Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 20, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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November 20,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 7
Blazers Join Forces With Boys And Girls
Club To Form Exchange Club
The Portland Trail Blazers and the
Boys and Girls Clubs o f Portland have
teamed up to form The Exhange Club,
an incentive program designed to m oti­
vate youth in education, to enhance
self-esteem and develop positive role
models, to increase club participation
and to instill community pride.
Terry Porter and Jerome Kersey
announced the formation o f The E x­
change Club on Monday at the Colum ­
bia Boys and Girls Club in Portland.
Porter, Kersey, and the Trail Blazers
will underwrite 100 percent o f the cost
needed to establish the program.
‘ ‘There are lots of other NBA play­
ers who are active in the Boys and Girls
C lubs,” says Porter. “ Hopefully, this
program will catch on around the league
and provide kids everywhere a chance
to experience an opportunity like this
" I t feels good to get behind a pro­
gram like this,” says Kersey. “ It gives
kids a chance to see a different part of
the country that they might not other­
wise be able to experience.”
Kids who maintain a 2.5 or better
grade point average, positive attendance
marks, active club participation and
community involvement will have their
names entered in a random drawing to
win an all-expense paid trip to Phoenix.
There they’ll have the opportunity to
expand their awareness o f life in an­
other NBA city.
“ The Boys and Girls Club E x­
hange program is designed for youth to
help them attain a dream .” says Linda
W hite, Colum bia Boys and Girls club
director. * ‘It gives a child the opportu­
nity to be successful, to be someone, to
be given a chance to make a positive
choice in their life.”
A select group o f 4th-8th grade
boys and girls will travel to Phoenix
each time the Blazers play the Suns
during the 1991-92 season. They’ll visit
the cooperating Boys and G irls Club in
Phoenix, a local-area school, and at­
tend the game against the Suns.
Kevin Johnson and the Phoenix
Suns have a reciprocal agreem ent when
Phoenix Boys and G irls Club members
visit Portland.
“ It’s im portant for athletes to be
role models for today’s youth,” says
W hite. “ Terry Porter, Jerom e Kersey,
and the Trail Blazers have a ” It’s im ­
portant for athletes to be role models
for today’s youth says W hite. “ Terry
Porter, Jerom e Kersey, and the Trail
Blazers have again proven their com ­
m itm ent to the com m unity. T hey’ve
given these kids the opportunity to take
a big step in the right direction.”
Boys and Girls Clubs work to help
youth o f all backgrounds, with special
concerns for those from disadvantaged
circum stances, to develop the qualities
needed to become responsible citizens
and leaders.
For kids not selected in the draw ­
ing, but who m aintain the academic
requirem ents, there will be a special
party at the end o f the school year.
“ Everyone is a winner in The Exchange
C lub,’’says White.
T he E xchange C lub
P ro g ra m O bjectives
1. Improve academic perform ance
M ust have and m aintain a 2.5 g .p.a.
in school.
Must have excellent attendance (not
more than 1 unexcused absence).
M ust obtain written recom m enda­
tion form teacher.
M ust be positive role model in
M ust give a class report upon re­
turn, showing increased awareness of
other community, cultures, school, and
neighborhood club.
2. Develop self-esteem and ability
to be a positive role model
Will improve public speaking skills
by introducing themselves at host club,
host school, and giving report to home
school upon return.
W ill be rewarded for being a posi­
tive role model, showing responsibility
at the club, good sportsmanship and
positive attitude.
Will have opportunities to improve
social interactions through making new
friends, adapting to new situations and
surroundings, being with ethnic groups
and showing respect for host family
3. Prom ote club participation
Must be involved in club activities
and programs.
Must be a positive role model.
Must attend the club on a regular
4. Increase community pride and
Learn to represent Portland, their
school and their club as the visit other
Learn to recognize differences in
their com m unities, schools and clubs;
prepare to share their knowledge.
Blazers Join With
Budweiser to Form
Community All Star Team
W ith all of the outstanding com ­
munity activists, concerned citizens and
volunteers that make a difference
throughout Oregon and southwest
W ashington, the Portland Trail Blazers
and Budweiser are teaming up to pro­
vide the Budweiser Blazer Community
All Star Team.
This program will allow Budweiser
and the Trail Blazers the opportunity to
recognize some o f these outstanding
volunteers and help promote the good
work they are involved with.
The Budweiser Blazer Com m u­
nity All Star Team will be formed from
December to March. 37 Chambers of
Commerce in Oregon and southwest
W ashington counties have been desig­
nated as the primary contacts that will
review nom inations from their county,
to select three that will be forwarded to
the Trail Blazer office. A panel of judges
will review the regional nominations to
determ ine tw o “ All Star” team m em ­
bers to be honored each month. These
“ A ll-Stars” w ill be joined by two
Budweiser em ployees who have con­
tributed significantly to their com m u­
At the end o f the regular season,
the Budweiser Blazer Community All
Star Team will be invited to attend the
Trail Blazers/San Antonio Spurs game
at Memorial Coliseum on April 12,
1992. Each “ A ll-Star” will receive a
plaque at the game and a $600 check
that will be donated to the charity of
their choice.
