» < «i-** Page 4...The Portland Observer...October 23,1991 I Portland Observer Scripture o f the V ’erti RELIGION Get The Whole Story On Jesus BY MICHAEL LINDSEY Dean of North Portland Bible College educated generally, and also well- educated in the O ld Testam ent scrip­ tures. T here’s nothing wrong with a good education foraC hristian. Itopens doors o f opportunity which would not be available otherwise. But it is even more im portant to be well versed in the B ib le -to know w hat it says, and what it m eans, and to know by experience how to obey its teachings. But Apollos clearly made quite an impression on the synagogue, for he knew about the “ way o f the L ord,” a description of Christians and their doctrine (compare 9:2; 19:9,23; and others), and taught it fervendy. H ow ­ ever, he only knew about the baptism of John (25). Given the accounts in the gospels, one would have thought that the movement o f righteousness and repentance started by John the Baptist died out not long after he was be­ headed. After all, he was the forerun­ ner, who prepared the way for the Lord Jesus, and he explicitly pointed his own disciples to follow Jesus. But apparently some o f John’s disciples continued to teach on their own, and some also knew about Jesus, and ac­ cepted his ministry and ethics. Apollos was a result of their m in­ istry, now some 20 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. He knew only the baptism of John, implying that he did not know about Christian baptism, which symbolizes the death and resur­ rection o f Christ and our identity with Christ. Neither did he know about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the great events o f the day o f PentecosL So Apollos still had a lot to learn, and Aquila and Priscilla were ready to teach him. A fter they took him aside, and taught him about Jesus, Apollos con­ tinued to be a pow erful preacher and debater, but now he had the whole truth about Jesus Christ. He was taking on the Jews in their synagogues, both in Ephesus and Corinth, and proving throcgh Old Testam ent evidence that Jesus must be the Christ. There is no evidence that the two tent-m akers were eloquent, or natural The text fo r the Sunday School lesson (International Series) fo r next Sunday is A cts 18:24-28; and 19:1-6. We encourage our readers to study the lesson this week and attend Sunday School at a good Bible-teaching church. M ake Sunday School a good habit fo r the w hole fam ily. T he tw o incidents recounted in this w eek ’s lesson are very different, and yet they have several things in com ­ mon. Each story happened in the city of Ephesus, each involves disciples of John (that is, John the Baptist), and in each case these disciples o f John received the good news o f Jesus Christ, and becam e His disciples. Paul had earlier w anted to go to Ephesus, the capital o f the Roman prov­ ince o f Asia (the west coast of modem T urkey, Acts 16:6). Instead the Spirit o f G od led him into successful m inis­ tries in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, A thens, and finally m ost extensively, in Corinth. The missionary band had great success in Corinth, with a strong church established over a space of eight­ een months. At the beginning o f this m inistry in Corinth, Paul had met a couple of Christian Jew s from Rome, Priscilla and Aquila. They were apparently w ill­ ing to travel for the spreading o f the gospel: ready-m ade, bi-vocational missionaries. They were “ tent-m ak­ ers,” as was Paul, a term which really m eant leathers w orkers, and they had already traveled from rome to Corinth (18:1-3). Now they accom panied Paul across the Aegean Sea to Ephesus, and stayed there in w aiting, while Paul and his gospel team reported back briefly to the churches in Jerusalem and Antioch (20-22). W hile Paul was aw ay, Priscilla A Aquila continued to worship in the Jewish synagogue, and undoubtedly they were bearing witness for the Lord Jesus. Here they m e ta m ost interesting man, Apol- los, a Jew of A lexandria (Egypt), de­ scribed as “ an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures” (24). He was well- Nowadays, everywhere you go - there is trouble. I also found in my search, that there is little or no encour­ agem ent to be received from anybody. There is so much hatred. There is so much rivalry. There is so much je a l­ ousy. Just plain, old mean faces. When you approach someone and ask the question, “ How are you to­ day?” are you prepared to receive and process the response? How big is your heart? How big are your ears? How long is your patience? You know how it is, don’t you? You get in trouble and you just need someone to talk your troubles over with. Well, unless that person is deeply rooted in the Lord, you will not receive the type of advice that will be helpful to you. Oh, you might be given some kind o f remedy. “ Rub these herbs on your forehead for seven days and then on the very next day - boil it and drink it. All! O k ?” You might be allergic to the contents of w hatever this concoction is or drinking it might kill you; but if you had the Lord in your life, you w ouldn’t need these kinds o f get-w ell-quick remedies. Not all the time is it the person giving the a d v ic e -b u t maybe, just maybe, it’s you. Do you have a bad attitude? Is it hard for you to receive advice from others? Do you have a bad habit of accepting advice that you never in­ tended to use? If your answ er to all three questions was an unequivocal “ Y E S!” then you need the sound ad­ vice and assistance of the HOLY SPIRIT. We must learn to live together, work together, learn together, pray together, and talk together. Some are able to converse on a one-to-one basis; THE P O R TLA N D O BSER VER M allory C hurch 3908 10:45 am . M en’s Training Leadership Women’s Bible Class Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 A.M.-KBMS Sunday School M orning W orship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor 5:00 pm. Evening Worship Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler, Ctenzse Ff. Bell, Pastor VANN & VANN FU N ERA L Ci .