Page 8...The Portland Observer...January 8, 1992 • Portland Observer RELIGION Be Of Good Courage! BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS The holiday season comes and goes; but, what does it leave behind? A lo t-o f disgruntled people. “ How am I going to pay fo r this?” and “ How am 1 going to be able to get this -- when I ’ ve spent so much already?” W ell! In the first place - you should have managed your funds more efficiently. However, there are those who, like myself, have small children to think o f ... and you don’t want to disappoint the wee ones. “ Lord I ’ ve got to have something under the tree on Christmas.” This is the sigh that is heard around the world. We allow ourselves to get caught up in the type and circumstances, instead o f “ leaning on the everlasting arms” o f the Lord. Everyday God brings us baskets fu ll o f new hopes and new joys! We have, available to us, an untapped re­ source that we are not using. There are so many days and so many equitable ways that have gone astray because o f foolish judgement calls....on our part. I t ’s nothing that God has done; w e’ ve done it to ourselves! M any tim es--I’ ve made the statement, “ W ith a ll the people out there waiting to punch holes in our lives, we don’ t even give them a chance because we have beat them to it.” T h is - - so often - is the case. A fte r you sit down, on your chair o f despair, w ith your head in your hands and you feel like you’ve been run over by fifty people w ith football cleats on, you look up - fin a lly - and cry out ‘ ‘ Lord, what am I going to do?” As far as New Year’s Resolutions go, we should quickly make this one ... I w ill “ Trust in the Lord, and do good; I w ill dw ell in the land, and ve rily I shall be fed.” [Psalms 37:3] God has been in the “ providing business” much longer than we have. A ll He asks is that we would just put all our trust in Him . Trust in His precepts. Not our own. That’s how we get into so many “ messy” messes that have been tai­ lored by and for “ m oi.” We are just too hasty in our actions. H ow many o f us are guilty o f at­ tempting to get a “ jum p start” on God’s order o f business? And then - we fall in the ditch and wonder how we got there. The scripture says, “ W ait on the Lord: be o f good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the L o rd .” [Psalms 27:14] “ W a it” is a seldon used word, in this “ hurry- up” , “ hustle-bustle” world. We have to have everything now, yesterday or sooner. No one has anytime for anyone or anything. Instant gratification, in­ stant cereal, instant coffee, instant pudding, just to name a few, is a result o f this “ hurry-up syndrome.” We all seem to be suffering from this a fflic ­ tion. Do you remember Sarah and Abra­ ham? Sarah couldn’ tw au.even though God had promised to give her a son. She had to get a * ‘jum p start ” on things. Can ’ t you hear her say ¡ng, “ I know that God said what he said - B U T - a lo t o f time has passed, I am getting to old and I know that God w ill probably be happy i f I just helped him out a little b it.” So - she went to her servant, Hagar, and had her sleep with her husband, Abra­ ham. Hagar got pregnant; but, that was not what god had intended. The result was chaos and a whole lot o f confusion; and God is not in the m idst o f confu­ sion. It is apparent that Sarah was wrong; just the way we are wrong when we are hasty in our conclusions. We can ’ t seem to wait on the Lord to do His m ighty work through us. This new year should find us obe­ diently waiting on the Lord and being o f good courage. When w ill we realize - that God has already experienced everything that we have experienced and more. Anyone who goes to God and says, “ God, you just don’ t under­ stand!” is a fool from the start. God knows a ll about us, for after a ll, he created us....he blew life into us. He There are so many things we sim ­ p ly can’ t explain, why one o f us is taken w hile the rest o f us remain. But until the day we see the Lord and He makes things clear, we must fin d com ­ fo rt knowing that his love is ever near. Ernest Woodland was bom De­ cember 21, 1902 to the parentage o f Benjamin and A lice W oodland in Paris, Texas. He was a member o f M t. Sinai Baptist Church, Portland, Oregon. Dean of North Portland Bible College The text f o r the Sunday School lesson (International Series) fa r next Sunday is Psalm 103:1-17. As we begin 1992 together, I ’d like to encourage a ll the fa ith fu l Sunday School teachers who have been teaching the Word o f God over the past year (s). I f any teachers w ould like to receive an advance copy o f these weekly notes and comments, please contact N PBC at 288-2919. L ik e Psalm 8 (December 2 9 ’s les­ son), our text fo r this week addresses the relationship between God and man­ kind. But this tim e the emphasis falls on the character