Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10...The Portland Observer...October 9,1991
Portland Observer
Call for Bids
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on October 24,1991, for
the project listed below:
S.W. 170th Ave. & S.W. 198th Ave. Sec., Tualatin
Valley Hwy. in Beaverton & 1.5 miles W. of
Beaverton. Earthwork & Drainage or A.C. Pave­
ments & Oiling.
M L . King, 48th & Foster Signals Project on Port­
land City Streets. Traffic signals. DBE goal.
Ontario Signal Replacement Project on Various
W. Fork Dry Creek Bridge Sec. of Wasco-Heppner
Hwy. approx. 17 mi. E. of Condon. Earthwork &
Drainage. DBE goal.
Strawberry Lane-Oatfield Rd. (Bikeway) Unit 1
Sec. of E Portland Frwy. approx. 0.4 mi. N. of ECL
in Gladstone Portland Cement Pavement.
W CL John Day-Canyon Creek Sec. of John Day
Hyw. Earthwork & Drainage. A.C. Pavement &
Sandy ECL-Alder Cr. Sec. of the Mt. Hood Hwy.
beginning in Sandy. Misc. Hwy. Appurtenances.
DBE goal.
Abernethy Rd. - Beavercreek Rd. Sec., Cascade
Hwy. S., E. of Oregon City. Misc. Hwy. Appurte­
nances. DBE goal.
Crater Lake Boundary-Fort Klamath Sec. of C ra­
ter Lake Hwy. beginning approx. 6.4 mi. NW of
Fort Klamath. E a rth w o rks Drainage. Aggregate
Bases. AC Pavement & Oiling. DBE goal.
Plans, specifications and bid documents may be obtained in Rm
10, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Prime contrac­
tors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day.
For additional information please contact Commission Services
at 378-6526.
If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or a W omen Business Enterprise (WBE),
please contact the Office of Minority, W omen, and Emerging
Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503)
Request For Proposals
Garbage Pick-up Service at 12 Sites
Job Number C1-9905
The Housing Authority of Portland, (HAP), is requesting Propos­
als from Solid Waste Haulers for pick-up and legal disposal of
commercial household garbage and recyclable materials.
Proposals for these services will be received at the HAP M ain­
tenance Office, 8910 N. W oolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon,
97203 until 4:00 PM, PST, November 5.1991. Proposals will be
evaluated the following day and the names of successful propo­
nents for each of three zones will be announced shortly there­
Basically, the services consists of weekly garbage pick-up at
four sites in each of three HAP designated zones. All zones are
located within Multnomah County. The total work involves solid
waste and recyclable pick-up at 12 apartment complexes that
contain 304 housing units. Proponents may subm it proposals
for one, two or all three zones. The Authority may award one, two
or three separate contracts, as deemed appropriate when
considering all evaluation factors. Each successful proponent
will be awarded a one year renewable service contract.
A preproposal conference will be held in the HAP Maintenance
lunchroom at the address noted above. The meeting will con­
vene at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, October 24, 1991. Questions
posed during the meeting, when not addressed in the informa­
tion provided, will be answered by written addendum and mailed
to all attendees.
Interested Refuse Haulers may obtain proposal forms by written
request only. Direct the request, on your letterhead, to Ray
Kuykendall, Environmental Officer, and mail to the above HAP
address. Upon receipt thereof, a packet containing information
will be sent to you outlining the submittal requirements, evalu­
ation factors and conditions of the contract.
The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any Proposal not
in compliance with the procedures and requirements described
herein and may reject any or all proposals and waive any infor-
malitites if in the judgem ent of HAP, it is in the public interest to
do so. Q uestions regarding this announcement should be di­
rected to Ray Kuykendall at (503) 735-4211.
Loren Tarbell
Director of Maintenance
Holladay Park Medical Center
1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue
(503) 233-4567
C om m itted to Carter O pportunity f o r A i l Americans
24-Hour Job Line 239-3116
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Sub-Bids Requested
Housing Authority Of Portland
Rehabilitation Of Scattered Site
Single Family Residences
Project OR16-P002-049, Part D
Informational Advertisement
Department of Transportation
Highway Division
W ashington
« Bids/Sub-Blds
A Legacy Member
For . Best Results
Advertise’ in the Observer
Sealed bids are requested for labor and materials to rehabilitate
20 vacant single family residences located at scattered sites in
Portland, Oregon. Bids will be received at the Housing Author­
ity of Portland (HAP) Development Office, 135 S.W. Ash, 5th
Floor, Portland, OR, 97204 until 2:00 p.m., P.S.T., October 30,
1991. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read.
The attendance of bidders is welcomed.
