Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 16, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2...The Portland Observer...October 16,1991
Schools Schedule
Grandparents and
Special-Friends Week
City Of Portland
Sponsors Energy
Awareness Fair
C om m issioner Mike Lindberg will
kick o ff an Energy Awareness Fair on
O ctober 15lh from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
in the lobby o f the Portland Building.
1120 SW 5th. The theme of the fair is:
Cutting Energy Costs at H om e, at Work
and A round Town.
The Fair is sponsored by the Port­
land Energy Office. The press and public
will then be invited to tour and ask
questions at an exciting variety ot en­
ergy displays. The Fair will highlight
ways to keep more money in the pock­
ets o f the average home or business
ow ner. Featured will be: 1) a new state-
of-the-art solar water heating system,
2) easy home weatherization techniques,
3) a video produced by the Energy
O ffice entitled “ Ten Quick W ays to
C ut Your Energy B ills,’ ’ 4) a display of
energy efficient lights, 5) car pool and
transit information, 6) energy educa­
tion m aterials for kids and much, much,
Portland Public Schools welcomes
grandparents, senior citizens, friends
and neighbors during Grandparents and
Special Friends W eek, Oct. 21-25.
Beaumont Middle School, 4043
NE Fremont St., features from noon to
1:30- p.m. performances by the Oregon
Senior T heatre accom panied by
Beaumont students. Contact. Lynn
Smith, principal, 280-5610.
Humboldt Elementary School, 4915
N. Gantenbein, welcomes guests at 1
p.m. for a special student performance
followed by classroom visits. Contact.
Linda W akefield, principal, 281-8797.
Martin Luther King Elementary
School, 4906 N.E. 6th Ave., welcomes
visitors to classrooms at 1 p.m. and
enjoy the schools “ well-travelled” choir
and refreshments at 1:30 p.m. Contact:
Laverne Davis, principal, 280-6456.
NAACP Meeting
National Assocition for the Advance­
ment of Colored People (NAACP)
General Meeting will be held:
Sunday, October 20, 1991
4:00 PM
M l Olivet Baptist Church
1734 NE First
(1 block North of Broadway)
Guest Speaker:
Mr. Greg Evans, President of The Oregon
Washington State Conference followed
by discussion of 1991-92 Portland
NAAVP Agenda.
Kafoury Commends
Citizens For
Developing Draft
Housing Plan
Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury
praised the work o f the citizens who
developed a Comprehensive Housing
Affordability Strategy (CHAS) lor
M ultnomah County. “ The public par­
ticipation process has been amazing.
Ayala Named Director
The draft CHAS plan reflects the ef­
Of Game Operations
forts o f citizens from throughout our
community. It will serve as a local
Jose Ayala has been named the
The Fair is a result o f the October
blueprint for affordable housing for many
Trail Blazers’ director o f game opera­
10th City Council Resolution declaring
years,” she said.
tions. Ayala will coordinate special
O ctober as Energy Awareness Month
The Cities of Portland and Gresham
events and fan entertainm ent during
in Portland. The Resolution was intro­
and Multnomah County joined together
Blazer home games. His primary re­
duced by Com m issioner Mike Lind­
to develop the county-wide CHAS, a
sponsibilities include scheduling an­
berg, Commissioner-in-Charge ot the
new federal requirement for housing
them singers, halftime and speciality
Portland Energy Office. “ W e should
funding. Since May, nearly 100 citi­
entertainment, in-arena promotions and
continue our role as national and inter­
zens, under the auspices o f the
direction of entertainment on the
national leaders on energy issues. Port­
Multnomah County Housing Advisory
BankAmeriVision scoreboard.
land citizens should be proud to join
Committee, have spent thousand of hours
Ayala is a 1976 graduate of Pacific
hundreds of other U.S. cities in cele­
University and comes to the Trail Blaz­ crafting this docum ent
brating Energy Awareness M onth, and
Four subcommittees identified
ers from KGW-TV where he served as
doing a better job of saving money and
housing needs and strategies related to
a produccr/director for the past 12 years.
our air,” said Lindberg. “ The City is
the issues of homelessness, public and
Ayala replaces J. Issac, who has been
com m itted to doing its part to find local
promoted to director of business devel­ assisted housing, rental, and homeown-
solutions to energy and environmental
ership opportunities, The CHAS also
o p m ent
problem s.”
recommends goals and priorities for
directing housing development, finance,
Seven Reclaimed Portland Homes Available For
and related social services to help solve
Ownership At PDC’S Homestead Open House
our com m unity’s problems.
