Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 02, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10...Ttie Portland Observer...October 2,1991
Portland Observer
Community Development
Program Coordinator
W a re h o u s e S c h e d u lin g
S u p e rv is o r
(P ro g ra m T e c h n ic ia n 2)
West Coast Grocery Company is
accepting resumes from candi­
dates qualified for the position of
W arehouse Scheduling Super­
visor. Must possess supervisory,
leadership abilities, analytical and
problem solving skills. Must have
ability to direct scheduling and
work assignment of people utiliz­
ing participative management and
team skills. Excellent communi­
cation, time management and
good clerical skills required. Must
be willing to work any shift and
any day of the week, as required.
This is a full-time position with
medical, dental and profit shar­
ing benefits. Salary commensu­
rate with experience. Qualified
candidates should submit a res­
ume with career references to
W est Coast Grocery Company,
P.O. Box 12909, Salem, OR
97309 or fill out an application on
second floor, 3601 State Street,
Salem, Oregon by October 7,
1991. EOE M/F/H __________
Annual Salary Range
This position is located in Salem in
the Community Development
Section of the Oregon Economic
Development Department.! The
starting salary is customarily
between $30,912 to $34,044
based upon relevant experience.
As one of several Program Coordi­
nators in the section, this em­
ployee will be responsible for
evaluation and contract supervi­
sion over a caseload of local
construction projects throughout
the state. These projects are
federally funded through Com ­
m unity Developm ent Block
Grants and lottery-funded through
County Fair Grants.
To qualify you must have two years
of experience with responsibility
for program or project monitor­
ing and coordination in a com­
munity developm ent, public
works, community facilities, or
closely related program. The
experience must have included
program evaluation responsibil­
ity. Preference may be given to
candidates with experience work­
ing with federal Community
Development Block Grant pro­
Applicants must obtain a recruiting
announcement and state appli­
cation form, and respond to
examination questions on the
announcement. The recruitment
closes on October 16,1991. To
obtain application materials call
or write:
OEDD Human Resources
775 Summer St. NE
Salem, OR 97310
(503) 378-6324
OEDD is an AA/EEO employer,
and complies with Section 504 of
the Rehab Act of 1973.
In te rg o v e rn m e n ta l
R e la tio n s
M a n a g e m e n t A n a ly s t
O c c u p a tio n a l T h e ra p is t
School Year
Assess fine motor/functional skills;
develop instructional strategies;
provide instruction and/or ther­
apy as indicated
Requires: Oregon Occupational
Therapist License
Starting salary: Based on educa­
tion background and experience
BA Step O $21,387 to maximum
MA+45/PhD Step 8 $33,668.
Salary based on 190 day school
year Less than 190 days will be
Application deadline 5pm 10/9/91
Required MESD applications can
be obtained in person at MESD's
Recruitment Office, 11611 N. E.
Ainsworth Circle, (Airport Way),
hours are 8:00-5:00, Monday thru
Friday. To receive the applica­
tion meterials by mail, please
send a self-addressed, stamped
legal envelope to Multnomah
Education Service District, Attn.
Recruitment Office. P. O. Box
301029, Portland, Oregon 97230-
An Equal Opportunity Employer
& Drug Free Work Place
Lane Community College
D ire c to r o f
A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n
Closing: 10/24/91
A minimum of a bachelor's degree
from a regionally accredited in­
stitution. Preferred em phasis-
social science, law, international/
intercultural education, person­
nel, counseling or related areas.
A minimum of two years of full
time experience or equivalent in
affirmative action or cultural-di­
versity areas is required. Experi­
ence in an educational or gov­
ernmental agency is preferred.
Knowledge of and ability to
administer affirmative action pro­
grams, policies, procedures, and
compliance with equal opportu­
nity laws and regulations is re­
quired. Experience in facilitating
and workshop training in cultural
diversity areas is preferred. For
application and job description,
please contact:
Personnel Services
Lane Community College
4000 E. 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
1 -503-726-2211
LCC application must be post­
marked no later than closing date.
A resume may be submitted, but
cannot take the place of the
application form.
An Affirmative Action/Equal O p­
portunity Institution.
City of Eugene
Salary: $2,350 - $3,357/mo
This position serves as the C ity’s
principal staff support for local
intergovernmental relations, and
participates in state and federal
Position may also
involve work in human rights,
social services, and/or funding
applications. Position is located
in Salem when State Legislature
is in session. Reports to Inter­
governmental Relations Direc­
tor. Requires bachelor's degree
and three years related experi­
ence. CLOSING DATE: Octo­
ber 18,1991. Obtain application
and supplemental questionnaire
at City of Eugene, Human Re­
source & Risk Services, 777 Pearl
S t, Rm. 101, Eugene, OR 97401.
