Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1991, Image 1

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Volumn XXI, Number 43
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“The Eyes and Ears of the Community”
^flürt (¿tnh ©hs^rir^r
‘Quality Of Life’
Medication Study
Focuses on
Black Women
Local NABCJ Chapter Plans For ’92 Convention,
Sponsoring Annual ‘All Male’ Fashion Show
he Portland Chapter o f
the National Association
o f B lacks In C rim in a l
Justice was founded by
V era P ool, an em ployee
o f the M ultn o m a h C ounty C orrection
D ivision. The organization, now under
the city o f Portland to benefit fro m the
convention and the presence o f the o r­
ganization. The entire co m m u n ity is
in vite d to particiapte in the planning
and preparations fo r the convention.
O f the several events planned, lead­
ing up to the convention, b y fa r the
m ost popular and successful is the “ A ll
M a le ”
fashion show. T h is year
N A B C J ’ s “ Gentlem en In The H o o d ”
prom ises to be the best yet. The show
w ill take place on Sunday N ovem ber
3, 1991 at the A lb e rta C o m m u n ity
C enter across from the Texas I I C lub.
The show w ill be an entertaining eve­
the leadership o f native Portlander,
R alph L . D avis has m oved in to high
gear and w ill host the 1992 N A B C J
N ational C onvention in July.
D avis and his w ife L a V e m e (p ic ­
tured), N A B C J member and P rincipal
o f K in g E lem entary School, recently
attended the National Convention, held
in M em phis, T N . One goal o f the trip
ning o f fu n and fashion. T ickets w ill go
on sale September 2 7 ,1 9 9 1 . The pub­
lic is in vite d to support this and a ll
N A B C J events leading up to the con­
A n y in d iv id u a l interested in m em ­
bership to the lo ca l chapter, in v o lv e ­
ment in the 1992 convention o r ques­
tions about N A B C J can contact Ralph
D avis o r any o f the more than fifty (50)
was to in v ite the convention to P o rt­
land in 1992. D avis along w ith m em ­
bers o f the local chapter were able to
sell the orgainzation on Portland. A s a
result o f th e ir e ffo rts P ortland w ill
p la y host to some 500-700 N A B C J
professionals. F or m o s to f them it w ill
be th e ir firs t tim e to the P a cific N o rth ­
west. D avis sees m any opportunities
fo r local organizations, businesses and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Davis
local chapter members.
Search For Portland Girl Continues:
Picture Distributed Nationwide
M a rk in g the year anniversary o f
her disappearance, the pic turc o f S ha w n
Raquel R ile y , a m issing c h ild from
P ortland, Oregon, w ill be featured this
week on A D V O -S yste m d ire ct m a il
address cards d istrib u te d to over 52
m illio n homes n a tio n w id e and to over
425,000 households in Portland. The
card includes a d e scrip tio n o f the 3-
year-old g irl, w ho has been m issing
since O ctober 13, 1990, along w ith a
to ll-fre e num ber o f the N a tio n al Center
fo r M issio n and E x p lo ite d C hildren. It
also includes the p ictu re o f the c h ild ’ s
alleged abductor, Shawn O. R ile y. A
felony w arrant has been issued against
M r. R ile y fo r C ustodial Interference.
w ill increase the odds o f her re co ve ry.”
said Vince Guiliano, A D V O ’ s Vice Presi­
The address label in d istrib u te d as a
p ublic service by A D V O -S y s te m , Inc.
at the request o f the N a tio n al Center.
“ Few issues are as tra g ic as c h ild
abduction. W e urge people to lo o k at
the address labels because picture d is ­
trib u tio n program s w o rk . W e are o p ti­
m istic that someone w ill recognize
S hawn’ s picture and h o p e fu lly w ill ca ll
the N ational C e n te r’ s h o tlin e w ith in ­
form ation regarding her whereabouts.
W e are also h o p e fu l that featuring the
dent o f G overnm ent Relations.
Shawn has been m issing since
O ctober 1 3 ,1 9 9 0 , when she was a lle g ­
picture o f S haw n’ s alleged abductor
e d ly abducted by M r. R ile y , her non­
custodial father. “ W e have no idea where
th e y ’ ve been since that tim e ,” said
D etective R obert K ruckm an, o f the
Portland Police Departm ent “ M r. Riley
has been able to escape o u r dragnet fo r
a year n o w .”
“ The best lead w e had came from
Texas, but so fa r it hasn’ t panned out.
S haw n’ s m other has been very active in
the search and she too has com e up
empty-handed. Once these cards go out,
w e ’ re hoping som ething w ill b re a k,”
said K ruckm an.
