•. ■> '.■ .- RRR > » r' * V Page 10...The Portland Observer...November 13,1991 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Speech and Language Teacher T h e M ultnom ah Education S erv­ ice D istrict is in im m ediate need o f qualified applicants for a S peech and Language Teacher to work with severely handicapped and m oderately handicapped elem entary students three days a w eek. S upport is provided through staff developm ent, d i­ rect service and consultation. R equires: Valid Basic or Standard Oregon Teaching Certificate with S peech Im paired Endorsem ent. T ransportation available for on- the-job use. R equired M ESD applications can be obtained in person at M ESD 's R ecruitm ent O ffice, 11611 NE A insw orth C ircle (A irport W ay), hours are 8:00 - 5:00, M onday thru Friday. To receive the appli­ cation m aterials by mail, please call 257-1501. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer & D rug Free W ork Place Huit Systems Specialist Salary R ange: $2,011 - $2,472/m o Provides ongoing technical s u p ­ port of Center’s computerized tick­ eting system, including planning, te s tin g , im p le m e n tin g , tro u ­ bleshooting, and docum enting. This p osition is the Huit C enter’s technical support person for the netw ork com puter system , and m icrocom puter expert. Requires X e n ix /U n ix k n o w le d g e /w o rk experience plus 2 years experi­ ence in a com puter m aintenance related position. APPLICATIONS M U S T BE R EC EIVED BY 5:00 PM N O V E M B E R 27, 1991. O b­ tain application packet at City of Eugene, Human Resource & Risk Services, 777 Pearl St., Rm. 101, Eugene, O R 97401 A A /E O E SALES M cC aw C e llu la r C o m m u n ic a tio n s , Inc. CELLULAR ONE P o rtla n d # 1 4 3 - D irect Sales R epresenta tive O ur D irect Sales R epresentative will identify and sell to businesses in a geograp hic territory, initiate contact w ith potential custom ers through cold calling, telem arket­ ing and direct mail, and present equipm ent and service training orientations to individuals and groups. Interested applicants m ust have proven decision-m aking and problem -solving ability, possess excellent organizational skills and be com puter literate. A college degree is desirable, in addition to excellent written and verbal com ­ m unications skills. A pplications are accepted only at our downtown location. No phone calls, please. S end your resum e referencing the above num ber/title to: j ; f . •;,x .• •* V r,4> V« > tT‘. • 7. •* Cellular One People D evelopm ent Dept. 409 S.W. 9th Portland, OR 97205 C ellular O ne Jobline 789-JO BS All replies in confidence An equal opportunity em ployer Dental T echnician C & B TECHNICIAN G row ing dental lab in G oose H ol­ low area o f W est Portland seeks experienced C row n and Bridge Technician to perform waxing and m etal finishing of gold and ce­ ram ic fram ew ork. Full-tim e posi­ tion requires 2 years experience; form al training in dental te chnol­ ogy is a plus. W e offer a com petitive salary plus production bonus and an excel­ lent b enefit package, w hich in­ cludes m edical, dental, vision, pension and retirem entplan . For m ore inform ation, call Susan at 297-1771, Ext. 345. i./! * # ! * i. * v*z t'.r l’i ► * ‘.di- r, *;»< t Oregon Dental Lab Multnomah County C om m unications C oordinator - Em ergency M edical Services; $13.16 per hour; apply by N o ­ vem ber 22. Juvenile G roupw orker; $11.14 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. Senior Office Assistant - Field Health Services; $10.11 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. Social W orker - $14.93 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. M edicaid Long Term C are Re­ source D eveloper; $13.16 per hour; apply by N ovem ber 22. W H ER E TO APPLY: The standard M ultnom ah C ounty application form and supplem ental applica­ tion form , if applicable, are re­ quired and m ust be postm arked by the closing date. Apply in person or mail self-addressed, stamped envelope, requesting an application for the position(s) in w h ic h yo u a re in te re s te d . M ultnom ah