*<*■» '* ** • •> V < * •■** • • > f * •■■ • » * fcV w *’• O ctober 2,1991...T be P ortland O bserver...Page 9 Crime And Punishment In America, Part 2 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS COUNSELING Clinical Supervisor C-V Salary $1800 - $2000 mo. + benefits. CODA Inc. seeks Clinical supervisor for Alpha House Adult Residential Treatment Facility to administer daily program operations, pro­ vide clinical supervision to 5 counselors, coordinate client admissions, diagnosis and treat­ ment, .- consult and . - - with j, probation . , parole officers and develop and implement policies. To Qualify: a master's degree in a human serv­ ices discipline plus 2 years super­ vised human services experience or equivalent required. Advanced training or experience in addi­ tion, pregnant addict, criminal justice client and residential treat­ ment required. To apply submit standard CODA application form including screen­ ing question responses to ad­ dress below. Application materials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer Counseling Counselor III Alpha House Residential On-Cali Backup Worker $6 Per Hour CODA Inc. seeks On-Call back- upworker to provide sole facility and client supervision at our residential treatment facilities. Experience with drug and alco­ hol clients in residential setting required. Variable shifts. To apply submit standard CODA application form including screen ing question responses to ad­ dress below. Application materials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­ land, OR 97232 Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer Custom er Service Northwest Natural Gas Company has an immediate opening for a Meter Reader based out of the Portland-Metro Area. Recent customer service/relations experience essential; meter read­ ing background preferred. Accu­ racy in recording statistical data required. Recent physically ac­ tive work experience and/or non­ work activities desirable. A valid local driver's license with an excellent driving record is re­ quired. Start wage is $1815/month with a full benefit package. Only those to be considered will be contacted. Please send resume identifying your interest in this position by O cto­ ber 4, 1991: Northwest Natural Gas Company P.O. Box 3410 Portland, Oregon 97209-3410 asl week we observed that ‘ western civiliza tion is fun- dementally viole nt’ ’ and you (may have asked “ so, what else is new?” Not very much, but what we m ight do is begin to view this fo lk opera (C rim inal Justice Sys­ tem) as we would any other stage pro­ duction. A principal problem is that society is in a M E D IA -D R IV E N FREE F A L L ! On a given night, on 50 m illio n televi­ sion screens across the country, the message is clear, deliberate and frig h t­ ening: “ NEWS A T F IV E -B L A C K GANGS A T S IX-SPO R TS A T TH E TOP OF TH E H O U R .” Besides the psyche-crunching impact upon African Americans in particualr, the populace is further manipulated w ith the presenta­ tion o f numerous “ ghetto specials” designed by white program managers who have little comprehension o f the real estate dynamics that created the traumas. (And i f they brought such in ­ sight to programming, they would be fired before m orning.) You may cry, “ cheap shot” or “ they’re too lazy or budget conscious to develop ‘ real images’ o f Am erica,” but you’ ve got to remember this is a BU S I­ NESS, yet! A classic example o f the “ Ghetto Special” and absolute proof that “ the medium is indeed the mes­ sage” was a network broadcast at the beginning o f Desert Storm. Cameras and news crews had taken over the emer­ gency ward o f the m ajor innercity hospi­ tal in Washington, D.C. Planned and scanned was a vast panorama o f black folks on stretchers, operating tables and even the floor. Blood and guts were everywhere as the news commentator L Public Works Road Maintenance Supervisor Counseling (Paving) ($2878 - $3500 per month plus benefits) Responsible for supervision and coordination of road maintenace paving, patching and bituminous surface treatment activities, pro­ grams and material supplies. Planning and scheduling work of subordinate employees and coor­ dinating operations with other units of road maintenance division, Public Works Department, other agencies and vendor contractors as required. Inspects work in prog­ ress, investigating service requests for repair work, and prepares estimates of