Page 4...The Portland Observer...January 8, 1992 Burrell Public Relations Names Faith Morris Vice President Faith Griffin Morris Faith Griffin Morris, formerly account group supervisor, has been named vice president with Burrell Public Relations Inc., the leading public rela­ tions firm specializing in segmented marketing communications. Inhernew position, she is responsible for agency management, new business develop­ ment and direction on key accounts in­ cluding M cDonld’s, Quaker Oats and Procter & Gamble. Prior to joining Burrell Public Relations in December 1990, Morris was a public relations consultant for Golin Harris in Chicago handling me­ dia relations for McDonald’s market- ; ing programs. Before relocating to ■ Chicago, the Memphis native served as ■ marketing communications manager for Memphis-based Holiday Inns, Inc. re­ sponsible for corporate public relations as well as publicity and project man­ agement for Holiday Inns' worldeide marketing activities. In 1986, she was president of Morris Allen and Associ­ ates, a marketing public relations firm which handled corporate public rela­ tions for Holiday Inns, Inc. After a two year relationship, Morris was asked to join Holiday Inns, Inc. as head of mar­ keting communications. Morris also enjoyed an extensive career in media, beginning in 1978 at WMC-AM/FM as news anchor and community affairs coordinator, then moving on to WHBQ-AM as news director from 1979-1982 and director of public relation/public affairs from 1982-1986. A 1978 graduate of Memphis State University, Morris received a bachelor of arts degree in English, with a minor in communications. She has received numerous awards and achievements including two Associated Press awards - “ B est Com m un ity Affairs Program ’ ’ and “ Best News Series.” Burrell Public Relations Inc. is a division of Burrell Communications Group, which also includes Burrell Advertising Inc. and Burrell Consumer Promotions. The Chicago-based pub­ lic relations firm, lists among its clients some of the countries leading compa­ nies and government agencies includ­ ing McDonald’s corporation; The Procter & Gamble company; Brown- Forman Beverage company; City of Chicago; Alberto-Culver; Marion Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals; Mary Kay Cosmetics; Sony; and The Quaker Oats Company. A R E Y O U IN DEFAULTon a Student Loan? If you're in default on a guaranteed student loan (FISL, GSL, Stafford, SLS, or PLUS loan), you may be eligible for a special program that lets you pay it back w ithout penalty or collection charges. e avei r enaltv an¿ JfiV U» on collection charges You m ust pay your loan in full by August 31,1990 to take advantage of this special program. For information, call the guarantee agency that he iole Is your loan, or call the U.S. D epartm ent of Ed Education's toll-free number: Federal Student Aid Information Center (800) 333-INFO Former New Edition Star Johnny Gill Makes His Acting Debut On “Family Matters” February 7 Popular rhythm & blues singer Johnny Gill, former member of the smash group New Edition, makes his acting debut on the hit comedy “ Family Mat­ ters” February 7 (8:00-8:30 PM, PT). In the episode, Laura (Kellie Sha- nygne Williams) tells Steve (Jaleel White) that she’ll give him a kiss if he arranges for her to meet her all-time favorite singer - Johnny Gill. Though Laura is fully confident that such a meeting will not take place, Uikcl quickly tracks down the singer and makes him an offer he can’t refuse. Gill began singing at age eight in the group Gill special, a gospel quartet that included his three brothers. After years of singing gospel, he expanded into pop and found early stardom with “ Perfect Combination,” an album of duets he recorded with vocalist Stacy Lattisaw. He eventually joined the popular group New Edition and sang lead on two of the band’s most popular singles, “ Can You Stand the Rain’’ and “ Boys to Men.” Upon leaving New Edition, Gill released his self-titled debut album, which showcased his ability to per­ form ballads and earned him a reputa­ tion as a “ modern-day Marvin Gaye.” His second album is scheduled for release next spring. “ Family Matters” stars Reginald VelJohnson, JoMarie Payton, Telma Hopkins, Rosetta LeNoire, Darius McCrary, Kellie Shanygne Williams, Jaimee Foxworth, Bryton McClure and Jaleel White. The series is a Miller Boyett Production and Bickley/War- ren Production in association with Lorimar Television. Special Health Care Town Meeting Tuesday, January 14 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Old Bonneville Power Administration Building - Auditorium 911 NE11th Ron will hold a special town meeting on the national health care crisis. Other members of the Oregon Congressional delegation will be guest speakers. (Auditorium entrance on 9th St. near Holladay. Convenient, free parking in Uoyd Center Parking lot). The Origin And Spread Of Aids Is Finally Revealed Continued from front page The advice of the Portuguese writer was good as far as it went. He did not mention either malaria or quinine. Only now do we know why the cure might have worked. And the great question remained in 1684: How do you cure syphilis in a Negro who can’t get ma­ laria?” How long will a frightened and embarassed establishment press con­ tinue to shield these culprits whose machinations threaten the very exis­ tence of the human race in its entirety - not just persons of African descent Both Drs. Gilkes and Hobhouse reaf­ firm what the explorers “ Stanley and Livingston” told us, “ there was no syphilis in Africa before the explorers, slave traders and missionaries came.” That human