Commissioner Kafoury encourages
Seven homes in Portland neigh­
further citizen input. “ Anyone inter­
tween 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. Potential
borhoods will be offered to low er-in­
ested in affordable housing issues should
homesteaders must visit each home in
come residents at the upcoming Urban
review the CHAS. It is an important
which they are interested to be consid­
Homestead Open House on Sunday,
first step toward making the m ost ef­
October 20, 1991 from 1:00 to 4:00
fective and efficient use of limited public
random drawing for each home and
p.m. The Portland Development Com ­
and private housing resources,” she
mission adm inisters the Urban Home­
lected. PDC advisors will be at each
stead Program , which provides home
The Multnomah County Housing
home to answer questions during the
ownership opportunities to those who
Advisory Com m ittee will hold public
otherwise might not be able to afford
hearings starting at 7 p.m. on the draft
being offered are:
their own home. The program provides
on October 23 at the Portland
*6424 SE 71st, 2 bedrooms
a significant tool to help the city re­
2nd floor, 1120 SW 5th, and
*3918 SE 56th, 3 bedrooms
claim vacant and abandoned housing,
24 at Gresham City Hall.
*7144 NE 22nd, 3 bedrooms
while encouraging neighborhood pres­
are available at the
♦1415 NE Holman, 3 bedrooms
ervation, revitalization and stability.
Portland Planning Bureau. Public hear­
*5106 NE Garfield, 3 bedrooms
Through the Urban Homestead
ings on the draft CHAS will also be
Program, PDC acquires vacant homes
held in November by each jurisdiction.
in need o f repair and transfers them to
Individuals interested in being added
qualified Homesteaders. In turn, Home­
Congressman W yden’s
to the mailing list for Homestead Pro­
steaders agree to make necessary re­
gram offerings should call PDC s Neigh­
October Town Meeting
pairs before moving in, accept a low-
interest PDC home repair loan and live
at 823-3422 between 8:00 a.m. and
19, 1991
in the house for at least five years.
- 3:00 pm
There is no down paym ent involved in
The Portland Development C om ­
Presbyterian Church of
becoming a Homesteader. Homestead­
mission is the C ity’s agency for urban
ers pay a one-tim e charge for taxes and
renewal, and housing and economic
935 N.E. 33rd Ave.
insurance of $500. Monthly payments
developm ent
on the home repair and acquisition loans
For more information, contact
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
average $350, including taxes and in­
Amelia Johnson, PDC, 823-3440.
Lake Oswego
Adult Community Center
Each of the seven homes to be
505 ‘G ’ S t
Lake Oswego
p e r s p e c tiv e s
I I by Professor McKinley Burt
▼ ▼ ▼
Make Us Your Clearing House
W e have been so impressed with
the depth of our readership that we are
even going a step further in increasing
our ever growing interaction with the
public, parents, students, and the edu­
cational community.
W e want you to w rite and to call us
here at The Portland Observer in re­
spect to the information you have gained
about the effective means and methods
for better educating your children; and
we would like to hear about particular
skills and methods YOU YOURSELF
have developed to make your child a
better learner and better-adjusted stu­
dent. You can be sure that your letters
will be considered for publication what
we would like is to make your pages an
exchange or “ clearinghouse” for use­
ful information that will further educa­
tional disciplines in our community.
