Page 8...The Portland Observer...December 18J991 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Principal Executive Manager D Market Research - Mystery Shopper Environmental Law Specialist Disability Determinations S e rvice s O p e ra tio n s M anager The State of Oregon V ocational R ehabilitation Division in S alem , O regon is recruiting for an O p ­ erations M anager for the D isabil­ ity D eterm inations Services p ro ­ gram . The operations M anager is responsible for m anaging the process of providing disability determ inations for O regon c iti­ zens applying for Social Security Disability benefits. W ide range of employee benefits. Must meet O regon m inim um qualifications, contact local Em ploym ent Div office for announcem ent X7006 O C 910923. Apps m ust be re­ ceived by 1/2/92. VRD is an EEO Em ployer. M inorities, fem ales and persons of disability are encouraged to apply. Local O ccasional Part-tim e work, salary varies with job. Please send your nam e, com plete a d ­ dress, and a daytim e phone num ber to: Elrick and Lavidge, Inc. PO Box 4402 Atlanta, GA 30302-9892 Attn: Field Dept. $2554 - $3404 Monthly The Oregon D epartm ent of Envi­ ronm ental Quality is currently seeking an enthusiastic, skilled individual to evaluate case facts and evidence and develop all relevant docum ents based on sound legal grounds to initiate and follow -up on form al enfo rce ­ m ent actions. To qualify you m ust have two years experience in an environm ental or natural resources area a na­ lyzing, researching, drafting le­ gal docum ents and interview ing clients; AN D an A ssociates d e ­ gree as a legal assistant or co m ­ pletion of a paralegal program ; or a law degree with an environ­ m ental or natural resources spe­ cialization; or four years experi­ ence in an environm ental pro­ gram drafting or preparing for­ mal enforcem ent actions (civil penalties and orders). Please call our job recording, (503) 229-5785 to request an announce­ m ent and application. In order to be considered for the current vacancies, you m ust have all application m aterials subm itted by close of business Friday 27 D ecem ber 1991. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Medical Transcriptionist Seeks a m edical transcriptionist to type m edical, personal a ssess­ ments and progress notes. Know ledge o f m edical te rm inol­ ogy desirable. M ust be hard w orking, flexible, and w illing to takeon added responsibilities on short notice. M ust be fam iliar w ith word perfect 4.2, type 60 wpm, w ork independently, m ain­ tain medical appointments, phar­ m acy and laboratory records. M ust have 1 year transcriptionist experience. Send R esum e To: Rodney R. Harry G arlington C enter N/NE C om m unity M ental H ealth 4950 N. E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 City Of Gresham Police Reserve Officer The Gresham Police Department is now accepting applications for the non-paid, volunteer position of Police Reserve Officer. M inim um requirem ents include completion of high school or GED equivalency, be a U.S. citizen and have no felony crim inal rec­ ord, possess a valid d riv e r’s li­ cense with a good driving record, be in excellent physical health and be at least 21 years of age prior to enrollm ent in the Re­ serve Academ y. Prior to a p ­ p o in tm e n t, a p p lic a n ts m ust com plete 6 m onths of the R e­ serve Academ y. Applications are available and must be subm itted to the G resham Police D epartm ent, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030 by 5:00 p.m ., January 10, 1992. (5 0 3 )6 6 9 -2 3 8 3 . A p re ­ em ploym ent physical exam ina­ tion and drug screen are required. City O f G resham Is An Equal O pportunity/ A ffirm ative Action Em ployer. Public Relations Representative G eorgia-P acific C orporation, a Fortune 50 company and a leader in the forest products industry, has an im m ediate opening in our Portland office for a Public R ela­ tions R epresentative. Responsibilities include writing, ed­ iting and producing em ployee new sletter, w riting and distribut­ ing news to external m edia and providing public and em ployee inform ation services. R equires a Bachelor’s degree in jo u rn a l­ ism, English or related course of study. W e offer a com petitive salary and top-rated benefits package. If you qualify and are seeking a career w ithin an industry leader, please send resum e and salary history by 12/23. G eorgia-P acific C orporation Attn: Ann Ashton 900 S. W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (Entry Level $1737-$2303/m c.) State o f Oregon, Vocational Rehab. Div. (VRD). Klam ath Falls Ore. O ffice. W ide range of em ployee benefiis. M ust m eet O re. min. qualif. C ontract your local Em ­ ploym ent Div. O ffice fo r A n ­ nouncement. #OC910038B, and State Civil S ervice app. EOE, A/A. Community Education and Development Specialist Temporary position through 06/30/92. Part-time, 18.75 hours per week. Duties will include responsibility for the developm ent of training, prom otional and educational m aterials about the cluster pro­ gram s, Options, Adoption, and Young Parents Program . Pre­ senting and evaluating educa­ tional presentations, participat­ ing in thedevelopm ent of funding proposals to support cluster program s. Bachelors degree or equivalent education and expe­ rience required. Strong w riting skills and successful funding proposal development necessary. C om fort with public speaking. A com m itm ent to all options preg­ nancy counseling essential. S al­ ary $9,545. to $11,931. DOE. O btain applications and job d e ­ scription at 18 S.W . Boundary Court, Portland, Oregon 97201. Application deadline 12/30/91, at 5:00 pm. Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Transportation Coordinator Transportation C oordinator for a m ajor operating division o f a Fortune 500 com pany in Port­ land. Knowledge of Canadian Transport and U.S. M otor C ar­ rier laws required. Lotus 1-2-3 required. M inim um one to three years of experience. Salary com m ensurate with experience. Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Send resum e and cover letter to: P.T., PO Box 5463, Portland, OR 97228-5463. C losing date Janu­ ary 3, 1992. Pregnancy Counseling Outreach Worker Temporary position through 06/30/92. Part-time, 18.75 hours per week. Duties include providing short term outreach and in-office counsel­ ing to young w om en, their part­ ners, and fam ilies seeking o p ­ tions inform ation, provide state­ w ide intake, referral and crisis intervention services, m aintain positive liaison with referral sources, m ake educational pres­ entations, and participate in special projects. M ust de m o n ­ strate ability to provide accurate, unbiased, neutral information and support concerning parenting, abortion, and adoption. Ability to develop responsive client/worker relationships. Ability to m aintain accurate and effective case notes and re p o rts. D e m o n stra te d com petency w orking with m ulti­ cultural fam ilies is necessary. Salary $7,259 - $10,880 annu­ ally DOE. C all 503-222-9661 x 122 for application and job d e ­ scription. Application deadline 01/02/92. Equal Opportunity Em ­ ployer. Executive Director Corvallis Convention & Visitor Bureau M anages program s and activities to attract conventions and visi­ tors to C orvallis, OR. R esponsi­ bilities include short/long range planning, developing m arketing programs, managing budgets and staff, community and governmen­ tal relations. Strong management, m arketing, and related w ork experience required. Call CCVB Search Coordinator, 503-758- 4009 for application inform ation. C om pleted applications due by Jan 1 0 ,199 2. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Branch Manager $ 2 6 1 4 -$ 3 6 8 0 The State of Oregon Vocational R ehabilitation Division is recruit­ ing to fill a position in M edford, OR. The Branch M gr directs a staff o f C ounselors and S ecre­ taries in providing vocational services to persons of disability. C ontact local Em ploym ent Div office for announcem ent X7004 O C 910511A and application. Apply now for im m ediate op e n ­ ing. List will rem ain open until 6/ 10/92 to fill other openings as they occur throughout the state. VRD is an EEO em ployer. M i­ norities, fem ales and persons of disability are encourage to ap­ ply- Executive Director Portland House of Umoja, Inc. x - (38,000.00) The m ission o f the P ortland House of Um oja, Inc. is to develop and operate program s for gang af­ fected and other high risk youth within the supportive environment of an extended fam ily structure. Q ualifications: -M A or MS in m anagem ent, sociol­ ogy, related field, m inim um 3 years experience as Executive D irector/C E O of social service, c o m m u n ity d e v e lo p m e n t or equivalent organization. C andi­ dates without degree requirement may substitute BA/BS with 5 years experience in high level a dm inis­ trative position. -E xcellent verbal, w ritten skills -Valid O regon D rivers License S end R esum e/C over letter, 2 R ef­ erences and W riting S am ple to: Portland House of Umoja, Inc. PO Box 11053 Portland, O regon 97211 by January 13,1991 Police Security C heck w ill be utilized. No phone calls please. Equal O pportunity Em ployer McCaw Cellular Communications, Inc. Cellular One #154 - Account Representative Salem O ur A ccount R epresentative will identify and sell to businesses in a geographic territory and insure satisfaction to accounts in the Salem area. C andidates m ust have a m inim um 2 years outside sales experience. A college degree is desirable, in addition to articulate verbal and w ritten language skills. S end your resum e referencing the above num ber/title to: Cellular One People D evelopm ent Dept. 409 SW 9th Portland, OR 97205 C ellular O ne Jobline 789-JO BS All replies in confidence An Equal O pportunity Em ployer EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT BUSINESS DEVELOPM ENT The director of business de ve lo p ­ m ent is currently seeking an E x e c u tiv e A s s is ta n t to assist with development of business op­ portunities and operations of the O regon A rena P roject. Respon­ sibilities will include research and analysis, preparation o f reports and projections, management and decision making, applicants must have a college degree or eq u iva ­ lent business experience. Pub­ lic facility event sales o r opera­ tions experience a plus. Please subm it resum e of qualifications c/o O regon A rena Project P.O. Box 3137, Porl'and, OR 97208. :¥ S v x X ¥ v x X ¥ v & ¥x -X ¥x v ¥ ¥x -X ¥ -X x¥ v c X ¥ v :¥ x¥ v '’'i¥ ¿■ :¥ X :¥ -X :¥ -X :¥ -X :¥ vX X-X X :¥ -X & ^-X X-X . ’.'X : City Of Portland Senior Engineer/Geotechnlcal - to $4,346/mo Electronic Technician Assistant - to $13.36/hr For more info/closing dates call (503) 823 4573 (24 hr job information) No resumes please. Bureau of Personnel 1220 