C ounty Em ployee Service, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 1430, PO Box 14700, Portland, O regon 97214 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Teacher, English As A Second Language To p ro v id e d ire c t in s tru c tio n s to s tu d e n ts. Required: Valid O regon Teaching C ertificate w ith grade level au­ thorization K-12. Experience and/ or training in teaching foreign/ second language. Call 257-1510 (24 hr job inform a­ tion) for salary & closing dates. Required MESD employment ap­ plications can be obtained in person at M E S D ’s R ecruitm ent O ffice at 11611 NE Ainsw orth C ircle (A irport W ay), hours are 8:00 - 5:00, M onday thru Friday. To receive application m aterials by m ail, please send a self-ad- dressed, stam ped legal size envelope indicating position of interest to M ultnom ah Education Service District, Attn. Recruitment Office, PO Box 301039, Port­ land, Oregon 97230-9039. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer & Drug Free W ork Place Accountant OMSI IS LOOKING FOR AN ACCOUNTANT M ust be CPA w ith m in 3 yrs exp in fund accounting. Will manage ac­ counting office & report to D irec­ tor of Finance. Looking for hands- on acctg exp & ability to w ork cooperatively with others. S ta rt­ ing salary $33,000-$35,000. Job #391. Closes 11/18/91. Send res­ um e & letter to O M SI, Hum an R esources, 4015 SW Canyon Rd, Portland. OR 97221-2797. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Legal Secretary Full or PT D ow ntow n plaintiff law firm seek­ ing enthusiastic, bright individual w ith 1 -3 years legal experience. Personal injury or w orkers’ com p background helpful. Know ledge o f W ordP erfect 5.0 or 5.1 re­ quired, dB ase helpful. M ust be detail oriented and a team player. Send resum e to: J. Ediger, 215 SW W ashington #200, Portland 97204. Adoption Secretary. Full tim e. Starting salary $10,261 to $12,826 DOE, plus benefits. D em on­ strated skills and tw o years e x­ perience in traditional support tasks including typing, filing and com puter experience are re­ quired. Excellent com m unication skills, a pleasant phone m anner and the ability to deal w ith the public and professionals in a polite, professional and confiden­ tial m anner are essential. M ust type at least 50 wpm and be fam iliar with W ordP erfect 5.0 or 5.1. O btain applications at 18 SW Boundary Ct., Portland, OR or call 222-9661 and ask for W endi. D eadline is N ovem ber 19 at 5:00 p.m. Director of Programming for A M A Em ergency S ervices/ C o m m u n ity A ctio n P rogram Services. Applicants m ust have strong com m unication skills and evidence of successful exp e ri­ ence in Program M anagem ent, Program D evelopm ent and Pro­ fessional C ase M anagem ent S upervision. Know ledge and experience of w orking w ith m i­ norities and low incom e fam ilies. Salary: $20,000 to $24,000. Apply at 1425 NE Dekum, Portland, O R 97211. C losing Date: N o­ vem ber 19, 1991. HOME OWNERSHIP COUNSELOR Hom e O w nership C ounselor for new, consum er-oriented hous­ ing inform ation and counseling center. Strong com m unication and problem solving skills re­ quired. E xperience preferred working directly w ith consum ers, and in real estate, credit, or lend­ ing. Full-tim e, $20,000-$25,000 plus benefits. Position m ay close anytime after Decem ber 2 ,1 9 9 1 . DO N O T SEN D RESU M ES. Application packets available at: Ecum enical M inistries of O regon C enter for Urban Education 0245 S.W . Bancroft, Suite B Portland, O regon 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer TRUCK DRIVERS F rito -L a y, Inc. • Tw o (2) years driving experi­ ence to include: doubles, triples, solos and sem i com bi­ N O PHO NE C ALLS, PLEASE *» '*$*'* Brass Bed Home Furnishings *-•«*•* Beautiful queen size head board, foot board and fram e w ith firm orthopedic mattress set, $375.00. N ever used. Call at 784-4452. Please list previous em ployers' phone num bers and apply at: W ashington State Job Service 603 W est Evergreen Blvd. V ancouver, W A Equal O pportunity Em ployer, M /F/H /V * S E E K IN G E N T R Y LE V E