> n * > * • • • * * * *5* * * ’ >•> ~ . v ♦ • * • « • * ' • • < ✓ # * * r ♦ •» **•♦ ***•• •♦ *•*♦ •****** October 16,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 9 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS I Advertising i Employment i Bids/Sub-Bids I ,» , * - City of Portland Invitation To Bid Request For Statement Of Qualifications Senior Management Analyst - to $46,154/yr Northeast Community Development Corporation (NECDC) Nehemlah Housing Opportunity Program To Provide Consulting Services For The Parks And Recreation Division and The Storm Water Management Program Department Of Environmental Services City Of Gresham, Oregon Data Processing Customer Services Manager (Systems and Pro­ gramming Manager) - $53,259/yr Senior Energy Program Manager (Urban Services Public Involvement Coordinator) - to $48,732/yr Sealed bids will be received at the office of NORTHEAST COM­ MUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (the Agency), 4114 North Vancouver Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97217, until 5:00 p.m., on November 7, 1991 for: Construction of one Single- Family House in Northeast Portland. Bids will be opened pri­ The City of Gresham plans to retain a consultant to provide pro­ fessional consulting services for the planning and design of the Butler Creek Greenway. Consulting services will include site sur­ vey, a Master Plan, environmental report, public meetings, de­ sign of storm water retention facility at Binford Lake, Type II City Community Services Use Permit, U.S. Army Corps, of Engineers Permit, Oregon Division of State Lands Permit (ODSL), Phase I design, construction documents and administration of Phase I construction, and coordination with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Agency and East Multnomah County Soil and W ater Conservation District. This project will be a joint project with Gresham Parks and Recreation Division and Storm W ater Management Program of the Engineering Division. The Master Plan should encompass the entire Butler Creek Greenway (approximately 4 miles), with special emphasis on Binford Lake (2.6 acres). In the last 3 to 5 years surrounding development has added silt to the lake destroying fish habitat and affecting the lake’s ability to prevent flooding along Butler Creek which flows into Johnson Creek. Some of the issues to be addressed in the project include: soil erosion, water quality (sedi­ mentation), bird, wildlife and fisheries habitat, storm water run-off capacity, recreational opportunities (trail and access to the lake), maintenance of the storm water retention facility and the Green­ way, and revegetation. An important aspect of the project will be public education regarding urban greenway issues. The budget for the design, planning and construction administration of Phase 1 wili be $20,000. Interested consulting firms shall submit to the Gresham Parks & Recreation Division office, Attention: Tamara Patrick, Parks Planning & Development Program, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030-3825, by 11:00 p.m., Pacific Standard time, Monday, November 6, 1991, a 5-page Statement of Qualifica­ tions which shall include: 1 Firm Information. Firm name, address, telephone number, contact person, year established, types of services qualified to perform, and number of personnel of the firm. 2 Qualifications of the Firm. A summary of projects completed by the firm which are comparable to the services required for the improvements proposed including name and location of the project, date of the project, name and telephone number of owner representative, and name of consultant’s manager on the project. 3. Qualifications of Project Personnel. The name, qualifica­ tions, and specific work experience of key personnel pro­ posed for this project. An estimate as to the percentage of time these personnel would be available during the various phases of the project shall be indicated. These qualifications should indicate related projects worked on and include the name of the project, dates, and specific items worked on. Also, submit a list of alternative personnel available to work on the project should any of the key personnel indicated be unavailable to work on this project. Please subm it qualifica­ tions and experience of alternative project personnel. Resumes of other important project staff may also be submitted. The statement of qualifications will be evaluated on the following Police Officer - $3,497/mo For more info/closing dates Call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information) No resumes please. vately. The W ork consists of construction of a new house on a vacant lot just South of 4038 NE Rodney. This work is there first project in the continuing NECDC Nehemiah Housing Opportunity Progrm which will construct or renovate at total of 250 homes over a three-year