Sw 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps also available at: Urban League 10 N Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply. “ I t ’ s more than a living ... it ’ s living your ideals !” Is women ’ s healthcare IMPORTANT TO YOU? Is REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE IMPORTANT TO YO U ? At Planned Parenthood we promote the health and well-being of the individual, the family, and the community. Your clinical expertise, your language skills, and your cultural sensitivity are all needed in order for us to effectively serve our diverse communities. C linic M anager We are interested in experienced manager who will be responsible for the operation, supervision and coordination of medical clinic. Individual will participate as a m ember of management team and dem onstrate an ability to promote a team -criented approach to patient focused care. Medical professionals are encouraged to apply. C linic S upport S taff W e are looking for dedicated individuals to provide medical clinic support in family planning setting. Responsibilities include medical assisting, patient education and patient information systems. Qualified applicant’s need a high school diplom a/GED and orienta­ tion toward patient focused care. M id - L evel P ractitioner Put your skills to work for a cause you believe in! Looking for mid­ level provider (nurse practitioner, physician assistant, certified nurse midwife) for busy ambulatory gyn and family planning clinic. Flexible hours. Qualified applicants will need current licensure in Oregon as a Nurse Practitioner, Certified Nurse Midwife or Physician Assistant and an orientation toward patient focused care. W e offer a competitive salary with full benefit package. All appli­ cants may forward their resume to: Lauren Hartmann RNC Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/W illamette 3231 SE 50th Portland, OR 97206 0 Planned Parenthood* of tho Columbia/Willamette JOB O P P O R T U N IT Y Volunteers Needed Interested in Community Development in Northeast Portland? The Northeast Genesis Project needs your help! We need volunteers interested in: 1. Community Service 2. Fundraising 3. Community News Letter 5. Board Participation Please call Rose Marie Davis @ 281-8976 any time. Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. Emanuel Hospital & Health Center A I udxTAn Affiliat'd I enter of L anng & ExœOenœ LEGACY Health Svsfmi Equal Opportunity Employer, MFH Medical Claims Analysts Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon has immediate openings for Grade 1 or Grade 2 Group Medical Claims Analysts for our subsidiary company. Total plan alternatives, a third party administrator. Economist N orthw est N atural G as C om pany seeks qualified candidates for a position that w ill develop and m aintain large scale linear pro­ gramming model and data bases to analyze optim al gas supply utilization patterns. Required skills include optim iza­ tion theory, operations research m ethods, fin a n cia l a nalysis, energy economics, programming languages, sim ulation models, statistical packages and spread­ sheet software. Advanced d e ­ gree preferred. Salary range: $33,540 - $41,880 with an excel­ lent benefit package. Please respond with resum e and qualifications to: N orthw est N atural G as Com pany PO Box 3410 Portland, OR 97209-3410 FAX (503) 721-2506 An Equal O pportunity Em ployer » Advertising Employment mBids/Sub-Bids their motivation and skills that build our future and get the job done Bank of America is commited to becoming the top lending Qualified candidates will have group health claims experience to include knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy, knowledge of ICD-9 and CPT-4 coding, and the ability to operate a calculator and CRT. The position also requires excellent com munication skills and the ability to work overtim e to meet deadlines. institution in the state. The successful candidate will be responsible for the following: )oin our Residential Mortgage Department where you win thor­ oughly review and evaluate credit risk on conventional, construc­ tion, F HA and VA loans. Provide assistance to loan originators, processors, and closers. Handle other residential lending duties as assigned. Requires 2 y ta r ï previous underwriting experience of conven­ tional, construction, F HA direct endorsement and VA automatic. Ability to analyte financial statements, credit and assess risk. Provide excellent customer service and ensure effective communi­ cation Salary is negotiable. Please send or fax resume to M. Ellis or apply In person by Friday. December 20, 1991, 10 wn - 3 pm at our Human Resources Department, 121 SW Morrison, 7th floor, Portland, Fax (50J) 275 1185 m Bank of Amarte« ¡OB H otuni 275-1390 Oregon •** •« «quii opportunity e*n0oy*r *«*>•*«% minoriti«. f*«bted person» and crxour>g«d to «ppfy • Accurate administration of claims processing procedures • Processing all types of claims as assigned including COB and 3rd party • Responding to written and telephone inquires from Group benefit offices, subscribers providers & other departments. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen­ ing required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #268 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue onield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 3rd Floor 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Em ployer