Page 4...The Portland Observer...October 9,1991 A HOME DOWN PAYMENT even the usual federally insured hom e loan requires. And most closing costs, for tilings like title insurance and oth er tees, don't have to be paid up tro u t they a hom e loan from a bank. But right now, a lot of people in P o rtlan d w h o think they can't qualify for a hom e loan, can. W ith a H om ePartners loan from U .S. Bank. It gives you the ADDITIONAL CLOSING COSTS All costs must be Most costs can be paid up front financed TOTAL CASH REQUIRED AT CLOSING FOR A 11OUSE WITH A SALES PRICEQJF S M O For down payment, up front closing costs, estimated taxes and insurance) S3,652 % OF MONTHLY INCOME ALLOWED FOR HOUSE PAYMENT 28% $89 HOME EQUITY LINE. a d v a n ta g es of a c r e d it line linked to the equity in your home. W est One Bank gives you the ongoing availability of funds, w henever you need some extra money. And unlike most consum er loans, the interest may be fully tax deductible* $ The set-up pro­ cedure is easy and costs you only $89. So there are many reasons you should be using you r hom e for all it’s worth. This offer is limited, so call or visit any West One Bank today for the details. BANK West One Bank offices in Portland. Beaverton, Clackamas. Eugene. Gresham. Hillsboro, king City, lake Oswego. Milwaukie. Salem and Tigard. •Consult your lax advisor Current M’R of 10 3% on lines I p mi *.">.000 tu KM.9RR T s 1 ni.n maximum \PR 18*. 588 fer for ftnrt year. S50 per year thereafter Toprrh insurance required Member FDIC Up to 33% CREDIT HISTORY Previous loan experience on cars, credit cards, etc. Without prior loan experience, landlord references or a good record of paying utility bills can be used to establish credit historv. The U.S. Bank HomePartners Program can help you purchase- a house in Portland for up to 549,000. You are eligible to apply if your annual household income docs not exceed the following income guidelines: 1 pei son S24.000, 2 people - 528,500, 3 or more people - S31,"00. I lomePartners is offered through U.S. Bancorp Mortgage Company. that a lot o f people w h o th o u g h t th e y 'd never be able to get a hom e loan, w ill get one. So, before you give up on the idea o f o w n in g your o w n hom e, take a look at w h a t U .S. Bank s H o m eP artn ers loan has to offer. It co u ld save y o u 0 from a lifetim e o f rent. c I'*' »1 United States National Bank o f Oregon Weatherization Workshop At Peninsula Park The convenience and the tax $2,160 DO YOU QUALIFY? to everyone w h o walks in the door. But. we guarantee ■ « All repairs (except those required for health or safety reasons) can be done after loan is given Must be done before loan is given can be b o rro w ed w ith the rest ot the money. N et only does this home loan cost less, it s easiet to qualify for. A steady incom e and a g o o d history ot paying y o u r bills m ig h t be all you need. Now, we aren't exactly giv in g away these loans m oney yo u need to buy a house w ith o u t costing an arm and a leg. O r even a toot. H eres how it w orks. lllth a HomePartners loan, the am o u n t o f m oney yo u need for a d o w n paym ent is one third less than 2% HQW DOYt KJ C.F.T YOUR DOWN PAYMENT? Must be from your Can be a gift from a relative own savings TH INK THEY CAN’T N ot everyone hits the money it takes to take o u t A HOMEPARTNERS HOME LOAN 5% LOAN PEOPLE W H O GET ONE !■ A CONVENTIONAL V S HOME LOAN Tues, October 15, 1991 Wed, November 13, 1991 Cost Free Time 7p.m. - 9 p.m. Place: Peninsula Park Community Center 700 N. Portland Blvd. Portland, OR 97217, Telephone 823-3620 Free self help Weatherization Work­ shop for renters and homeowners. Learn how to weatherize your home, how to lower your utility bills, stay warm and receive a Free “ Kit” of weatherization materials valed at $75.00 to install in your home. Call the community center at 823-3620 and the Community Energy Project to sign up 284-6827. BANK. The Weight Loss Plan For People Who Like To Eat. I f you’ re having a hard time losing weight, the problem may not be a lack of willpower, but what you’ re forced to eat That’ s why our Personal Choice* Program works so well. You get a wide variety o f delicious real foods. And you can choose the foods you like. W e’ll show you how. It’ s so flexible, we know you’ ll find the power within you to lose w eight And there’s a Weight Watchers meeting near you to help. Official Leaves For Private Sector J. Daniel Steffey, Director of Port­ land’s Bureau of Community Develop­ ment has resigned to consult with pri­ vate businesses engaged in socially- responsible projects. He will leave the City effective October 14, 1991. Steffey served as bureau director for over two years, and was staff assis­ tant to Mayor J.E. Bud Clark for over four years. According to Steffey, his work after leaving the City will focus on develop­ ing partnerships between the public, non-profit, and private sectors to bene­ fit community lcveabilily. Clients in­ clude private businesses and non-profit organizations. Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury has asked Steffey to complete work on several projects which have been under development within the Bureau of Community Development. He will finish the work under contract to the City. ‘ ‘ Dan has brought both energy and creativity to his work with the City. Bringing more partners to the work community development will be a welcomed addition!,” Comnussioncr Kafoury said. You've Got It In Y ouT oG ct It O ff You." Join Any Class Anytime For more information call (collect) (503) 297-1021 Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (new members please arrive 20 min. early) Tillam ook Park Bldg. Temple Baptist Church 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. Mon. Tues. Wed. 9:30 a.m. & Thurs. Fri. 9:30 a.m. 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m. (Brown Bag Lunch Class) 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Opening Soon Nationwide Ins. 919 N.E. 19th NORTH PORTLAND Rivergate Community Church University of Portland 4737 N. Lombard St. Tues. 7:00 p.m. 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Columbia Hall (Enter from Portsmoth) Wed. 5:00 p.m. ©1991 W eight Watchers International, Inc. All nghts reserved WEIGHT WATCHERS and PERSONAL CHOICE are registered trademarks of Weight W itchers International, Inc. advertise PORTLANDDBSERVER People have used petroleum for thousands of years. The Bible mentions that Noah used a solid form of petroleum, called pitch, in building the ark.