Since the establishm ent o f its
“ A m e rica ’ s L o o k in g F o r Its M issin g
C h ild re n ” program in 1985, A D V O -
System has distributed o ver 15 b illio n
address labels featuring the pictures o f
m issing children. O f the 381 ch ild re n
featured to date, 55 have been safely
recovered. A D V O -S yste m , Inc., the
n a tio n ’ s largest d ire ct m ail m arketing
com pany, is based in W in d so r, C o n ­
The Private Industry Council Announces Ten New Board Members
Local Elected Officials, Business Representatives and Social Service Experts Oversee Employment and Training Organization
T he P rivate Industry C o u n c il is a
priva te , n o n p ro fit organization d e d i­
cated to em ploym ent and tra in in g fo r
lo w -in co m e youth and adults thro u g h ­
o u t W ashington and M ultnom ah C o u n ­
ties. A t the September 11 m eeting o f
the board o f directors, the last o f ten
new board members were w elcom ed,
co m p le tin g a series o f appointm ents
w h ich b rin g to 30 the total num ber o f
business, governm ent and social serv­
ice leaders w ho w ill set p o lic y fo r the
organization. The new members w ill
and C om m issioner L in d a Peters o f
W ashington C ounty jo in e d the board,
fillin g n e w ly created positions fo r local
elected o ffic ia ls representing the three
ju ris d ic tio n s served by The Private
Industry C o u n cil. The c h ie f elected
o ffic ia l fro m each o f these ju ris d ic tio n s
i f responsible fo r s ig n in g the o ffic ia l
plan o f the o rganization, and fo r ap­
p ro vin g changes to the intergovern­
m ental agreement under w h ic h it oper­
serve three-year terms.
C om m issioner Gretchen K a fo u ry
The new board members repre­
senting the private sector, w h ic h makes
up a m a jo rity o f the board, are L o lita
o f the C ity o f Portland, C om m issioner
Sharron K e lle y o f M u ltn o m a h C ounty,
Burnette o f A c h ie ve m en t A rchitects
and V e m R yles o f Poppers S upply
C om pany, w h o were nom inated by the
Portland C ham ber o f C om m erce and
appointed by the M a y o r o f Portland;
C heryl N ickerson o f N IK E , Inc., no m i­
nated by the Beaverton Cham ber o f
C om m erce and appointed by the W ash­
ington C o u n ty Board o f C om m ission­
ers; and D a v id T hayer, o w n e r o f Thayer
O p tic a l, nom inated b y the H illsb o ro
C ham ber o f C om m erce and also ap­
pointed by the W ashington C ounty
Com m issioners.
F our a d d ition a l board members
were appointed to f i l l sp ecific p u b lic-
sector board positions defined through
The Private Industry C o u n c il’ s articles
o f in co rp o ra tio n . T hey include Dave
Schcele o f the Oregon State E m p lo y ­
m ent D iv is io n , B ret W estw ood o f the
Vocational Rehabilitation D ivision, Jean
S tryke r o f A d u lt and F a m ily Services,
and fillin g the econom ic developm ent
p o sitio n , Jan Burreson o f Portland
D evelopm ent Com m ission.
The P rivate Industry C o u n cil is
p rim a rily funded through the federal
Job T ra in in g Partnership A ct. In con­
ju n c tio n w ith its m any partners, the
c o u n cil operates 35 em ploym ent and
tra in in g programs ranging from stay-
in -sch o o l programs fo r at-risk youth, to
services fo r dislocated w orkers, c iti­
zens 55 and older, w elfare recipients
and Spanish-speakers.
Don’t Forget r r
Sunday October, 27 at 2:00 am
is time to set your clocks back one hour
A study by U n ive rsity o f Tennes­
see, m em p h isp h ysicia n D r. W illia m B.
A pplegate in the September A rchives
o f In te rn a l M edicine fo u n d that three
pressure when the heart is at rest and
when the heart is contracting. M ore
w om en in the diltia ze m group (77 per­
cent) achieved goal blood pressure than
in either the enalapril g roup (67 per­
cent) o r the atenolol g roup (65 per­
co m m o n ly prescribed blood pressure
lo w e rin g m edications - d iltia ze m ,
enalapril and atenolol - caused no major
negative e ffe ct on the q u a lity o f life
(psych o lo g ica l, em otional and p h ysi­
cal w e ll-b e in g ) o f e ld e rly wom en.
T w e n ty percent o f the study’ s 242
Patients displayed few adverse side
effects - such as m em ory loss, irrita ­
b ility , depression, hypochondria and
low -enery levels -- co m m o n ly associ­
ated w ith antihypertension medications.
M o st o f the q u a lity o f life variables
rem ained unchanged o r im p ro ve d d u r­
in g the 16-w eek study.
