November 20,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 9 Portland Observer — Scripture o f the w M i RELIGION W hat It Means To ‘Keep The F in »""»<. aith ’ to his own Rome m to r come BY MICHAEL LINDSEY We need to keep our eyes on the « munity "« !•« •" r Dean of North Portland Bible College prize—“ the prize o f the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3 :1 4 )-an d The text fo r the Sunday School recognize that the rewards we shall lesson (International Series) fo r next obtain from His hand far exceed any­ Sunday is Acts 28:21-31. This is the last thing this world can offer. That doesn’t in our three-month survey o f the m inis­ mean the Christian life is free o f trials, try o f the Apostle P aul in the book o f heartaches, defeats and mistakes. It is a Acts. In D ecem ber we begin a series on struggle to climb for the mountain top. the "S ongs and Prayers o f the B ible." But have you ever experienced the Life is often likened to a race. The exhilaration o f enduring the hardship course may be long, there may be ob­ of a long climb, and finally reaching stacles, but there is always a direction, the beautiful vistas at the top? W ith the and a goal, and a finish line. And if you exertion comes the reward. No pain, no see life as a race, you will also have an gain. innate sense of urgency in your living, Having a clear focus, a definite a sense that what y ou’re doing really purpose for your life, can make sense counts in the eternal scales of life. Paul out of all the details, good and bad, admonished the Corinthian believers: which come your way. The Christian “ Know ye not that they which run in a hope is so much more than just “ pie in race run a ll, but one receiveth the prize? the sky, bye and bye.” It gives direc­ So run, that ye may obtain” (1 Cor tion and purpose to all the decisions of 9:24). life, and it should lift a Christian above W hat would he obtain? The Greek the mere “ reactive” mode o f life, which Olympian ran in the hope of receiving so many others experience. the fleeting honor of being crowned It sure did for the Apostle Paul. He with a laurel wreath. But the Christian looked forward eagerly to his eternal runs the race of his life in hopes of an rewards, and the blessedness of being “ incorruptible crow n” (9:25), that is, with his Savior for all eternity. But he honor from the Lord in glory which knew he had a particular purpose in will last forever. life, set by his Lord, which he could But there is a difference between clearly state when he was tried (see last athletic races and the course o f human w eek’s lesson, Acts 26:17-18). He set life, a difference which makes that clear objectives, such as ministering incorruptible crown all the more attrac­ the gospel in Rome and Spain (Acts tive and im portant. In the race of life, 19:21; Rom 15:28-29). And those ob­ people are running after a lot of differ­ jectives kept him on course when the ent goals at the same time. Their paths obstacles (very predictable) loomed up cross yours at very sharp angles, and in his path. bumping is allowed. Paul was discouraged by other Have you ever looked at their goals? Christian leaders, then arrested in Jerusa­ Some o f them look so self-defeating, lem, nearly killed by a mob there, held like drug overdoses, or chronic unem ­ illegally for over two years in Jerusa­ ployment, or personal dispair. Some of lem and Caesarea, sent to Rome on a their goals look really appealing, such ship which was wrecked at Malta. From as wealth, popularity, or self-indulgent what he told the Roman Christians, pleasure. Now we who are Christians w e’re sure he w asn’t planning on going have been told that such goals turn out to Rome as a prisoner. to be mirages, always retreating from But what did it matter? He made it those who run after them, never bring­ to Rome, and had the freedom to re­ ing the satisfaction promised. But it’s ceive guests there. So he seized the hard to rem em ber that when so many opportunities to advance his p u rp o se - others are running their race in that indeed, G od’s purpose for h im -b y direction, and seem to be getting some inviting the leaders of the Jewish com- of the promised perks along the way. City-Wide Gospel Music Workshop house (Acts 28:17,23) and there he ably presented the truth about Jesus Christ to them. As so often in other Choral directors, musicians and cities, a few believed, but m ost hard­ composers have gotten together, from ened their hearts against his teachings. all over the Christian community, to This did not thwart the Lord spurpose, hold a a mOst unique v CITY-W n i- w IDE i u l . gos- gw most unique because the Apos’le could still eagerly i workshop at M ount Olivet Baptist share his faith with others around him. Church, . - 116 . - - NE — ~ Schuyler. Registration During this time Paul wrote the will begin at 6:30 nightly at a one-tim e “ Prison Epistles,” Ephesians, Philip- cost of $3.00. pians, Colossians and Philemon. From Class sessions will begin N ovem ­ these wonderful expositions o f faith, ber 18th and will continue through and we know Paul was busy training and include November 22nd. Subjects to be equipped others to spread the gospel taught: message. Paul himself, through the Directors Class Roman guards, was evangelizing the Choral Techniques very household o f Nero Caesar him ­ Songwriting self (Phil 1:13). Instead of becoming M usicians Class discouraged by strife and jealousy If everyone comes expecting to am ong the saints in rome, he concen­ learn, they will. B u t-b rin g the Holy trated on the good things accomplished spirit along. by both sides in the argument (1:14- The instructors are musicians from 18). Paul’s focus on his purpose gave ten different churches in the com m u­ him added strength to cope with dis­ nity. tractions. On Saturday, November 23,1991, W e might wonder why Luke left the workshop participants will present off his account of Paul’s journeys here a finished product in a jubilant concert in Rome. W e know Paul had been in to held at the Maranatha Church lo­ Rome two years when Luke wrote (Acts cated at NE 12th and Skidmore streets. 