Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 13, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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November 13,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 7
U.S. Bancorp Positions
For Continued Growth
King Neighborhood Association
PDC Has Home Repair Loan Rates
You Can't Ignore!
-Neighbor Notes-
U.S. Bancorp affirmed continued
confidence in its operating structure
King Neighborhood is getting a
King Neighborhood residents that it
and key leadership by elevating three
new home! 5829 NE Mallory is cur­
would be nice if the N eighborhood
executives in their respective businesses.
rently being built, and is on the market
Association sponsored a little league
Roger Breezley, chairman and chief
for $89,950. This is the first home built
baseball team next year. The Enhance­
executive officer o f U.S. Bancorp,
on NE Mallory since 1948. It is three
ment Com m ittee would like to hear
announced that Ed Jensen, currently
bedroom s, and 2 and l/2 baths, just
more com m ent from the neighborhood
president of U.S. Bancorp, has been
under 1500 square feet. Construction
before they bring it before the board.
appointed chief operating officer o f the
should be com pleted in mid-D ecem ­
W e also feel that it would be enjoyable,
and a very important way to support
A t the same time, Breezley, who is
Update on police department: on
and interact with our children. Please
also chairm an o f U.S. Bank of O regon,
N ovem ber 6, the Enhancem ent Com ­
contact Jcanine Claar, Chairwom an,
announced that Kevin Kelly, president
mittee attended a meeting with the public
Enhancement Committee, at 281-9005.
of U.S. Bank of Oregon, has been des­
safety committee o f the Northeast
One last point, The next board
ignated chief executive officer o f that
Coalition of Neighborhoods. Captain
bank. Joshua Green III, chairm an of
meeting is on November 13,1991 at:
Charles Moose reported that he ex­
U.S. Bank o f W ashington, announced
The King Facility, 4815 NE 7th,
pected the remodeling of the Fred Meyer
that Gerry Cam eron, president o f U.S.
Portland, OR 97211 6:30 PM.
building to begin January or February
Vera Katz will be present to dis­ Bank o f W ashington, has been desig­
o f next year, and for them to m ove in
cuss w hat her role w ill be in the im ­ nated chief executive officer o f that
sometime during the summer.
provement of the neighborhoods in North
Point of future discussion: it has
and Northeast Portland, and to answer
“ U.S. B ancorp’s strength is built
been brought to the Enhancement
questions anyone m ight have.
on a philosophy that gives individual
Com m ittee’s attention by some o f the
business units the resources and au­
thority to com pete effectively in their
m arketplace,” asserted Breezley. “ W e
see no reason to change a winning
How else can one describe James Roosevelt?
form ula and every reason to strengthen
our com m itm ent to that approach.
He was a man who threw him self
U.S. Bancorp is the largest finan­
com pletely into w hatever he did. W hen
services com pany headquartered
W orld W ar II broke out, he was a
Pacific Northwest, with assets of
M arine officer. But he immediately
billion as of September 30,1991.
volunteered to become a Marine Raider.
include U.S. Bank of
And so began 26 months of combat,
of W ashington, and
including participation in the commando
raid on Makin Island where he won the
be a strong voice for seniors, an organi­
Portland Development
Navy Cross.
zation capable of carrying on his ef­
Commission Otters Home
He showed the same kind of ex­
forts to improve the standard o f living
traordinary dedication when elected to
Repair Loans In
for all older Americans.
Congress. He felt a real need to carry on
Northeast Portland To
And it will. For as National Com ­
his father’s tradition of service to the
Low-Income Households
mittee President M artha McSteen said,
Homeowners and renters in eight
“ Though Jim is gone, his spirit contin­
Indeed, that’s also what led him to
Northeast Portland neighborhoods are
found the N ational Committee. He
being targeted in November with offers
wanted to, as he put it, “ preserve the
o f low-and no-interest loans to make
< *■
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) Neighborhood Housing Preservation office
wants to help you make your home and neighborhood an even better place to live with a home
repair loan. Depending on your income, you may qualify to borrow up to «12,500 for home
improvements at 0%, 3% or 6% interest—maybe the best rates in town.
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Your chances of qualifying for one of these loans is good if:
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I you own the home you are now living in
I your home needs city-approved repairs or improvements
I your household’s annual income falls below a certain level
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One Of A Kind
needed repairs before winter winds and
rain set in. The loans are being offered
by the Portland D evelopm entCom m is-
sion (PDC), the C ity’s urban renewal,
housing aand economic developm ent
Beginning Friday, November 8, in
the Humboldt, Boise and Eliot neigh­
borhoods information about the home
loan program was left at each house.
Additional deliveries will follow on
Tuesday, November 12 in Sabin, King
and Vernon neighborhoods; Monday,
November 18 in Piedm ont and W ood­
lawn neighborhoods; and Monday,
November 25 in the Concordia neigh­
Low-income homeowners who
qualify for the Home Repair Loan pro­
gram receive assistance to fix plum b­
ing, wiring, heating, roof and/or secu­
rity problems in their home. Loan rates
vary from 0% , 3% and 6%. For more
information about qualifying for a home
repair loan, contact PD C ’s N eighbor­
hood Housing Preservation office at
Owners o f rental properties may
qualify for the Investor Rehabilitation
Loan (IRL) Program that provides be­
low market-interest rate loans for single
and m ulti-family units for low-income
tenants. The program is offered in many
Portland neighborhoods and provides
plum bing, wiring, heating, roof and
weatherization repairs. For more infor­
mation about qualifying for a rental
property loan, contact PDC at 823-
The Home Repair Loan program is
funded through a federal Community
Developm ent Block G rant (CDBG)
adm inistered by the Bureau o f Com ­
munity Development. It is available
only in neighborhoods designated in
need according to federal standards.
