Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 08, 1992, Image 1

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    *^'HrHVvr*vi^A^Vvv*irwv,vvyvw*> a **-’- "R1M1
V o lu m n X X II, N u m b e r 2
T he E yes an d E a rs o f the C om m u n ity*
.lanttiin H, 1992
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Dr. King Honored Through
Memorial Blood Drive
merican Red Cross and the
Albina M inisterial Alliance
are hosting a blood drive
dedicated to Dr. M artin Luther King
Jr. on W ednesday, January 15, 1992,
from 4 to 8 p.m ., at the Immaculate
Heart Catholic Church M ulti-Purpose
Room, 2926 North Williams. All blood
donors can sign commermorative scrolls
that will be sent to Coretta Scott King
in A tlanta, Georgia.
K ing’s dream was that one day
people would rise up and realize we
are to live together as brothers. This
drive provides an opportunity to carry
out K ing’s dream by meeting the trans­
fusion needs o f hospital patients.
Blood Drive Volunteer Chairman,
Charles Stoudam ire, Red Cross Safety
& Health Education director, encour­
ages all people, particularly African
Am ericans, to give blood on this day.
“ As African Am ericans, we can
make a special contribution to the
com m unity and to all Americans who
need blood, ’’ Stoudam ire said.
w e can m ake a special contribu­
tion to the our com m unity and to all
Americans who need blood,” Stou­
dam ire said.
A ccording to Stoudam ire, differ­
ent ethnic groups have different blood
types. Twenty percent o f all African
Americans have type B blood, com ­
pared to 11 percent o f white A m eri­
cans. Almost tw ice as many black
A m ericans need type B blood if they
have to be transfused.
For exam ple, persons with sickle
cell anem ia, which is often treated
with blood transfusions, may need blood
from type B donors, but only 11 per­
cent o f a population o f all white donors
needed, they’ll donate blood regularly.
will have type B blood. This differ­
Additional needs exist for bone marrow
ence can result in shortages of type B
and pheresis donors: Pheresis is a spe­
blood when the black community does
cial type o f blood donation in which
not donate in proprtion to the numbers
only platelets, the blood components
of black patients requiring transfusions.
used to control bleeding, are donated.
W hen this shortage occurs, all patients
As part o f this celebration, North­
will have problem s because the blood
east Portland merchants, including Star­
types they need may not be available.
buck’s Coffee, N ature’s Fresh North­
Stoudam ire hopes that if African
west, W onder Bread Bakery and Doris
Americans learn how much they are
Cafe, are donating canteen refreshments.
W.E.B. Du Bois Joins Black
Heritage Stamp Series
William Edward Burghardt DuBois,
noted writer, historian, scholar, and
educator, is the 15th addition to the
Black Heritage Series of stamps, join­
ing a distinguished list that includes
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet
Tubman, and A. Philip Randolph.
The 29-cent Du Bois com ­
memorative stamp will be offi­
cially dedicated on January 31,
during first day o f issue cere­
monies at the W oodruff L i­
brary on the campus o f
“ Clark Atlanta University,
111 James P. Brawley Drive.
Du Bois spent nearly 25
years at Atlanta U niver­
sity (now Clark Atlanta
University), first as professor of
economics and history and later as pro­
fessor o f sociology.
A leader in the early movement for
equality for Americans of African de­
scent, Du Bois founded the Niagara Move­
ment in 1905. This organization evolved
into the National Association for the
Advancement o f (colored People
(NAACP) in 1910. From
1910-1932 Du
Bois served as
editor o f the
N A ACP’s pe­
riodical, Crisis.
The Du Bois
c o m m e m o ra tiv e
stamp is the second
design by Higgins
Bond of Teaneck,
New Jersey, who also
designed last year’s
Black Heritage stamp
honoring inventor Jan
Matzeliger. The 1992 de­
sign features a large head-
and-shoulders portrait o f Du Bois. A
smaller picture o f the subject, working
diligently at a typewriter, is superim­
posed in the low er left corner. The
The N ovem ber 1991 issue of
“ Nature,” the most respected and widely
circulated science journal in the world,
opened a terrifying window on some
long-suspected activities of the research
arm o f the medical profession (Vol.
354, 9/28/91); “ Aids, Monkeys and
M alaria,” p.252.
Dr. Charles G ilkcs, professor of
clinical medicine at the John Radcliffe
Hospital, Oxford England, has thor­
oughly docum ented that, once again,
reckless and racist experim enters hid­
ing behind that worn out aegis, * * for the
advancem ent of science” have prac­
ticed their vicious vocation upon in­
digenous A FRICA N ’S and American
Prison Inmates. For those who may
have been brainwashed by denigrating
allegations and inferences that AIDS
has suddenly developed from sexual
intercourse between Africans and a
certain “ Sooty mangabey chipanzec,”
Earvin "Magic" Johnson, who
recently announced he has
tested positive as a carrier of
the HIV virus, is now a
spokesman about AIDS
Special guests and scheduled donors
include M ultnomah County Com m is­
sioner Gladys McCoy, Portland City
Councilman Dick Bogle, Congress­
man Ron Wyden and members of
Portland’s Black Firefighters Asso­
Interested donors must be at least
17 years o f age, in good health and
weigh at least 110 pounds. Call 2.80-
1459, to schedule an appointm ent
Dr. Gilkes offers meticulous research
to the contrary.
“ The mechanism o f Cross-Spe­
cies Transfer proposed does not offer a
plausible unifying hypothesis to ex­
plain the THREE outbreaks’ ’ [Central
Africa, Europe and North America].
“ Direct inoculation of FRESH
BLOOD is the most efficient way to
transfer the Aids V irus.”
