November 27,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 9 > Portland Observar CLASSIFIEDS Vessel Planner Receptionist The Port of Portland is recruiting for a Vessel Planner at Marine Terminal 6. Administrative Services The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Receptionist. The successful candidate will: • Assist Vessel Superintendents in preparing proper documents requ ired in vessel stevedoring. The successful candidate will possess: • At least one year receptionist or front desk experience • Experience dealing with VIP’s • Ability to work with fluctuating work loads • Prepare calculations for vessel operations including stability calcula­ tions and proper balance of cargo to be loaded aboard vessel. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Prepare statistical reporting. • Ability to work under pressure with frequent interruptions • Communicate with shipping company staff. • Demonstrated customer service skills • Prepare correspondence, reports, and documents • Experience in WordPerfect helpful • Assist in supervision of Office assistants. • Ability to handle multiple tasks In addition to a starting salary of $15,600 - $17,422, the Port offers a comprehensive benefits package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em­ ployment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­ cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be recieved by 5 p.m., December 6,1991. / . I I I . , I Friday, I H Preferred Education and Experience 0 • Ability to perform extremely accurate work and pay attention to detail under restricted time constraints. • Course work or in-depth experience with computer and microcomputer applications. • Course work or experience in business administration, marine opera­ tions, or related areas • Experience in marine operations, particularly in containerization • Excellent communication skills Port of Portland G Píeciáon Casîparts Corp. • Knowledge or experience with terminal safety or hazardous cargo Structurais Division i J o b O p p o rtu n ity H o iilr e (503) 777-7483 or 1-800-848-0242 ! 4600 S.E. Harney Drive Portland, Oregon 97206-0898 • Supervisory experience In addition to a starting annual salary range of $27,142 to $31,039, commensurate with experience, the Port offers a comprehensive bene­ fits package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­ cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, December 6,1991. 0 Port of Portland EMPLOYMENT Communications Salem-Keizer Public Schools Communications Coordinator Oregon’s second largest school district is seeking a qualified indi­ vidual to fill a Limited Term posi­ tion through May 3 1,1 99 2 only. This position is responsible for preparing District publications, news releases, reports and other internal and external documents; creates, writes and produces video programs; and analyzes and recommends communica­ tion strategies and procedures for the District. Must have one year of responsible public rela­ tions or communications experi­ ence and training equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree from an ac­ credited college or university with major course work in public rela­ tions, communications or a re­ lated field. Salary $2111 -$2697/ mo. Applications will be accepted through December 3,1991. Inter­ ested applicants must complet district application forms. Reply to: Salem-Keizer Public Schools, Personnel Services office, 1309 Ferry St., SE, Salem, OR 97301, phone 1-399-3063. An Equal Opportunity Employer PETS Registered Toy Fox Terrior Pups 8 weeks old Christmas Eve. Will deliever to Southeast PortlandFe- males $225.00 - Male $175.00 LaGrande 963-0571 Holladay Park Medical Center CITY OF PORTLAND •Building Inspector-to $18.71 /hr (closes 12/09/91) •High Climber-to $2,730/mo (closes 12/09/91) •Records Management Officer- to $3,801/mo (closes 12/09/91) •Senior Engineer-Geotechnical To $4,346/mo (closes 12/23/91) IEGACV 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 MnW th Committed to Career Opportunity J or A tt Americans •Technician II - to approx $36,428/yr - (closes 12/02/91) M u ltnom ah A th le tic C lub has a current part time position avail­ able in our child care area. Posi­ tion does require previous expe­ rience, good communications skills, and a fondness for small children. Call 223-8748 for an 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 For more info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information) No resumes please. An Equal Opportunity Employer BUREAU OF PERSONNEL 1220 SW 5th Ave, First FI. Portland, Or 97204 A Legacy Member URBAN LEAGUE 10 N Russell, Portland 97204 Adolescent/Fami ly The ra p i st for a day treatment program serving SED youth. Master’s Degree in human services plus two years experience required. Send res­ ume by 11/29/91 to Tio Nick’s, 7025 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97203. JOB O P P O R T U N IT Y Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. \ Emanuel Hospital & Health Center ? • CHICKEN • BEEF ' • NATURAL Beautiful queen size head board, foot board and frame with firm orthopedic mattress set, $375.00. Never used. Call at 784-4452. 