labor, material, and equipment requirements as nec­ essary. Six (6) years of experi­ ence in road maintenance and repair work including at least two (2) years as a lead worker, crew chief, foreman, or superintendant; OR, any equivalent combination of training and/or experience that provides the required knowledge and abilities. Valid State of W ash­ ington Driver’s License, State of Washington Traffic Flagging Card, and First Aid Card, are required for employment. Candidates for employment may be required to pass a pre-employment physical examination prior to being hired. No resumes accepted. To re­ quest application by mail, send self-addressed, stam ped (29 cents) legal envelope indicating job title. A completed application must be returned to Snohomish County Personnel, 1st Floor Ad­ ministration Bldg, 3000 Rockefeller Everett, WA 98201 by closing date of October 11,1991. Equal O p­ portunity Employer. Salary $1232-$1350 m o.+ benefits. CODA Inc seeks Counselor III for Alpha House Adult Residential chemically dependant treatment program to diagnose and treat caseload of clients, conduct indi­ vidual and group counseling, coordinate therapeutic activities, maintain plant records, monitor the milieu. Position works Tues- Sat. Conventional hours except Wednesday which is 1 -9pm. To qualify: bachelors degree In human services discipline and at least 2 year relevant experience or equivalent required. Residen­ Courier/Mail Clerk tial treatment experience very City of Eugene strongly preferred. CPR capabil­ Hourly rate: $4.99 - $6.76/hr ity required.To apply submit stan­ Temporary, on-call position assists dard CODA application form in­ in delivering mail and supplies be­ cluding screening question re­ tween City departments. Must be sponses to address below. A p ­ able to lift supplies and paper up to plication materials available at 70lbs. General office experience CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­ desirable. CLOSING DATE: Octo­ land, OR 97232. ber 4, 1991. Obtain application Equal Opportunity/Affirmative packet at City of Eugene, Human Action Employer. Resource & Risk Services, IT! Pearl St., Rm 101. Eugene, OR 97401. Portland/Oregon Visitors AA/EOE Association described how competent the personnel was at treating “ bullet wounds.” A fter a fu ll 60 seconds o f scanning the carnage, accompanied by inane pat­ ter, a camera focused upon the piece de resistance-- a statuesque blonde in a British army uniform. She was in this country on an “ errand o f m ercy” the narrator gushed, studying these B A T ­ T LE F IE LD C O N D ITIO N S in prepara­ tion for her mission o f setting up field hospitals in Saudia Arabia. In his most dramatic style and with grimaces to match, he confided that her o ffic ia l M.O. was “ Triage Specialist.” (Webster defines triage as: “ The sorting and allocation o f treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a sys­ tem o f priorities designed to maximize the number o f survivors.” ) Our point is that in order to reform the “ justice” system, one must be able to see the “ stage” clearly - and this is d iffic u lt when the dancers obscure the dance. Occasionally, the p lot is clearly seen as when, two weeks ago, a non­ network channel, 12, aired a documen­ tary on crime w ith a different perspec­ tive. The nation’s physicians, law en­ forcement people, school administrators and sociologists stated the greatest number o f crimes and the greatest use o f drugs is by W H IT E Y O U T H - and occurs in suburbia and in rural areas. Then, previ­ ously misled here by that “ medium-is- the-message” media circus, it could well be that we have been equally “ snowed” in respect to the origin, purpose and real socioeconomic significance o f the “ ghetto.” Let us see i f that is not true; first a modem day scenario. I have selected Los Angeles for an exposition because not only can I speak from first hand experience (1954 - 1964), but because early on this urban mael­ strom exhibited at one time all o f the hopes, dreams, shocks and pathologies o f an “ upwardly m obile” race o f people ( “ Free at last, Free at last. Free at last’ ’). That is, a fu ll T H IR T Y YEARS AGO this city was a model or metaphor for any o f the urban behaviors and traumas we think new. I have furnished some insights gained from personal experi­ ence - and further would have you note that A M N E S T Y IN T E R N A T IO N A L is just now getting