t P ark, H o lly w o o d , H u m b o lt, Irvin g to n ,
K in g , R o s e C ity P ark, S a b in , S u lliv a n 's G u lch , V e rn o n and
W o o d la w n .
T h e M e tro C o u n c il w ill a p p o in t an in d iv id u a l to fill the p o s itio n
u n til J a n . 3, 1 9 93. T h e c o u n c il s e a t in a n e w ly re a p p o rtio n e d
D is tric t 11 w ill be up fo r e le c tio n in the M ay p rim a ry.
A p p lic a n ts to th e n o n -p a rtis a n p o s itio n m u s t be re g is te re d
v o te rs a n d h a v e liv e d IN D is tric t 11 fo r at le a st on e ye a r.
D e a d lin e fo r s u b m ittin g a p p lic a tio n s is 5 p.m . T u e s d a y , Feb. 4.
T o o b ta in an a p p lic a tio n , v e rify re s id e n c y in D is tric t 11 o r fo r
m o re in fo rm a tio n , call D on C a rls o n , c o u n c il a d m in is tra to r, at
2 2 1 -1 6 4 6 .
Offset Sheet-Fed
Press Operator
• • •
Help Wanted Ad
R e c ru itm e n t S p e c ia lis ts , H elp
w anted for part-tim e paid p o si­
tions in W ashington & Multnomah
counties to help recruit adults to
organize kids into groups. W ork
with local schools. $5.25/hr. Send
resum es to:
R ecruitm ent Team
C am p Fire, Inc.
718 W. Burnside, #410
Portland, O R 97209
Tetra Pak is a world leader in packagi, . j a n d distribution systems tor the liquid
food industry. Tetra Pak Matwesf. lo ca te d in Vancouver, Washington, has im m edi­
ate openings for offset sheet-fed p:ess operators
The successful candidates will have a minimum of 3 years of offset printing experi­
en ce preferably on a sheet-fed press We are installing a new M an Rolin 6 0 0 with
4 color stations
The successful ca n d id a te will b e a self starter, who likes to cha lle nge the system
by striving tor results not thought possible by others This is a new operation for us
and. thcretore. the operator will be.responsible for training of other em ployees in
offset printing a n d press operations The individual selected will b o a strong team-
player and will have demonsfratod this in previous positions
Tetra Pak Matwesf offers excellent wages a n d benefits Resumes will b o a c c e p te d
through Friday. January 24, 1992 Qualified individuals should send their resumes
an d salary requirements to
Tetra Pak Matwest, Inc.
Attn: Personnel
P.O. Box 1826
Vancouver, V/A 98668
Brass Bed
Home Furnishings
A ©
/P A K \
v *
e * * *
* * > * * »3>A ' •
S pringfield Public S chools in Spring-
field, O regon has an opening for a
S ystem s Engineer. Q ualifications
required are: B.S. in C om puter
S cience plus three years o f exp e ri­
ence, thorough know ledge of Unix
operating systems, thorough knowl­
edge of M inicom puter/M icrocom -
puter Hardware Operation, thorough
know ledge of C program m ing la n ­
guage, a w orking background in
Lan/W an com m unications and a
w orking background in T C P /IP
Ethernet and 10 base T topologies.
Q ualifications desired are: experi­
ence w ith M acintosh com puters in
a netw ork environm ent and b a ck­
ground in S Q L database program ­
m ing. Salary range is $39,506 to
$43,896 plus a generous benefits
package. Job description and an
application packet are available at
S pringfield S chool District, 525 Mill
Street, Springfield, OR 9 7 4 7 7 ,5 0 3 -
726-3203. Application deadline is
January 27, 1992. An A A /E E O
Em ployer.
Recruitment Specialists
Beautiful queen size head board,
foot board and fram e w ith firm
orthopedic mattress set, $375.00.
N ever used. Call at 697-4183.
An Equal Op»: -»rtunity Employer
• • • J*. •
$2 Employment
& Bids/Sub-Bids
y e * ♦ •
Vtifti Wi- Ì
* * * *
Portland State University
Staff Psychologist
C ounseling and Psychological
S ervices (C APS) a t PO R TLAN D
seeks a
C ounseling or C linical P sycholo­
g ist for a p erm anen t full tim e, 12
m onth position. R esponsibilities
include; assessm ent; brief indi­
vidual, conjoint, family, and group
treatm ent; career counseling;
consultation to faculty staff and
students and o ther outreach
activities; supervision of student
interns. C A P S provides a range
o f services including testing, to a
culturally and ethnically diverse
student body. M inim um q u a lifi­
cations are: an earned doctorate
in clinical or counseling p sychol­
ogy; licensed or license eligible
in O regon; tw o years experience
d e liv e rin g c lin ic a l s e rv ic e s ;
dem onstrated success w orking
w ith culturally and ethnically di­
ve rse clients. Salary is co m p e ti­
tive and com m ensurate w ith
qualifications. Applications will
be review ed beginning in M id-
F ebruary 1992; the position will
rem ain open until filled. S ubm it
letter of interest highlighting quali­
fications; curriculum vitae; three
recent letters o f recom m enda­
tion to:
M ary Beth C ollins, C hair, S earch
C om m ittee;
C ounseling and Psychological
S ervices;
Portland State University; P.O. Box
7 51-CAPS
Portland, O R 97207
Portland S tate is com m itted to d i­
versifying its w ork force; w om en,
minorities, and m embers of other
protected groups are encouraged
to apply.
BU N K BED w /m attresses, hard­
wood frame, Lacquer finish, $185.