28:30), and it may well be that Luke The concert will begin at 7 pm. The had accomplished his literary purpose doors will be opened at 6 pm. in bringing Pual to the capital o f the Empire. We can confidently state that Disciples II In Concert Paul was released this time, and con­ BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS tinued to preach the gospel and visit The Maranatha Church’s Disciples som e of the churches he’d started ear­ II contemporary gospel choir would lier. During this period he wrote 1 and like to extend a special invitation to 2 Timothy and Titus, for the personal everyone. Come enjoy an evening itinerary of 1 Timothy and Titus docs concert featuring the blessed sounds of not match the travels recorded in Acts. Douglass M iller o f San Diego, C alifor­ In 2 Timothy we read the final testimony o f the great A postle, per­ haps again in chains in Rome: “ I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:6-7). There are no regrets here. Paul lived a hard life, but it was good, godly life, given in service to others, and to his Lord. This Christian life we can commend to anyone; why settle for less than a “ crow n” from the Lord? VANN & VANN a blessing! FREE-W ILL OFFERING ^ t. H Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th h r is t G od’s Presence promises Power through Jesus Christ in Good Times and Bad Times Moi/hew / /:&3 "Come to me all you uuho ore weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Sunday School M orning Worship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer D e n z s e H ö e //, Postor Inter-racial Congregation 126 N.E Riberta + Portland, OR 97211 + (503) 288-5173 . G osit . i M.U.S.l.C. P roduction «- Proudly Presents CliMshiias Ceieb/iation Featurinfi T he “ P rince"’ o f G ospel John P. Kee And The New Life Community Choir Tii-UvIsSil 5(1 in .ids anee. $ 15 50 at (he dW ON SAI.K U lio n « « * SiMimLOne Slop Records, and Cfcruti an Supply I itkvl Information: 727-2459 1 iekels Courtesy „1 Copete s Chicken. 5120& 59.W NE Murun Luther King, Jr. Blvd. ________ a ( , , S is a s , III w isB iM N O C oM M U N m C hoir Jesus Loves You! A llen Temple CMECk urch Psalm 34:3 Radio M in is try each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS (corner of 8th & Skidmore) A Teaching C hurch W ith A Reaching M inistry Dr. James E. M artin, Senior Pastor Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, 5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 97217 »7/ hj 5. Nelson Pastor r -  setrm arçr JBapitsi Cfttptrctf M allory C hurch 3908 NE C hrist of M ALLO R Y AVENUE 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 SUNDAY SCHEDULE Bible Study 9:30 am. Morning Worship 10:45 am. Men’s Training Leadership Women's Bible Class 5:00 pm. Evening W orship 6:00 pm. Attended nursery tor all services Wednesday prayer meeting C ity W ide T hanksgiving C rusade November 28th - December 1 8:00 pm Nightly 3:30 pm on Sunday at Highland United Church Of Christ 4635 NE 9th (corner of 9th and Going St.) Minister Gregory Fobbs and?^ ' ^ h,dv Church Phon«: 2 8 9 -9 1 * 7 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7 :0 0 P.M. Study Phon«: 2 8 9 -1 9 11 Pastor. Rev James C E Faulkner Them e: W h atever you're go ing to do fo r th e Lord, do it now I P«t«r hr.11 Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 11:00 AM - KBMS 288-1092 RESTORING NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY City Wide Mass Choir singing each night. » C o f s 4236 NE Eighth Avenue 503/281-2836 * • M • • ,* ♦ * ♦ •• *. l e 1.1(12 S l: Ankeny Si. W orship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. C hurch School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler ] 0:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Cleodus Vann • A • * •* ♦ ? > * ♦ * * -* i s c i p « MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving the City of Portland for over 37 years In your hour o f need Vann &Vann are there to serve Bro. James Robin from West Covina, CA D Douglass Miller has received numerous awards for his rendition of “ M y Soul Is Anchored.” This concert will be held at the Maranatha Church located at 4222 NE 12th on November 27, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. Bring your tired, your poor, your down-and-outs. Come and be filled from the fountain of grace. Come expecting D IR E C T O R S E lder Leon B rew er, Jr. P a sto r of The N e w T e sta m e n t C hurch M a llo ry Avenue Christian Church nia. WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO FU N ERA L Colossians 3:15-17 , r » •-> A #. A * * * • £»•*■• • * \ * A* *•* For Best Results Advertise in the Observer ■W ,*. " * ■ ■ . Î ■