Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 16, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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    October 16,1991...The Portland Observer.. Pape 7
Portland Observer
Warehousing Position
Girl Scouts
Applications being accepted
Steel Service Center
Experience preferred.
12219 N. Burgard
Apply Between 9:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m.
12219 N, Burgard
Portland, Oregon 97208
Girl Scout Cookie Sale, special
event, advertising, media. Part-
time Nov. 1 thru Dec., full-time
Jan. thru May. Salary negotiable.
Resume to Jean Young, Urban
League, 10 N. Russell, Portland,
OR 97227 or call (503) 280-2608.
Vinyl Siding
Installed on Your Home
by Experts
89 MERCEDES....................$200
86 V W ............................ $50
87 MERCEDES...................$100
65 M USTANG .....................$50
Choose from thousands starting
FREE 24 Hour Recording Reveals
Details 801-379-2929 Copyright
Ç m * J 1
® â o w n
Call ABS Inc.
We believe in it.
Financing Available
Equality in the workplace. It s a value that is held
strongly, here at the Port of Portland.
If you are a minority or woman-owned firm,
certified by the State of Oregon Executive Department
Office of Minority and Women-owned Businesses, and
are interested in doing business with us in the areas of:
Sub-Bids Requested
Bid Package Number 14 Site Electrical Duct Extension
The State of Oregon
Human Resources Building
Salem Oregon
BID DATE: October 30,1991
2:00 P.M.
e i ; g g h k t t e e n
J in c h e s
■ construction
■ professional services
Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon
■ products
1300 SW 6th Ave, P.0. Box 1300
Portland, Oregon 97207
Telephone 503-221-8811
Oregon License #28417
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request Sub Bids from disadvan­
taged, minority, women or emerging small business enterprises.
■ services
■ airport concessions
Then please give us a call at (503) "31 -"593 for
more information.
Shop at Just James
“ You Might Not Find What You Want
But You Will Want What You Find”
1512 ne Broadway
Portland, Oregon 97232
fe ti
Call our 24-1 lour JobLine at 280-4727
for a listing of current openings at
Emanuel Hospital & 1 lealth Center.
Emanuel Hospital L l J
Health Center ™
\t iMhrnn Wfilbted< entere« i
Equal Opportunity Employer. MEI I
Retired For the Third Time
services at M l. O liv e t B a p tist C hurch.
W orking has been M r. W ood’ s life .
A fte r being turned dow n fo r medical
k o c lc
school because he had six ch ild re n ,
R obert W ood gave up his dream o f
being a doctor. He reared his ch ild re n
by w o rk in g as a w a ite r on the U n io n
P a cific R ailroad, doing construction
w o rk , custodial w o rk and w o rk in g fo r
the W ater Bureau. R obert and his w ife ,
Essie, ow ned a g rocery store on the
co m e r o f N. S kidm ore and C o m m e n ­
¿ h ili
R obert J. W ood, at the age o f 86,
w ill re tire fo r the th ird tim e O ctober 19,
1991. He presently operates a launder­
ette at the co m e r o f N orth M ississippi
and S kidm ore seven days a week. He
does close b rie fly on Sundays to attend
a g g i? » o
Before you dig, please call
246-6699 We ll show
you where the power lies
Portland General Electric
Rummage Sale to
Benefit OUR HOUSE,
HIV Day Center
Oct. 18-20
T w o A ID S service organizations,
O U R H O U S E o f Portland and the H IV
Day C enter, w ill ho ld a rum mage sale
F rid a y. Saturday and Sunday from 9
am to 5 pm . M ore than 5,000 item s w ill
be on sale at the Day Center, 3835 SW
K e lly Street (b e lo w C orbett). Sunday
w ill be ' h a lf price d a y.’ ’ Proceeds w ill
p ro v id e care and service to people w ith
A ID S .
1 z * » * ♦ ♦
çai fo r a num ber o f years.
W hat’s next? Robert W ood’s daugh­
ter, C la rice Samples, has purchased the
property where the launderette stands,
and plans to b u ild six apartm ent units
on the land. The apartments w ill be
named the “ W o o d T o w e rs.” Essie, his
w ife o f 56 years, is cou n tin g on getting
to kn o w her husband better now that he
is " re tire d .”
Friends and custom ers are in vite d
to stop by and te ll M r. W ood " g o o d ­
b y e ” before O ctober 19, 1991.
1,000 Pair Of Shoes
Distributed By Imani
On O ctober 19,1991 fro m 12 noon
to 6 pm. Im am House w ill be d is trib u t­
ing 1,(XX) pairs o f shoes donated by
N IK E to w om en c u rre n tly e n rolled in
treatm ent programs. The Im a n i House
is located on 3535 N E M a llo ry , P o rt­
land, O regon.T hc Im ani House is an
A fric a n A m erican w o m e n ’ s program
providing cu ltu ra lly based support serv­
ices For more in fo rm a tio n , please ca ll,
D onny T yner at day: 373-1037 o r eve­
ning 643-8517.
Call for Quote!
B e s t C a s h P r ic e s
104 NE Russel St.
Portland, Or S7212
¡503) 282 5111
w kat
Port of Portland
D ad s O il S ervice
heating oils
-new Iocation-
rO U
»A dvertising
» Employment
» Bids/Sub-Blds
Saturday Hours Only At Security Pacific.
you’re one of those people who never seem to make it to th e
bank during the week, you're in luck. Because nearly every Security
Pacific branch is open on Saturday, 9am -lpm . In fact we re the only
major hank in O regon w ith Saturday hours.
You’ll find th at, with our 24'hour custom er service line and over
1,700 ReadyTeller* ATMs throughout the West, we’re doing everything
we can to make hanking as easy as possible.
So if you really have to get to your
m i hank
heart. You still have plenty of time
to change hanks.
For more inform ation
call 1-800-551-FA ST
one Saturday and it’s closed, take
u r t ia v
S a tu rd a y
c - » n ir d d \
i m
l )
B e t t
« V