Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 27, 1991, MetroMotion MAGAZINE, Page 14, Image 14

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    Reli&ion and Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart
We Must Have
Bible Authority
by J o h n D u d le y L e f t r i d g e I I I
By G re g g o ry F o b b s
endure. Becuase it is these experiences that has helped us
build the strong character of never giving up the hunt for
freedom from physical bondage.
I say to my people that the fight we endured through
physical bondage was extremely easy one, it only took 200
he human existence has been so grossly
distorted, that we no longer are able to reach true self­
day.” (John 12:4B). When Jesus uttered these words he
forever settled the question of Authority in religion.
Regardless of race, creed or ethnic origin every man on
earth is subject to the authority of Christ, he may not know
it, he may not accept it or he may not want it, but
irrespective of this, it still is true. Ifjesus word is the basis
for judgement as the above passage affirms, then it does
become the supreme authority in religion. The Bible
clearly and unequivocally claims for itself authority in
religion, (John 12:48, Colossians 3:17).
Let me define the term “authority”. Webster defines
authority as, Power of right to command or act; dominion,
control; etc. Jesus also said, “the scripture cannot be
broken,” which means, repeal, annul, or abolish. There­
The good fight is at hand, the fight to free us from
mental bondage, that the religous instituions, the educa­
development in a normal systematic process.
“The word that I spake shall judge him in the last
or so years.
The founding fathers and mothers of civilization
tional institutions, and the total european doctrine has
instituted a process for all human beings to live in harmony
placed us in, is a much harder task. We refuse to stand
with nature and acquire universal enlightenment by
together united as one for the good of the overall Black
gaining wisdom, understanding, mercy, love, peace, unity,
Nation. We would rather allow someone else to establish
and patience through the total development of the four
our thinking patterns to reflect their images, instead of our
natural points of nature: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth,
own. Why are we afraid to be a black strong nation? Every
theses relate to the body as Thymus, Adrenal, Lyden,
culture on the face of this green earth will live within their
Gonads. These glands are directly responsible to the 24
traditions; we will not even learn ours, let alone live them!
cranial nerves that lead to the five senses of sight, sound,
Every culture will speak their own language, we will make
taste, smell, and touch. To tune in on this process one must
excuses so we can remain in the images of our former slave
be familiar with the seven levels of intelligence and how
masters. Think about it for a moment or two!
to use all eight brain lobes to their fullest capacity; at
You and I are just where these people want us, where
we sound just like his boy. But we can put a stop to that
present seven of these brain lobes lay dormant.
The above mentioned is how the great people of
Alrica first introduced civilized living to the universal
stage, only to have it stolen and hidden from their
kind of thinking. When you start to use your own native
African tongue,
you start to identify with your own traditions, culture,
and background as a people. Which means you are no
offspring. However, there is a
way back to the good graces of righteousness through
longer his boy. Therefore, take the shackles off your mind
selfawareness. We must reach in to the well of history and
and move freely within the knowledge and language of
rediscover who we really are and not be so afraid or
your own native history, traditions, culture, and language
ashamed of the experiences that life has forced us to
fore, the Bible’s authority cannot be denied or rejected.
Down through the ages great men have accepted the
divine authority of the Bible in religion. Paul said, “and
whatsoever you do, in word or in deed do all in the name
of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17). This passage alone
establishes the absolute need for authority in religion.
M allory
C hurch
o f - C hrist
Bible Study
9:30 am .
Morning Worship
L etters
10:45 am .
M en’s Training Leadership
W om en’s Bible Class
to THE
E ditor
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Please send letters to:
MetroMotion Magazine
PO Box 11302
Portland, Oregon 97211
5:00 pm .
Evening Worship
6:00 pm.
Minister Gregory Fobbs
Attended nursery for all
W ednesday prayer m eeting
and bible study
7:30 pm .
Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 11:00 AM - KBMS
MetroMotion Magazine - November-December 1991