o f the Lord, and his many blessings on people here on Earth. God’s goodness can be seen most clearly as our Redeemer. “ Bless the L O R D (Yahweh), O my soul: and all that is w ith in me, bless his holy name. Bless the LO R D (Yahweh), O my soul, and forget not a ll his benefits:” (vv.1-2) In the first stanza o f this hymn, verses 1-5, David is literally talking to him self. He is rem inding him self that his God is tru ly worthy o f praise and worship; G od’s “ holy name” should be “ blessed” from the depths o f his being. When the Lord blesses us, he show­ ers many good things on us-th ing s we can see and touch and taste (v.5), and even more important things we can’t see: forgiveness, redemption from sin, lovingkindness and tender mercies (w .3- 4). These are the wonderful benefits which come to us as we accept G od’ s lordship over our lives. We all know the gu ilt o f sin, the pain o f loss, the fear o f death and enemies. And the Lord offers us his blessings to overcome these human predicaments, and they are the very things which f u lfill the deepest needs o f the human heart. ____ I f we have received G od’ s forgive- Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! B est C a s h P r ic e s 104 NE Russel St. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 ness, and healing, and tender mercies, then we know how wonderful he is. But have we taken the time to bless the Lord? No, we can’ t o ffe r him anything comparable to the great g ifts he has freely given us, but we can bless him through the words o f our mouth, o ffe r­ ing praise and thanks to him . David the psalmist asserts that he must remind his own soul to give thanks, to call to m ind the specific ways God has blessed him. The danger, a ll too real, is that G od’ s people w ill forget “ all his benefits,” and lose the jo y we ought to have in the Christian walk. Let me encourage you to take a few minutes as you read the W ord, to close your eyes and remember a ll the bless­ ings and benefits you have received from the Lord. M aybe you’ ll need to begin w ith your childhood, and maybe when Jesus came into your heart and became your personal Redeemer. Don’t stop there! Remember the physical healings he has brought you. Remem­ ber the times when someone called or visited you, “ because the Lord put you on my m in d,” just when you were most discouraged. D on’t forget those times o f worship w ith G od’ s people, when you seemed lifted up from the trials and cares o f life, and found the strength to carry on. And those narrow escapes from harm and danger, which showed you again that the Lord has ‘ ‘ given his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in a ll thy ways” (P s 9 1 :ll). O f course, the Lord is not just in ­ terested in the personal needs o f his people; he also works fo r social justice and righteousness throughout the world. David emphasizes these reasons to bless his holy name in the fo llo w in g stanzas. He says that ‘ ‘the Lord executeth rig ht­ eousness and judgm ent fo r a ll that are oppressed” (v.6). Isn’t it great to know that, whenever we see people exploited, in the townships o f South A frica , in Croatia, or on the streets o f Portland, the L ord is on their side. W ithout God on their side, there would be no deliver­ ance from the inhum anity o f other humans. C hurch 3908 NE of 4236 NE Eighth Avenue What A Friend We Have In Jesus Evening Worship 6:00 pm. Attended nursery for all services Wednesday prayer meeting and bible study 7:30 pm. (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Are you a friend of Jesus? Do you want Jesus to be your friend? We want to be your friend and would love to have you as our friend. Phillip S. Nelson Pastor JÍaní ¿Missionary ÌBapttst QÏÏjurdj 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phon«: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7 Study Phon«: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7 :0 0 P.M. M allory Avenue Christian Church is c ip le s o f C h r s God's Presence promises Poaier through Jesus Christ In Good Times and Bad Times "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" fes tor Rev James C E Faulkner Them e: W h atever you're going to do for th e Lord, do it now I Pet«r hr.11 Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Inter-racial Congregation t MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. A/lattfiecu 7/ 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 11:00 AM - KBMS R E S TO R IN G N E W TESTAMENT C H R IS TIA N ITY Rev. A. G. May, Pastor D M in iste r Gregory Fobbs 288-1092 Everyone is welcome to this church, (the body of Christ). There is a place and a work here for you. I AVENUE SU ND AY SCHEDULE Bible Study 9:30 am. Morning Worship 10:45 am. Men’s Training Leadership Women’s Bible Class 5:00 pm. 5029 N. E. MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 Telephone