«rtrW r« »*»•••« «f « 1 > » i r » ♦ # « « , January 8 , 1992...The Portland Observer...Page 3 Christmas Is For Sharing Fitzgerald Beaver Leaves Proud Legacy Behind TOWN MEETINGS WITH CONGRESSMAN WYDEN Wednesday January 15,1992 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm St. John’s YWCA Main Hall 8010 N. Charleston Portland Newlyweds Allen Durell Wilson and Sophia Rachelle Wilson Celebrate their marriage. Ms. Queenie Samuel wishes to thank the host of family and friends who shared in the marriage ceremony of her son Allen Durell Wilson to Ms. Sophia Williams of Los Angeles, Cal. And the Christening ceremony of her first grand­ child, Nathaniel Earl Wilson II, on Christmas day at her home. Kahlil Tanner arrived from Los Angles, only shortly prior to the cere­ mony to present the newly weds with a ringing solo. Ms. Cecilia Johnson was another of the outstanding local talents to per­ form at the ceremonies. Think Yourself Thin or any other way you want t BY DEBBIE JOHNSON I just finished eating two, yes that’s two platefuls o f seafood pasta drenched in butter sauce. Not only do I not feel guilty in the least, I still feel THIN! “ Impossible,” you may say...“ A fluke, a one-time unheard o f occurrence in history.” Well, actually, I ’ve been eat­ ing all kinds of things, feeling this way for over ten years, and therefore look­ ing just as thin for all 10 years. I eat whatever I please, whenever I please (which turns out to be very bal­ anced almost always), and I maintain my ideal weight or less. How did I do it? I got control of the controller; the subconscious mind, and you can too! I was motivated by the fact that I had gained 30 pounds dieting (sound familiar?) over a ten year period. When I was in high school I began to think I was gaining wight because I was sim­ ply growing womanly (or my pants had shrunk in the dryer ~ I don’t know which!) So of course I went on a diet and became prey to the “ yo-yo syndrome” ...gaining more weight af­ ter each successive siege of self-denial. After 10 years o f dieting, fasting and having 30 extra pounds as a reward, I decided that if this was the way God wanted me, so be it! I even began to love and accept my Rubenesque shape, when lo and behold, the light struck! I realized one morning I could use all the visualizing and imagining I had used to get new business contracts, create more money, new relationships, and other things I manifested in my life. Why not this too? I got up, looked in the mirror and said to the image there... “ You look a little thinner today.” I began to visualize, imagine, dream and even pretend I was thinner every day and over time I became thin. Not only that, but I quit eating compulsively every time I was nervous, anxious, or upset! I have never gained the weight back in over 10 years never even thinking about what I am eating, only about what I am THINKING. You see, the subconscious mind controls all the major glands and func­ tions in the body; i.e. the thyroid gland, the apestat, the blood pressure, etc. Get the picture? That’s why placebos work...the subconscious makes you well. How can you control the subcon­ scious without placebos to become your ideal body shape/strength/health? Here’s an exercise: Because your subconscious stays awake when your body and conscious mind are asleep there are no mental blocks or walls to get in the way. Make a tape for yourself with these works (or any you choose) said over and over again so you listen to them as you fall asleep.: “ You are thinner, healthier, stronger, more beautiful today. Tomorrow you will be even thinner, healthier, stronger.” It’s important to also use the active imagination. Say something that in­ cludes the senses of taste, touch, smell, feel, hear, see. Use your imagination to create a scene at work where everyone compliments you on your new image. Be a little kid and pretend you are just the way you want to be (anyway, why should kids have all the fun?) Bring your inner kid out to play and become whatever you want to be! Then let your subconscious do the work....while you have fun. Debbie Johnson gives workshops throughout the U.S. on Think Yourself Thin, and Secrets of Bringing More Love into Your Life. Debbie is the author of the books “ How To Think Yourself Thin,” “ How To Love Yourself,” “ So Others Can Love You More” and “ How To Make Your Dreams Come True.” ThePrudential Jim Werner District Agent, 19 Years Service 11300 N.E. Halsey, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97220 Residence: 503-771-6113 VANN & VANN FUNERAL D IR E C T O R S Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving the C ity of Portland for over 37 years In your hour of need Vann &Vann are there to serve Cleodus Vann 503/281-2836 5211 N. W illiam s Portland, Or. 97217 Saturday January 18.1992 8:30 am -10:00 am Fitzgerald Beaver BY LANITA DUKE New Year’s 1992 ushered the physi­ cal end of the father of black journalism in the Pacific Northwest — Fitzgerald Beaver. His communication roots were planted in Portland, OR during the late Westminster Presbyterian Church, Fireside Room 1624 NE Hancock, Portland £ 1950’s with the “ Eager Beaver Show” and bloomed into The Facts in Seattle, WA. Beaver was a die-hard capitalist with his time and money, and laid a foundation for black journalists in the Pacific Northwest. Bemie Foster, the publisher of The Skanner , and Chris Bennett of the Seattle Medium were both salesmen for The Facts. A.L. Hen­ derson consulted Beaver prior to launching The Portland Observer. Fitzgerald Beaver was fiercely in­ dependent and an outspoken self made man. He was a trailblazer in the com ­ munication field and he leaves a legacy of honor, pride and hard work, loyally and respect. He will be missed by his surviving relatives in Portland: Lanita Duke, Laura Ann Beavers and Nia Gray. Portland will always remember him as “ Eager Beaver,” (Lanita Duke owns and operates Grass root News N.W., a business com­ munication company, and is the daugh­ ter o f Fitzgerald Beaver). unjonzavenue ¿ ^GL'ÁsVcOMPANY; ALBERTA STREET MARKET IS A GREAT PLACE TO SHOP LOCATED AT 915 N.E. ALBERTA 281-6388 AND PRESCOTT CORNER MARKET LOCATED AT 1460 N.E. PRESCOTT IS HERE TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY” POSITIVE PEOPLE TO SERVE YOU AT ALL TIMES! STOP BY AND SEE JACK AND CREW. LORRAINE HLAVINKA All Types of Auto Plate and Window Glass Storm Doors and Windows 4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 ALBERTA STREET HOURS 8AM TIL MIDNIGHT, PRESCOTT CORNER MARKET HOURS 8AM TIL 12:30 PM. Woman-Owned Phone 249-5886 Implementation Of Portland Future Focus Plan Begins With Appointment Of New Chair Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury will head the implementation phase of Portland’s award-winning Strategic Plan as the new Chair of Portland Future Focus. She succeeds Hardy Myers, who chaired the Future focus Policy Committee through all stages of the planning process. The Future Focus plan was com­ pleted in August after 18 months of citizen involvement and recommends over 100 actions to improve Portland’s future. The goals given the highest priority were Crime, Diversity, Econ­ omy, Education, Education, Managing Regional Growth, and Leadership. “ Implementing the Future Focus Strategic Plan will be exciting and chal­ lenging,” said Kafoury. “ Portland’s future can be very bright if we focus on these critical strategies. Many repre­ sentatives from the public and private sectors will be active during the next phase.” Work is now underway to select committees for the implementation of the action steps outlined in the plan. Committee members will be drawn from both the public and private sectors and will represent a broad spectrum of community interests. The first Steer­ ing committee meeting is scheduled for late January, 1992 and lthe Implem­ entation committees will begin their work in February. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL TRIBUTE TO D r. Martin Luther Kiqg, Jr. AND REVEREND JOHN W. GARLINGTON, JR. Metro Washington Park Zoo Admission Fees Increase Admission fees at Metro Wash­ ington Park Zoo increased January 6. The new fees were approved by the Metro Council in September to help sustain zoo operations. Admission will now be $5 for adults age 12 to 64, $3.50 for senior citizens 65 and over, and $3 for children age 3 to 11. Infants age 2 and under arc admitted free. Groups of 25 or more are eligible for a 20% discount on both admission and the train ride. Railway fares re­ main unchanged. The zoo offers free adm ission after 3 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. In addition, special free days for senior citizens and handicapped citizens are schedule once per year. A A J L A .A SUNDAY JANUARY 19,1992 AT 4:00 P.M. MARANATHA CHURCH 4222 NE 12TH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 REV. WENDELL WALLACE, SENIOR PASTOR SPECIAL MUSIC: HEAVEN BOUND GOSPEL CHOIR LONNIE HOSLEY, DIRECTOR/COORD1NATOR MARANATHA CHURCH CHOIR CLAUDE BOWLES, DIRECTOR TRACEY HARRIS FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT REV. JOHN PARKER AT (503) 284-7563 OR MARANATHA CHURCH AT (503) 288-7241 JM » • A A . • A *, a