Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 25, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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Page 8...The Portland Observer...December 25,1991
Portland ObSOH/er
■ Advertising
■ Employment
» Bids/Sub-Blds
Multnomah County
Duplications Systems
Requires: One years experience
working with high tech, high speed
duplicators equivalent to the Xerox
5090; training or experience in
general bindery skills; ability to
lift and carry average load of 52
lbs up to a maximum of 68lbs and
to correctly operate a hand truck
loaded to a maximum f 250 lbs;
accurate arithmetic calculations
w/wo calculator; and knowledge
of or experience in use of offset
press equipment.
Salary: $11,36/hr Application Dead­
line: 5:00 pm, 1/10/92
Required MESD applications can
be obtained in person at MESD’s
Recruitment Office, 11611 N.E.
Ainsworth Circle, (Airport Way),
applications may be obtained in
person Monday - Friday between
8:00-5:00. To receive the appli­
cation materials by mail, please
send a self-addressed, stamped
legal envelope to Multnomah Edu­
cation Service District, Attn. Re­
cruitm ent O ffice, P.O. Box
301029, Portland, Oregon 97230-
An Equal Opportunity Employer
& Drug Free Work Place
TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc.,
an Equal Opportunity Employer,
currently has a full time opening
for the following position:
(3) DMX Sales
Drug Test Required of Final Appli­
cant. Qualifications: Experience
in Cable TV, Radio, Consumer
Audio or Music Sales.
A p p lic a tio n s A ccepted U ntil:
12/30/91. Interested parties may
submit applications/resume by
mail to:
TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc.
3500 SW Bond Street
Portland, OR 97201
Attn: GC
Portland Public Schools
Individuals needed for assessment
services for Talented and Gifted
Program. Must have training and
experience with the administra­
tion, scoring, and interpretation
of standardized tests of ability
and achievement, as well as in­
formal assessment devices. Must
hold current valid Oregon certifi­
cate (School Psychology,Special
Education, Counseling, or Teach­
ing). Part-time position, maxi­
mum 10 hours/week. $24.40 per
hour. Applications will be ac­
cepted through January 6,1992.
Call 280-6198 for information.
Must submit certification and three
current letters of reference. For
job application call or write to
Personnel, Blanchard Education
Service Center, 501 N. Dixon,
Portland, OR 97227, phone 249-
2000. Equal Opportunity/Affirma-
tion Action Employer._________
Northwest Natural Gas Company
seeks qualified candidates to
develop and maintain large scale
linear programming model and
data bases to analyze optional
gas supply utilization patterns.
Required skills include optim iza­
tion theory, operations research
methods, financial analysis,
energy economics, programming
languages, simulation models,
statistical packages and spread­
sheet software. Advanced de­
gree preferred. Salary range
$33,540 - $41,880 with an excel­
lent benefit package.
Please respond with resume and
qualifications to:
Northwest Natural Gas Co.
PO Box 3410
Portland, OR 97209-3410
FAX (503) 721-2508
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Director Of Program
and Outdoor Program
Director of Program and Outdoor
Program. Full Time. Need expe­
rience in designing and imple­
menting youth programs. For
more information contact!
Western Rivers Girl Scout
Eugene Oregon 485-5911
Deadline Jan. 10,1992
Data Processing
AIDS Prevention Research Pro­
gram Manager; $34,055 - $47,690
annually; apply by December 27,
Fiscal Specialist/Accounts Payable;
$11.14 per hour; apply by Janu­
ary 3, 1992.
Community Works Leader - Juve­
nile Justice Division; $10.89 per
hour; apply by January 3 ,1 9 92 .
Cartographer; $11.95 per hour;
apply by January 3 ,1992.
Where To Apply: The standard
Multnomah County application
form and supplemental applica­
tion form, if applicable, are re­
quired and must be postmarked
by the closing date. Apply in
person or mail self-addressed,
stamped envelope, requesting an
application for the position(s) in
w hich you are in te re ste d .
Multnomah County Employee
Services, 1120 SW Fifth Ave­
nue, Room 1430, PO Box 14700,
Portland, Oregon 97214.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Unix Systems
Utility Lead
Northwest Natural Gas Company
seeks qualified candidates to
provide UNIX systems admini­
Qualifications: 10+yrs IS experi­
ence (min. 5 yr UNIX systems);
Computer Science degree with
experience installing/maintaining
m ultihardw are/softw are
vendor support; familiarity with
SUN, RS6000, HP platforms and
operating systems; C and shell
programming skills.
Excellent benefits and competitive
salaries -
Please direct your resume, salary
history and letter of application
specifying this position - January
Northwest Natural Gas Company
P.O. Box 3410
Portland,m Oregon 97209-3410
FAX (503) 721 -2506
An Equal Opportunity Employer
The Oregon convention Center is
recruiting for a Utility Lead per­
son to perform light to heavy
Manual labor in a variety of func­
Must be at least 18 years old. Valid
Oregon Drivers License required.