Number - 287-8344 Psalm 34:3 C hrist M ALLORY Union Avenue Baptist Church He that is too good to realize that he need to be saved, cannot be helped. But he that recognize he has a need, can be helped. The L o rd ’ s deliverance o f Israel from the slavery o f Egypt (v.7) serves as a model throughout the rest o f the Bible fo r the power o f Yahweh to de­ liv e r those who trust in him. And when we w ork for justice and peace ip. our com m unity, we ought to bless the L o rd most o f all, fo r he has revealed the standards o f true justice, and he gives us the power to trium ph over the forces o f e vil. R He has a righteous character, but he is also compassionate and m erciful and gracious. He sees our sins, but he leaves us room to repent and do right. David especially loves to proclaim G od’s forgiveness o f sin. H is mercy on s in n e rs -” as the heaven is high above the earth” ; his removal o f their g u i l t - ” as far as the east is from the west” ; and his compassion on his loved o n e s -” as a father pitieth his c h il­ dren” (vv. 11-13). What wonderful w ord pictures! do we take time to worship and bless the name o f this wonderful god, not only fo r our own sakes, but also for all people o f a ll nations? There is a vita l condition for this mercy and redemption from sin: it is o nly fo r “ them that fear h im ” (w .1 3 ,1 7 ; N ot everyone in D avid ’ s tim e received this great salvation, but only those w ho trusted the Lord (by faith, Heb 11:6), and as a result “ feared” the Lord w ith reverential awe. W ith the coming o f G od’ s Son, Jesus Christ, we have a more perfect revelation o f G od’s salvation (Heb 1:1-3), and C hrist’ s sacrifice on the cross is shown to be the only basis on w hich the Lord w ill forgive sins (Rom i 3:21-26). Yes, there is an exclusive quality to the good news o f Jesus Christ (John 14:6; A cts4:12). W e d on ’tneed to stumble over that. Instead, we ought to bless the name o f the Lord fo r providing fo r us a means o f salvation, a means o f redemption which does not compromise the Lord’s righteous stan­ dards o f justice. Bless the Lord, O my soul! M allory Jesus Christ Is Salvation Jesus Loves You! All en Temple CME Ch urck BY MICHAEL LINDSEY D ad ’ s O il S ervice heating oils A fte r a short illness, on December 29th, God dispatched an angel to take him home to rest. He leaves to mourn: a daughter, Margaret Soloman: a son, Ernest Woodland Jr.; nine grandchil­ dren; six great-grandchildren; one brother; and a host o f nieces and neph­ ews. His fam ily wishes to acknowledge w ith sincere appreciation, all o f the cards, calls and messages o f condo­ lence in our time o f sorrow. Romans 12:1-2 Take time To Bless The Lord! took upon him self the sins o f the entire world. He died; he rose, and he daily pleads our case to the Father. I know that God must g e t-ju s t th oroughly-tired o f our foolishness! There is an old hymn that goes like this: Standing on the promises o fC hrist my king, Through eternal ages let His praises ring; G lory in the highest, I w ill shout and sing. Standing on the prom ­ ises o f God. Standing on the promises that cannot fail. When the howling storms o f doubt and fear assail, By the liv in g W ord o f God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises o f God. Standing on the promises o f Christ the Lord, bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord, overcoming daily with the Sprit’s sword, standing on the promises o f God. Stand­ ing on the promises I cannot fa ll, L is ­ tening every moment to the S p irit’s call, resting in my Savior as my a ll in a ll, standing on the promises o f God. That last stanza says, “ Listening every m oment...” M y Lord! W aiting and Listening. W aiting and Listening. Maybe i f we say it often enough, we w ill get it right. Huh? God has a divine order fo r each o f our lives. We must leam to be “ tuned in ” instead o f “ tuned out” ; fo r the Lord is speaking to us. W hy can’t you listen? W hy can’t you hear? D on’ t you know the voice o f your Master? The scripture says that “ ...the sheep knew the sound o f their Master’ s voice.” [St. Hohn 10:4] Therefore — i f you can’ t hear, maybe you’ re not one o f His sheep or maybe you’re listening to that other guy, Satan! I f you are, you shall suck sorrow; for he doesn’t give good­ ness but sorrow. Satan messes up, corrupts, deceives, lies, k ills and is just out-and-out rotten to the core. You do not want to listen to him - not even fo r a little while. Be o f good courage! For God has overcome the w orld! Let not your heart be trou ble d-just Believe. Hallelujah! Community Mourns Death of Ernest ‘Bubba” Woodland Scripture o f the Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 A.M,-KBMS D e n is e Fi. B ell, P o s to r 126 N.E. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, if •> T i • ; ‘ V “ • » ' • '• ■