♦ ♦•»****•» ► -e > r ♦ < ► » •» October 23,1991. .The Portland Observer...Page 5 Kinney Cross Country Championships Set Essence’s 10th Annual Men’s Issue Addresses Entertainment Politics, Health and More “ Spike made a whole generation of young Black people wake up and re­ alize that all it takes is a movie to start a revolution,” says Boyz N the Hood writer/director John Singleton (on mentor Spike Lee). In its 10th annual men’s issue. Essence talks to the 23-year old about the man who has influenced a nation. “ No other Black contemporary entertainer can claim to enlighten so many young Black people,” Singleton continues. “ The beauty of film is that it has the power to shape, change and educate. It also has the power to bring down, exploit and degrade. Spike knows this and combines his knowledge of our rich literary and musical culture into a strong, powerful Afrocentric vision, something that can be said of very few people working in our business.” When Singleton and Lee first met in 1986, Lee advised the aspiring filmmaker to be strong and stay Black. In 1991, both men attended the Cannes film festival; Singleton was premiering his first film, Boyz N the Hood, and Lee’s Jungle Fever was up for the top prize. Also of interest in November’s Essence: Taking Our Souls: William Strick­ land, a professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts, tells of a new form of racism that was politi­ cally engineered - and must be re­ versed in the same way. When budget cuts hit every corner of America in the ‘80’s, Black Americans ended up with a smaller piece of the pie. Cutbacks in public education, job re-training, fam­ ily planning, health care, welfare and other “ social policy” issues became life and death matters for Blacks. Strick­ land believes the key to change is awareness of the long-term effects of short-term decisions. Unequal Justice: Justice Bruce M. Wright, courageous New York City judge, brilliant legal scholar, and au­ Ibrahim Aden of Fairfax, Virginia is the favorite in the thirteenth annual Kinney Cross Country championships in San Diego. California in December. Aden is the top returning male finesher from the 1991 Kinney National Finals The 13th annual Kinney Cross Country Championships National Fi­ nals have been scheduled for Saturday, December 14th in San Diego. The Kinney races are the only national championship for high school athletes. The top 32 boys and girls in the country qualify for the National Finals by finishing in the first eight spots at each of the four regional meets. The regional meets are being held in Charlotte, North Carolina, New York City and Kenosha, Wisconsin on No­ vember 30th; and in Fresno, California on December 7th. The boys race is wide open as only one of the top finishers, Ibrahim Aden (Fairfax, VA) is returning for the 1991 race. The girls race is expected to be particularly competitive with Amanda White (Cockeysville, MD) heading the list of returning runners. The Kinney Cross Country Cham­ pionships is a public service program of the Kinney Shoe Corporation. The event is presented by the retail divi­ sions of Lhc Kinney Shoe Corporation: Kinney Shoe, Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Champs Sports and Athletic X-Press. thor of Black Robes, White Justice discusses racism and politics in a re­ vealing interview. Colorstruck: Can a B lack woman ’ s shade of skin influence a Black Man’s choice of mate? From fashion runways to music videos, light-skinned women are disproportionately considered to be the epitome of African-American beauty and exoticism, and these massmedia images may be altering concepts of beauty. When Boys Are Raped: The statis­ tics are disturbing. One boy in six is raped every year, and often the perpe­ trator is a family member or friend. Childhood sexual abuse contributes to sexual dysfunctions, violent tendencies, drug and alcohol addiction, and sui­ cide. Parents and teachers need to rec­ ognize the signs of abuse, believe what the child tells them, and seek therapy as quickly as possible. Men We Love: Essence picks the men we can’t live without. Among them, actors Denzel Washingtion, Wesley Snipes, Joe Morton, Larry Fish- burne, and Matty Rich; music produc­ ers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis; YolMTV Raps host Fab 5 Freddy; lobbyist Randall Robinson; producer Henry Hampton; Motown Records president Jheryl Busby; CNN anchor­ man Bernard Shaw; author Cornel West; Representative Ronald V. Dellums; businessman Reginald F. Lewis; scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr.; Yale Univer­ sity associate dean James P. Comer, M.D.; rapper KRS-one (aka Chris Parker) who donates proceeds from his single to an education project; and of course, The Winans, Bo Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Bill Cosby and Nelson Mandela. With nearly five million readers each month, Essence is the country’s preeminent magazine for black women. Published by Essence Communications, Inc., Essence is the source for fashion, beauty, celebrity, career and health information. Preferred Carpet Cleaning Licensed - Bonded - Insured Quality Guaranteed Office Cleaning Specialists