R e g is te re d N u rse
C o m p le x H ealth N eeds
Provide nursing services to facili­
tate the placement/school expe­
rience for sutdents with complex
medical needs.
Application Deadline:
5:00 pm, 10/8/91
Starting salary based on
200 day work year
Minimum RN/1 $22,512.62 to
Maximum RM/4 $28,143.16
dependent upon education and
Requires: Valid
Oregon Registered Nurese Li­
cense; minimum of one year's
experience within the last five
years working in a school/clini-
cal setting with children who have
complex health problems; dem ­
onstrated effective communica­
tion skills; willingness to work
flexible schedule; valid driver’s
license; vehicle available for use
on the job.
Required MESD applications can
be obtained in person at MESD's
Recruitment Office, 11611 N. E.
Ainsworth Circle, (Airport Way),
hours are 8:00-5:00, Monday thru
Friday. To receive the applica­
tion materials by mail, please
send a self-addressed, stamped
legal envelope to Multnomah
Education Service District, Attn.
Recruitment Office, P. O. Box
301029, Portland, Oregon 97230-
An Equal Opportunity Employer
& Drug Free W ork Place
$2,483.-$3,031/per mo.
A minumum of three years' increas­
ingly responsible experience in
creating, developing and im ple­
menting customer service pro­
grams, procedures and activi­
ties. Demonstrated leadership
abilities, interpersonal and com ­
munication credentials. A B.A.
degree or an equivalent com bi­
nation of training and experience
Valid driver’s license required.
For information contact: Eugene
Water & Electric Board, 500 E.
4th Ave., P.O. Box 10148, Eu­
gene OR 97440 or (503) 484-
2411 ext., 3012, ATTN: Human
Position closes: Monday, October
14,1991 5:00 p.m.
M a s te r C o n tro l
S w itc h e r.
Employment Opportunity
C ity A d m in is tra to r
The City of Hoquiam, Washington,
is accepting applications for the
position of City Administrator,
Hoquiam is a City of 9,000 with a
budget of $7 million and 135
Qualifications include a B.A. in
Public Administration, Political
Science, Business Administra­
tion or a closely related field, and
four years of increasingly respon­
sible administrative experience
in municipal activities, or an
equivalent combination of edu­
cation and experience. Applicants
must possess a valid driver's
The salary is $42,000 to $46,000.
Applications and complete job
description may be obtained
through the Finance Director, 609
Eighth Street, Hoquiam, WA
98550; area code (206) 532-9330.
Applications must be sent to the
attention of the Finance Director
and postmarked no later than
October 13,1991.
Hoquiam is an Equal Opportunity
S u rv e y T e c h n ic ia n
City of Eugene, Public Works
Salary Range: $2,227 - $2,824/
Technical/sub-professional position
on the City Surveyor team, pro­
viding a wide range of surveying
tasks. Responsible for prepara­
tion and interpretation of legal
descriptions, review of partitions
and subdivisions, maintenance
of serveying records, expansion
of horizonal and vertical contol
networks. Requires Associate’s
degree in surveying technology
and two years surveying experi­
ence, LSIT certification desirable.
CLOSING DATE; October 18,
1991. Obtain application packet
from Human Resource and Risk
Services, 777 Pearl St. Room
101, Eugene,, OR. (503) 687-
5061. AA/EOE.
A d v e rtis in g C le rk
West Coast Grocery Company is
accepting resumes from candi­
dates qualified for the position of
Advertising Clerk. One year of-
fice/clerical experience required.
Typing, personal computer ex­
perience, and attention to detail
required. Must be a team player
with excellent communication and
rapport building skills. Must have
good organizational skills, time
management, and demonstrated
initiative. This is a full time posi­
tion with medical, dental and profit
sharing. Entry level wage $7.33/
hour. Qualified candidates should
submit a resume with career
references to: W est Coast Gro­
cery Company, P.O. Box 12909,
Salem, OR 97309 or fill out an
application on second floor, 3601
State Street, Salem, Oregon by
October 7, 1991. EOE M/F/H
C iv il D e sig n E n g in e e r
Multi-disciplined Portland consult­
ing engineering firm is seeking
civil engineers with 2 to 5 years
experience in sanitary, highway,
water and drainage systems
planning and design. Computer
skills and effective oral and written
communication ability desirable.
Send resume to: KCM Person­
nel Department, 7080 S.W. Fir
Loop, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon
97223. Minorities and women are
encouraged to apply. KCM is an
Equal Opportunity Employer.
G ro u p L e a d e rs
Volunteer and Paid Positions
Were you in a youth organization
as a child and loved the camping
and the outdoors? It’s time for
you to give back. There are many
kids who would love to be in a
group but no adult will help. Lead­
ers needed in both suburban and
inner city. Paid leaders have more
than one group,, volunteers: one
group we help with program ideas.
All minorities encouraged to apply.