Individuals interested in nom ina­
tions to the Budweiser Blazer Com m u­
nity All Star Team should contact their
local chamber or the Portland Trail
Blazer office.
Second year forward Alaa Abdelnaby hopes to get more playing time this
year in order to help his team win the NBA Championship this season.
photo by Veronica Green
1990 NW Football League Championships
Oregon Thunderbolts Rank 10th In The Nation
After further review, the play stands
as called and the 1991 Thunderbolts,
tne NWFL Champions for the third
year in a row, have com pleted their
season. The final rankings have been
issued by the AFA and the Tbolts stand
as the 10th ranked team in the nation.
According to AFA Pres., Ron Real, the
Tbolts do not advance to national cham­
pionship play, due to their record of 9-
Panic Disorder Symposium Goes
On Despite Campbell Cancellation
Earl Cam pbell, Football Hall of
Fame member and former Houston
Oilers running back who was sched­
uled to speak at a symposium on Panic
Disorder, W ednesday, November 20,
1991, has cancelled his appearance in
Portland this week because o f illness.
The seminar, sponsored by Holladay
Park M edical Center, will be held as
planned at the Oregon Convention
Center, Room 123.
Howard Harrison, M .D .,andFrank
P. Colistro, Ed.D ., will talk about the
causes, diagnosis and control o f Panic
disorder through m edication and ther­
apy. Harrison, a psychiatrist, is the
m edical director for Behavioral Health
Services a t H olladay Park. Colistro is
a psychologist in private practice and
president of the Oregon Psychological
The sem inar is free to the public.
Seating is limited and pre-registration
is required by calling (503) 228-5465.
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
Trailblazer Quiz
"Mommy, I’m cold."
By B ill B a rb e r
Alma Mater Match-Up
A. C onnecticut ‘89
B. W isc.-Stevens Pt ‘85
C. W ake Forest ‘84
D. New Orleans ‘78
E. Longw ood College Va ‘84
F. M aryland ‘82
G. Seton Hall ‘88
H. USC ‘90
I. Eastern Illinois ‘86
J. Christopher Newport ‘81
K. Brigham Young ‘81
L. Duke ‘90
M. Houston ‘84
1. Alaa Abdelnaby
2. Danny Ainge
3. Mark Bryant
4. W ayne Cooper
5. Clyde Drexler
6. Kevin Duckworth
7. Jerome Kersey
8. Robert Pack
9. Terry Porter
10. Cliff Robinson
11. Lam ont Strothers
12. Buck W illiams
13. Danny Young
14. Everyone knows Kevin Duckworth is the tallest Trailblazer. There is
a three way tie for second tallest. Name two.
15. W ho has made the most 3-point baskets in Blazer history?
16. W ho has played the m ost games in the entire history of the Portland
Trailblazer? A. Drexler B. Paxton C. Steele
17. How many players named Anderson have played for the Blazer?
A .0 B . 1 C .2 D . 3
18. How many seasons did Bill W alton play for the Trailblazers?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
19. True or False. The Blazers were in first place in the division all last
season (1990-91).
20. True or False. The Blazers have won more playoff games than they have
lo st
21. How many Blazers have made over 90% of their free throws in one
season? A. 0 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4
22. How many Blazers have made over 60% of their field goals in one
season? A. 0 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4
Help warm the home o f a needy family this winter. Support Project HELP/Oregon H EA T.
Project HELP is an emergency fund created to help less fortunate families and individuals pay their winter
heating bills. And Oregon HEAT (Home Energy Assistance Team) is a non-profit organization that helps these
people become financially self-sufficient again.
The two have now joined hands and are funded by your donations, as w e lla s th o s ^ r o n U o c a ^ n e i^
providers. Last year, youT donations helped about 3000 families. Deserving
23. How many Blazers were on last years NBA All-STAR team? A. 0 B. 1
C. 3 D. 4
24. How many Blazer coaches have been named ‘ Coach o f the Year
0 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4
25. How many Blazer uniform numbers have been retired? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6
chosen bx the Salvation Army or local social sen ice agency.
D o n ’t let this w inter be a chilling experience for some jamilies Look for
the tax-deductible donation envelope in your Novem ber utility statem ent ■ h H H f l 2 2 3 S B L _
And give u hat you can. It will go to help a local family. And it will give you
a nice warm feeling in return
D. 8
ibrtknd General Electric
See Answers Below
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