Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 25, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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December 25,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 7
United Negro College Fund
Announces $3.7 Million Grant
From AT&T
Get Ready For
Mayor’s Ball 1992
January 15,1992
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
St. John's YWCA
Main Hall
8010 N. Charleston
January 18,1992
8:30 am -10:00 am
Westminster Presbyterian
Church, Fireside Room
1624 NE Hancock
Oregon C hildren’s Theatre Com ­
pany presents Kenneth Grahame’s clas­
sic, The W ind In The W illo w s, at the
C ivic A uditorium (222 SW Clay) on
Sunday, January 12 at 1:00 p.m. This is
the only public performance o f The
Great Am erican C hildren’s Theatre
Company production which opens its
national tour in Portland and w ill play
to more than 40,000 students from local
area schools. Tickets fo r the Sunday
performance arc $9.00, $8.00, and $7.00
and can be purchased through the PCP A
Box O ffice - 248-4496 - or any G I Joe’ s
Ticketmaster outlet (subject to conven­
ience charge).
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To the Editor:
For forty years the Blanchet House
has been serving the needy o f our
comm unity. We have always kept a
low p rofile - not seeking p ublicity - but
quietly going about the work o f helping
our less fortunate neighbors.
H opefully you w ill feel the need to
give us a helping hand to provide some
o f the very basic necessities fo r our
brothers and sisters.
W e w ill be very grateful fo r any
help you can give us at this time.
Thank you.
Please remember you are welcome
to drop by the House at anytime and see
what we are doing here.
We are located at 340 N W Glisan
(4th and Northwest Glisan).
A lfre d J R iley
Executive D irector
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A new support group forcaregi vers
w ill begin meeting the third Tuesday o f
each month at Education and Fam ily
Support Services, Good Samaritan
Hospital & M edical Center.
The Caregiver Support Group w ill
mcetTuesday, Jan. 2 1 ,7 - 8:30 p.m. in
Room 300 o f Good Samaritan’ s Neuro­
logical Sciences Center, 1040 N W 22nd
Caregivers can be paid profession­
als or volunteers caring fo r a parent or
other fa m ily member. Caregivers often
try to do too much and fa il to take care
o f themselves. Fatigue, poor diet, and
lack o f exercise coupled w ith the day-
to-day tasks o f caregiving can lead to
emotional or physical exhaustion.
A support group can provide ac­
cess to both the latest inform ation and
practical solutions and coping strate­
gies. It can also help combat feelings o f
isolation by sharing w ith those who
Library facilities such as those used by students at Dillard University in
New Orleans will be upgraded at 41 United Negro college Fund member
schools as a result of a $3.7 million A T&t Foundation grant to UNCF’s
Campaign 2000: An investment in America’s Future, the most ambitious
fundraising campaign in UNCF’s history. The grant to UNCF is the
largest single gift ever made by the AT&T Foundation.
The United Negro College Fund
announced that the A T & T Foundation
w ill contribute a $3.7 m illio n grant to
the U N C F ’ s C A M P A IG N 2000: An In ­
vestment in America’s Future. The grant
- the largest single grant ever given by
the A T & T Foundation - w ill support
libraries at the 41 member schools o f
the U N CF and w ill be used to buy new
books and other materials as w ell as to
make physical improvements to the
There are no fees to jo in the sup
port goupd and pre-registration is not
required. For more inform ation, please
contact Good Samaritan Education and
Fam ily Support Services at 229-7348.
A portion o f the A T & T grant has
been set aside to establish a U N CF
“ President’ s Initiatives Fund,” which
w ill support projects initiated under
the leadership o f new UNCF President
& CEO W illia m H. Gray, III.
“ Ia m pleased to accept this con­
tribution and to acknowledge the A T & T
Foundation for its long-standing sup­
port,” said Gray. “ This level o f fund­
ing shows A T & T ’ s extraordinary lead­
ership in support to historically black
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colleges and universités. This specific
contribution to libraries shows A T & T ’s
deep understanding o f the critica l role
these facilities play in the undergradu­
ate experience.”