L M A N A G E M E N T C A N D ID A T E S * * Starting in 1972 with a single restaurant, we've grown to where we now operate 29 restaurants in the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area. W e’re looking for individuals who’ve had experi­ ence as a head wait person, production leader or lead cook... If you are mature, enthusiastic and have PRIDE, come over to Burger King. Most of our Assistant Team Leaders (management) salaries begin at $15,400 and they can make as much as $29,000. W e have excellent training programs and benefits * * * * * * * package. Restaurant Management Northwest Inc. is a franchise of Burger King Corporation. * * * C om e in to o u r m ain o ffic e & fill o u t an a p p lic a tio n o r send y o u r resum e to : R estaurant M anagem ent N o rth w e st, Inc., 1410 SW J e ffe rso n , P o rtla n d , OR 97201. A tte n tio n : Dave * M cC artney, D ire c to r o f H um an R esources. * E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m ploye r ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ City Of Portland Housing and Community Development Coordinators - to $3,628/mo Housing and Community Development Program Managers - to $4,09i/mo Benefits Technician - to $2,232/mo Public Works Operations Supervisor - to $46,133/yr Technician 11 - to $36,428/yr For more info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information) Paragon C able No resumes please. CABLE TV SALES Bureau O f P ersonnel 1220 S.W. 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 • 16-30 Hours Per W eek • G ood Pay • M eet People • Excellent Training • No Telem arketing Call for consideration: 230-2099, Ext. 408, M onday-W ednesday, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Apps also available at: - a-* I Wf Mk ’*'*<** Salem A re a M ass T ransit D istrict is now seeking qualified individu­ als to fill future part-tim e T ransit O perator vacancies. M ust be available for w ork five out of our six operating days (M onday through Saturday). No previous bus driving or large vehicle e x­ perience necessary to apply. W e train. W age is $9.71 per hour. W e prom ote our successful part- tim e operators to full-tim e posi- t tions as full-tim e positions be­ com e available. Pick up a d e ­ tailed vacancy announcem ent w hich lists requirem ents and official application form at our Personnel O ffice at 3140 Del W ebb Ave. N.E. , Salem , O re­ gon 97303. C om pleted applica­ tion form m ust be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 15,1991. Equal O pportunity Em ployer. in th e Outreach Coordinator $20,900 DOE T he Black United Fund o f OR is seeking a FT C oordinator to develop outreach m aterials & to train and supervise a V olunteer O utreach Corps. M ust have know ledge of health care issues. Exp w /volunteers and issues fa c in g lo w -in co m e p re g n a n t w om en is helpful. OR. license & car required. Q ualified persons send resum e & cover letter to: BUFO, PO Box 12406, Portland, O R 97212. M ust be received by 11/26/91. For Sale IBfl Correcting Sclcctric II typewriter. In­ cludes extra fonts, rib'tons and typing table. W h s great. $195“ . 254-4501 AUTONOMY, COMPETITIVE EDGE, PAY FOR PERFORMANCE... PHYSICAL THERAPISTS • Portland - Full-tune • Vancouver - Full-time • Salem - Part-time All positions require graduation front an AMA- accrcdilcd PT school and licensure o r eligible in Oregon and Washington. Experience with outpatient orthopedic patients preferred. We offer an excellent salary and benefits pack­ age which includes medical and dental coverage for I f you like the sound o f this, there’s an easy way to find out more! you and your family, continuing education opportu­ nities, relocation assistance and many o ilier benefits. Interested individuals should contact Mary Hinckley, Human Resources, (503) 249-6752, Kaiser Permanente, 3600 N. Interstate Ave., Portland, OR 97227. The beali!) caring /leo/ile. An equal opportunity employer PHOTO TRIMMERS W illing to start im m ediately. No experience necessary. Earn up to $110.00 per day Trim m ing photos. Call 1-800-336-8005. ■ V- • Assistant General