Now, I know that 1 am reaching
you through this column. Publishers of
textbooks and curriculum are writing
to say that they are receiving orders
from many parents for books and cata­
logs mentioned in The Portland Ob­
server. Others say they have received
orders for sim ilar m aterials from the
Multnomah Public Library and the state
instructional departments, all of whom
have cited The Portland Observer. Just
last week the W hitney Young Learning
Center reported a greatly increased
enrollm ent many citing The Portland
O bserver’s recommendation of their
progressive tutorial program for stu­
dents grades 6 to 10 (an after-school
program operated by the Urban League
at its headquarters, N. Russell at W il­
liams Avenue). And so it has gone.
If it comes to that, we would glady
PAGE OR FORUM that would expe­
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Alfred L. Henderson
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ence, as w e ll as an analysis and hope­
fu lly , potential solutions. A t the end o f
have any comments or criticism s, or
even a topic you'd like to sec addressed,
please feel free to w rite o r ca ll me at the
For those w ho haven’ t been
paying atention to the Iraqi invasion
hype in the media lately, I w ish to break
down the p o litica l a c tiv ity to what it
incans to us.
F irstly, here is a b rie f break­
down o f what’s occurred: Iraq has seized
K u w a it fo r the purpose o f monetary gain
(through the abundance o f petroleum in
the country), and has its greedy eyes on
Saudi A rabia (w h ich is the largest o il
may even go to war w ith Iraq over Saudi
But the reason is clearly not
m ora lity.
I f Iraq gains con tro l o f Saudi
A ra b ia ’ s o il, they w o u ld not ship to
U.S., thereby d ra s tic a lly -s in c c Saudi
Arabia accounts for half the o il o f O P E C -
incrcasing the price in A m erica. It could
result in an ecom onic recession; and,
yes, Bush’ s least-favorite statistic, loss
o f jobs. T h is is what Bush and the
bigw igs arc w o rrie d about, N O T the
m o ra lity o f an Iraqi invasion. Examine
the Statesman J o u rn a l's (Salem s da ily)
headline announcing this tragedy: " I n ­
vasion drives gasoline price up.
is that fo r Am erican concern fo r K u ­
wait? I ’ m not pu tting dow n thcJournal;
the y’ re sim p ly re fle ctin g the Am erican
C learly, the U.S. seems more
interested in the econom ic scales being
balanced rather than takin g a gamble for
m ora lity. Take South A fric a as p ro o f o f
that theory: w h ile ou r governm ent could
place economic sanctions on South Africa,
instead we do nothing and government
o ffic ia ls had to sm ile facc-brcakingly at
doing to our people to take no moral
a c tio n ? T f the governm ent is so worried
about crim e , bow about being a role
m odel, illu s tra tin g that m orality is worth
its price?
I f you are shaking your head
and saying, “ it ’ s not that bad .then pay
attention: th in k o f a ll the companies
that y o u ’ ve heard about that transact
business in South A frica. Maybe you
even purchase products that arc pro­
duced there. W ere you aware that each
year, the Coca C ola com pany pays the
W hite Pretorian governm ent $30 m il­
lio n in taxes and other subsidies? Y our
d o lla r m ig ht be going toward racism.
As com m on citizens instead o f
authorityheads, w e ’ re more lim ite d in
the degree o f action wc can take (Bush
has the veto pow er; a ll wc can do is
curse at the n ig h tly newsman). But
there arc s till actions to be taken: write.
Congress; w rite South African-involved
m ost im p o rta n tly, keep aware. Y o u ’ re
involved in this, too.
♦ * * * »
Mandela durin g his U.S. visit, saying
I don’ t mean citizens in general, I mean
those in positions o f p o w e r-h a s pre­
tended, once again, to be taking a ‘ ’ firm
moral stand” (ca n 't you ju s t hear Bush
saying that?) against he invasion. W e
things lik e “ W e ’re headed there (to­
ward sanctions)” o r W e re thinking
strongly about it ” instead o f W e re
ju s t afraid our econom y m ig ht experi­
ence a rough patch.”
