Page 8...The Eugene-Springfield Observer..January 8,1992 Raghib “The Rocket” Ismail, The Toronto Argonauts’ Speedster, Is Pepsi-Cola Canada’s First Celebrity Representative CLASSIFIEDS Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Health educator to coordinate Peer Health Advising Program and assist in health programs. Work wiht Health Education Director to expand health promotion and prevention outreach programs on the university campus. Full-time, 9 month academic posi­ tion. Reports to Health Educa­ tion Director. Excellent salary, benefits and working conditions. Master's degree in health ed. and work experience in health edu­ cation field required. Health pro­ motion activities experience with college age population preferred. Applications, resumes or informa­ tion requests may be addressed to: Joanne Frank, Health Educa­ tion Director, Student Health Center, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. (503) 346- 2728. Application closing Janu­ ary 10, 1992 University of Ore­ gon is an Equal Opportunity/Af- firmative Action employer and committed to cultural diversity. Women and minorities are en­ couraged to apply. Minutes Recorder Raghib “ The Rocket” Ismail, the classy, 22-year-old rookie speedster with the Toronto Argonauts, signed recently to become Pepsi-Cola Canada’s first celebrity representative. A superb athlete who neither drinks nor smokes, Ismail recently finished his first assignment for Pepsi with the making of an anti-drug video, “ Cham­ pions,” for the company’s on-going community based anti-drug campaign. This is the third in the Pepsi Sub­ stance Abuse Foundation’s series of school assembly videos featuring popu­ lar young celebrities who encourage teens to make the right choices regard­ ing the use of drugs and alcohol. Ismail will also act as Pepsi’s rep­ resentative at many of its anti-drug projects and help to raise funds to sup­ port drug and alcohol programs locally and nationally. “ Pepsi” is known for its dynamic partnerships with the celebrities our customers respect and admire, but this is the first exclusively Canadian sign­ ing in our history,” declared Steve Davis, Vice President, Sales and Mar­ keting, Pepsi-Cola Canada. “ The Rocket is a terrific young man with enormous talent, dedication and commitment to others. That makes him a champion in every sense of the word and a superb ambassador for our corporate fight against drugs in Canada.” Bom in Newark, N.J.,on Nov. 19, 1969, Ismail attended high school in Wilkes-Barrie, PA., where he took his high school to the State track and field championships and in one record sea­ son, scored 36 touchdowns in just 10 football games. His record-setting pace contincd during three years at Notre Dame. Last May, Ismail, who is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs 175 pounds, signed a spectacular contract with the Toronto Argonauts making him the second high­ est-paid football player in North Amer­ ica. The modest, reflective young ath­ lete signed the contract even before he donned a uniform for his first profes­ sional football game. FISL F IS I, GSL Stafford SLS PLUS J 01, J Defaulted Student Loans GSL S ta ffo r d SLS PLUS I f you 're in default on a guaranteed student Ioan ... you m av be eligible for a sp ecialp ro g ram that lets you pay it back w ithout penalty or collection charges. (These charges can am ount to as m uch as 35% on your total debt.) Hourly Range: $6.67 - 7.98 Records and transcribes proceedings at meetings of various City boards, commissions and agencies. On call flexible hours. Closing Date: Jan. 17, 1992. Obtain application at the City of Eugene, HRRS, 777 Pearl St., Rm 101, Eugene. AA/ EOE Electrical Construction Company has immediate opening in their construction billing department. Reqiurements: 10 Key, PC, Lo­ tus, General Office skills, good in math. Accuracy and ability to or­ ganize a must. Salary commen­ surate with experience. Send resume to: Electrical Construc­ tion Company, P. O. Box 10286, Portland, OR 97210. Attention: Chris Equal Opportunity Employer JML Emenatd UwlfcJJWH Homes Sale Sub. SW C Q M M U N C A T I O N S _________ Agent lor HJCWEST CELLULAR Your source for superior communication products, installation and services. □ TW O WAY RADIO □ CELLULAR □ PAGING 687-2346 985 Conger S t. A d v e rtis e O bse ' rve R Informational Advertisement City of Eugene Request For Bids S ealed bids will be received until 1:30 p.m . on the dates indicated in the P urchasing D epartm ent, 860 W e st Park, Suite 300, Eugene, OR fo r the equipm ent listed herein: BID FILING DATE BID TITLE January 16, 1992 P rotective Body Arm or, B allistic Vest Form al announcem ent, detailed specifications and bidding docum ent may be obtained at the above address. For additional inform ation, please contact Bonnie Lindberg, Buyer, 687-5051. Informational Advertisement City of Eugene Request For Bids S ealed bids w ill be received until 1:30 p.m. on the dates indicated in the P urchasing D epartm ent, 860 W est Park, Suite 300, Eugene, OR for the equipm ent listed herein: program , you have to pay your loan in full by A ugust 31,1990. BID FILING DATE f o r fu rth e r information ... call the guarantee agency that January 16, 1992 Federal Student Aid Information Center (800) 333-INFO Accounting Billing Clerk $3100 To $5100 TOTAL MOVE-IN COST. $69.000-$95,000 homes, payments from $655/mo-$873/ mo. Example, $90,000 home, $4000 down payment, 9% 30yr fixed interest, $717 PITI/mo. net after tax adjustments. PGE Super Good Cents Home. Secluded, wooded, suburban SW area. 36 000 miimum family income to qualify. CCB#70270. 682-6821 'But you have to act now ... to take advantage of this special holds y o u r loan, or call the U.S. D epartm ent of Education’s toll-free num ber: (Entry Level $1737-$2303/mo.) State of Oregon,Vocational Rehab. Div. (VRD). Klamath Falls Ore. Office. Wide range of employee benefiis. Must meet Ore. min. qualif. Contract your local Em­ ployment Div. Office for An­ nouncement. #OC910038B, and State Civil Service app. EOE, A/A. BID TITLE O n-C all Plum bing Services n r n u f io OQ Form al announcem ent, detailed specifications and bidding docum ent by be obtained at the above addressl. For additional inform ation, please contact G ail M urray, B uyer 687-5056.