period. Two (2) sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Agency at the above address for a refundable fee of $25.00 Bureau of Personnel 1220 SW 5th Ave., First FI. Portland, OR 97204 Apps also available at: Urban League 10 N Russell Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply. Bidder must be pre-qualified with the Agency. Applications must be received by the Agency no later than five (5) days prior to bid date. Bidding documents may be examined at: Construction Data East Side Plan Center: 1125 SE Madison, Portland, OR.; Construction Data West Side Plan Center:Q25 NW 12th Street. Portland, OR.; Daily Journal o f Commerce Plan Center: 2374 NW Vaugh, Port­ land, OR.; Eugene Builders Exchange: 135 Silver Lane, Eugene, OR.; Salem Contractors Exchange:2256 Judson Street, SE, Sa­ lem, OR.; SW Washington Contractors Association: 7017 High­ way 99, #110, Vancouver, WA. Davis Bacon and Oregon Prevailing Wage requirements do not apply to the work to be constructed. A pre-bid conference will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 30,1991 at the Emanuel H o spitals Health Center, Con­ ference Center, Rooms 1702 A & B, 2801 North Gantenbein (at Stanton) Avenue, Portland, OR 97227. TCI Cablevlslon of Oregon, Inc., an Equal Opportunity Employer, currently has a full time opening for the following position: Installer. Drug test required of final ap­ plicant Qualifications: Good driv­ ing record & good customer serv­ ice skills. Pole climbing & ladder- work experience. Applications accepted until: October 22,1991. Interested parties may submit applications/resumes by mail to: TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. 3500 SW Bond Street Portland, OR 97201 Attn: Greg Anderson The City of Portland plans to administer assessment center testing as part of the promotional examinations for Police Cap­ tain, Police Lieutenant and fire Battalion Chief. The City is Distributing a Request for Information to consultants and vendors to assist the City in developing and administering assessment center resting to candidates for these three Police/ Fire calssifications during November and December, 1991 ano January, 1992. The Request for Information document and additional information mey be obtained by contacting Personnel Analyst Nelda Skidmore, Bureau of Personnel Services, City of Portland, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 170, Portland, OR The successful candidate will: • Operatge a single color 25" offset press to produce quality multi-color printing on a variety of stock. • Cross train on other equipment • Be quality conscious and dependable Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen re­ quired. To assure your application is processed immediately, place ad #229 on your resume or application or apply in person at: Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Oregon Human Resources Department 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD# 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer 97204. (503) 823-4160 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Metro’s Recycling Information Center is requesting written pro­ posals for computer consulting services to upgrade its call response system. The upgrade strategy includes iusing| Metro s existing computerized Regional Land Information System (RLIS) to serve as a graphic display tool for associating a < caHers address with the nearest recycling and disposal facilities. The RLIS uses Arc/lnfo software. Call Marie Nelson, 221-1646, for acopy of theQ Prn°P°®' als. Completed proposals are due October 3 0 ,1 9 9 1 ,5 .0 0 p. . PST at the Metropolitan Service District business offices, 2000 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 97201-5398. SALES P A R A G O N NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of Portlnd Bureau of Community Development will be conducting hearings to take public comment on the operation of the City’s federally funded Housing and Community Deve op- Here's an opportunity you won't want to miss - OPEN HOUSE - ment (HCD) Program. Hearings will be held at the times and locations listed below: Non-Discrimination Statement — The City of Gresham s pro- qrams, services, employment opportunities and volunteer posi­ tions are open to all persons without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, handicap or political affiliation. NOTICE OF INTENT The Oregon Department of Transportation, Highway Division, is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to perform a highway planning study for a portion of U.S. Route 97. The planning study area includes the City of Redmond and its immediate vicinity. The planning study will consider several alternatives, including improving the existing highway, improving the local arterial and collector street network, and constructing a new route to replace the existing highway. Study work