Duties will include, cleaning,
operating a forklift; moving and
stacking chairs and tables. Must
be able to work any shift, any
Applications available to Target
Area residents only. Boundaries
are N.E. 42nd on the East Bantield
Freeway on the South, N. Co­
lumbia Blvd. on the North and N.
Chatauqua including Columbia
Villa on the west.
Apply In Person: December 23
through January 7, 9:00 p.m.
through 5:00 p.m. Memorial
Coliseum complex, 1401 N.
Wheeler Avenue.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer
Electric Distribution
Motor Carrier Safety
The distribution engineering sec­
tion is responsible for the plan­
ning, design, estimating cost for
and coordinating electric system
distribution with heavy em pha­
sis on positive customer contact.
Requires eight or more years in
design application of electric
distribution systems, including at
least two years of demonstrated
supervisory and management
skills. Experience may be reduced
by four years if accompanied by
a four year electrical engineering
degree. $3,837 - $4,960/per
For applications packet contact:
Eugene Water & Electrical Board
PO Box 10148
Eugene, OR 97440
(503) 484-2411 ext., 3012
Application close - March 1 ,1992
Equal Opportunity Employer
$25,584 - $34,044
The Oregon Housing and Commu­
nity Services Department is re­
cruiting for the Community Serv­
ices Division Administrator posi­
tion (Principal Executive Man­
ager E $38,064 to $53,640 an­
nual). This position plans, super­
vises and administers the Divi­
sion’s Community Resources,
Homeless/Human Investment,
and ConservationEnergy Assis­
tance sections. To qualify you
must have three years of man­
agement experience which in­
cludes developing program rules
and policies, long and short range
plans, program evaluation and
budget preparation (graduate
level coursework in management
may be substituted for up to one
year of the required experience).
For job announcement and ap­
plication please contact Lynette
Roquet, Executive Department
Personnel, 155 Cottage Street
NE, Salem, OR 97310 or phone
(503) 378-2827.
The Oregon Public Utility Com­
mission has an opening in
Medford for a Safety Specialist
to investigate complaints from
carrier, shippers, the public, and
others regarding alleged unlaw­
ful operations and practices of
motor carriers and conduct car­
rier safety compliance audits. You
must have four years of experi­
ence applying transportation laws,
rules, and regulations. Experi­
ence could have been gained in
a motor carrier shipper organi­
zation, transportation regulatory
agency, military branch, law en­
forcement agency, or public util­
ity commission agency. For
application materials, call PUC
Personnel Services at (503) 373-
7949. Deadline for applying is
January 10,1992.
Multnomah County
Bids Due 1-14-92 at 2:00 P.M.
Bid No. B61-928-6300
Plans and S pecifications are filed with the P urchasing D irector
and copies m ay be obtained from the above address fo r a $5.00
non-refundable fee. C H E C K S A N D M O N E Y O R D E R S O NLY.
Plans and S pecifications w ill not be m ailed within the T ri-C ounty
Andersen Construction Co., Inc.
6712 N. Cutter Circle
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 283-6712
FAX: (503) 283-3607
Quotes Solicited on All Phases of Work
Excluding HVAC, Plumbing, & Electrical.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
disadvantaged, minority, women, and emerging small business enter­
Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration #63053
Request For Bids
S ealed bids w ill be received until 1:30 p.m . on the dates
indicated in the P urchasing D epartm ent, 860 W est Park, Suite
300, Eugene, O R for the e qu ipm ent listed herein:
Formal announcem ent, detailed specifications and bidding docu­
m ent by be obtained at the above address. For additional in fo r­
m ation, please contact G ail M urray, Buyer, 687-6056.
Odd Fellows Home Of Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: Thursday, January 2,1992 @ 2:00 P.M.
Informational Advertisement
City of Eugene
S ealed bids w ill be received until 1:30 p.m . on the dates indi­
cated in the P urchasing D epartm ent, 860 W est Park, Suite 300,
E ugene, OR for the equipm ent listed herein:
Police Pursuit V ehicles
Sub-Bids Requested
Lillie Walker, Director
Purchasing Section
Request For Bids
Ja nu a ry 7, 1992
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield Of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd Fir
100 SW Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD #225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
M ultnom ah C ounty reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Informational Advertisement
City of Eugene
• Good math skills
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee
benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad
#272 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resum e to:
No proposal w ill be considered unless accom panied by a check
apyable to M ultnom ah C ounty, certified by a responsible bank,
or in lieu thereof, a surety bond fo r an am ount equal to ten
percent (10% ) of the aggregate proposal. The successful
bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full
am ount of the contract.
1740 Northwest Flanders Street
Portland, Oregon 97209-2283
(503)226-3991 FAX (503)228-3018
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disad­
vantaged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises
• CRT experience and the ability to type 30 wpm
C ontractors and subco n tracto rs m ust be licensed for asbestos
a batem ent w ork if the project involves w orking with asbestos.
Donald M. Drake Company
January 16, 1992
Protective Body Arm or, B allistic Vest
(Entry Level $1737-$2303/mo.)
