» 4 • Page 10...T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r...N o v e m b e r 20,1991 i 4 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Community Development Specialist T h e A re a H ealth Education C en­ ters P rogram , O regon Health S c ie n c e s U niversity is seeking a q u a lifie d person for Com m unity Developm ent Specialist. Respon­ sib ilitie s include: assisting in pla n n in g and developm ent of re­ source needs assessm ent; c o n ­ su ltation and planning of educa­ tional program s; identification of c lin ic a l p ractice sites in rural O regon. T he position will be lo­ cated in the AH EC Program O f­ fice, O H S U , Portland, O regon. M inim um qualifications: a M as­ te r’s D egree in Public Health, P u b lic A d m in is tra tio n , A d u lt E ducation or related area w ith an em phasis on com m unity o rg a n i­ zation or com m unity d evelop­ m ent, and five years of proges- sively responsible program ex­ perience in health care system planning, adult education, and com m unity health organizations, professionals and policy m aking boards, preferably in rural reas. K now ledge o f social, econom ic, d e m o giap hic, geographic and health care characteristics of rural areas and specific experience in assisting rural areas in resolving health care delivery problem s, is desirable. Submit cover letter and resum e no later than N ovem ber 22,199 1 to: Deputy Director AH EC Program O ffice O regon Health Sciences U niversity, L-102 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. Portland, O regon 97201-3098 O H SU is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer C om puters Technical Support Specialist 4 •■ ? •"• V ' f . ‘ 4 «-,«. r - • < -4V -•'•Lr- .'•?. X < !í-:’ i'i - ♦£ •i M etheus C orporation A leading suppiler of high resolution graph­ ics controller boards, has an im ­ m ediate opening for a hard w o rk­ ing self starter to provide techni­ cal assistance via phone and FAX to potential and existing custom ­ ers. O ther responsibilities include a s­ sisting Application Engineers with projects and Sales and M arket­ ing staff with technical inform a­ tion, self-education in M etheus products and custom er applica­ tions, testing of new products. A successful candidate m ust have an Associate degree in CS, EE or w ritten com m unication skills are required in addition to expe­ rience with personal com puters and DOS. Know ledge of CAD applications desirable. M etheus provides a com petitive salary and excellent benefits package. For consideration, please send your resum e to: H um an R esources Dept., 1600 N.W . C om pton Drive, B eaver­ ton, O R 97006. M etheus is an eq u a l o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e action em ployer, M /F/H /V. Metheus Corporation Water Service Mechanic .*,*; •* K “>■ ».-y ". ' z> >•'. > ► * 'fi * .»., -, ( S tfV -'S ? --! >¿- , ’ <1^- $10.49 - $17.48/per hr. Perform a variety of construction & m aintenance tasks as part of a crew or alone. Install water, elec­ tric, telephone, TV and steam facilities. Operate equipment such as dum p trucks, backhoes, pave­ m ent breakers, vibroplates, dry & wet tapping machines and saws. M aintenance and repair of w a ­ ter, electric and steam facilities. E xperience in w ater system construction and m aintenance preferred. High School gradu­ ation or G ED . Valid d river’s li­ cense (C lass 1 or C lass A, or ability to obtain w ithin 30 days). For inform ation contact: Eugene W ater & Electric Board, PO Box 10148, Eugene, OR 97440 ATTN: H um an R esources or (503) 484- 2411 ext., 3012. P o s itio n c lo s e s M onday, D ecem oer 2,1991 5:00 p.m. Q ualified w om en & m inorities are encouraged to apply. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Brass Bed Home Furnishings Beautiful queen size head board, foot board and fram e w ith firm orthopedic mattress set, $375.00. N ever used. Call at 784 4452. HOME OWNERSHIP COUNSELOR An exciting opportunity in freestanding primary care Nurse Practitioner Clinic in Salem, Oregon for a Business Office Manager. The success­ ful applicant will be experienced in computer applications of medical office management including billing, AR, cash control and management of records. He/she will have excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills with demonstrated organizational, time manage­ ment and decision making skills. The successful applicant will have a bachelor’s degree in business or related field with two years experience in management or a medical practice. Four years of direct management experience of a medical office or facility may substitute for a degree. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen re­ quired. To assure your application is processed immediately, place ad #5072 on your resume or application or apply in person at: H um an R esources D epartm ent 100 S.W. M arket P o rtla n d , OR 97201 TDD# 225-6780 Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Project Engineer II, Civil, for its Design Division, Engineering Services Department. Preferred Qualifications: ■ Degree in Civil Engineering ■ Registration as a Professional Engineer ■ Survey and field experience ■ Demonstrated ability to work with limited supervision ■ Excellent verbal and written com m unication skills ■ Must have or ability to obtain valid Oregon or W ashington driver s license (Typical incumbent will have a minimum of two years at the Project Engineer I level) In addition to a starting