October 30,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 7 PepsiCo, Inc. Receives 1991 Corporate Award From MBDA H onte style Cooking Landmark Commission Approves Modification of Passenger Shelter At Union Station Allowing Amtrack To Remain. * Family Dining ▼ Catering * Specialty Menu * Down Home Cooking At Its Very Best! .Cattish .Red Snapper .BBQ Ribs .Steaks .Turnip Greens .Cornbread .Chitterlings .Yams .Blackeyed Peas .Sweet Potato Pies * Peach Cobbler .6AM Breakfast . Hot Food Express Line 11am - 2pm . Master Charge . Visa * American Express Steen’s Kitchen 7332 NE Martin L u ttw King Jr. Blvd. D ad s O WASHINGTON, D.C., September 27 - PepsiCo Inc., the corporate parent of Pepsi-Cola, Frito-Lay, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC, received the 1991 Corporate Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency. The award is presented annually to those corporations which have shown dedication, enthusiasm, cooperation and distinguished service in promoting minority business. Pictured above, from left to right, are Joe Lira, Director of the MBDA; Ronald E. Harrison, Vice President, Community Affiars, PepsiCo, Inc.; and William H. Bailey, Deputy Director MBDA, presenting the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency Corporate Award. S ervice heating oils il Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel St. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! N O W IS THE TIME fo r all thankful N /N E residents to come to the aid o f th eir Bible school and receive a blessing at the same time! Buy tickets and bring friends fo r the PLEASE RESPOND BY NOVEMBER 14, 1991 The Arkansas Club of Oregon will be serving Thanksgiving dinner NPBC FALL BANQUET FREE November 28, 1991 at Dahlke Manor 915 N.E. Schuyler Street fro m 11:00am - 3:00pm For Senior Citizens & Needy Persons NAME Please sign your name below and indicate the number of family members attending NEED A DELIVER ADDRESS RIDE DINNER NO ATTEND Saturday, Nov. 2nd, at 7 p.m. at Portland Foursqyare - Youth Cen­ te r S.E. 14th at Ankeny o r Ash Good Food - Music - Inspirational Message Speaker Bishop A. A. Wells Students o f the Year and Paster o f the Year w ill be announced, plus Update on the Campus Develop­ ment TICKETS - $15.00 Tickets can be paid fo r at the door if reservations have been made. Call 288-2919 o r 287-0885 N o rth Portland Bible College P.O. Box 11437, Portland, OR 97211 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - Please Call: Charles Green - 254-8605 Marge Moore - 283-9433 Ida Mae Miller - 287-9908 Ethel Holmes - 287-5720 Glenda Benefield - 281-9173 United Way Needs Funding Decision Makers passenger and track improvements. The Landmarks Commission voted in A ugust 1990 to amend the bounda­ ries o f the Union Station historic desig­ nation to include the tw o passenger shelters thus making any changes to the structures subject to their approval. Representatives from PDC and the Portland O ffice o f Transportation pre­ sented the Landmarks Commission with a request-to-modify the passenger shed by trimming its western side 28 inches. This will: a) provide the necessary safety clearances for joint A m trak/freight railroad operation on the track im m edi­ ately west of the shelter; b) reduce Amtrak’s travel time and operation costs; and c) provide a track configuration consistent with long-term transporta­ tion needs o f the City. PDC, the Portland Office o f T rans­ portation, Amtrak, the three freight railroads and the Oregon A ssociation of Railway Passengers (Ore ARP) worked closely to develop an agreem ent that would retain Amtrak at Union Station. Further improvements to the shel­ ter are also planned and include replac­ ing the roof and stabilizing the colum ns which arc decayed with age and weather. These changes will significantly im ­ prove and upgrade ther structural in­ tegrity of the shelter, as well as its appearance. Attorneys at law Private practice since 1981, concentrating in the areas o f personal injury; workers compensation, domestic relations; wills and estates Free initial consultations Be Sure To took Be in Tour Lb. — ----------- TÓiáÓ"™"*"’^ 5195 Expect The Best At Your Nearby Safeway.. SAFEWAY Selectiono Qualityo Low Prices'* Friendly Service COPYRIGHT 1978. SAFEWAY INC. •. l ’.- ■ r. . - ■' • V X * • * ■ - ■ - z . ✓ ? .- - •. £2*. -7' < S’ . «rar.' «•• Plump, ripe bananas . . . a real treat anytime. Great for lunches, after-school snacks and more. Stop by your Safeway produce department this week and stock up and save while you can. list of saie this S v S Ì V Safeway . • • »? X «!•£. .V 240 Willamette Block 722 S.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Safeway Guide for . -?i' 503 294 1414 Fancy R ipe B ananas \ : "tL For Best Results Advertise in thé Observer 'tari ...................................................; ■o ‘i- ÍÍ-Y & ■ I \ Learn to Control Diabetes s-..* «.. . U - .f .k-r Mt...» ¿ Chase & Weil Expect The Best! Have you ever wanted to have a say in how United W ay o f the Colum ­ bia-Willamette distributes money? John Collins of Vancouver did. Collins, a member of the African- American community, has been involved with United W ay’s fund distribution process since 1984. H ecurrently serves as volunteer chairman of the Com m u­ nity Organization and Fund Distribu­ tion Division. “ The efforts o f these (fund distribution) volunteers make it possible for United W2y to take a pro­ active stance in preventing problems and to find long-term solutions to criti­ cal human needs,” says Collins. United Way currently is seeking other African-American volunteers to help make funding decisions for nearly 200 vital human-service programs of­ fered throughout the Portland/Vancou- ver area. These programs address such needs as positive development for young people, health education and emergency services for the homeless. Training and orientation will be provided for new volunteers beginning in December, the funding-review m eet­ ings start in mid-March and last through May. For more information on volun­ teering for United W ay’s fund distribu­ tion process, please contact S usan Gast a t '226-9359. Learn to Control diabetes through the latest treatm ents, care, diet and exercise techniques. “ Living Well With D iabetes” will be offered in a two-part program on Nov. 4 and 5 from 5 to 9 p.m. at Sacred Heart G eneral Hospital, 1255 Hilyard St. The program will be repeated on Nov. 11 and 12. Families are welcome at no additional cost (except meals). The City o f Portland Historical Landmarks Commission approved today a plan to trim the west side o f the second passenger shelter at Union Sta­ tion in order to increase cost effciency, im prove safety clearances and reduce travel limes. The decision should en­ sure A m trak’s continued operations at the station. Last July, amtrak notified the Port­ land Development Commission (PDC) o f its intention to terminate its lease at Union Station because of lack of prog­ ress in track, platform and passenger shelter modifications. PDC, the C ity’s urban renewal, housing and economic developm ent agency, ow ns the station. Addressing the Landmarks Com ­ mission, James Larson, A ssistant Vice President for Operations and Planing for Amtrak in W ashington, D.C. stated, “ A m trak’s preference is to remain at Union Station provided potential costs can be reduced; however, we have repeatedly stated that the status quo is n o ta n acceptable alternative.” PDC Director of Development Larry Dully com m ended the Landmarks Commission saying, “ A cloud of un­ certainty about Union Station’s Future has been effectively removed. W ith this decision by the Landmarks Com ­ mission we are in a position to carefully modify the shelter and make long planned * * * * * ir» t. A t