October 2,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 5 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT Norman Sylvester: A Northwest Blues Original Pni'lhmd Iren Theatre Whiner liiiioinieex T he T exas II O rego n B allet Theatre R eceives $5,000 G rant From AT& T For Its W o rld -P rem iere P ro du ctio n o f “ C a rm e n ” *4 R estaurant and L ounge 1 7 0 8 N E A lb e rta - 2 8 7 -5 1 4 5 4 Rhythm and Blues S how case!! EVERY SUNDAY in a relaxed environment!! The Downhome Blues Jam Sessions 8:00 pm to 12:00 am no co ve r charge All M usicians are Invited Host Bands For October: Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 6 13 20 27 The Norman Sylvester Band Paulette and Power The Norman Sylvester Band J.C. Rico Armed and Dangerous Cycle Your C ity! Please bring your friends, and join the party! Get out your bikes and bring the kids! On Sunday, October 6, from 2- 5pm, the City’s Bureau of Traffic Management kicks off NeighborRide, a family bike ride to show off the neigh­ borhoods of Portland, and promote safe bicycling. Register that day at Univer­ sity of Portland or Kenton Park, and pick up your “ Passport to Portland.” It will be stamped at strategic locations as you cycle through seven neighborhoods of North Portland. Take advanlge of safe cycling tips and a car-free route for kids at Kenton Park on North Denver and Kilpatrick. For information on NeighborRide, call 823-3607. A Boogie Cat P roduction Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner G o s p e l M u s ic A t P a z z o F o r S u n d a y B ru n c h and Food to Go Friendly Service Open 7 days a week Two Convenient Locations Texas I - 3530 N. Vancouver Ave. O p e n 7 :0 0 a m - 2 :3 0 am Texas II -1714 NE Alberta St. O p e n 24 hrs. For Best Results Advertise in the Observer Beginning Sunday October sixth, Pazzo Ristorante at 627 S.W. W ash­ ington will be featuring the spirited sounds of gospel music. The talents of Ken Barry’s gospel ensemble known as Timesound will be heard in their lounge between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm each Sunday. Timesound has been a project of Mr. Barry’s for several years and in­ volves the talents of Danny Osborne, Linda Hombuckle, Tracy Clay and others. These musicians are involved within several churches in our commu­ nity and the personnel of Timesound will change with those responsibilities. This change in their jazz policy for Sundays is something that they are very excited about. They see this an an op­ portunity to offer a truly unique experi­ ence to Portland’s Sunday Brunch popu­ lation. by B ill B a r b e r B.B. King, James Cotton, Buddy Guy, Otis Clay, and Junior Wells are a few of the well known Blues artists that Norman Sylvester has shared billing with. Tower of Power has had Norman open for them when they came to town. While Norman was working a day job for 22 years with a local trucking company, he still had the dedication to create his own original style of the blues. In the past six years, he has formed his present band, started his own production company, Boogie Cat Productions and formed the Boogie Cat recording label. On the Boogie Cat label Norman has released a 12 original songs cas­ sette titled ‘ ‘On The Right Track.” It is presently being sold in the U.S. and overseas. Blues and Rhythm Magazine reviewed it as “ excellent modem west coast blues.” BLUES NOTES NEWS­ PAPER said: “ On The Right Track is a power collection of original songs.” In addition to being a blues musi­ cian-song writer, Norman tries to give something back to the community. Through his Boogie Cat Productions, he offers to share his many years of pro­ fessional knowledge. He promotes Northwest music, and helps professional and underexposed performers deliver their art to the public. He offers serv­ ices such as concert bookings, musi­ cian consulting, musician referrals and music management. Boogie Cat Pro­ ductions also sponsors a Scholarship Fund. “ On The Right Track” is avail­ able at local outlets. For performance and booking information, call 289-1609. Public Notice 4 FEATURES • • • • (booths 227, 228, 240, 241) O r call 244-6111 to see what else PCC has to offer. PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Tuesday 1 8 15 - 29 Dan Balmer Trio Tuesday 22 Mark Simon Monday 7 14 21 28 Cam Newton Sunday Gospel Branch with Ken Barry's TIMESOUND Each Sunday 10am i s t o r a 2pm n t Beauty/Barber Salon 3 5 AROI N» N 1 1 E B M L K I V d 288-3326 [S Ë L E C T Price List f 1 R elaxen C o m p a c tD is c October 2 - October 9 ONE STOP RECORDS 1615 NE Killingsworth $45 00 $45.00 $40.00 $5.00 extra Wave Nouveau Hawaiian Silky Care Free Long Hair M U 5 IC M IL L E N N IU M ! $35.00 $25.00 $25.00 Virgin Hair Touch Up Texturizer Best Work/Best Prices In Town Conditioners Call fo r appi, today. Daryl Lewis Owner!Manager O pen at 9 :0 0 a . m . M 32ND & E BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 $10.00 Deep Reconstructor Cream Rinse Hot Oil $5.00 $7.00 $10.00 Brush Cuts Box Cuts Style Cuts 2 8 4 -2 4 3 5 $5.00 $10.00 288-3326 24 Hr. Appi. Line 23RD & NW JOHNSON 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 o n . - S a t. S ‘ Ir? ’ . * • * • ♦ ♦ * * * f *5? * ? * * e 228 1515 F resh C uts I NEED A HAIRCUT J • A A >1 Interior Design Building Construction Organic Gardening Landscape Technology r B iz M a r k i e • • • * • * S.-' .'iv? Visit four of our many career training programs at The Fall Home & Carden Show: 627 SW W ashington ITS ALAK3HT TALL ~ .............. , VWAP* : : • ’ 1 ’ ’'V r i - v V ri- . f ; !'■. w ,;/ ? - 'r i- - ' Jerry Hahn Trio 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday i.. • r • ». - r • M rs . C ’s W ig s a n d B e a u ty S u p p ly TME CMUBBSTER THF » G MAM - '.U ' * ' ’ **'* ' ...........J ’ ‘ M y '-.'.ri-.-c--;. W ednesday 2 9 - 1 6 - 23 - 30 AIN T G ONNA HURT NOÖODV S L IP R N Pft A T I RIM «; W H A I «