Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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October 9,199I...T h e Portland Observer.-.Page 5
•Portland Observer
Scripture o f the
Amazing Grace
New Public Relations
Consulting Firm
"Before You Must
- Make a Decision -
"Inquire about the services we offer"
Cox Funeral Home, Inc,
24 Hr. Service
We are interested in your problems
D ad ’ s O il S ervice
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Call for Quote!
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104 NE Russel St.
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(503) 282 5111
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Home Phone
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I authorize Damerow Ford to check my Credit. O.A.C.
DAMEROW FORD now has special
financing availabe for you. Whether you have poor
credit, bankruptcy or repossession, we can help!
For information and appointments.
Call Max Priebe
13255 SW Farmington Rd., Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Police Recruit For Job
Openings, Step Up
Minority Recruiting
Kathy Kendrix, Public Relations
Specialist, has annouced the formation
o f K and K Consultants, Inc.
Prior to this, Ms. Kendrix was in
charge o f public relation activities for
One Church, O ne Child of O regon and
was responsible for coordinating pro­
duction at KATU Ch 2.
K and K Consultants Inc. offers
full service public relations, marketing
support and special event planning.
“ Tow ard building a good public
image, public relation planning is a
process that requires a long term com ­
m itm ent” says Kendrix.
Areas o f focus within K and K
Consultants Inc. include:
Public Relations, Special event planning.
F undraising, M edia, C om m unity
Relations, M arketing and Advertising
Strategies, Analyze problems and
opportunities, Define goals, objectives
andm ission,C reate ideas, Recommend
and im plem ent activities and Follow
If the firm can be o f service to your
organization or business, call (503) 282-
0193 or write Kathy Kendrix at K and K
Consultants Inc., P.O. Box 13654,
Portland, OR 97213.
For The Children Who
Wait Annual Banquet
O ne Church, One Child of Oregon
will hold their 3rd annual banquet on
Saturday, November 9, 1991. The
banquet will be held at the Red Lion
Lloyd Center at 7:00 pm and a recep­
tion at 6:00 pm.
This year’s keynote speaker will
be Mr. Zena O glesby, Executive D irec­
tor of the Institute for Black Parenting
in Los Angeles. Past speakers have
been Rev. Shelvin Hall, Past National
President o f One Church, One Child
and Taurean Blacque, National Spokes­
man for Adoption.
Tickets for the banquet are $30.00
per person. For reservations, call 285-
One Church, One Child of Oregon
was founded in 1988. O ne Church, One
C hild’s mission is to seek African
American families to adopt African
American children.
Matthew 13:3
How many times have you awaken,
opened your eyes, saw the light shining
through the window, heard the sounds
of the morning, smelled the coffee
perking and the flowers blooming and
then stood up and walked across the
room? It was “ Amazing G race” !
“ Twas Grace, that brought me safe
thus far” the song writer says. The
house that shelters us, the food in our
pantries, the shoes on our feet, the
clothes on our backs, our jobs, our cars,
and so much more. W hen will man ever
get to the place where he will realize
that it is G od’s GRACE and G o d ’s
LO VE that has allowed us to escape
many perils, in life? Yes! Through the
valleys of death and down the dark
alleys of despair, we have traveled...and
if you haven’t yet traveled onto those
paths, ju st you wait and see.
W e m ust find our abundance in
each and every day. In each and every
circum stance. We may have trials ...
but, nothing is too big that my God
cannot handle i t
D on’t ever feel alone; for God said
that He would never leave you alone.
He promised'.
Jesus Christ died that we might
live. T hat was grace. C hrist d id ’t just
leave and go away without a trace o f us
ever hearing from him again. W hen he
ascended unto his Father..he sent the
Com forter (Holy Spirit). “ And now I
will send the Holy Spirit upon you, just
as my Father prom ised.” [Luke 24:49]
That, too, was grace.
Say, "H ello'.” to the M aster eve­
ryday. Enter into a moment o f prayer
and meditation. G ive “ glory and
honour’ ’ to the King o f Kings. L et the
world know that G od’s grace is truly
sufficient for you.
