« * < rrW* *** Page 12...The Portland Observer...October 2,1991 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program MBE Special “Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow D A V ID E V E R E T T , 1797 The Portland Development Commission has historically sup­ ported the participation of economically disadvantaged busi­ nesses in Commission projects. We know that healthy and growing small businesses are beneficial to the local economy. That’s why PDC has taken steps to encourage use of emerging small businesses in construction contracts and purchases of other goods and services. In fact, 10% of certain contracts and purchases must include certified emerging small businesses because we know' what’s good lor small business is good for Portland. If you have a business that may qualify and would like information on PDC projects or certification, contact David Nemo at 823-3214. Rights. The overall goal o f C -TR A N ’S DBE Program is to ensure that DBEs are given the maximum opportunity to participate in all projects. Specifically, C-TRAN is securing a minimum o f 15% Disadvan­ taged Business Enterprise partiepation in all procurem ent opportu­ nities. The Procurem ent and Grants Manager, acting as the DBE Program Coordinator, is responsible for m onitoring the DBE program , insur­ ing Program com pliance with federal and state guidelines, and solic­ iting DBE participation in all procurem ents. All Departmental Di­ rectors assume responsibility for DBE Program com pliance within their department. DBEs are welcome and encouraged to apply for C- TRAN certification in order to facilitate participation in any present and future contracting opportunities. Ms. Sandy French, Procurement and Grants Manager C-TRAN P.O. Box 2529 Vancouver, Washington 98668 (206) 696-4494 77K4N PDC * ' • ' ~ - # • «. V It is the policy o f the Clark County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority (dba C-TRAN) to encourage Disadvantaged Busi­ ness Enterprise (DBE) participation on all C-TRAN projects. There­ fore, C-TRAN maintains a DBE Program based upon Department of Transportation (DOT) Rule 49, CER, Part 23, and directives of the Urban Mass Transportation Adm inistration (UMTA) Office of Civil I’OKTI.ANP DEVELOPMENT •i : COMMISSION 4--i*> PORTLAND CABLE ACCESS TELEVISION ' ?.■ Z * ’ \r • < /, ,*’4 Why wait Q in line for ■.:: v, I.»?. . ■ '•'.r'-.i \ V.- •• Preferred Lender TA Salutes and Supports All Minority Business Enterprises of Oregon SUHH-LOOTÜ . '»/.M FINISH YOUR BACHELOR'S DEGREE WHILE WORKING! Complete your Bachelor o f Science Degree in Business Administration in the Degree Completion Program Finish your Bachelor's Degree while continuing to w ork1 Working adults may complete an accredited bachelor's degree program in as little as seventeen months - while continuing to work full time! This Business Administration degree combines credit for life experiences with the opportunity to develop new management skills If you have tw o years of college credit, you may qualify. WARNER PACIFIC COLLEGE.. . First Interstate Bank of Oregon is the only lender in the state to be given Preferred Lender status by the Small Business Administration That means >> . K - ■ uses the expertise of its REGULAR academic faculty • meets TRADITIONAL standards with a MODERN delivery system when you come to us for your SBA loan, you'll get faster turnaround. - gives credit for PRIOR experience equivalent to classroom learning • prepares you for OPPORTUNITY with a Bachelor s w So when you need an SBA loan - or any business loan - come to r ¿•‘ • ’? •/ t • ' ' S '? r ' t ' . N ?! Afc •, I’,.’.* Degree in Business Administration First Interstate - where you’ll always be first in line. *4 For information on SBA loans contact any branch o . *r< V *■ • ■ - • .< -T « -7 > * 1 7 U First Interstate Bank •« FA '£. i z -, + + • r r for more details on this exciting program It might be your ticket to a better job' For Best Results Advertise in the Observer ’■*.-N i •- TV. :;A; *• *>*< * ; » i.% V x Call 7 7 5 -4 3 6 6 , •* . . . • .. . • <