The work to be performed varies by site, but may include plum b­
ing, electrical, roofing, painting, siding, window replacement,
vinyl floor covering and other work necessary to correct building
code violations and to address deferred maintenance condi­
Interested bidders may obtain one set of bid documents at the
HAP Development Office Monday through Friday between 8:00
AM and 4:30 PM upon deposit of $20.00 which is refundable if
documents are returned in good condition within ten (10) days
after bid opening. Additional sets of documents may be pur­
chased for $15 each, which is not refundable.
A HAP representative will conduct a pre-bid meeting and inspec­
tion tour of the sites commencing at 8:30 AM October 10th at a
designated project site. All sites not visited that day will be
inspected the following day. The attendance of bidders is re­
quested on pre-bid tours, and questions posed at that time, when
not addressed in the specifications, will be answered by Adden­
dum and mailed to all bidders. Pre-bid site inspection schedules
will be included with bid document packages.
The Housing Authority of Portland will require contractors to
submit with their bid, a Certificate of Compliance with the follow­
ing minimum prequalifications: 1) that the contractor is a general
contractor licensed to perform the type of work specified in
thecontract within the state of Oregon, 2) that the contractor will
meet all performance bonding and insurance requirements speci­
fied in the contract documents before issuance of the Notice to
Proceed, and 3) that the contractor has received gross proceeds
of at leasdt two times the amount of his bid on this contract from
general contracting work performed over the preceding 12
months. Verification of prequalifications may be required before
award of the contract.
No bid will be considered unless accompanied by the contrac­
tor’s certification of compliance with prequalifications and bid se­
curity in the form of certified check, cashier’s check, or surety
bond payable to “ The Housing Authority of Portland" in an
amount equal to 5% of the bid. Bid security is forfeited as fixed
and liquidated damages should the bidder neglect or refuse to
enter into contract or provide a suitable bond for the faithful per­
formance of the work and for payment of all obligations incurred
in performing the work when bidder is notified of contract award.
Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment oppor­
tunity, insurance requirements, and the payment of not less than
the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifica­
tions. Payment of wages determined pursuant to the Davis-
Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a et seq.) is a requirement of this
project. Any State determined prevailing wage rate that exceeds
the corresponding Federal rate is inapplicable and shall not be
A minimum of 20% MBE participation in the execution of this
work is a HAP Development goal and the methods the bidder
proposes to meet this goal shall be submitted on a notarized
“ Affidavit of MBE Participation” form which will become part of
the bid.
No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for opening
thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid
HAP may reject any bid not in compliance with the prescribed
bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all
bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgment of HAP, it is in
the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project
should be directed to John Manson at 273-4511.
NOTE: This project is 100% federally funded as part of a 4.17
million dollar authorization obtained through the Department of
Housing and Urban Development for a program to acquire and
rehabilitate low-income housing.
Helen Barney
Director of Development
N o rth ea st C o m m u n ity
D e velo p m en t C o rp o ra tio n
N e h em ia h H o u sin g O p p o rtu n ity
Prog ram
N ew c o n s tru c tio n and e x te n s iv e re n o v atio n o f 250
h o m es over a th re e ye a r period.
Request For Qualifications
from Contractors, Homebuilders, and Renovators for the Ne­
hemiah Housing Opportunity Program.
The Northeast Community Development Corporation (NECDC),
(the Agency) requests Contractors Statement of Qualifications
for construction of new houses and extensive renovation of ex­
isting older homes. A total of 250 houses will be constructed or
renovated under the Federal Nehemiah Housing Opportunity
Program in the King, Humboldt, Vernon, and Boise neighbor­
hoods of Northeast Portland. Davis-Bacon and Oregon Prevail­
ing Wage Rates do not apply.
Bids will be requested beginning in October, 1991 on eight proto­
type model units. Main construction/renovation program will
begin early in 1992 at the rate of 10 construction starts per
month. Bids will be solicited from contractors prequalified by the
Agency based on Statements of Qualification.
For more information and submittal forms, please contact:
Michael Trower
Director of Development, NECDC
4114 N. Vancouver Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 282-5482
Distribution Center
Roadway Package System, Inc.
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: October 15,1991 @ 2:00 p.m.
Andersen Construction Co., Inc.
6712 N. Cutter Circle
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 283-6712
FAX: (503) 283-3607
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­
taged, minority, women and emerging small business
Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration #63053
Counselor II
Entry Level
Salary $1109-$1200 mo. +
CODA Inc. seeks entry level Coun­
selor II for the STAR methadone
maintenance program to man­
age caseload of 25 opiat depend­
ent clients, provide individual and
group therapy, maintain clinical
records, assist with other program
functions. To qualify: an associ­
ates degree in mental health re­
lated field and at least 1 year
relevant experience required.
