'• 4 v * ♦ ♦ > 4 ****< ï ▼ • •’• • •*• * ♦ • *♦ •*• **» • ♦ * * *'« K ♦♦♦ è • * ♦ < « f • * * ’ S e p te m b e r 2 5 , l * H . . . T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r.-P a g e 7 , Portland O bserver CLASSIFIEDS Office Assistant O regon’s fastest grow ing and la rg ­ est retailer of hom e furnishings needs qualified full tim e office assistants. S uccessful ca n d i­ dates w ill have previous e xp e ri­ ence in custom er service, data- entry, multi-line phones, cashier­ ing, filing, and 10 key. M ust be flexible to w ork evenings and w eekends. A com petitive be n e ­ fit and com pensation package and the opportunity for profes­ sional grow th is offered. A pplication available Friday, S ep­ tem ber 27 - T hursday, O ctober 3, 9:00am - 5:00pm . S m ith’s H om e Furnishings 25600 SW Parkw ay C enter Drive W ilsonville, O regon 97070 Employment Opportunities The Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan, Oregon is recruiting for permanent, full time em ployees that will provide care, custody, and con­ trol for 1500 minimum/medium security inmates. Applicants are being sought for the following positions: POSITION / SALARY Correctional Officer $18,919.00 Correctional Treatm ent Specialist $25,717.00 Clerk-Typists “ $15,717.00 - $22,067.00 Secretary " $16,973.00 - $24,598.00 Physician’s Assistant “ $30,859.00 - $46,671.00 Medical Officer “ $39,412.00 - $88,358.00 ** Depending on experience/qualifications Smith’s is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with Public Law 100-238, all positions with the exception of Physician’s Assistant and Medical Off icer m ust not have reached their 37th birthday in order to be eligible for appointment to these positions. In-Store Warehouse Full tim e and part tim e positions available in multi sto re lo ca tio n s. Duties include loading and un­ loading trucks and assisting custom ers with loading merchan­ dise into vehicles. Job requires lifting, m ust have no restriction. M ust be able to w ork flexible hours including w eek ends and som e evenings. W e can provide you a career o p ­ portunity, excellent benefits pack­ age, and on the job training. A pplication available Friday, S ep­ tem ber 27 - T hursday, O ctober 3, 9:00am - 5:00pm . S m ith’s H om e Furnishings 25600 SW Parkw ay C enter Drive W ilsonville, O regon 97070 Interested individuals should contact the Personnel Office at (503) 843- 3571 or write to the following address for additional information. Person­ nel Department, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 5001, Sheri­ dan, Oregon 97378-5001. The Federal Government Is An Equal Opportunity Employer Holladay Park Medical Center 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 HCACV Committed to Career Opportunity J ot A ll Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal Opportunity Employer Smith's is an equal opportunity employer. A Legacy Member Homestyle Cooking Associate Solid Waste Planner Planning & Development Dept. $2,484 - $3,497 Class No. 344-0991 M etro is recruiting for an A ssoci­ ate S olid W aste Planner to assist in developing long term m anagem ent options for v a ri­ ous com ponents of the solid w aste system , including fa cili­ ties and programs; coordinates the developm ent of agendas for regional solid w aste policy and technical com m ittees; w rites solid w aste articles for planning newsletter; and works w ith local governm en t officials in coordinating m eetings, d is ­ tributing inform ation and su m ­ marizing status of planning proj­ ects. W rites reports, sum m a­ rizes regional com m ittee meet­ ing issues, and assists in d e ­ veloping various chapters of the solid w aste m anagem ent plan. B achelor’s degree in Science, Public Administration, Urban Planning, Economics or a related field, and a m inim um of tw o years project m anage­ m ent experience. A pplication deadline is S eptem ber 30, 1991. A pplication available at: M etro Personnel O ffice 2000 S.W . First A venue Portland, O regon 97201 R esum es w ill not be accepted A A /E E O Em ployer Family Dining < Catering * Specialty Menu , Down Home Cooking At Its Very Best! .Catfish .Red Snapper .BBQ Ribs .Steaks ♦Turnip Greens .Cornbread .Chitterlings .Yams .Blackeyed Peas .Sweet Potato Pies . Peach Cobbler .6AM Breakfast . Hot Food Express Line 11am - 2pm . Master Charge . Visa . American Express Steen’s Kitchen 7332 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The Weight Loss Plan For People Who Like To Eat. If you’re having a hard time losing weight, the problem may not be a lack of willpower, but what you’re forced to e a t That’s why our Personal Choice* Program works so well. You get a wide variety of delicious real foods. And you can choose the foods you like. We’ll show you how. It’s so flexible, we know you’ll find the power within you to lose weight. And there’s a Weight Watchers meeting near you to help. p e v s Q ¡S ' M ETRO PUBLIC NOTICE ADOPTION OF 17TH AMENDMENT TO DOWNTOWN WATERFRONT URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Ytw'vV Got It In You I « Get It O ffYou.' Notice is hereby given pursuant to ORS 457 115 that on Wednesday, Septembor 18, 1991 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 34998 on the 17th Amendment to the Downtown Waterfront Urban Renewal Plan. The Amendment has been prepared and approved pur­ suant to Chapter 457 of the Oregon Revised Statutes Join Any Class Anytime F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n c all (co llect) (5 0 3 ) 297-1 0 2 1 W e ekd ays 8 :3 0 a .m . to 5 :0 0 p .m . (new m em b ers please a r r iv e 20 m in . e a rly ) Tem ple B aptist C hurch Tillam ook P ark Bldg. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. Mon. Tues. Wed. 9:30 a.m. & Thurs Fri. 9:30 a.m. The 17th Amendment adds language required by recent State law which establishes April 24. 2004 as the date after which bonded indebtedness will not be issued. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m. ORS Chapter 457 provides that any urban renewal plan purported to be adopted in conformance with applicable legal requirements shall be conclusively presumed valid tor all purposes 90 days after adoption of tho plan and that no direct or collateral attack on the action may thereafter be commenced (Brown Bag Lunch Class) Opening Soon Nationwide Ins. The amendment to tho urban renewal plan is available for review af the downtown office of the Portland Devel­ opment Commission, Suite 1100, 1120 S W. Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon from 8 a.m to 5 p.m , Monday through Friday 919 N.E. 19th NO RTH PO R TLAN D Rivergate Com munity C hurch 4737 N. Lombard St. 7:00 p.m. Tues. University of Portland 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Columbia Hall (Enter from Portsmoth) Wed. Education UNSECURED LOANS AND CASH GRANTS TO $50,000.00 Visiting Assistant/ Associate Professor » * * * 1 Summary of Duties and Responsibilities • Coordinate project development activities with the developer and Port departments. • Assist in permit applications and negotiations with outside agencies as necessary. • Provide project budget and financial analysis support. • Coordinate land development activity with appropriate governm ental • »'e: -- - -v •■• . .. A - '•*? ••• agencies Preferred Experience and Knowledge • Degree in construction management, business, or real estate. • Experience with planning and implementation of complex develop­ ment projects. • Knowledge of industrial part and airport design, construction, and op­ . . , r • «. .k F 4 E*»** - .. ■ . •t . V i erational requirements. • Ability to read, interpret, and analyze engineering drawings. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em ploy­ *A ». » / i . *• I ment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14 floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physi­ cally disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applica­ tions must be received by 5 p.m., Friday Septem ber 27,199 1. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer. • • 4 Port of Portland S tructurais D ivision Precision Caslpads Corp. •<’ Job O p p o rtu n ity H otline (503) 777-7483 or 1 -800-848-0242 4600 S.E. H arney D rive Portland, O regon 97206-0898 Wanted: A talent and enthusiastic E duca­ tion Secretary w ho likes to pay attention to detail, enjoys co m ­ puters and likes to w ork w ith people. M onday - Friday, 40 hours per w eek. Send resum e to: Springdale Job C orps Center 31224 E. C row n Point Highway Troutdale, O regon 97060 - *. (Part-tim e 20 hrs/wk, .5 FTE) OREGON STATE BAR This part-time position is job shared w ith an existing part-tim e adm inis­ trator w ithin the M em ber S e rv­ ices D ivision and both positions together w ill m ake one full tim e equivale nt (FTE) adm inistrator. T he holders of this position a d ­ m inister the Bar’s A ffirm ative A ction Program . T he adm inis­ trator develops, adm inisters, im plem ents and evaluates key projects o f the program , with the goal o f increasing the num ber of practicing m inority attorneys in O regon. R ecruits law students and provides counselling and consulting services directly to m inority applicants tor the O re­ gon bar exam ination. Provide placem ent assistance to m inor­ ity law school graduates and a t­ torneys; develop and im plem ent special events related to m inori­ ties in the law. Skills needed: G eneral know ledge of affirm ative action and equal em ploym ent opportunity law; fam iliarity w ith all aspects o f pro­ gram adm inistration; fam iliarity with personal computers and word processing softw are, W o rd P e r­ fect know ledge desirable. E xcel­ lent interpersonal skills. R equites graduation from a four (4) year college or university; graduation from an accredited school of law. Salary range at: $1,298 - $1,752 per m onth. E xcellent benefits included. Apply im m ediately, send resum e and cover letter to Personnel O fficer, Attn: AAP, 5200 SW M eadow s Road, Lake O sw ego, Oregon 97035-0889. Deadline for application is O ctober 1 1 ,1 9 9 1 . Equal O pportunity E m ployer. A D V E;R T I SE? L -■ Heating-A/C Mastertech Inc., an aggressive and fast grow ing com pany is seeking a highly motivated individual with experience in H VAC, including oil and electric furnace repair. If you have the experience and seek a challenging position, please call 233-1168. Or m ail resum e to M astertech Inc. PO Box 995, Estacada, OR 97023. T'?. .' * b I * Temporary - Approxim ately One Year The Port of Portland has an opening for a tem porary Project Develop* ment Manager with primary responsibility for overseeing de\ e k p m e n t and construction of Pacific Aircraft Maintenance Corporation s (PAMCU) aircraft and maintenance facility at Portland International Airport. Affirmative Action Administrator t h e . <■ Project Development Manager Attorney PER S O N A L C H O IC E are registered trademarks of W a g ht Watchers International, Inc.______ i ’.' 4 t'e-* *- » 1991 to: P rofessor Ronald C. Cease, Acting C hair Dept of Public A dm inistration Portland State U niversity P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 (503) 725-3920 Portland State University is an Equal O pportunity - A ffirm ative A ction Employer. Minorities, wom en and m em bers of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. ©1991 Weight Walthers International. Inc. All rights reserved W E IG H T W A TC H E R S and j> a h 4, 4 * 4 A*-* No Collateral, No Co-SIgners. Bad Credit and Bankruptcys OKAY 1 (800) 621-0770 Ext 23 Dept of Public Administration Portland State University T h e D e p a r tm e n t o f P u b lic A dm inistration in the School of U rban and Public Affairs at P ort­ land S tate U niversity is seeking applications for a visiting faculty m em ber for W inter and Spring quarters, D ecem ber 16,1991 to June 15, 1992, Rank: assistant or associate professor of public adm inistration depending on experience. Responsibilites of the position include a teaching load of tw o courses per quarter, re­ search, M PA and Ph.D student advising, and public service. Applicants m ust have an earned doctorate in public adm inistra­ tion or closely related discipline and a com m itm ent to scholar­ ship and quality teaching. T he person appointed will be ex­ pected to teach in the follow ing areas: politics of bureaucracy, public policy, and intergovern­ m ental relations. Tw o years of teaching public adm inistration courses at the college level are required. Experience in g o ve rn ­ m ent and/or dealing with m id-ca­ reer student is desirable. T he M PA degree program at Port­ land State U niversity is accred­ ited by the N ational A ssociation of S chools of Pulbic Affairs and A dm inistration (N ASPAA). A letter o f intent, resum e, exam ple of publications or statem ent of research interests, description of teaching experience, and three letters of recom m endation or list of references should be po st­ m arked no later than O ctober 15, I ft 5:00 p.m. » A d v e r tis in g » E m p lo y m e n t » B id s /S u b -B id s w Crime and Punishment in America continued from front page Egypt and Ethiopia, where between dynasties are found the same cata­ strophic losses and resurrection of jus­ tice and nobility in the culture. Too, one need look no further than the cities of 18th century England to find exact counterpoints to America’s urban trau­ mas - from “ crime-in-the-street” to corruption in government. So, perhaps, the only distinguishing factor in the contemporary scene is DRUGS! i <. My object all sublim e, I shall achieve in time. Let the punish­ ment fit the crim e.” Gilbert and Sullivan This leads to a pretty obvious con­ clusion. Unless the problem of drugs in America is dealt with immediately and vigorously, none of the conventional solutions being retrieved from history will be of any avail. “ No” must be said not only by the “ little people” but by every element of the body politic from Congress to the White House-and mean il for a change or we all perish. In the net part of this series we will begin to examine the ‘ ‘nuts and bolts’ ’ of the system. In the meantime take a look at this assessment from a national magazine. Already, at the end of the third quarter, statistics indicate that crime against both people and property will substantially increase this year. At the same time we are informed that A. There are not enough law enforcement personnel to properly investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice, B. If they were caught, tried and convicted, the facilities are not available to house them all-hence the “ revolving door syndrone” that leaves most male fac­ tors on the street, and C. The concept of “ rehabilitation” has been buried un­ der the weight of a failing, underfunded “ system” of “ criminal justice (?)” It is increasingly apparent that at the current and accelerating rate of lawlessness in this republic it will be impossible to fund an effective system of jurisprudence-let alone afford the facilities to house, feed and supervise an evergrowing population that may approach one tenth of our citizenry by the year 2000. 'X k •fcr <•» -.T * * . ' '•'O’ ' J k < ¡K t * A