“ A T & T is proud o f its long-stand­
ing partenership w ith both the United
Negro College Fund and the nation’ s
historically black colleges,” said A T & T
Chairman Robert E. A llen. “ We hope
this grant w ill provide valuable re­
sources for the college libraries and
enrich each student’ s experience o f
independent research and self discov­
The $3.7 m illio n grant to UNCF
is in addition to A T & T ’ s on-going
support fo r historically black college
and universités. A T & T w ill continue
to fund it H B C U Engineering and
Computer Science Program, which
concentrates on ten historically black
schools and provides technical grants
and equipment donations.
Ad Prices Good December 26 Through December 31,1991 At Safeway.
Safeway Regular
Ground Beef
Tri-Met will addspecial late-night
buses on lines:
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New Support Groups
For Careglvlers
Season's G reetings To You!
A ll T ri-M e t rides are free after
6 p.m. New Year’ s Eve as a re­
minder that T ri-M e t is a safe alter­
native to drinking and d riving all
year long.
T ri-M e t w ill add late night serv­
ice on M A X and 15 m ajor bus lines
in hopes that even more prople w ill
celebrate safety.
Those celebrating the new year
should note that the last M A X train
o f the night w ill leave Pioneer Court­
house Square at 2:36 a.m. The last
buses w ill leave the Portland M all at
2:32 a.m.
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Letters to the Editor
The Wind In The
Willows Special
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The Portland M usic Association is
pleased to announce The 8th Annual
M ayor’s Ball w ill be held on Friday,
A p ril 17, 1992 at the M em orial C o li­
M ayo r’s Ball 8, the largest collec­
tion o f talent under one roof, in one
night, anywhere in the world, w ill fea­
ture the best o f Portland’ s live original
Performers/groups who would like
to apply to perform at M ayor’ s B a ll 8
can obtain an application form , by
sending a self-addressed, stamped
envelope to PM A, PO Box 6723, Port­
land, OR 97228. Application deadline
is February 3, 1992.
H istorically, this fund-raiser has
distributed over $300,000 to local chari­
table organizations that are often un­
derfunded, overlooked or just unknown.
This year’s 8th Annual M ayor’ s Ball
beneficiaries w ill be announced shortly.
Volunteer positions are available
in all areas. Call the Mayor’s Ball Hotline
at 503-223-9681 fo r more inform ation.
Approximately 5-pound chub. Now’s the time to stock your
freezer and save! Great for burgers, casseroles,
meatloaf,spaghetti sauce and tacos!
4 - Fessenden, to St. Johns
4 - D ivisio n, to 122nd and
D ivision
5 - Hawthorne, to 96th and Foster
5 - Interstate, to Vancouver
Transit Center
N E 15th Avenue, to 9th and
Broadway, to 27th and Sara­
9 - Powell, to 98th and Powell
12- Barbur Blvd, to H w y 99 and
Durham Road
12 - Sandy Blvd., to 95th and Sandy
15 - M t. Tabor, to Gateway Transit
15 - N W 23rd Avenue, to Montgom
ery Park
19 - Glisan, to Gateway Transit
19 Woodstock, to 112th and Mt.
33 M cLoughlin, to Oregon C ity
Transit Center
57 - Forest Grove, to Forest Grove
Most Tri-M et buses usually stop
running at 12:32 a.m. or 1:25 a.m.
on weeknights. The later bus trips
amount to more than 62 hours o f
extra service on New Year’ s.
Smaller Packs Of Regular Ground Beef......Lb. $1.19
Look In The This Week
Magazine for your Safeway
Shopping Giude for a complete
list of specials on sale this
week at Safeway!
The F astest Way To Send
M oney....A vailable In All
Safew ay sto res in O regon &
S.W. W ashington.
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