Researchers gauged q u a lity o f life
b y standardized tests m easuring p h ysi­
cal sym ptom s, m otor s k ills , m em ory
recall, p sychological w e ll-b e in g and
em o tio n a l status, in ad d ition to subjec­
tiv e factors indicated by the patients,
in c lu d in g general wellness, satisfac­
participants were black w om en at least
65 years o f age w ith an average age o f
70. The study is among the firs t to focus
e xclu sive ly on women and to include a
signaficant percentage o f black women;
a c ritic a l segment o f the population
generally overlooked by m edical read­
“ W om en, unfortunately, have been
ignored in m ost studies o f antihyperten­
sive m edications in o ld e r patients. In
a d d ition , previous studies have not
looked at q u a lity o f life issues, and
have used sm all samples sizes,” D r.
tio n w ith life , social p a rticip a tio n and
o ve ra ll perceptions o f health.
The drugs used in the study repre­
A pplegate explained.
D iltia ze m - marketed under the
sent three antihypertensive drug ther­
apy classes - calcium channel b lo c k ­
ers, beta blockers and A C E in h ib ito rs
- co m m o n ly prescribed fo r e ld e rly
brand name C ardizem - had the great­
est e ffe ct on lo w e rin g both diastolic
and systolic blood pressure, o r blood
3,000 Crowd Pioneer
Square For ‘NO ON
HATE’ Coming Out
M ore than 2,500 lesbians, gay men,
bisexuals, and gay-supportive hetero­
sexuals crow ded Pioneer Courthouse
Square on F rid a y, O ctober 11 in cele­
bration o f N ational C o m in g O u t Day.
The ra lly was organized by the N o On
Hate cam paign as part o f its on-going
e ffo rts to defeat the Oregon C itize n s’
A llia n c e recent hate- in itia tive s.
Those in attendance enthusiasti­
c a lly cheered in d ivid u a l com ing out
stories to ld at the open microphone.
Featured speaker Tom Potter received
a rousing standing-ovation. O ther fea­
tured speakers included: Donna Red
W in g , executive d ire cto r o f the Les­
bian C o m m u n ity P roject; John Baker,
ch a ir o f the rig h t to P rivacy P A C ; Tess
W isehcart, executive d ire cto r o f the
Portland W o m e n ’ s C risis L in e ; C arol
Steinel, local com edian and a ctivist;
and others. The Portland Lesbian C hoir,
Bridges, drag-queen extraordinaire Lady
E laine Peacock, the G ay Freedom Band
and m any m ore p rovided dazzling en­
te rta in m e n t
The ra lly was a p u b lic k ic k - o ff fo r
the N o On Hate cam paign. N o On Hate
is a diverse group o f in d ivid u a ls co m ­
ing together to defeat the Oregon C it i­
zens’ A llia n c e recent ballot-m easure-
drives w h ic h w o u ld declare hom o
sexuality a perversion and w o u ld fo r­
b id basic c iv il rights protections fo r
and bisexuals.
M em bers o f N o O n H ate in clude a
w ide array o f representatives and par­
ticipants fro m other a ctiv is t organiza­
tions in the Portland M e tro p o lita n
The N o On Hate cam paign w ill
concentrate on preventing the O C A
from acquiring enough signatures fo r
its m u n icip a l in itia tiv e in the C ity o f
P ortland to be placed on the b a llo t in
1992. N o On Hate is encouraging a ll
Portland residents to w rite to the C ity
C om m issioners w h o this m onth voted
unanim ously to adopt a com prehen­
sive c iv il rig h ts ordinance fo rb id d in g
d iscrim in a tio n on the basis o f sexual
o rie n ta tio n , among other things. R esi­
dents should w rite to Earl Blumenauer,
D ic k B ogle, Gretchen K a fo u ry , M ik e
L in d be rg , and M a yo r B ud C la rk at
C ity H a ll, 1220 SW 5th, P ortland, O R
97204. The C om m issioners m ust re­
ceive public support fro their firm stance
on lesbian and gay c iv il rights.
N o O n Hate is a c tive ly fig h tin g
the O C A . C u rre n tly, the cam paign is
comprised o f several committees, each
w ith a sp ecific area o f focus. The co m ­
mittees are: v is ib ility , M e d ia , U n ifie d
Message, Speakers Bureau, Finance/
Fundraising, V o lu n te e r C o o rd in a tio n .
N ew members are encouraged to at­
tend one o f the large co m m u n ity meet-
ingsd where N o O n Hate com m ittees
exchange in fo rm a tio n and strategize.
Won’t They
Ever Give
by McKinley Burt
Page 2
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