around to investigating a spate o f fatal shootings and the vide­ otaped beating o f Rodney K ing. They are 30 years late in this town where street gangs were invented. To give my account a degree o f substance and va lid ity let me point out that during most o f this period I was a public accountant w ith an “ interracial” practice that ranged the length and breadth o f the c ity - retailers, contractors, small manufacturers, laundries, machine shops, and the like. Interestingly, I w ill use two innercity “ reta il” establishments as a point o f departure; “ Ish’ s Sportsman’ s Cafe’ ’ and the ’ ‘ Western Avenue D rive- In .” The first location was a popular cocktail bar where that “ upwardly m obile” black middle class hung out. The lawyers, the doctors, engineers, teachers, c iv il service, ballplayers - and my cocktail buddy, “ Tom Bradley,” Precinct Captain at the 77th (later to be Mayor o f Los Angeles). The second location was a restau­ rant account o f mine that turned out to be the w o rld ’ s largest drive-in drug re­ tailer. Next week, the meaning o f it a ll -- V ‘ • 3 • •Li •• >•’ •* <*•* a,. fica* ' in e-- • • • ' i , .• Specialty Menu . Down Home Cooking At Its Very Best! 283-0348 .Catfish .Red Snapper .BBQ Ribs .Steaks ♦Turnip Greens .Cornbread .Chitterlings .Yams .Blackeyed Peas .Sweet Potato Pies . Peach Cobbler Financing Available » .* ¿ í M - i f any. Call ABS Inc. BB#9291 ■5-i: Homestyle Cooking Vinyl Siding Installed on Your Home by Experts M A O D ■ -*l'' : * • /. ;- fè z j • - r- . M o th e rs A gainst D ru n k D riv in g L in k s L a n d s c a p in g S e rvice s, Inc. p ro vid es T re e and S h rub T rim m in g .L a w n D esign .6AM Breakfast . Hot Food Express Line 11am - 2pm . Master Charge . Visa . American Express Steen's Kitchen ♦ Y a rd M a in te n a n ce & G eneral H auling also provide 7332 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Abah Brothers Painting Co., Inc. Both Interior and Exterior House Painting Reasonable Rate and a Free Estimate Job Announcement Convention Sales & Services Coordinator The Convention Sales and Serv­ ices Coordinator, under the d i­ rection and supervision of the Assistant to the Director of Con­ vention Sales, and Convention Sales Managers will be respon­ sible for working closely with the convention Sales and Services staff in an effort to supplement support services in the solicita­ tion of meetings and conventions for the city of Portland. This position will handle all secretar­ ial functions as they relate to assigned Convention Sales Managers and Convention Serv­ ices Manager on occasion. QUALIFICATIONS: Must posses a high school diploma, a profes­ sional appearance, good com ­ munications and public presen­ tation skills, along with a proven ability in working with a diversity of individuals (a must). Must be people-oriented, have high stam­ ina, and high energy level to perform in a demanding work environment. Strong knowledge in W ordPerfect 5.1, Lotus 1 -2-3, dictaphone, data entry, and type 65 wpm (error free) necessary. A minimum of two years secretar­ ial experience, preferably in ho- tel/facilities, convention/tourism, or a related industry. Applications are available to resi­ dents of First Opportunity Target Area only. Target Area bounda­ ries are Banfield Freeway on the south, N.E. 42nd on the east, N. Columbia Bv. on the north, N. Chautauqua including Columbia Villa on the West. Applications and position descrip­ tion can be picked-up at the POVA office, 26 SW Salmon St. be­ tween 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. Monday thru Friday. Applica­ tions must be fllled-out com­ pletely and turned-ln to the Director of Convention Sales by 5:00 dpm , Friday, October 11,1991. by Prof. M cK inley B u rt M inority Business Special - pages 12-14 Expect The ’ i ■/>- Ÿ V i- '- ' ■ N orthw est Grain Country B reads V1 Individual Wrapped Slices. 16-Oz L ook 5-'$ * Lucerne American C h e ese Food \ To Be Sure Your in r B umble Assorted Varieties. 24 Ounce j B umble B ee < $J97 IN-W ATER M k Light TunainWgf Bumble Bee Chunk Tuna it S afew ay fo r fo r S hopP ’1' 9 lis t of m p 'e fe sale th is a co on speCiÍaS S afew ay w e e k at October 2 thru Chunk light tuna in oil or water pack. Stock up and save! 6.125-Oz. Can. 1991 Ea. 5; .'- a A , .a . f , ’. es « * • * * * • * ft < * * Î * ' * ♦ fi fi fi fi * * fi * à . ‘ • .*• a * * fi • a yfi » fi ¡ 1 . A - • 7 -• •• •