» -4 -^ m Page 12...The Portland Observer...October 9,1991 CAREER OPPORTUNITY M C - ...... ^.v • • ~-~«x i^AxvA^XWWyjf ... " • «<# SXX .XW<$<.>V. Y \,A The Portland Police Bureau is looking for dedicated women w who in serving the men nnd and women ho are •__ interested __ community as a Police Officer. V i MS3SW8»»*SL?*,*,!,*> *' s If you w ant to make a positive chan g e in y o u r community - and want a ^ l f e i ^ n g a ^ fa llin g career with excellent salary and benefits - the Port­ land Police Bureau can offer you teat opportunity. $ 2 9 ,4 2 8 -$ 4 1 ,9 6 2 Medical and Dental Benefits Paid Vacation and Sick Leave Portland Police Bureau Human Goals: "To attract to the Police Bureau a diverse group o f individuals with ability, dedication and capaatylor growth" and "lb make the Police Bureau a model of '< ♦ < < A'*•"<-< « « X X IX » <. »*%- - -r~«—Ç 'V $4.37 Million Economic Development Grant For N/NE Portland Passes Both Houses; Funds To Boost Northeast Business Congress has approved a $4.37 m illio n grant fo r econom ic de ve lop ­ that id e n tifie d 138 b u ild in g on the m ar­ ket in N /N E E nterprise Zone and 66 m ent in inner N o rth /N o rth e a st P ort­ land, U.S. Representative Les A u C o in announced recently at a news co n fe r­ additional b u ild in g ence in N ortheast P ortland. The P o rt­ from $30,000 - $250,000 at fiv e points land D evelopm ent C o m m issio n re­ quested the funds last spring fo r sup­ below prim e interest rate fo r terms up to seven years; loans w ill in vo lve at least 30% private p a rticip a tio n in m ost c ir ­ p o rt o f three un iq ue ly related program s that com bine housing, econom ic de­ velopm ent and social strategies to re v i­ talize the inner c ity . The grant was proposed to C o n ­ gress by Sen. M a rk H a tfie ld to be im ­ plem ented o ver a three-year p ro je ct fo r business development loans, a jo b train­ sites representing 120 acres o f vacant land. ♦ A llo w s fo r 30-50 loans ranging cumstances. . Requires business receiving funds to enter in F irst Source Agreem ent w ith P D C ’ s JobNet program . Job Training Loan Fund ♦ A llo c a tio n : ap p ro xim a te ly 30% ♦ Designed to enhance existing jo b ing loan fund and a te ch n ica l assistance program . PDC w ill adm inster the funds training programs w h ic h provide com ­ pany o r industry sp ecific training p ro ­ fo r a ll aspects o f the p ro je c t grams fo r N /N E residents. ♦ Earm arked fo r business w h o lo ­ Business Development Ixwn Fund ♦ A llo c a tio n : a p p ro xim a te ly 60% ♦ D eveloped to p ro v id e in ce n tive cate or expand in N /N E Enterprise Zone. ♦ Forgives p ro rated p o rtio n o f to attract jo b -g e n e ra tin g business e x­ pansion and re cru itm e n t in the N /N E businesses loan fo r each resident o f E n­ terprise Zone hired, trained and retained fo r at least six m onths as a regular, fu ll area. ♦ Provides lo w -in te re s t loans to business that intend to p ro vid e perm a­ nent, “ fa m ily w age” jo b s and/or im ­ prove key N /N E properties. ♦ Based on P D C in v e n to ry o f area tim e employee. ♦ Funds re vo lve in to new loans fo r other business, p ro v id in g substantial co m m u n ity benefits. ♦ A llo w s fo r 25 loans o f $60,000 at fiv e percent b e lo w prim e interest rate fo r fiv e year term. • A n ticip a te d $3,000 tra in in g cost per trainee, fund to cover 500 to ta l jobs. Technical Assistance Program • A llo c a tio n : approxim ately 10% • V ita l com ponent designed to sup­ p o rt the N /N E econom ic developm ent strategy; insures loan o rig in a tio n and com pany v ia b ility . • Provides the fo llo w in g : Business plan developm ent L o a n packaging assistance Id e n tific a tio n o f co-lenders and e q u ity partners M a rke t fe a s ib ility studies Id e n tific a tio n o f p u b lic and private business incentives Assistance w ith state and local regu­ la to ry issues R eferral to other state and federal program s in clu d in g S B A , M B D A ,E D A and H U D • P rovides case management m o n i­ to rin g and assistance to a ll businesses. P D C is the C ity ’ s agency fo r urban re­ new al, housing and econom ic d e velop­ m ent. Funds fo r the Home R epair Loan P rogram are fe derally funded by the Bureau o f C o m m u n ity D e ve lo p m e n t ARRI equal opportunity for a ll. Local Gills: 796-3200 Inside Oregon: 1 -800-262-9529 (foil Free) Outside Oregon: 1-800-248-9529 (foil Free) sale 1 year ▼ Snake skin belts - $8£ $ j -7 00 ▼ Sheer polka dot blouses - 17 ••••••• >'•••>>: ▼ Snake skin shoes - 109 ▼ Lizard shoes - s1 2 7 \ ▼ Silk shirts - $25°° We need you. Portland Police Bureau Personnel Division Room 1542 1111 S.W. 2nd. Ave. Portland, O r. 9 72 04 w American Heart Association 503-281-7164 . Oregon Affiliate, Inc. 2929 N.E. Alberta ▼ Portland, Oregon 97211 D onnie ’ s M A ccessories P lus • • i*¿ ir ÍS / *îf T he jo in t LABOR/management com m ittee is dedicated to cooperating in public service efforts w hose objective shall be to enhance the public im age of IBEW Local 48 and the O regon-C olum bia Chapter, N ECA and publicize our q u ali­ fied people and quality of work. IBEW L ocal 48 electricians are trained at the M etro Meme Reflection on the past, the elders pass on what has characterized our existence in this land and put it in a perspective for the future, in an effort to preserve the beauty, strength and dignity of a people Reflections Reflecting on our heritage, we cull the important facets of our past. From this we perceive a positive image of our maleness The past to our point of aging keeps us forever focused on who we are. The Sisters “ The Sisters" reflect the subtle beauty of the passing of a heritage of beauty, strength and dignity from one generation of Black women to its younger sisters. Beauty is our heritage Training Center, the m ost up-to-date, full-service training facility in the U nited States. O ur five-year apprenticeship program and the continuing education for Journeym en pro­ duce the best trained, m ost productive electrical workers in Christmas/Kwwanzaa cards • Blank Notes • Birth Announcements • All Occasion Cards the nation today. O ur joint objective is to m ake use of that TUINKIN« OK YOU — ' 3 T ----- skill and prom ote that talent. S ince □ * th e first -J m eeting betw een representatives of the U rban League and the M etro Electrical A pprenticeship r • t . ¿ >*■< C om m ittee 26 years ago, w om en and other m inorities have .* ? •/ been recruited and em ployed in the electrical construction tí /. ? '• I industry. The num bers increase each year. « METRO ELECTRICAL TRAINING TRUST a 5600 N.E. 42nd Portland, Oregon 97218 (503) 287-0756 H appy K w anzaa Whether young or old. near or far There's a spirit that speaks within us, which touches our hearts and extends our love reminding us of the excitement and experience 925 NE Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97232 ®(503) 249-7204 A ‘3 Y : r '• f t * MG* x * * 4. » $ * • *. • ", • S; I ♦ .'* ••3 7