<■1 •' I •-V-/ •..a 1 Cleodus Vann ÏSS I i D IR E C T O R S Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving the City of Portland for over 37 years In your hour of need Vann &Vann are there to serve •. l : i Minister Gregory Fobbs J k tu l 288-1092 ^ B a p tis t (C tju r c tj RESTORING NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 C hurch P hone: 2 8 9 - 0 1 4 7 Study P hone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 Sunday Service 1 0 :4 5 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6 :0 0 E ven ing Service 7 :0 0 P.M. Pastor. Rev lames C E Faulkner Them e: W hatever you're going to do fo r th e Lord, do it now 503/281-2836 I P eter lv.11 521 1 N. W illia m s P o r tla n d , O r. 9 7 2 1 7 » ✓ . -JBSSv^cyi'- I * s. • •• ?» \ ■ ■ A- r 6:00 pm. Attended nursery for all services Wednesday prayer meeting and bible study 7:30 pm. Radio Ministry Each Sunday, 11:00 AM - KBMS £»* 3 AVENUE Morning Worship For Best Results Advertise in the Observer » C hrist SUNDAY SCHEDULE Bible Study 9:30 am. 126 N.e. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 + (503) 288-5173 ‘•Si. of NE M A L L O R Y Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M, to 10:30 AM . Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. "Come to me all you who ore weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest* understand my dilemma. Tell me that you can feel my anguish. I feel that all the walls are closing around me and there is no way out. Lord, Jesus! I need your encouragement. Let me feel your gentle touch. In the name o f Jesus! W e all experience m om ents in our lives that sound so fimiliar to this out­ cry. G od - alone, can relieve you of your burdens. He can give you fresh au­ to breath. God urges us to set our hopes in Him. No m atter how big the burden, no matter how hard the task, G od knows just how much we can bear. Right now, we feel that everything is happening to us. “ I ju st can ’t take any more. Lord! ’ ’ But one day we shall all be at the receiving e n d -y o u can count on it. We shall be the ones in need of affirm ation, encouragem ent, and a gentle touch o f tenderness. Reach out and touch som eone with kindness, with love, with understand­ ing and you will be surprised how soon that same touch will com e back to you. The feelings o f m ost who seek help are fragile and delicate. Yes, those in need, need to sense that w e (Chris­ tian Believers) are there because we care... not just because it is something we have been assigned to do. Help...because G od’s love within you dictated your actions. The noted author and com m unica­ tor, Chuck Swindoll, wrote, “ Truth and tact make great bedfellow s.” Be sym pathetic,b ecarin g .b e kind, show mercy and love; let G o d ’s love shine through YOU. Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Psalms 31:24 -SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS- SAY YOU SAW IT IN WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO M atthew / h£?8 Inter-racial Congregation while some are very uncomfortable. Philippians, the second chapter and verses 1-5 says, “ Now if your experi­ ence of C hrist’s encouragem ent and love means anything to you, if you have known something of the fellow ­ ship o f his Spirit, and all that it means in kindness and deep sympathy, do make my best hopes for you come true! Live together in love, as though you had only one mind and one spirit be­ tween you. Never act from motives or rivalry or personal vanity, but in hum il­ ity think more o f one another than you do o f yourselves. None of you should think only o f his own affairs, but each should learn to see things from other people’s point of view. Let Christ be your exam ple as to what your attitude should be. D on’t go trudging along life’s highway with your mouth all poked out and your rear-end sitting squarely on top o f your head. There IS a better way. There IS a better answer. We must learn to encourage with love and we must learn to accept en­ couragem ent O ne of the great authors o f Chris­ tian literature, W illiam Barclay, said “ One of the highest of human duties is the duty o f encouragem ent...it is easy to laugh at m en’s ideas; it is easy to pour cold water on their enthusiasm; it is easy to discourage others. The world is full o f discouragers. W e have a C hris­ tian duty to encourage one another. Many a time a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept a man on his feet. Blessed is the man who speaks such a w ord.” How many times have you gone down on your knees and just asked the Lord for some encouragem ent? “ Lord, please speak to me. Tell me that you BY MATTIE ANNE CAt.LIER-SPEARS MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH God's Presence promises Power through Jesus Christ In G ood Times and Sad Times 9:45am 11:00am 7:50pm How Are You Today? leaders, or convincing debaters. They did not try to mount an evangelistic outreach in Ephesus while Paul was away. But they did know their Bibles (the O ld Testam ent), they loved the Lord, and they were strong and sure in their faith. And given the opportunity, they led Apollos to a deeper, fuller com - mitment to Jesus. And as a result, A pol­ los used the natural gifts God had given him to advance the good news o f G od’s kingdom, and encourage the believers. Upon his return, Paul found a small group o f John’s desciples in Ephesus, and he also taught them the whole truth about Jesus Christ. They also responded com pletely (19:1-6). These two stories, especially the former, ought to remind us o f some basics about doing the Will of God in our lives. Let me mention three things. (1) A lot of people around us have gotten part o f the truth about Jesus, but don’t really see the whole picture. If you think you might be one o f those people, I’d invite you to contact me through NPBC (288-2919) or this pa­ per. M aybe I can help. Sometimes Christians forget this truth, and assume that anyone who says “ Praise the Lord,” or attends the church, or prays every night, is all right with God. T here’s a lot of folks around us who are still struggling in spiritual dark­ ness, though they may seem to be good, moral people. L et’s be careful, and ask for the Spirit’s guidance to know how to help others. (2) You d o n ’t have to be a Bible scholar to tell others about Jesus, and lead them to the truth. That song says it well: * ‘Ordinary p eo p le-G o d uses ordi­ nary people. He uses people just like you and me, who are willing to do as He com m ands.” God is not as interested in our ability, as in our availability. (3) In some situations, we have to stand alone for Christ. But if w e are faithful, and available, God can win some exciting victories through us. Why settle for boring Christianity? L et’s let others know about the great G od and Savior we serve. Jesus Christ! M allory Avenue Christian Church Matthew 25:31 ' ■