Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1991, Page 11, Image 11

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October 23,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 11
Portland Observer
‘ Ball and Chain*
Tired of living payday to payday?
Insulting w ages, and never hav­
ing enough tim e? Join o ur team
w here y o u ’re m ore than ju s t a
phone num ber. C all 520-0675.
K Employment
b Bids/Sub-Bids
D om estic
Inspector l/ll
Construction Engineering
Swing Shift Press Operator
The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for an INSPECTOR 1/
II, in the Construction Engineering department to provide technical, ad­
ministrative and inspection skills for the construction of new facilities.
The Reprographics Department of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Oregon, a m ajor health insurance company is accepting applications for
a swing shift press operator.
Minimum Requirement
Qualified candidates must have 2 years work experience on the one
color Chief 19x25 press or similar type equipment. Two color offset
press knowledge and experience helpful Must be able to lift 50lbs
• Must possess a valid Oregon or Washington driver’s license.
•C o u rse work or experience equivalent to an associates degree in
civil engineering.
•A b ility to read and interpret plans and specifications.
•D em onstrated knowledge of construction requirments and proce­
•A b ility to obtain an Inspector’s certificate within one year of employ­
•A b ility to work with minimum supervision.
The successful candidate will:
• Operate a single color 25" offset press to produce qu ality mu It i -co lor
printing on a variety of stock.
•C ro ss train on other equipment
•B e quality conscious and dependable.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent benefits
package and com petitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen re­
quired. To assure your application is processed immediately, place ad
#229 on your resume or application or apply in person at:
•A b ility to work in year-round weather conditions and get around in all
types of terrain, in confined spaces or heights.
•A b ility to work varied shifts and overtime.
In addition to a starting salary of $26,224 - 33,044, the Port offers a
comprehensive benefit package.
The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Port of Portland
Secretary for Mental Health Agency.
A ccurate typing of 65 wpm , light
accounting, and receptionist d u ­
ties. Send resum e by Nov. 1,
1991 to: C onquest, 5305 NE M.
L. King Jr., Blvd, Portland, OR
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Department
100 SW Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opprotunity Employer
•E xcellent verbal and written communication skills.
If interest and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employ­
ment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside
the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may
request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemploy­
ment drug screening is required. All applications must be received by 5
p.m., Friday, October 25,1991.
N eeded H ousekeeper/C ook for a
sm all residential facility for the
chronic mentally ill. W ork 6 hours
per w eek on w eekends. M ust be
experienced in house-hold chores
and preparing m eals.
Salary $5.00 hr.
R esum es to: V irginia Jellison
N /N E M ental Health Inc.
4950 NE M artin Luther King Blvd.
Portland, O regon 97211
Phone: 503-249-0066
C losing Date: N ovem ber 4,1 9 9 1
M inorities Encouraged to Apply
Purchasing Agent
P urchase/D evelopm ent - new
purchasing sources; special tech-
nicial equipm ent and project
Ship p in g /T rafflc - expediting un
delivered m aterials, supplies; air
or surface transportation;
Administrative - supervision/train-
ing o f Buyers; m ajor/m inor con­
struction contracts; disposal of
surplus equipm ent/supplies.
Preferred candidates will possess
no less than 5 years purchasing
experience, including supervision,
negotiation, traffic/transportation
background/training. A degree or
equivalent in training/experience
necessary. Computer skills in set­
up and operation of a purchasing
system desired.
Please direct resum e and letter of
application by O ctober 3 1 ,1 9 9 1 .
N orthw est N atural G as C om pany
PO Box 3410
Portland, O regon 97208-3410
Attn: Jack Lindquist - Hum an
FAX (503) 721-2506.
The City of Portlnd Bureau of Community Development will be
conducting hearings to take public comment on the operation of
the City’s federally funded Housing and Community Develop­
ment (HCD) Program.
Hearings will be held at the times and locations listed below:
Monday, October 28,1991
7:00 p.m.
St. Johns Community Center
8427 N Central Ave.
City of Portland
Senior M anagem ent Analyst - to $46,154/yr
Tuesday, October 29,1991
7:00 p.m.