Managers: Taco Bell is one of the hottest business success stories going. With sales of over $2 billion, and tremendous growth in the M edford, T he Dalles and Portland area, the business press has dubbed us the “crown jewel” of PepsiCo — our parent company. We are currently seeking team-players with an entrepreneurial spirit. If you’ve got supervisory experience, good analytical, interpersonal and customer service skills, Taco Bell would like to hear your story. Taco Bell offers above average salaries, outstanding performance bonuses, management training and promotion potential, 5-day work weeks, and participation in PepsiCo’s Employee Stock Option Plan. Please send your resume to, Taco Bell, Attn: H. Bcllah, 3300 Fourth Plain Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98661. An equal opportunity employer. KAISER P E R M A N E N T E - / - . 'i o TACO'BELL. A PepsiCo Company Holladay Park Medical Center 1225 N ortheast 2nd A ven u e JOB OPPORTUNITY IfC A C V Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listin g o f current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. (503) 233-4567 Committed to Carter Opportunity fo r A d Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal Opportunity Em ployer Emanuel Hospital & Health Center enter o K a n n g A b u r li« « - Ik * .4 • Planning, organizing, directing and evaluating the em ergency co m ­ munications services provided to the City of R ichland and other contracting public safety agen­ cies via operation of the C ity of R ichland’s Em ergency com m u­ nications D ivision. M IN IM U M Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : M ust have Bachelor o f Arts or Science degree or experience as a high level supervisor or adm inistrator o f an em ergency com m unica­ tions operation, including m ajor re sp o n sib ility for departm en t or division budget. M ust have ex­ perience formulating policies, pro­ cedures and coordinating o p e ra ­ tional activities. D ESIR ABLE Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : S tro n g m anagem ent skills. Ability to w ork w ith separate public safety agencies. Strong oral and w rit­ ten com m unication skills. E xpe­ rience w orking with labor ne g o ­ tiations. G eneral know ledge of com puter and telecom m unica­ tions system s and their applica­ tion to em ergency dispatch o p ­ erations. APPLY: Personnel Office, City of Richland, P.O. Box 190, Richland, W A 99352 by N ovem ber 2 2 ,1 9 9 1 . Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply. :T t * ».%•. f Proposed Salary: $3423 - $4208 Monthly. A D V E R T IS E U rban League 10 N. Russell Equal O pp o rtu n ity Employer, MEH I Emergency Communications Manager Part-Time Transit Operator * » , >»w ... >«-5 : ■*1 97240. O regon N A R A L is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Restaurant Management SALES A l uthT.in ''"¿ S Volunteer Coordinator Pro-C hoice, non-profit needs p-t w orker for phone bank co o rd in a ­ tion, volunteer co ntact and som e political organizing. $8.00/hour, full benefits, eves., som e w e e k­ ends. R esum e and cover letter to PO Box 40472, Portland, OR * nations. • M ountain and w inter driving experience required. • Able to run sleeper team . • C lass A C D L required. • Stable w ork history and e x ­ cellent driving record required. Equal O pportunity Em ployer SALES Skilled advertising salesperson w anted for local tabloid m aga­ zine. Commission plus incentives. U nlim ited potential, Call 242- 4242. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ TEACHER/ADVOCATE P rivate N o n -P ro fit A lte rn a tiv e H igh S ch o o l O regon T eaching C ertificate d e ­ s ire d . M in im u m 4 y e a rs experience with high risk a n d /o r offender adolescents. R espon­ sibilities: teaching, case m anage­ m ent, advocacy, counseling. January 6-June 1 2 ,1 9 9 2 Salary range: $ 1 ,641-$2,145/M o. depending on experience. Full m edical/dental benefits Send resume and handwritten cover letter to: O M LC 7602 N. Em erald Portland, OR 97217 Equal O pportunity Em ployer « Advertising ^Employment » Bids/Sub-Bids A Legacy Member