CALL Safety And Health Conference Planned For Medford November 6-7 marks the second annual Southern Oregon occupational Safety and Health Conference, co-spon­ sored by the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA), and the Medford section of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), Cascade Chapter, at the Medford Red Lion Inn. Conference activities will include a Forest Practices forum presented by OR-OSHA, a seminar on safety com- mittes, and exhibits and educational programs on confined spaces, fork '¡ft drivers training, and updates of OR- OSHA rules. Those responsible for the preven­ tion of injuries and illnesses in the workplace should plan to attend the conference. Conference participants will qualify for Continuing Education Units. The registration fee for the confer­ ence will be $50 for ASSE members and $60 for others, if participants are preregistered by October 25. If space is available, it will be possible to register at the door the day of the conference for a slightly higher fee. The fee includes conference registration, lunch, and hand­ out materials. The Forest Practices Forum will be presented free of charge on the eve­ ning of Nov. 6, but due to limited space, those who wish to attend must preregister. Attendees are responsible for making lodging and additional meal arrangements. A block of rooms has been reserved at a discount rate at the Medford Red Lion Inn, 200 North Riverside. For room reservations, call (503) 779-5811. •» A •. n > 5® R E V IV A L Neighborhood Church of God 4550 N.E. 20th (off Going St.) Portland, Oregon 97211 (Founder: Rev. Archie Hunter - 1961) 30th year Church Revival Theme: "A people, being of one mind, with a mind to work" October 30th , 31st & November 1st @ 7:00 p.m. nightly Sunday - November 3rd @ 6:00 p.m. SCRIPTURE GUIDELINES: NEHEMIAH................................4:6 PHILIPPIANS.............................2:4 ROMANS............................... 12:16 II TIMOTHY............................... 1:7 II CORINTHIANS...................13:11 Come a n d share in the 6iessings oj our L ord today ! Guest Speakers Wednesday -Pastor Hunter Thursday -Pastor J. Phillips Friday - Sunday - Dr. J. E. Martin Pastor C. Warren Roland Reed (503) 654-7188 Pastor Wendell Wallace Taxpayers Discuss Tax Revolt To Protest Unconstitutional Attack Against Nation of Yahweh Taxpayers are calling the People For Truth (PFT) to state “they got the mes­ sage” from the interview with the Na­ tional Tax Payers for Justice (NTPJ). The nation’s tax base has learned — that elected official and their appoin­ tees are our servants — that as our servants, their jobs are dependent on our votes and our taxes — that we have a right to withhold our taxes from an unconstitutional government — and that we have the votes to replace ser­ vants who do not serve us or our con­ cerns; they can no longer ignore our voices and remain in office. One million of these voters, tax­ payers and concerned citizens of all ethnic backgrounds have signed peti­ tions demanding that the unconstitu­ tional indictm ent that labels the “Nation of Yahweh” as racketeers be dismissed now. If permitted to stand, this case could set a precedent against all religions under R.I.C.O. Our servants have spent and bor­ rowed us into a $345 billion national deficit, while they bounce personal checks that cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars in returned check fees. These are the same servants that are responsible for passing R.I.C.O. and Pre-Trial Detention into law. They must now know that the R.I.C.O. m onster has gotten out of control and has become a national concern in its use against religions, as well as be made aware that Pre-Trial Deten­ tion has become a tool of the courts that can be applied as a punishment before any conviction in violation of basic hum an rights and the world’s greatest constitution. Our servants need to answer this question, “Why has Yahweh Ben Yah­ weh been held as a political prisoner for 12 months?” Could it be that he taught his followers “To do for them­ selves,” and dared to build a $250 mil­ lion empire for African-Americans without government assistance? Con­ servatives, as well as liberals, can be proud of how Yahweh Ben Yahweh personally invites you to be his special guest at MARANATHA CHURCH New Worship Service Come expecting worship services, with contemporary music, practical preaching from the Bible, and sharing from personal experiences helped to avoid another demand on government spending. Yahweh Ben Yahweh is “The Point of Light” in a troubled economy. He and his fol­ lowers of Yahweh have been held long enough for setting a perfect role model for all people to follow. Remember, we are calling our ser­ vants to demand the release of Yahweh Ben Yahweh and His followers until victory!!! Why is the U.S. Government attacking Yahweh Ben Yahweh ? Why does the government want to put an end to his good works ? What if Yahweh Ben Yahweh is the Christ promised to return? to find the answers to these questions, watch “ From Poverty To Riches" featuring the Honorable Yahweh Ben Yahweh every Sunday at 9:30 pm on channel 28 (Continental