“ D on’t worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything; tell God
your needs and do n ’t forget to thank
him for his answers. If you do this you
will experience G od’s peace, which is
far more wonderful than the human
mind can understand. His peace will
keep your thoughts and your hearts
quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ
Jesus.” [Philippians 4:6-7]
I can never stop thanking G od for
the things he has done for me. In the
weakness o f my flesh, I wonder “ How
I got over?” But, the Holy Spirit lets
me know that it was G od’s grace that
brought me through and it will surely
be G od’s grace that will lead me on
through this life and into Glory. Halle­
Problems! Sure, there will be prob­
lems just as long as you are alive; but,
G od’s grace will see you through them
all. The wisdom o f the wisest man will
be foolish com pared to the truth and
grace from the CROSS.
Just the other day, I was listening
to a radio program. I heard an old man
caller attacking the Christian faith. He
called Lhe Christian faith a “ cult.” He
said that the young radio host was lead­
ing people to Christ “ against” their
w ills.” For an old man, supposedly
wise from age, he spoke foolishly and
o f silly things. Sometimes we feel that
our brilliance o f thought and mind can
sustain us and will be enough for our
salvation; but, we must BELIEVE in
the grace o f our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ. You would think that a man of
his years would have found the answer
by now, but he hadn’t. My heart was
saddened by his ignorance, and com ­
pelled me to press on in a more deliber­
ate manner, tow ard the mark o f a higher
calling. "G O TELL!”
Those of you, who may read this
article, who believe...should let noth­
ing stop you from spreading the W ORD
(Gospel). Not your gospel. Not Mr.
H enry’s gospel. But, the Gospel o f Je­
sus C h rist
W hen things seem to get too rough,
read this little peom...
W ith Faith In God
W hen grief and pain engulf you
And tear your heart in two,
Y ou’ll find that God is standing by
To always com fort you.
W hen clouds of gloom obscure your
Do not feel great despair,
Y ou’ll find an inner strength to cope
If you seek God in prayer.
As sure as daytime follows the night
And sunshine follows rain,
The faith in G od that you possess
Is never placed in vain.
H arold F. Mohn
For All Your Maintenance and
Landscaping NEEDS!
Weed Control, Lawn Insect Control,
Moss Control and Pruning
Picture Lawn Landscape Maintenance
A D V E R T IS E '
The Portland Police Bureau is
looking for candidates to apply for the
position of police officer and is step­
ping up its efforts at minority recruiting
to meet its goal of making its workforce
representative o f the community. A p­
plications will be accepted from M on­
day, Oct. 14, through Friday, Oct. 25;
preparatory w orkshops will be held on
Thursday and Saturdays (register at 796-
A pplications are available at City
Hall, Personnel Services, 1220 S.W.
5th Ave., Room 100. If candidates cannot
pick up an application, or if they have
questions, they are encouraged to call
823-4573 (inside metro area) or 1-503-
823-4352 (outside metro area).
Portland Police C hief Tom Potter
said the increased efforts at recruit­
ment go toward goals in the adopted
Human Goals statem ent o f the Bureau,
namely: “ To make the Police Bureau a
model o f equal opportunity for all re­
gardless of race, color, sex, religion,
age, national orgin, marital staatus,
sexual orientation or physical chllcnge.”
T o meet that goal, all Bureau
m em bers were asked to help in recruit­
ing and the B ureau’s Personnel D ivi­
sion reorganized to put more resources
into recruiting, said Potter. Recruiting
duties are now divided among five police
officers, who also have responsibility
for conducting background investiga­
tions: Officers Joe Becraft, Mark
Bigcagle, Dorothy Elmore, Harry
Jackson and Steve W atts.
th e
Echo Farms Dairy Co. of New York
introduced the milk bottle in 1879.
to get your
flu shot
Portland, OR
Commission M eeting
Date: October 16,1991
Place: Portland Building
1120 SW Fifth Ave., 11th FI.
Portland, OR
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Expect The Best At
Your Nearby Safeway..
Commission meetings are open to
the public. A complete agenda Is
available at PDC. Call 823-3200.
Selection*» Quality** Low Prices'* Friendly Service
PDC Is the Q ty of Portland's urban
renewal, bousing and economic
developm ent agency.
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