The IRL program is funded by a com bi­
nation of CDBG funds and private funds
from area banks. Both repair loan pro­
grams are available on a first-come,
first-served basis year round.
Gregory Paul Oliveros, Esquire
Attorney at Law...
Concentrating in Civil Law
Licensed To;
Assist you w ith your legal concerns...
Protect your legal rights
C onveniently located at
2161 N ortheast B roadway
P ortland , O rlgon 97232
P hone (503) 282-7285
N ew H ousing P roject U nderway
on E manuel P roperty '
The site of the former Mentzer
Building across from the Emanuel
Campus is being transformed into
new housing units. The project is a
cooperative effort between the State
of Oregon and the hospital to house
medically fragile patients from the
Fairview Hospital. When com­
pleted, the site will have three
separate houses with room for a
total of 15 people. Dr. Doug Beers,
Assistant Chief of Medicine, will
medical support using physicians in
Emanuel's Internal Medicine
Residency Program. This will be the
first such program in the United
States to offer direct day-to-day
involvement with developmental^
disabled adults. Another speaker at
the ground breaking program—the
mother of one of the patients—
praised Emanuel for taking
"initiative and leadership” in
providing this new housing.
.. »
* G r e o t Program! A golden opportunity for those of us who qualify.
I could not have afforded the w o rk without your help. Thanks! *
— A N.E. Home Owner
The loan program has been expanded to include these eligible neighborhoods: Piedmont,
Woodlawn, Concordia, Sabin, Eliot, Boise, Humboldt, King and Vernon.
To find out if you qualify for one of these loans, please call PDC at 823-3400
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We’ll answer any questions you
may have. City funds are limited for this program so call today to begin
enjoying the benefits of your home repairs.
Agency Reorganization, New Name
vertising and marketing.
“ This is a very progressive and
positive move for the agency,” said
W estcrdahl. “ W e will focus on our
four key business units-P ublic Rela­
tions, General Advertising, Direct
Marketing and Recruitm ent A dvertis­
ing, revitalizing and making the changes
necessary to build each into an individ­
ual success.”
The PSW /Scattlc office will re­
main under the leadership o f W cstcr­
dahl and affiliate relationships will
continue with Issues Management
Consultant Ginny Burdick and Joan
Biggs Public Relations.
Com munity Development.
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We’ll Show You How
W hether you're just dream ing of
owning a hom e o r you’re ready to
buy First Interstate Bank would like
to show you how.
Because at First Interstate, we re
committed to revitalizing our neighbor­
hoods through home ownership. And,
through our Community Lending
Center, we place a special emphasis
on first-time hom e buyers.
The Community Lending Center
offers potential hom eow ners a step-
by-step approach to buying a home.
We ll help you put together a plan to
realize your dream of hom e owner­
ship. We’ll focus on finding the loan
that best meets your needs and then
assist you throughout the hom e
Elementary and Middle
Schools On Half-day
Portland School D istrict elem en­
tary and middle schools will be on half­
day schedules this week for parent-
teacher conferences. Those schools will
retain regular office hours and high
schools will continue on regular sched­
loan process. And we ll provide
information and support after your
home loan closes.
We also sponsor community
sem inars on hom e ownership.
And if you already own a home
we can help, too. We ll show you
how to use the equity you've built up
in your investment to make home
improvements o r repairs.
So when it com es to any aspect of
buving, owning o r maintaining a
home, call First Interstate. We re
here to show you how.
Community Lending Center
5730 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.
Portland. Oregon 97211
Phone: 225-3751
First Interstate Bank
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r r r r r r r r r r r
All schools and offices also will be
closed Nov. 28 and 29 to observe Thanks­
program is fu n d ed through u federal Community Development Block Grant administered by the Bureau of
If snowm obiles or all-terrain ve­
hicles (ATVs) are on your agenda for
fun this winter, take some suggestions
from the N ational Safety Council: en­
roll in a safety training course to learn
the ins and outs of the sport; wear a
helm et, eye protection and close-fit­
ting clothing; and, never ride with a
Pihas, Schmidt, Westerdahl Announces
PDC is the City’s agency fo r urban renewal, housing and economic development. The home repair loan
Winter Wheeling
assist in providing necessary
Pihas, Schmidt, Westcrdahl (PSW),
the Portland-based advertising and pt b-
lic relations firm, has announced a re­
organization among the firm ’s leader­
ship and a new name.
Ed W estcrdahl, a form er partner
who divested his shares in the firm in
1988, is rejoining the 17-ycar-old agency.
W estcrdahl has purchased all o f PSW
President John Pihas’ interest in the
company and will immediately replace
Pihas as president. Ron Schmidt will
remain president of the Public Rela­
tions Division. The new name ot the
agency is The Schmidi/W cstcrdahl
Group. John Pihas will leave the firm to
pursue other business interests in ad-
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