October 30,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 9 Thomas Begins Supreme Court Nov. 1 After Two Ceremonies BY LARRY A. STILL President George Bush and Re­ publican supporters o f new Supreme C ourt Associate Justice Clarence Tho­ mas were so pleased at the final co n fir­ mation vote fo r the second black ap­ pointee to the nine-member top U.S. legal panel that two swearing in cere­ monies were scheduled first in a packed Rose Garden ceremony last Friday (October 18th) at the W hite House and later at the H igh C ourt House by No­ vember 1. Justice Thomas w ill assume his lifetim e seat on the highest court in the land fo llo w in g the historic double cere­ monies and the equally unpredented 112 days o f hearings fin ally climaxed by the tense 52-48 closest confirm ation vote on record in the United State Senate. Also, he w ill succeed retired Justice Thurgood Marshall in join in g his Asso­ ciates after proceedings have already started on several key cases, including desegregation and abortion issues. Another case s till pending is a com ­ plaint involving sexual harassment. Approxim ately 1,000 witnesses packed the W hite House lawn at the b rie f 15 minutes ceremony as Judge Thomas took the oath o f allegiance from Justice Byron W hite w ith Presi­ dent Bush standing at his side and Mrs. Thomas holding the bible. (He w ill take the oath o f o ffice at the court). The applauding crowd on the day included a host o f friends and relatives from Pin Point, G A , Republican leaders and a few former Democratic opponents such as Sen. Joseph Biden, chairman o f the Senate Judiciary Committee. Recalling “ the many difficult days” in his only reference to the past hear­ ings, Justice Thomas quoted the 30th Psalm as he added “ But on this sunny day in October at the W hile House, there is joy. Joy in the m orning” later, after the ceremony, Thomas repeated the words he often declared when he was first appointed in Kennebunkport, M E, “ O nly in America could this happen.” In addition to Thomas’ mother, sister, brother and cousins, and former co-workers and supporters such as John Doggett and Phyllis Berry, who ap­ peared at the hearings, the guests in ­ cluded p olitical leaders, movies stars and sports heroes such as Sylvester Stallone and Reggie Jackson. Thomas advocates Robert Woodson, Tony Brown and Roy Innis were also pres­ ent. The complete guest lis t w ill be released later W hite House officials announced after the ceremony was arranged w ithin three days fo llo w in g the victorious confirm ation battle at the other end o f Pennsylvania avenue in the U.S. Capitol. Lawmakers, lob ­ byists and throngs o f reporters occu­ pied the seats usually reserved for tour­ ists in the Senate gallery during the vote (Oct. 15). Even two members o f the Congressional Black Caucus, Reps. John Lewis (D-Ga) and Maxine W a­ ters (D-C A ) chose to be part o f the rare moment, Afro-Am erican Newspapers correspondent Hamil R. Hams reported. Earlier Tuesday, Caucus members, as w ell as Rev. Jesse Jackson, held two news conferences to reaffirm their opposition to the Judge and to focus at­ tention on what Jackson said were “ the Is Pleased to Announce that he is a Practicing Member of the Oregon State Bar In 1988 O il Can Henry’s sold 14 o f its Portland quick lube centers to J iffy Lube and O il Can Henry’ s was almost destroyed. Not only did the company survive—it is now ranked one o f the best franchise opportunities in the Mr. Oliveros will focus his practice on per­ sonal injury, family law, and bankruptcy. He looks forw ard to serving clients and the commmunity country. According to the November, 1991 issue o f Success Magazine, O il Can Henry’ s has moved up from #84 in 1990 to #9 in 1991 in their Success Gold 100 ranking o f top franchise companies nationwide. In the past, business magazines have touted the biggest and flashiest chains who sold the most units in the least amount o f time. Success Maga­ zine, instead, hired Arthur Anderson & Co. to create the first credible franchise ranking, rating franchisors by the qual­ ity o f their management, not the quan­ tity o f their stores. This year, over 2,800 franchise companies were surveyed to determine which select few would be ranked in the Gold 100. A Department o f Commerce S tudy showed that from 1971 to 1987 fewer than 5 percent o f new franchises failed each year, compared to 65 percent fail ure rate reported for all business start­ ups by the Small Business A dm inistra­ N ortheast B roadway 97232 (503) 282-7285 P ortland , O regon P hone TIRED OF BEING PHONELESS? Not Having a Phone... 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The innovative Cascade Campus program works w ith women in transition to give focus and direction to their lives. Many women have made significant changes as a result o f their participation. The play was written by Joan Knight and produced by Julie Darling. Both women are graduates o f Project Inde­ pendence. Other program students in the production are Pattie Jones and K im be rli Johnson, program graduate Paula Robertson, PSU student Paige Williams, and PCC students Rosa Mason and Lonnie Nettles. For further inform ation, contact the W omen’ s Resource Center, 244- 6111, ext. 5249. S S ^ s s s UNJONZAVENUE< /GLASS whenmMhavea^m P O R TLA N D S tion. 1-800-369-5385 vman-Owned central issues surrounding the c o n fir­ mation... The Bush strategy is to nominate a right-w ing conservative to so lid ify such a m ajority on the Su­ preme Court, using the tactic o f race as a decoy to divide and conquer the opposition,” he stated. The nomination and confirm ation process truly appeared to have divided the community. Rep. Craig W ashing­ ton (D -T X ) who was flanked by sev­ eral colleagues, told reporters “ black leaders failed to get the message out to the people..” Others blamed fem inist pressure groups and media exposure. In the end it appeared to be the W hite House assessment o f Clarence Tho­ mas the senators voted to confirm . Justice Thomas, like Justice Marshall, the man he succeeded, won the nomination after a delayed vote. Marshall was confirmed in 1967 in a 69-11 vote fo llo w in g a delay o f more than tw o months. This victory marks the fifth time the Republican conser­ vative has been confirmed by the Demo­ cratic Senate fo r a federal position. The others were, 1981, Assistant Sec­ retary for C iv il Rights; 1982 and 1986, Chairman o f the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and 1989, Judge, U.S. D istrict Court o f Appeals. He must be doing something right, say friends and associates. A t week’ s end black and white observers were hailing the outcome as political and com m unity leaders were shifting their concern to the partisan, polarizing confirm ation process and the “ alleged” unfairness o f many par­ ticipants in the local and national are­ nas. Oregon Company Named One Of Top Ten Franchise Businesses In The Country By Success Magazine Gregory Paul Oliveros, Esquire 2161 Welcome to Los Angeles! t=ï fOUAl HOOS»«C, iFNOf« r r r r_ J