greed has underwritten this centuries-long, sordid tale should not come as any surprise. Certainly not to Henry Hobhouse, the full title of his book being “ Seeds of Change: Five Plants That Transformed Mankind,” Quinine, Sugar, Tea, Cotton, The Potato. We all should have a copy o f this im­ portant book. Ail over America children are the victims of violent crime They are being assaulted and even murdered for the sake of anything from a pair of sneakers to some loose change in their pockets 1,'s a situation that's only getting worse Unless you do something to tight back, your child could become one of those victims. You can make a difference Start now The noble searches for “ magic bullets ’ ’ has mostly been about making the world safe for colonizers or about keeping their slaves alive long enough to produce those cash crops (add * ‘rub­ ber” ). In the March 21,1991 issue of “ Nature” there is a letter from a Dr. K. K. Owusu of the Department of Medi­ cine, University of Ghana Medical School (West Africa); “ All in all, the epidemiological evidence thus points to the spread of HIV infection in Africa since the Second World War from the Widespread Introduction O f Syringes And Needles From the West, together with Vaccination Programs.” That too! If any further evidence is needed to evaluate the morality of certain cal­ lous infiltrators of the medical research field-risking discredit to the entire medical com m unity-we need look no further than the current attitude of gov­ ernment, industry and foundations toward that most unfortunate of vulner­ able groups, HEMOPHILIACS. These are the people in the world who for mostly genetic reasons lack a critical blood-clotting factor, placing them in danger of bleeding to death from the smallest cut. Unfortunately for them, they have been kept alive only by IN­ JECTION OF BLOOD PROTEINS known as clotting factors. And as you might suspect, the sordid tale of mon­ key-induced immune deficiency virus continues. And what are the same people about in GENETICS? Last month the international press informed us that by withholding knowl­ edge that their supply of blood proteins was AIDS contaminated, the French government has condemned many thou­ sands of Hemophiliacs to a horrible death-M en, women and children; not to mention the tens of thousands of innocents who will acquire the virus through various froms of intercourse with the original group. But if we read page A3 of The Oregonian on Friday, January 3, we would know that the very same thing has happened in AMER­ ICA. Here again we have the same fatal results where government, the medical community, foundations and drug laboratories have conspired to a\ responsibility for a horrible tragedy. Our “ Dr. Gilks” concludes with a professional tongue-in-cheek: “ It is possible, then, to propose a unifying theory to describe how primate retro­ viruses may have crossed species boundaries into man or other monkey species as an UNFORESEEN HAZ­ ARD OF PRIMATE MALARIA EX­ PERIMENTS.” If you wish a copy of Dr. Gilk’s article, send me a stamped, self-ad­ dressed envelope: The Portland Ob­ server, 4747 N. E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211. LET THE ARMY RESERVE PAY YOUR STUDENT LOAN. by calling 1-800-WE PREVENT and we II H is to ric Four-Square 503 NE Thompson *2,336 Sq. Ft. Single Family (Upstairs could be separate living unit). 3 bedrooms with very large walk-in closets 2 kitchens. Upstairs kitchen could be 4th bedroom 2 Baths Formal dining room with fireplace Red Oak entry hall floor Basement has 922 sq. feet-50% concrete floor Pretty Front lawn with rose hedge Storm windows and attic insulation Modern Gas furnace Easy Commute - Close to Convention Center Large lot: 50’ x 125* Six blocks to Irvington Grade School & Lloyd Center Old Portland Four-Square has gracious hardwood entry with formal open staircase and leaded glass windows. The dining room has a built in beveled- glass china cabinet and a wood burning fireplace. Original old gas lighting pipes in attic. Early style hanging light fixtures in each room. Wall to wall carpeting throughout the house. Large kitchen with attached pantry and back porch. Large bathroom on main floor. Friendly large front porch and swing. The upstairs, including kitchen could be a separte apartment Terms: $88,900 - Cash/Conventional/Contract Owner: Sandra: (503) 286-3714. Need A Car? For a $3.00 donation to Community Care you could be in a drawing to re­ ceive a like new 1971 Oldsmobile in good condition; everything works, inte­ rior like new, and in the process you will be helping Community Care pay outstanding bills. Community Care needs food and send ydti information on successful ways to join with others to protect your children Money; won’t you please help us help fro m c rim e in yo u r n e ig h b o rh o o d the community. t 800 WE PREVENT' Please bring all your donations to The \ n«,»tin \ i t i n R» m i\« tim i it« « (M u m lu •« tab/t-il >k»lk In n lu in . u i k w illing l<> 1« Ip | m \ «»II ,i qikilllM'il M im I i ill - up I«» S M i . i h h i \«.u I Ollkl . | | m i « |||. i | | | \ | i >| .«IH>th( I >|M HHI |||| « i»ll«U« « \|H »l-< ' .lillu i p . l l l tilli« M I \ 1« « . UMi.ilh mu w««k*n«l , i u m ilili piti- lu u \ m « k - \ Ti.uinuu Iw"l»l« in t i. un in « « i l . mi A P ublic S e rvice of T his P u b lica tio n Crime Prevention Coalition and U S Department of Justice I liin k .il»«»»il il I In n t h in k u I m HII I l s Villi, I Ill'll 282-2120 or 223-6734 KtUTOKMK Portland Observer at 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd and receive your ticket. Just think - a car for $3.00! ARMY RESERVE A I