W e ll, W H AT
A B O U T O U R PEOPLE? W hat is it
bo ycott products (when
you ’ rc unsure, try to buy a local product,
so the money w o n ’ t leave the country);
Ite m :
The U n ited States, in its latest
(July 25) testing o f a nuclear weapon,
spent 30 m illio n dollars, and die blast
rcgistcrcd 4.8 on the Richter scale. [This
in fo rm a tio n , com pl iments o f a poster in
O regon Peace In stitu te ’ s w indow .)
city, State
Ib e Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest African-American Publication-is a member
of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885. and The National
"..A nd Justice For A ll" . I hope you
enjoyed my previous column, "This Week
in H isto ry". M y attem pt o f this colum n
w ill be to p o in t out injustices and other
disruptions we as citizens may experi­
The U nited S u tc s -a n d by this,
without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has
W elcom e to m y new colum n,
producer o f OPEC). The U.S. has re­
sponded by halting im ports o f o il from
Responding to the Iraqi Iakeover
that may be o f interest to you. I f you
® lp > J î o r i h m b ( © h s e r u e r
tional process.
And while you are at this organi­
zation business be sure to organize
and direct the childrens’ television
habits. Certainly, you will w ant to
program them into watching key seg­
ments of the DISCOVERY CH A N ­
NEL (24). If you can afford it, order
their yearly program guide, $12.00.
Then, there is channel 10, the public
education station, and there are NA­
all over the place. If you have ideas
you wish to share, get back to me. As
I said earlier, MAKE US YOUR
CLEARING HOUSE; we wish to serve
the entire community and you can
make it happen.
W e’d like to hear your opinions.
United A irlines
Qf the newspaper and can not be used in other publications or personal usage,
purchased the composition of such ad. © 1991 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER
each week's colum n, 111 include a tid b it
o f inform ation I ’ve read or seen lately
rhe Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and
»holographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a
Unbelievably, little old Portland has
STORE, Powells at 10th and W est
Burnside - an amazing selection of
every category on earth. T hat “ Federal
Bookstore” cited above has an order
desk o f catalogs listing educational,
consum er and technical books and
pam phlets available at amazingly low
prices - MANY FREE! Go down and
shop, and get on their mailing list. It is
true that there has been an “ information
explosion’ ’ but you have got to have the
W hile we arc at it, let’s think
about organizing the home scenario
so that we might belter integrate this
new learning mode and material into
our life style — and that o f our chil­
dren. W hat about picking up a couple
o f economical letter-size carbdoard
filing cases and several dozen manila
folder sets? - for the less-elaborate
sorting and classification of these new
materials. And think about picking up
some 12" x 12" concrete blocks and 1”
x 12" pine boards for equally eco­
nomical shelving for the new and old
books. Establish a family study and
library area wherever you can. Y ou’ve
got the room — you’ll find it if you are
really serious about escalating your
fam ily’s interaction with the educa­
S ubscribe
(USPS 959-680)
Established in 1970
Before 1 forget i t let me remind
you again of the very excellent material
citied in the “ African American C hil­
dren’s Books C atalog,” The Red Sea
Press Inc., 15 Industry Court, Trenton,
NJ 08638. Also, I’ve gotten in some
citations for other ethnic groups which
need editing but will be com municated
next week. In the meantime, you should
certainly get down to that FEDERAL
BOOKSTORE at 1305 SW First and
peruse the racks at the most convenient
Daltons Bookstore - check out the
“ C hildren’s Bookstore” in your Y el­
low Page Section, and sim ilar sections
in your downtown and branch public li­
initiative to avail yourself of it. And as
I said a few weeks ago, if you want
your student to write better please get
a copy of “ Rogets International T he­
saurus, Fourth Edition (about $ 10.50).
Portland Observer encourages our readers to write
letters to the editor in response to any articles
we publish.
. ..... _
dite this process - it is up to you! We
receive copies of minority newspapers
from all over the nation -- black, his-
panic, asian and native American, and
can assure you that this type of activity
is not only going on in many com m uni­
ties but is escalating as more parents
become aware o f their ability for effec­
tive interaction. Moreover, those pa­
pers as well as our own are receiving
increased correspondence from white
parents who are experiencing the need
for special advocacy in the educational
T hank Y ou F or R eadin
T he P ortland O bserve
"Reinvestments in the Community" is a weekly column appearing
in API publications through out the USA