State of Oregon,Vocational Rehab.
Div. (VRD). Klamath Falls Ore.
Office. Wide range of employee
benefiis. Must meet Ore. min.
qualif. Contract your local Em­
ployment Div. Office for An­
nouncement. #OC910038B, and
State Civil Service app.
• Practical knowledge of medical/dental terminology
Details of com pliance are available from Jan M. Thom pson,
P urchasing S ection, D epartm ent o f G eneral S ervices, 2505 SE
11 th A ve., Portland, OR 97202, (503) 248-5111.
City of Portland, Bureau Of Water Works
Water Control Center & Water Quality Lab
Bid Date: January 23,1992
Bid Time: 2:00 P.M.
• 1 yr work experience in customer relations (within the last 2
years, preferably insurance-related)
All bidders m ust com ply w ith the requirem ents of the prevailing
w age law in O RS 279.350.
Sub-Bids Requested
Cellular One
People Development Dept.
409 S. W. 9th
Portland, OR 97205
Cellular One Jobline 789-JOBS
All replies in confidence
An equal opportunity employer
Blue Cross
J Blue Shield is currently accepting applications for full
time Customer Service Representatives. Qualified candidates will possess
the ability to communicate effectively and professionally, both orally and
in written form involving an indepth knowledge of all aspects of BCBSO.
This position involves the ability to work autonomously in a fast-paced
environment, and applicants must have demonstrated excellent atten­
dance in previous employment. Other requirements include:
P requalification applications or statem ents m ust be prepared
during the period of one year p rio r to the bid date. P requalifica­
tion application and proof of prequalification by the O regon
D epartm ent of Transportation m ust be actually received or
postm arked to M ultnom ah C ounty P urchasing S ection by not
later than 10 days prior to bid opening.
P otential respondents m ay obtain a copy of the R equest for
Proposals and supporting docum ents by contacting Henry Markus
a t 503/221 -1646. M etro m ay reject any P roposals not in com pli­
ance w ith all specifications listed in the R equest for P roposals
and m ay reject for good cause any or all statem ents upon a
finding by Metro that it is in the p ublic interest to do so.
Our Customer Programs Manager
will manage customer com m u­
nications through custom er
newsletters and mailings; man­
age employee awareness and
customer appreciation programs;
assist all customer care depart­
ments on special projects; work
with Senior Staff and Marketing
on product development and pric­
ing; and manage service quality
and customer satisfaction re­
search projects.
Candidates must have college level
analytical and writing skills in
addition to superior com m unica­
tion and organizational abilities.
Additional requirements include
hands on experience with cus­
tomer publications, market re­
search and project mangement;
familiarity with pricing analysis,
product development and event
marketing, and good computer
aptitude with management re­
porting and MAC or PC capabil­
Send your resume referencing the
above number/title to:
Curtomer Service Representative 1
S ealed bids w ill be received by the D irector of Purchasing,
M ultnom ah C ounty P urchasing S ection, 2505 SE 11th Ave.,
Portland, O R 97202 for: NE 257th A venue Landscaping.
C ounty P ublic C ontract R eview Board A dm inistrative Rules
(AR 40.030) P requalification shall BE R E Q U IR E D fo r this
project for the follow ing class(es) of w ork: LA N D S C AP IN G .
The M etropolitan Service D istrict (M etro) is requesting proposals
from firm s or team s of firm s for S olid W aste Land Use Project.
P roposals m ust be delivered to the Planning and D evelopm ent
D epartm ent, 4th Floor, M etropolitan S ervice District, 2000 SW
First Avenue, Portland, O R 97201 -5398 to the attention of H enry
M arkus, no later than M onday, January 6 ,1 9 9 2 ,4 :3 0 p.m . (PDT).
«155-Customer Programs
Request For Qualifications
Cellular One
Homes Sale Sub. SW
$3100 To $5100 TOTAL MOVE-IN
COST. $69.000-$95,000 homes,
payments from $655/mo-$873/
mo. Example, $90,000 home,
$4000 down payment, 9% 30yr
fixed interest, $717 PITI/mo. net
after tax adjustments. PGE Super
Good Cents Home. Secluded,
wooded, suburban SW area.
36,000 miimum family income to
qualify. CCB#70270. 682-6821
McCaw Cellular
Communications, Inc.
Informational Advertisement
City of Eugene
Request For Bids
S ealed bids w ill be received until 1:30 p.m. on the dates in d icated
in the P urchasing D epartm ent, 860 W est Park, S uite 300, E u ­
gene, O R for the equipm ent listed herein:
Form al a nn ouncem ent, detailed specifications and bidding
d ocum ent m ay be obtained at the above address. For addi­
tional inform ation, please co nta ct Bonnie Lindberg, Buyer, 687-
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
January 16, 1992
O n-Call Plum bing S ervices
R FB #92-0128
Form al announcem ent, detailed specifications and bidding d o c u ­
m ent by be obtained at the above addressl. For additional in fo r­
m ation, please contact G ail M urray, B uyer 687-5056.