salary of 39,281 - 45,605, the Port of Portland Employment office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­ cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be re­ ceived by 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 22,1991. Port of Portland Nurse Registered Nurse/Nurse Practitioner Clinic 9-1-1 Communications Dispatchers I & II A chance to be part of a health care team providing primary care services in a freestanding Nurse Practitioner Clinic in Salem, Oregon swaits the experienced RN. If you enjoy working in a small group setting, are flexible, have excellent assessment skills and the ability to exercise independent judgements and decision making skills, we would Salary & Q u a lific a tio n s C om m unication D ispatcher I - $1,629 per m onth; $1,678 effec­ tive 1/1/92 M ust type 30 W PM ; high school diplom a or GED; 18 years old. After successfully com pleting 6 m onths -1 year of training, Dia- patcher I’s are prom oted to D is­ patcher Il’s. C om m unications D ispatcher II - $1,887 - 2,293 per month; $1,944 2,362 effective 1/1/92 M ust have 2 years o f dispatching experience in a public safety dispatching center; high school diplom a or GED Ideal career change for bank te ll­ ers, w aiters and sales persons. Apply by D ecem ber 2,1991 to: Clark County Hum an R esources P O . Box 5000 1013 Franklin Street Vancouver, W A 98668 Equal O pportunity Em ployer like to hear from you. The successful applicant for this position shall be a graduate of an ac­ credited school of nursing, possess a current RN license in Oregon, have the ability to perform venepuncture and perform simple lab tests, participate in after hours call share team, be ACLS certified (or capable or certification within 6 months) and have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Prior emergency room and/or critical care expe­ rience a plus. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen re­ quired. To assure your application is processed immediately, place ad #5071 on your resume or application or apply in person at: H um an R esources D epartm ent 100 S.W. M arket P o rtla n d , OR 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r Community Development Specialist TEACHER/ADVOCATE P rivate N o n -P ro fit A lte rn a tiv e H igh S ch o o l Oregon Teaching C ertificate d e ­ s ire d . M in im u m 4 y e a rs experience with high risk a n d /o r offender adolescents. R espon­ sibilities: teaching, case m anage­ m ent, advocacy, counseling. January 6-June 1 2 ,1 9 9 2 Salary range: $ 1 ,641-$2,145/M o. depending on experience. Full m edical/dental benefits Send resume and handwritten cover letter to: O M LC 7602 N. Em erald Portland, OR 97217 Equal O pportunity Em ployer M u ltn o m a h A th le tic C lu b has a current part tim e position avail­ able in our child care area. Posi­ tion does require previous expe­ rience, good com m unications skills, and a fondness for small children. Call 223-8748 for an appt. A d o le s c e n t/F a m ily T h e ra p is t for a day treatm ent program serving SED youth. M aster’s D egree in hum an services plus two years experience required. Send res­ um e by 11/29/91 to Tio N ick’s, 7025 N. Lom bard, Portland, OR 97203. M u ltn o m a h A th le tic C lu b has a current full tim e position avail­ able for an evening dishw asher. W e offer an excellent benefits package. Call 223-8748 for an appt. The A rea H ealth Education C en­ ters Program , O regon Health Sciences U niversity, is seeking a qualified person for C om m u­ nity D evelopm ent Specialist. R esponsibilities include assist­ ing in planning & developm ent of resource needs assessm ent; consultation & planning of edu­ cational program s; Identification of clinical practice sites in rural Oregon. T he position w ill be lo­ cated in the AH EC program o f­ fice, OHSU, Portland, OR. Min qualifications: a m asters degree in public health, public adm ini­ stration, adult education, or re- alted area w ith an em phasis on com m unity organization or com ­ m unity developm ent, and 5 yrs of progressively responsible program exp in healthcare sys­ tem planning, adult education, and com m unity health o rganiza­ tions, professionals and policy making boards, preferably in rural areas. Know ledge of social, econom ic, dem ographic, g eo­ graphic and healthcare charac­ teristics o f rural areas, and sp e ­ cific experience in assisting rural areas in resolving healthcare delivery system problem s in desirable. Submit cover letter and resum e no later than Nov. 22, 1 9 9 ito : D eputy Director, AHEC Program O ffice, O regon Health Sciences University, L102,3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Port­ land, OR 97201-3098. OHSU is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action em ployer. ThePrudential Jim Werner District Agent, 19 Years Service 11300 N.E. Halsey, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97220 Residence: 503-771 6113 Ptecision Casìparts Corp. »E m ploym ent » Blds/Sub-Blds Project Engineer II, Civil Office Manager Nurse Practitioner Clinic PETS Registered Toy Fox Terrior Pups 8 w eeks old C hristm as Eve. W ill deliever to Southeast Portland Fe- males $225.00 - M ale $175.00 LaG rande 963-0571 ÍK m Advertising Medical Hom e O w nership C ounselor for new, consum er-oriented hous­ ing inform ation and counseling center. Strong com m unication and problem solving skills re­ quired. Experience preferred working directly with consum ers, and in