“ The MALARIA literature de­
scribes many instances in which
H U M A N S w ere in je c te d w ith
PRIM ATE blood....” [From 1922 to
1939 “ Blacklock, Adler and Rodhain”
experimented in the Belgian Congo; In
1971 The U.S. D epartment o f Health
reported its experim ents on prisoners,
[“ Coatney, G.R. et al, The Primate
M alarias” ].
O ur suspicions about the origins
o f the AIDS epidemic are also rather
well supported and reinforced by two
well documented and disastrous medi­
Governor Roberts has named
Martha O. Pagel to be the new director
of the Oregon Departm ent o f W ater
Resources, pending Senate confirm a­
tion. Citing Pagel’s background in
policy development and administration,
Roberts said she expects Pagel to lead
the department through increasing
complex w ater m anagement issues.
“ O regon’s growing population,
increased agricultural and industrial
needs, recreational use, environmental
concerns, and six years o f drought have
stretched this resource to its lim it,”
Roberts said. “ M artha will work with
all o f the various groups and interests
concerned with water issues to find a
sustainable, responsible balance."
Pagel, 38, became natural resource
senior policy advisor to the governor
when Governor Roberts took office in
January o f 1991. Prior to that she had
served as director o f the Division of
State Lands since 1988. She began her
career in state government as an assis­
tant attorney general with the D epart­
ment o f Justice in 1983 before becom ­
ing deputy director o f State Lands in
Pagel will remain in the gover­
nor’s office until her replacement is
hired. The natural resources senior
cal experiments perpetrated against black
peoples by Europeans. Both of these
terrifying exercises in genocide involved
the diseases o f SYPHILIS and MA­
LARIA. W e cite first the most recent
o f these exercises in depravity since the
criminals are highly respected Am eri­
can medical professionals, those who
on their oath we are given to place our
lives at their gentle m inistrations. The
following is from that famous article
by colum ist ‘ ‘Tony Brow n,’ ’ published
nationally in April, 1989.
“ For example, for 40 years from
1932 until 1972 the U.S. Public Health
Services, and later the Centers for Dis­
ease control in A tlanta, conducted the
m ost atrociously unethical and racist
experim ent in our history, black people
with syphilis in Tuskegee, Ala., were
intentionally not treated to test the de­
structive path of advanced syphilis. Even
when penicillin was discovered as a
treatm entitw asw ithheld. D uringthose
African National Congress
Advances In South Africa
byMcKInley Burt
by Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr.
Page 2
policy advisor will be hired by early
April, following an open hiring proc­
ess. Bill Young will stay on as direc­
tor o f the Department o f W ater R e­
sources until Pagel assum es the office.
The G overnor’s Task Force on
State government is considering re­
structuring proposals that would sig­
nificantly alter the shape o f the state’s
natural resources agencies, including
a plan to merge the Department of
W ater Resources into a new D epart­
ment o f Lands & W ater. The Task
Force is expected to deliver its recom ­
mendations to the G overnor later this
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as earners.
In 1684 a Portuguese writer in
Brazil recommended a cure for syphi­
lis: “ Buy a virgin black girl off a ship,
and lie with her for a month, and the
cure will be affected.” A piece o f
cruel, self-indulgent nonsense, the
modem reader will no doubt say. But
he or she would be wrong. Between
1920 and 1950; when the first effec­
tive antibiotics became available, the
cure for tertiary syphilis was, surpris­
ingly enough, induced malaria. If a
man had bought a black girl in 1684,
and she had been a virgin (and there­
fore free from venereal disease), he
would have acquired malaria from her
which would have cured his syphilis.
But there is never aught for nought in
this world. The girl would in return
have been infected with syphilis, and
unless he had some quinine at hand,
the man might have died o f malaria.
continued on page 4
by Mattle Ann Calller-Spears
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Be Of Good Courage
Page 6
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Top PRCA Pro Rodio
Page 2
years, this experiment was reported in
13 major medical journals, read by
over 100,000 doctors and discussed at
conferences. It was an open secret.”
(Can such a closed-mouth medical
community be the very same one that
vociferously objects to a nationalized
health plan for the poor?)
Does it also occur to you that we
may well ask where the hell were our
black physicians and health profes­
sionals on this “ open secret” ? But
hold that for now, because we may
have to ask such a question again!
Below is an excerpt from the book,
“ Seeds of Change” by Henry Hob-
house, Harper & Row, 1986; Chapter
on “ Quinine,” p.28. “ The latest think­
ing on antimalarial therapy brings us
full circle back to the seventeenth
century. Negroes, suffer from a type
of anem ia known as the sickle-cell
condition, which prevents them from
having malaria although they may act
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Governor Taps Pagel To
Head Water Resources
Education Is Still
The Priority
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words “ Black Heritage U SA ” are
printed in large white letters across the
bottom o f the stamp.
In conjunction with the first day o f
issue o f the Du Bois commemorative
stamp and the start o f Black History
Month, the Postal Service also will is­
sue I Have A Dream, a collection of
Black Americans on U.S. postage stamps.
This 68-page deluxe hardcover book
contains 28 full color illustrations, 14
stamps and supporting text on the 15
Black Heritage Series stamp subjects.
Paintings o f other African Americans
who have appeared on stamps, includ­
ing Duke Ellington, Ralph Bunche, Dr.
Charles Drew and Jesse Ow ens, are also
featured. The illustrations are by artist
Thomas Blackshear, desig n ero f several
Black Heritage Series stamps. Roots
author Alex Haley provides the intro­
duction to I Have A Dream, which goes
on sale on February 1, at post offices
The Origin And Spread Of Aids Is Finally Revealed
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