CCDC certification may be sub­
stituted for associates degree,
methadone experience preferred.
To apply submit standard CODA
application form including screen­
ing question responses to ad­
dress below:
Application materials available at
CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­
land, OR 97232.
Equal opportunity/affirmative
action employer.
Clinical Supervisor C-V
Salary $1800 - $2000 mo. +
CODA Inc. seeks Clinical supervi­
sor for Alpha House Adult Resi­
dential Treatment Facility to
administer daily program opera­
tions, provide clinical supervision
to 5 counselors, coordinate client
admissions, diagnosis and treat­
ment, consult with probation and
parole officers and develop and
implement policies. To qualify: a
master's degree in a human
services discipline plus 2 years
supervised human services
experience or equivalent required.
Advanced training or experience
in addition, pregnant addict, crimi­
nal justice client, and residential
treatment required.
To apply submit standard CODA
application form including screen­
ing question responses to ad­
dress below. Application materi­
als available at CODA Inc., 210
NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer
Principal Executive/
Manager D
Fire Prevention Coordinator
$2879 - $4054
The Oregon Department of For­
estry currently has an opening in
Salem for a Fire Prevention
Coordinator. This announcement
is to fill the current vacancy.
Submit an application now if you
wish to be considered for this job
classification. The Fire Preven­
tion Coordinator is responsible
for development and implemen­
tation of planning, agency policy,
and statutes dealing with fire
prevention on state and private
forest land in Oregon. With sub­
ordinate assistance, the position
provides agency-wide coordina­
tion of law enforcement, fire in­
vestigation, fire cost collection,
hazard abatement, regulation of
risk, fire danger rating, and pub­
lic awareness activities. Qualifi­
cations are: six years of progres­
sively responsible experience in
supervision or staff technical or
professional work related to a
program of the employing agency,
including two years of supervi­
sion and management of a pro­
gram, section, or unit which in­
cluded development of program
rules and policies, long and short-
range goals and plans, program
evaluation, and budget prepara­
tion. A Bachelor’s degree or
coursework in a field related to
management (such as Business
or Public Administration), or a
Bachelor's degree in Forestry may
be substituted for up to three
years of the required experience.
Announcement closes November
1,1991. Contact Department of
Forestry Personnel Section, 2600
State Street, Salem, OR 97310,
(503) 378-2565 for job announce­
ment, test questions and appli­
Part Time Counselor II
Child Care Worker
26 Hours per week
Salary $721-$790 mo. + benefits
CODA Inc. seeks child care worker
in family services program to
provide care to infants and chil­
dren of substance abuse clients.
Responsibilities include organ­
izing children's social educational
and recreational activities, in­
structing in parental relations, pro-
viding/coordinating facility main­
tenance, consulting with primary
counselors. Shift works Mon-
Thurs 2-830pm. To qualify: higher
education (degree preferred) in
child development plus 2 years
experience in child care. CPR
capability required.
To apply submit standard CODA
application form including ss-
creening question responses to
address below.
Application materials available at
CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­
land, OR 97232.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer
Oregon Dept. of Revenue
Located throughout Oregon. Jour­
ney level $2131-2835/mo; Sen­
ior level $2455-3272/mo. Ap­
praises real and person property
for ad valorem tax purposes. For
required application call (503)
Room For Rent
$175.00 mo. No Smokers, No Drink­
ers. Board & Room available,
extra. Ministers Home.
Advocate -
Portland Step
This is a limited-duration
position through 6/30/92
Continuation is based on
renewed funding.
Repsonsibilities: Responsible for
in-school program activities of
City of Portland youth within the
service delivery area of The Pri­
vate Industry Council including:
coordination of youth activities
and services; monitoring con­
tracts and programs; providing
intake and assessment; function­
ing as TPIC-school liaison: pro­
viding tracking and follow-up
services; providing assistance in
planning and implementation of
summer remediation program.
Preferred qualification: Two years
work experience in employment
training, teaching, counseling,
and/or vocational guidance:
experience with public schools
and target population youth;
degree with major coursework in
education, counseling, sociology
or closely related field; valid
driver’s license and reliable trans­
portation; effective communica­
tion skills. Qualifying experience
may be substituted for educa­
Salary Range: $19,048 to $29,028
plus excellent benefit package
Closing date: 5pm Friday, October
Applications available at The Pri­
vate Industry Council, 620 SW
6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland,
OR 97204. An Affirmative Ac-
tion/Equal Opportunity Employer