Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 20, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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November 20,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 3
Portland Native and Performer Pilot
Returns, Announces Engagement To
Former Childhood Sweetheart.
H a v e A V ery 1 la p p y T h a n k sg iv in g
Highland United
Church Sponsors
The Arkansas Club of Oregon
will be serving
Highland United Church of Christ,
located at 4635 NE 9th Avenue will
sponsor its 20th Annual Community
Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday
November 23,1991 from 12 noon until
3:30 pm.
The Community Thanksgiving
dinner is a joint effort of Highland and
St. Luke Lutheran Church of southwest'
Portland. They have received dona­
tions from Walker Temple and New
Testament COGIC churches, Council
of Negro Women and support from
many community residents. In 1990
more than 500 free dinners were served.
Dinners will be delivered to the
sick and shut-in within a two mile ra­
dius. If you would like dinner delivered
or desire more information, call 287-
Thanksgiving D inner
Novem ber 28, 19 9 1
Dahlke Manor
915 NE Schuyler Street
from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
For Senior Citizens & Needy Persons
Need Ride
Deliver Dinne» not attending
Need Ride
Deliver Dinne» not attending
Thanksgiving Dinner
ut VoCunteers o f ’America.
537SE Aider
T o rttu n i 02(97214
Qliu.rsiay, flipvcmùcr 28 th
11:30 A .9 i.
Bernie Foster, right, newly elected President of the West Coast
Black Publichers Association, in a discussion recently at the
Association's Annual Convention at the Stouffer Concourse Hotel,
Los Angeles. With Foster, who is also Publisher of the Portland (OR)
“Skanner, ” are, from left, Mark V. Monteverdi, Specialist, Public
Programs, Philip Morris Companies Inc., State Senator Regis Groff
(D-CO), a luncheon keynote speaker and Noel Hankin, Director,
Market Relations, Miller Brewing company. The Association has 23-
member newspapers that reach more than a million families every
week. The convention's theme was “Celebrating 20 years, Looking
Back... Moving Forward." Philip Morris companies Inc., and its
subsidiaries Kraft General Foods, Miller Brewing company and Philip
Morris USA have each been long-time supporters of the Association.
Post-Polio Support Group
A Post-Polio Support Group Mect-
ingwill be held Thursday, November
21, from 6:30.p.m.- 8:30 p.m. at the
Easter Seal Center, 5757 Sw Macadam,
Portland, Oregon.
Anyone interested in the late ef­
fects of poliois invited too offer support
and information to polio survivors, their
families and loved ones and to profes­
sionals in the medical field who are
interested in the post-polio patient
Seniors onfy phase.
The only American author to win
the Pulitzer Prize four times was
poet Robert Frost.
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
Health Resources Center
Shurah Publication
Information Institute
HIV/AIDS awareness
among African American
Brothers and Sisters
Sat; Nov 30, 1991
6:00 - 8:00 PM
International Market Building
Kenneth Warren
Mt. Hood Council Of
Camp Fire Boys & Girls
Seek Volunteers For
Teen Parent Program
New West Coast
Publishers’ President!
The 6th Man Foundation will host
a free community dinner from 5 to 7
p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27 at Harriett
Tubman Middle School, 2331 N. Flint
Avenue. Tubman students, their fami­
lies and friends, and residents of the
downtown area and close-in neighbor­
hoods are welcome.
The dinner will feature 60 turkeys
and enough food to serve 1,500 people.
The Portland School District’s central
kitchen will cook the food and volun­
teers will begin carving the turkeys at
8:00 a.m. the morning of the dinner.
Food remaining from the dinner will be
donated to Transition Projects.
Albertsons donated food for the
dinner. The Portland Trail Blazers,
NIKE, Jerome Kersey and Clyde Drcx-
ler contributed to the effort.