King Neighborhood Facility
4815 NE 7th Ave.
Data Processing C ustom er Services Manager (Systems and Pro­
gramming Manager) - to $53,259/yr
Senior Energy Program M anager (Urban Services Public Involve­
ment Coordinator) - to $48,732/yr
W ednesday, October 30,1991
7:00 p.m.
E. Portland Neighbors Office
220 SE 102nd Ave.
Police Officer - to $3,497/mo
For more info/closing dates
call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information)
No resumes please.
Bureau Of Personnel
1220 SW 5th Ave., First FI.
Portland, OR 97204
Interpreters will be furnished upon 48 hours notice.
Questions regarding the hearings, the HCD Program, or request
for interpreters should be directed to the Bureau of Community
Development at 796-5166.
Apps also available at:
Urban League
10 N. Russell
Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply.
Chief of Police
Portland International Airport
The Port of Portland has an opening for Chief of Police at Portland
International Airport.
The successful candidate will:
1. Provide leadership and management to the Port Police Depart­
ment to ensure law enforcement services are provided at PDX.
Holyfield Says Lack of
Education Causes
“ Prejudice is just lack of educa­
tion,” declared Evander Holyfield,
t adding, “ We can always find some­
thing to do as long as we have an
In an interview to be published this
Sunday in PARADE magazine, the
heavyweight champion of the world
declared, ‘ ‘I just like to help people the
best way I can. Whenever I speak at
schools, I talk about the value of educa­
tion. That’s why I say the most impor­
tant role model is not the heavyweight
champion of the world or the champion
home-run hitter, but the parents who’s
active in the PTA.
“ Everybody looks at me like an
athlete, but I always stress the impor­
tance of education and not making your
mark as an athlete. You have to make
education count.”
Evander, who said he’d like to be a
sports agent after he retires from the
ring, noted, "There are maybe 300
athletes in the country who make the
really big money. But there are proba­
bly 3 million who never make that kind
of money but who need the education.
Education is knowledge. Maybe I could
advise them, help them plan their fu-
• tures.”
Evander, who was an indifferent
student, according to his mother, An­
nie, managed to get through high school.
He now pays close attention to the
report cards of his two girls and two
2. Work with the Police m anagement team to develop policies, pro­
cedures and long-range plans for the operation of the department.
3. Maintain a positive, professional and service oriented image for
the Department.
community as a Police Officer.
4. Maintain positive working relationships with other metro-area law
enforcement agencies.
w a n t to m ake a positive change in your
-a n d w a n t ¿challenging and fulfilling
5. Ensure the PDX security plan com plies with FAA requirements.
6. Administer, monitor, and maintain the Airport Operator’s security
plan in accordance with FAR Part 107.
■llent salary and benefits - the Port-
u can offer you that opportunity.
7. Manage the Airport Communication Center.
Preferred Qualifications:
•C urrent certification by the Board of Police Standards and Train­
$ 2 9 / 2 8 - $ 4 1 .9 6 2
Medical and Dental Benefits
Paid Vacation and Sick Leave
•D egree in law enforcement, social sciences, or management or
equivalent experience.
•A dvance degree preferred.
•Progressively responsible positions as a professional law enforce­
ment officer.
•E xperience effectively supervising a law enforcement function.
•K now ledge of FAR Part 107.
The Port offers a com petitive salary in addition to a comprehensive
benefit package.
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em­
ployment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400.
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m., Friday, October 18,1991.
Portland Police Bureau Hum an Goals:
"To attract to the Police Bureau a diverse group or
individuals with ability, dedication and capacity for
grow th" a n d "To m ake the Police Bureau a model of
equal opportunity fo r all."
Local Calls: 796-3200
Inside Oregon: 1 -8 0 0 2 6 2 - 9 5 2 9 (loll Free)
B Outside Oregon: 1 -8 0 0 -2 4 8 -9 5 2 9 (Toll Free)
The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Port of Portland
Portland Police Bureau
Personnel Division
Room 1542
1111 S W . 2nd. Ave
Portland, O r. 9 72 04
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