Cable). Also order your copy of “From Poverty To Riches — The Works of Yahweh Ben Yahweh" by sending a $50 cashier's check or money order only per book to: PEESS Productions, PO. Box 1768, Sequin, TX 78155. Service times are: Early Sunday Morning Worship at 8:00 AM (New) Sunday School at 9:30 AM Regular Sunday Morning Service at 10:45 AM Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening Service at 7:00 PM Sunday, "Maranatha Live”: KPDQ 93.7 FM at 11:00 PM Sunday, September 8, 1991 at 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM "HOW TO HANDLE LIFE’S DEEPEST HURTS & TOUGHEST PROBLEMS" Sunday, September 8, 1991 at 6:00 PM "RESTORING PURPOSE IN OUR GENERATION" Show your support for human and constitutional rights by calling the numbers below. Invite your family, friends, and co-workers to call as well. Don Edwards, California (D ).................................(202) John Conyers Jr., Michigan (D ) ...................... ....(202) Romano L. Mazzoli, Kentucky (D ) ....................... (202) Vice President William J. Hughes, New Jersey ( D ).....................(202) Dan Q uayle...............................................................(202) 456-1111 Mike Synar, Oklahoma (D)..... r ........................... (202) Democratic National Committee Patricia Schroeder, Colorado (D )..........................¡202) Dan Glickman, Kansas (D )....................................(202) Ron Brown, Chairman.............................................................. (202) 863-8000 Barney Frank, Massachusetts (D )....................... (202) Lynn Cutler, Co-Chairman........................................................(202) 863-8123 Charles Schumer, New York (D ).......................... (202) Republican National Committee Edward F. Feighan, Ohio (D )............................... (202 Clayton Yeutter, Cnairm an.......................................................(202) 863-8700 Lawrence Smith, Florida (D )................................ (202) Jeanie Austin, Co-Chairm an................................................... (202) 863-8545 Howard L. Berman, California (D )........................ (202) Senate Judiciary Committee Rick Boucher, Virginia (D )..... ............................... ¡202’ Joseph R. Biden Jr., Delaware (D )....................... (202) 224-5042 'est Virginia (D)...........(202 Harley O. Staggers, Jr. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachussetts (D ) ..........(202) 224-4543 exas (D )..........................................¡202) John Bryant, Te) Howard M. Metzenbaum, Ohio (D ) ......................(202) 224-2315 Benjamin L. Cardin, Maryland ( D ) ....................... (202) Dennis DeConcini. Arizona (D ) ............................ (202) 224-4521 George E. Sangmeister, Illinois (D)......................(202) Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont (D ) ...............................¡202) 224-4242 Hamilton Fish Jr., New York (R )........................... (202) Howell T. Heflin, Alabama (D ) ...............................(202) 224-4124 Carlos J. Moorhead. California (R )......................(202) Paul Simon, Illinois (D )...........................................(202) 224-2152 Henry J. Hyde, Illinois (R )..................... ................(202) Herbert H. Kohl, Wisconsin (D ).............................(202) 224-5653 F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Wisconsin (R )..... (202) Strom Thurmond, S. Carolina ( R ) ........................ ¡202) 224-5972 Bill McCullom, Florida (R )............... ..................... (202) O rrri G. Hatch, Utah (R )....................................... (202) 224-5251 George W. Gekas. Pennsylvania (R ).................. (202) Alar K. Simpson. Wyoming (R)............................. 202 224-3424 William California “ “ E. Dannemeyer, ’ ,c< ........... (R )................ (202) Charles E. Grassley, Iowa (R )...............................(202) 224-3744 Howard Coble, N. Carolina (R ).............................(202) Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania (R ).......................... (202) 224-4254 French Slaughter Jr., Virginia (R )....................(202) House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Lamar S. Smith, Texas (R).................................... (202) Jack Brooks, Texas ( D )..........................................(202) 225-6565 Craig T. James. Florida (R )................................... (202) President George Bush............................................................ (202) 456-1111 225-3072 225-5126 225-5401 225-6572 225-2701 225-4431 225-6216 225-5931 225-6616 225-5731 225-7931 225-4695 225-3861 225-4331 225-2231 225-4016 225-3635 225-5441 225-4176 225-4561 225-5101 225-2176 225-4315 225-4111 225-3065 225-6561 225-4236 225-4035 We, the people, want the false indictment o f the Nation of Yahweh and their religion dropped and dismissed immediately because it is unconstitutional! F or more information call I (800) 292-4934. f > ' ’ - Wednesday, September 11, 1991 at 7:00 PM "MARANATHA'S VISION’ Prayer for healing every Service 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 288-7241 K A. '