real estate, credit, or lend­ ing. Full-time, ?20,000-$25,000 plus benefits. Position m ay close anytime after December 2 ,1991 . DO N O T SEND RESU M ES. Application packets available at: Ecum enical M inistries of Oregon Center for Urban Education 0245 S.W. Bancroft, Suite B Portland, O regon 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer v>v*'*r * v e -u -te -e -n e »•»•-»•* ' *V» •**<»4^ <»<*<• 4 < 4 < y V * ' \ V 1 > Job O p p o rtu n ity H otline (503) 777-7483 or 1 -800-848-0242 4600 S.E. H arney Drive Portland, O regon 97206-0898 Noise Program And Special Projects Manager The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Noise Program & Special Projects Manager in the Aviation Division to: ■ Plan, organize, coordinate, and direct effective noise abatement programs. ■ To develop and maintain airspace capacity. ■ To plan, organize, coordinate, and direct special airport develop­ ment projects. Preferred Qualifications ■ Course work or experience equivalent to a degree in business ad­ ministration, planning or similar discipline. ■ Previous experience in airport of aviation management. ■ Knowledge of air traffic control, radar patterns, flight procedures and aircraft perform ance capabilities. ■ Experience in coordinating and managing a variety of special proj­ ects. ■ Excellent oral and written comm unications skills. i Personal com puter experience using ____ Emergency Communications Manager P roposed S alary: $3423 - $4208 M o n th ly. Planning, organizing, directing and evaluating the em ergency co m ­ munications services provided to the City of R ichland and other contracting public safety agen­ cies via operation of the City of R ichland’s Em ergency com m u­ nications D ivision. M IN IM U M Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : M ust have Bachelor o f Arts or Science degree or experience as a high level supervisor or adm inistrator of an em ergency com m unica­ tions operation, including m ajor responsiblility for departm en t or division budget. M ust have ex­ perience formulating policies, pro­ cedures and coordinating opera­ tional activities. D ESIR ABLE Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : S trong m anagem ent skills. Ability to w ork with separate public safety agencies. Strong oral and w rit­ ten com m unication skills. E xpe­ rience w orking with labor nego­ tiations. G eneral know ledge of com puter and telecom m unica­ tions system s and their applica­ tion to em ergency dispatch o p ­ erations. APPLY: Personnel Office, City of Richland, P.O. Box 190, Richland, W A 99352 by N ovem ber 2 2 ,1 9 9 1 . Multnomah County C om m unications C oordinator - Em ergency M edical Services; $13.16 per hour; apply by N o­ vem ber 22. Juvenile G roupw orker; $11.14 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. Senior Office Assistant - Field Health S ervices; $10.11 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. Social W orker - $14.93 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. M edicaid Long Term C are Re­ source Developer; $13.16 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. W H ER E TO APPLY: T he standard M ultnom ah C ounty application form and supplem ental applica­ tion form , if applicable, are re­ quired and m ust be postm arked by the closing date. Apply in person or mail self-addressed, stamped envelope, requesting an application for the position(s) in w h ic h yo u a re in te re s te d . M ultnom ah C ounty Em ployee Service, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 1430, PO Box 14700, Portland, O regon 97214 Equal O pportunity Em ployer W ordperfect 5.1 and Lotus 1 -2-3. ■ Must have or ability to obtain a valid Oregon or Washington driver’s license. In addition to a com petitive salary the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employ­ ment office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling(503) 731 -7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. W ednesday, November 27,1991. © Port of Portland City Of Portland Benefits Technician - to $2,232/m o Technician II - to $36,428/yr For m ore info/closing dates C all (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job inform ation) N o resum es please. Bureau O f Personnel 1220 S. W. 5th Ave., First fl. Portland,O R 97204 Apps also available at: Urban League 10 N. Russell M inorities, fem ales and disabled encouraged to apply JOB FAIR D iscover H o w Y our C areer C a n A ppreciate a t O ur H ousewarming ! Bank o f America Oregon's Appraisal and Real Estate Processing Division is experiencing significant growth statewide and we'd like you to join us. Please bring your resume and be our guest at a special Housewarming for: • APPRAISERS • • UNDERWRITERS • • PROCESSORS • Thursday, November 21, from 4 - 8 pm at: B ank of A merica O regon A ppraisal D epartment 10500 SW C reenburg R oad P ortland , OR 97223 Bi Bank of America OfBgon ( M o n Hwy 2 17, north on Creenburg I d . e o tt/rig h t/o n O a t bant ol America I I located in the tom e building a t Celular Plut, directly touth oZ Coso Lupita rettaurant.) Com plim entary hors doeuvres and beverages will be served. /o i Horum 275-1390 Equal O ppo rtu n ity Employer M /F Z V /H Holladay Park M edical Center 1 2 2 5 N o r th e a s t 2 n d A v e n u e tIC A C V (5 0 3 ) 2 3 3 -4 5 6 7 Committed to Carter Opportunity fo r AU Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer A Legacy M e m b e r 4 »V-*. » .tA g M A A » •»-. »'•V At**1 ■ ■ rue