14.5 oz. CAN c 59 EACH STUFFING MIXES • C O R N IÓ o z. • HERB 14 oz. • COUNTRY STYLE 14 oz. • CUBES 14 oz. EACH SOLID PACK PU M P K IN LIBBY'S 100% Natural 19 PUMPKIN ■MX .»tin** KIENOW'S TMf RIGHT TO l IMI T QUANTlTlfS thf ™ Salary & Qualifications Communication Dispatcher I - $1,629 per month; $1,678 effec­ tive 1/1/92 Must type 30 WPM; high school diploma or GED; 18 years old. After successfully completing 6 months -1 year of training, D is­ patcher I's are promoted to Dis­ patcher Il’s. Communications Dispatcher II - $1,887 - 2,293 per month; $1,944 2,362 effective 1/1/92 Must have 2 years of dispatching experience in a public safety dispatching center; high school diploma or GED Ideal career change for bank tell­ ers, waiters and sales persons. Apply by December 2,1991 to: Clark County Human Resources P.O. Box 5000 1013 Franklin Street Vancouver, WA 98668 Equal Opportunity Employer Notice To Contractors a neighborhood center. One Set of C ontract Docum ents m ay be obtained by Prime Bidders at the City of Eugene P urchasing S ection, 860 Park, Suite 300, Eugene, O regon upon the dep o sit of $50.00; p ans m ay be exam ined at plan centers in Eugene, Portland, Salem , City of Eugene 860 West Park Street/Suite 300 Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 687-5055 Health System Equal Opportunity Employer, MFH SWANSON'S BROTHS Wl RISERVI 9-1-1 Communications Dispatchers I & II R oseburg and Seattle. Brass Bed Home Furnishings ™ Leading manufacturer of aluminum, vinyl and wood windows offers hands-on sales management position in Portland, OR with a growing company experiencing a record breaking year. Preferred candidate will have: • Minimum 3 years expenence in building materials industry • Team oriented management style • Successful sales experience • Desire to conquer the challenges of the *90’s • Enthusiastic, energetic approach to life .... ~ Excellent benefits and competitive salary offered for this immediate opening. Forward resume to: Personnel Viking Industries Inc. PO Box 20518 Equal Opportunity Employer appt- ■I \ I utheran- Affiliated Center ot t ««ring i t ExcvUenre a Area Sales Management D ecem ber 19, 1991. W ork includes the com plete rehabilitation and renovation, plus the construction of an accessibility ram p and two (2) exte rior porches, of the 1200 Square Foot M cN ail-R iley House for use as Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply ' Sales S ealed Bids fo r the rehabilitation and renovation of the M cNaii- Riley House, 601 W est 13th Avenue, Eugene, O regon, will be received by the City of Eugene P urchasing S ection, 860 W e st Park, Suite 300, Eugene, O regon until 2:00 P.M., T hursday, apps also available at: Multnomah Athletic Club has a current full time position avail- • able for an evening dishwasher. We offer an excellent benefits package. Call 223-8748 for an appt. »Advertising K Employment » Bids/Sub-Bids —» _____ enure ta/ifl FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 FFFTCTIVI «NO V. 25 through DEC. 1 ,1 9 9 , ™ S MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS AM' ‘M Senior Management Analyst $31,304-$45,676 METRO is recruiting for a Sen­ ior Managment Analyst to be responsible for assisting as­ signed Council standing com­ mittees. This position prepares committee work programs, agendas and reports in con­ sultation with committee chairs; develops and recommends policies and programs regard­ ing the committees' area of concern and conducts neces­ sary research and analysis in­ cluding analysis of assigned department programs and budgets; monitors programs and informs concilors of major developments. Attendance at some night meetings is re­ quired. Please note that this position is employed by the Metro Council and shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. This recruitment closes at 5:00 p.m., Friday, December 6, 1991. Applications and sup­ plemental requirements are available at: Metro Personnel Office 2000 SW First Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 Resumes not accepted AA/EEO Employer METRO Harold Daniels, Among Top NFL Agents, Maintains Low Profile Start a conversation about the top agents fo r players in the National Foot­ ball League and the name o f Harold Daniels lik e ly w ill not come up, even at Los Angeles Harbor College where he is a fu ll-tim e physical education, math and psychology instructor. Although Daniels ranks among the top three agents, in terms o f number o f clients and the value o f their contracts, he has managed to maintain a low pro­ file w hich he feels is at least partially due to his determination to put his clients’ welfare above his own and to conduct negotiations w ith team repre­ sentatives on an ethical and profes­ r sional basis. As founder o f Professional Stars Inc., he represents such N F L standouts as linebacker C hip Banks o f the Indian­ apolis Colts, running back Steve Brous­ sard o f the Atlanta Falcons, running back Rodney Hampton o f the New York Giants, wide receiver Drew H ill and linebacker A1 Smith o f the Houston Harold Daniels Oilers. * * I got into representing athletes as a hobby when I was asked by several to help them in their contract negotia­ tions, and I have continued to keep the best interests o f the players as m y p rio r­ ity ,” Daniels said. “ Every player who gets drafted is worth so much, accord­ ing to the round in which he is selected. W hat the agent negotiates above the expected amount determines how good an agent he is and whether he is a good negotiator o r not.” He got into negotiating when, as founder and owner o f the Los Angeles Mustangs semi-pro football team, he was asked by some o f his players who were contacted by professional teams to help them get what they considered fair contracts. Il wasn’t long before Daniels be­ gan accumulating an increasingly larger list o f clients until he found himself representing, at any given time, dozens o f athclctcs. Although he negotiated Michael Cooper’ s first contract with the Los Angeles Lakers, he early on decided to concentrate strictly on representing football players in the NF1. and other professional football leagues. Bom in Gladewater, Texas, Daniels moved to Los Angeles area with his parents when he was two years old. He was an A ll-A m erica tight end at Jeffer­ son High School in Los Angeles and at C alifornia State U niversity-Los Ange­ les. Daniels played defensive end fo r the Rams in 1963, the San Diego Charg­ ers in 1964 and the Broncos in 1965 before retiring due to a knee injury. He earned a bachelor’ s and mas­ ter’ s degree from Cal State-Los Ange­ les and a doctorate from St. Stephens College. Daniels’ Professional Stars, Inc., office is at 3540 W ilsh ire B lvd ., Suite 713, Los Angeles, C A 90010, (213) 777-5046.