Age 18 or older. Call Camp Fire
Boys & Girls. (224-7800)
M Bids/Sub-Bids
Structurais Division
Job Opportunity Hotline
On-air switching, maintain program
log, observe and maintain proper
on-air levels, set-up and opr. of
machines for scheduled playback
in all formats, satellite records
and ACR-25 operation. Please
send resume to: Bruce Johnson,
P. O. Box 49, Portland, OR 97207.
No Phone Calls. EEO.
(503) 777-7483
1 -800-848-0242
4600 S.E. Harney Drive
Portland, Oregon 97206-0898
Clark County Sheriff's Office is
accepting applications to estab­
lish an elegibility list for:
$20,688 - $27,984 annually
Closes: October 11,1991
Clark County applications and
supplemental questions are RE­
QUIRED and may be obtained
from the Human Resources
Department 1013 Franklin Street,
P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA
98668-5000; (206) 699-2456
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727
for a listing of current openings at
Emanuel Hospital & Health Center.
E m anuel H ospital
H ealth C e n te r
AI utlxT.uv Affiliate) C tnta of Coring & ExoJk-no.-
C e n te r fo r C o m m u n ity
M e n ta l H e alth
Clinical Supervisor for Adolescent
Day Treatm ent program. Requires
m aster’s degree in human serv­
ices plus two years of clinical
practice. Send resume:
Tio Nick’s,
7025 N. Lombard, Portland,
OR 97203.
Closing Date: 10/11/91.
Equal O pportunity Employer. MFH
P a rt T im e S a le s
Need extra cash for Christmas?
P a ra g o n
C able
Paragon Cable is recruiting part-
time Direct Sales Representa­
tives to work evenings and/or
weekends. Must have reliable
transportation, a good driving
record, and a Can Do attitude.
Guarantee vs commission, We
offer a drug free workplace.
Please apply to:
Paragon Cable
3075 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, OR 97232
Equal Opportunity Employer
B ra n c h M a n a g e r
Principal Executive/Manager B
$2367 - 3333 M onthly
The State of Oregon Vocational
Rehabilitation Division in Salem,
Oregon is recruiting for a Branch
Manager to supervise and coor­
dinate activities of a unit of dis­
ability analysts responsible for
disability determinations under
Social Security Law. Wide range
of employee benefits. Must meet
Oregon minimum qualifications.
Contact local Employment Div
office for announcement X7002
0C901268A and application.
Apps must be received by
10/24/91 at 5:00 p.m. V R D is a n
EEO/employer. Minorities, fe­
males and persons of disability
are encouraged to apply.
seeking applicants for its Ever­
green Paper Mill in West Linn,
P ro d u c tio n
P o s itio n s
on the Extra Board. The mill oper­
ates on a 3-shift, 7-day-week basis
and candidates must be willing
to work a rotating shift schedule.
Hiring rate for entry-level positions
is $10.25 per hour for the first six
months of employment.
Simpson Paper company also of­
fers an excellent benefits pack­
age. Applications will be ac­
cepted only at the Oregon State
Employment Office, 506 High
Street, Oregon City, OR, 8am-
Noon and 1 :00pm -4:30pm
through October 11,1991. We
are an equal opportunity em ­
S im p s o n P a pe r
Com pany
For Best Results
Advertise in- the Observer
Restaurant Management
JioWi Systrm
Starting in 1972 with a single restaurant, we’ve
grown to where we now operate 29 restaurants in
the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area.
We’re looking for individuals who’ve had experi­
ence as a head wait person, production leader or
lead cook...
If you are mature, enthusiastic and have PRIDE,
come over to Burger King. Most of our Assistant
Team Leaders (management) salaries begin at
$15,400 and they can make as much as $29,000.
We have excellent training programs and benefits
Restaurant Management Northwest Inc.
is a franchise of Burger King Corporation.
Come into our main office & fill out an application or send
your resume to: Restaurant Management Northwest, Inc.,
1410 SW Jefferson, Portland, OR 97201. Attention : Dave
McCartney, Director of Human Resources.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Holladay Park Medical Center
1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue
(503) 233-4567
Committed to Carter Opportunity Tor A il Americans
24-Hour Job Line 239-3116
An Equal O pportunity Employer
A Legacy Member
Free Training
31 Different Occupations
Men & Women, 1 6 -2 2
Obtain High School
Contact, Ollie Smith
(503)284-4563, or
MO m
C ity O f P o rtla n d
Energy Program Coordinator/Human Resource Specialist II - to
Secretarial Clerk I - to $1,883/mo
Parking Patrol Deputy - to $2,297/mo
Code Development Analyst - to $46,154/yr
For more info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573
(24 hr job information) No resumes please.
1220 S. W. 5th Ave., First FI
Portland, OR 97204
Apps also available at:
10 N Russell
Minorities, lemales and disabled encouraged to apply