The 6th Man Foundation, formed
in 1982 by former Portland Trail Blazer
player Kermit Washington, is supported
by the Portland Trail Blazers organiza­
tion, Blazers players and many local
individuals and businesses. The foun­
dation, operated totally by volunteers
and with no administrative expenses,
devotes its efforts to helping deserving
people get a new start on live.
you're, invited
Warren graduated from Benson Poly­
technic High School in Portland and
joined the military in April 1971. He
was selected to attend a non-commis­
sioned officer’s course at Fort Benning,
Georgia where he completed basic air­
borne school. He later completed the
warrant officer’s candidate course and
army flight school at Fort Rucker, Ala­
bama, and is currently a chief warrant
officer and instructor pilot at Fort Bragg.
Hamcs in the owner of Small but Jazzy
Hair and Nails, a Portland beauty salon.
The couple will reside in Portland.
6th Man Foundation To
Host Community
Thanksgiving Dinner
For Further Inform ation, Please Call
Charles Green 254-8605
Marge M oore 283-9433
Ida Mae M iller 287-9908
Ethel Holmes 287-5720
Glenda Benefield 281-9173
provided by the íty?£.
Career Army Officer and Pilot
Kenneth Warren will return to Portland
after a 21 year absence to marry his
former childhood sweetheart Brenda
Hamcs. They will formally announce
their engagement at a December 21st
party, and have set a wedding date of
December 5,1991. Warren is the son of
Nadie and J.T. Warren of Portland, and
Hames is the daughter of George and
Josephine Bell, also of Portland.
Warren has performed in air shows
nationwide as a pilot with the Golden
Knights, a US Army parachute team.
Speaker, Dr. Molly Hoeflich,
Physiatrist Tours, will speak about
“ Exercise and Post-Polio Syndrome.”
The Post-Polio Support Group meets
the last Thursday of every month, at the
same time and place. This month
(November, 1991) is an exception due
to Thanksgiving.
For additional information please
contact: Sheila Maxwell, Coordinator
at 228-5108.
A sure way to warm your heart on
a cold fall day is to share a little free
time with a worthwhile community
The M l Hood Council of Camp
Fire’s Teen Parent Program is in
IMMEDIATE NEED of volunteers to
do the following:
■ Bake refreshments for special
■ Wash toys and nursery equip­
ment once or twice a week.
■ Launder and change linens in
the nursery once or twice a week.
■ Help with small sewing projects
in the nursery.
A small amount of your time would
be a great help to Camp Fire and to the
Please call Ann Dueltgen at the
Mt. Hood Council of Camp Fire Boys
& Girls at (503) 656-2560. In Washing­
ton, call (206)693-1419.
The Black United
Fund Of Oregon
“ The Helping Hand
That Is Your Own”
Date: November 5,1991
To: African-American Women
From: Avel Gordly Amina Ander-
Subject: Sisterhood Luncheon
The next Sisterhood Luncheon is
scheduled for November 15, 1991 at
11:30 a.m. at the Cleo-Lillian Social
Clue, 3401 NE Williams.
As you may already know, the
Sisterhood Luncheon’s are simply a
time for sisters to get together, share
information, eat and enjoy being in the
company of other sisters.
We look forward to seeing you
there, if you have any questions and/or
comments please call Jo Ann Allen @
Happy Thanksgiving
3117 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
First floor conference room,
across the street from the Nike Shoe Store
For Further Information
NE Health Resources Center
Aleem Shabazz
Area code 503-282-9383
4) .»•
Portland Association of Teachers
will recognize 14 Innovative Schools
for American Education Week (No­
vember 17-23).
The Community and Human Rela­
tions Committee of Portland Associa­
tion of Teachers received numerous
nominations from educators about
schools which have demonstrated in­
novative strategies in the area of hu­
man relations.
The pilot project called “ Students
Honore Program,” was initiated to stimu­
late activities which support student
achievement through human relations;
and to encourage the continuance of
those activities through recognition.
School to be recognized are: Sabin,
Clark, Clarendon, Edwards, Hollywood,
Lane, Joseph Meek, Portsmouth, Rigler,
Rosemont, Franklin, Cleveland, Voca­
tional Village, and Monroe Program.
Each school will receive a certifi­
cate of accomplishment and a $50 cash
award for the continuation of the
“ Student Honors” projects.
For further information, please
contact Ken Berry, Chair Community
and Human Relations Committee at
2580-5140 or Portland Association of
Teachers at 233-5018.
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