Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 27, 1991, MetroMotion MAGAZINE, Page 13, Image 13

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etro M otion
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I t s my pleasure to introduce to you the new a n d inform ative, M etroM otian magazine
9detro9dotion is a m onthly magazine which w ill fo cu s on the (Portland metropolitan area,
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w ith articles concerning im portant local a n d national current events.
The main objective o f (Metro(Motion is to g ive our readership a direct an d positive means to
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current issues. There is a need fo r a ll communities to try to unite a n d overcome the problems
o f our society today. (MetroMotion w ill be a positive toolin resolving a n d evaluating issues.
I t w ill also contain sports, entertainm ent, yo u th activities, careers, religion a n d sm all
T.W. Publications
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business news.
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Editorial Director
Tony Washington
(MetroMotion is designed to be simple a n d direct. “E asy to read material is imperative in order
to reach as many o f our readers as possible. Our audience can lo o kjb n va rd to genuine stories,
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Associate Editor
a n d controversial issues, as w e d as inform ation to educate a n d motivate our readers.
Bill Barber
‘R egardless o f class or lifestyle, our readers w ill be able to relate to M etroM otion.
Business Manager
Wanda Davis
Tony R . W ashington
Student Writer
Tub Usher
Donita Lincoln
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MetroMotion magazine
PO Box 11302
Portland, Oregon 97211
503 242 4242
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MetroMotion Magazine is published monthly by T.W. Publications a Portland, Oregon
based Company, PO Box 11302, Portland, OR 97211 (503) 242-4242
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C ontents
Metro-N-Motion............................................................................... 3
Heart to Heart................................................................................. 4
Religion........................................................................................... 4
MetroMites...................................................................................... 5
My Point of View............................................................................. 6
Restaurants..................................................................................... '
Movie Profile................................................................................... ®
Cover Story..................................................................................... 0
Thats Entertainment.................................................................... -12
MetroMotion Magazine - November-December 1991
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