will involve coordinating with affected governmental units, conducting a citizen involvement proaram identifying alternatives, conducting environmental and planning analyses of alternatives, and preparing reconnais­ sance cost estimates. If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Qualify cations/Proposals can be obtained by calling or wrrting the Program Section, 307Tranportation Building, Salem, OR 97310, W ednesday, O cto b er 16 at 6:00 pm 3103 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, Oregon Monday, October 28,1991 7:00 p.m. St. Johns Community Center 8427 N Central Ave. Tuesday, October 29,1991 7:00 p.m. King Neighborhood Facility 4815 NE 7th Ave. W ednesday, October 30,1991 7:00 p.m. E. Portland Neighbors Office 220 SE 102nd Ave. Interpreters will be furnished upon 48 hours notice. Questions regarding the hearings, the HCD Program, or request for interpreters should be directed to the Bureau of Community Paragon Cable, a leader in the dynamic fast growing ca­ ble television industry is hosting an Open House to dis­ cuss career opportunities for anyone interested in part time direct sales to work evenings and/or weekends. Must have reliable transportation, a good driving record, and an enthusiastic attitude. Guarantee vs. commission. We offer a drug-free workplace. Please call Dave at 230- 2099 ext 408 to reserve your spot now! Equal Opportunity Employer Development at 796-5166 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED O.D.O.T. East Pendleton l/C To Emigrant Hill Old Oregon Trail Hwy. Umatilla County BID DATE: Oct 24,1991 9:00 A.M. telephone (503) 378-6563. Statement of Qualifications are due November 1,1991. Kiewit Pacific Co. Structurais Division P.O. Box 1769 Vancouver, WA 98668 (206)693-1478 (503)285-4687 Job Opportunity Hotline (503) 777-7483 ■'4 5 FAX (206) 693-5582 We are an equal community employer and request sub-bids from or 1-800-848 0242 women and minority-owned business enterprises. In-Store Warehouse Office Assistant Full time and part time positions available in our Delta Park, Ha­ yden Meadows location. Duties include loading and unloading trucks and assisting customers with loading merchandise into vehicles. Job requires lifting, must have no restrictions. Must be able to work flexible hours including weekends and some evenings. We can provide you a career oppor­ tunity, excellent benefits package, and on the job training. Applications available Monday, October 14 thru Friday, October 18, 9 0 0 am - 5:00 pm. Smith’s Home Furnishings 25600 SW Parkway Center Drive Wilsonville, OR 97070 Smith's is an equal opportunity employer. Oregon's fastest growing and larg­ est retailer of home furnishings needs qualified full time office assistants at our Delta Park, Ha­ yden Meadows location. Success­ ful candidates will have previous experience in customer service, data-entry, multi-line phones, ca­ shiering, filing, and 10-key. Must be flexible to work evenings and weekends. A competitive benefit and compensation package and the opportunity for professional growth is offered. Application available Monday, Oc­ tober 14 thru Friday October 18, 9:00 - 5:00 pm. Smith’s Home Furnishings 25600 SW Parkway Center Drive Wilsonville, OR 97070 Smith's is an equal opportunity employer 4600 S.E. Harney Drive Portland, Oregon 97206-0898 i • « • 289-5445 $175.00 mo. No Smokers, No Drink­ ers. Board & Room available, extra. Ministers Home. for a swing shift press operator. qualified candidates must have 2 years work experience on the one color Chief 19x25 press or similar type equipment. Two color offset press knowledge and experience helpful. Must be able to lift 50lbs. Police/FIre Promotional Assessment Centers Responses due 5:00 p.m., October 25,1991 Please contact Tamara Patrick (669-2630), Parks Planning & Development Program, if more information is needed. Please submit 3 copies of the Statement of Qualifications. * • • • Room For Rent The Reprographics Department of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company is accepting applications Request For Information objectives. Based upon the statements of qualifications, three to four of the most qualified firms will be selected to submit detailed proposals 4 "4 ' Swing Shift Press Operator City of Portland Bureau Of Personnel Services signed to this project. 3. Past performance on projects with similiar multi-disciplinary Castparts Coip. HELP WANTED $40,000/yr! READ BOOKS and TV Scripts. Fill out simple "like/ don't like" form. EASY! Fun, relaxing at home, beach, vaca­ tions. Guaranteed paycheck. FREE 24 Hour Recording 801- 379-2925 Copyright #OR147EB. Printing criteria: 1. Firm experience and quality of prior work. 2. Qualifications and experience of team members to be as­ P recision . >. » t < -• > • t e a * * ‘ **-,•*• t,AAA 5 * * f • . . • ' ’ 'i'f ¿7 • , ' - , ' ■ ’ / • ; - ?: f- c F-.e » .» ■■ ■