4 9 ♦ ♦ ' * • ’♦ ♦ "*** • VW w’ S • V * “•rf S V S \ S' > w Portland Observer ; 6...The Portland Observer ...September 25,1991 ENTERTAINMENT IMAGQ "SURE TO HAVE MOVIEGOERS ROLLING IN THE AISLES WITH LAUGHTER!" Jerry Mouawad, Carol Uselman and company are named m Ihe renowned Lecog approach to mime Ihealre. contemporary dai ice, physical cornedy and traditional mask styles Urey add their own inventive variations with American Han. Io create characters that ate more than human and stagings that dely categorization. Is it Ihealre. mime, comedy, dancp, special ellocts or illusion? It's a provocative sopum mlo Hie lamiliar and unknown C 6) ■ " visually beautilul as well as intelligent." I SAN an r onio light highly entertaining." TIIL OHLGONIAN ".. a kind ol special smorgasbord o, mask. mime, dance? SAN f SANCISCO CMRONICLC Ilit 5amwl Golden Gompiny 1 DavidVPicktr/HWProduction 1 Filmi?Hichatl Schultz ’IIVIITUKi!' Ttrrtnct IC. t a l l i i imndtll îlanchtBaktr feta kïM Juha Campbel ,.~Sta«arak W w w I L • W a n W s y w ¿ ÿ t a i ü y . ilto t t - W ‘« t o k e r 'W ~ ,e---------------* u m t - M ik - fc lîin r t m ^ M jit ......... W M -u g em o n tan d lo w Oueclon ARTHUR SHAFMANINT L LTD.. 7 2 3 Sevenih Ave . NY. NY 100.9(212) 575-0486 Imago will perform at the Portland Center lor the Performing Arts. Intermediate Theatre on October 4, 5, 6 & 11.12.13 Friday and Saturday at 7:30 and Sundays at 2:00 and 7:00 T‘J ® t^ 15 5° f° r adults and $9.50 for children, are available at the PCPA box office, TICKETMASTER outlets or by calling (503) 248-4496. Imago recently received a $20,000 grant award from the Meyer Memorial Trust to create new work and present it with other repertoire at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts. This program is also made possible by grants from the Oregon Arts Commission and the Rose Tucker Charitable Trust S T A R T S F R ID A Y MATINEES DAILY C IN fP t.fl OOFON JANTZEN BEACH TIGARD C IN E M A S j I POUT I 248-6973 X T ill 248-6984 I V illi 248-6978 248-6960 I 774-7731 ;s l fëSÇS*) G R ESH A M C IN E M A S MALL 205 BROADWAY METROPLEX I ' I optivi 82ND AVE CINEMAS 248-6976 X JJ A LU I 1 tonal turf. Bob Jam es reflects, " i t ’s always been a fantasy to form a cooperative group where there was no leader...all voices w ere equal. I ’d been waiting a long time to be in the same room with three people who made it seem right. A quartet always seem ed ideal.” Lee concurs, “ I think there was a mutual admiration society. W e all enjoy each i l l i n g s w Beauty/Barber Salon Public Notice We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. 6. Ready For The World Straight Down To Business 7 Lonnie Liston Smith Magic Lady ‘New* 8. Your» Truly Yours Truly 9. Fred Hammond I Am Persuaded 10. The Rance Allen Group Phenom enon K direction. Ultimately Fourplay is an album o f the heart. From earth to the moon, Bali and back again. Fourplay takes the listener on a romantic journey. And w hatever the destination, getting there is definitely more than half the fun. F resh C uts Top 10 List_ N E lative company and linked with excep­ tional projects. He has recorded with Phil Collins, Eric Clapton, Lionel Ric­ hie, Kenny Loggins, W hitney H ous­ ton, A nita Baker, Barbra Streisand, M ichael Jackson and A1 Jarreau. Fourplay’s experience in various musical formats enriches what is termed a Jazz release, but percolates with pop and rock, sizzles with R&B and funk and glides with classical refinement. All four members o f the group contrib­ uted material to the album. The group considers the album to represent a new If you heard a rom antically play­ ful conversation, and the language was music, and the music was m agic...it would have to be Fourplay. In their self-titled W arner Bros, debut, this menage a quatre - com prised of key­ board king Bob James, guitar wizard L ee Ritenour, rhythm -m aster Harvey Mason and bass-ace Nathan East - have delivered a jazz tour-de-four that covers an extraordinary expanse of W holesale to the Public 35% to 50% oft 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 braiding and weaving W igs and Beauty Supplies 1. Jodeci Forever My Lady 2. Keith Washington Make Time For Love Poor Righteous Teachers 3. Pure Poverty 4. Geto We Boyz C an’t Be Stopped 5. BeBe & CeCe Wlnans Different Lifestyle key.” H arvey M ason has earned his reputa­ tion as an elite studio m usician with a list of credits that includes m ost of today’s top recording stars, as well as scores for smash film and television soundtracks. Nathan East, like the rest of Fourplay, seems to find him self in super­ from left to right Nathen East. Lee Ritenour, Bob Jam es. Harvey Mason • K comedy about makin’ it ! * ■ II there is something that can be done with a mask that these performers tail to do. it's hardly worth considering . entrancing and clever' s ta r rtt P o s i-iN iiu iN G iN C tft »“ other’s playing very much. That was the -Jet Magazine The Thealre Mask Ensemble ome voyage with IMAGO to a world ol live humai i uiwnation. where lanlasy and ultra-iealislie illusion are the height ol entertainment Iho musks.costumes are ingei nous, Iho music is original, and Ihe per Ion nets are masters ol mime, dance and drama All come loqolher in imaginative per lormances lhal move liom ihe whimsical to rellection and back again O U R 3 5 7 7 N E M L K 2 8 8 -3 3 2 6 Price List Kelaxers W ave Nouveau Hawaiian Silky Care Free Long Hair Sales and Promotional items excluded. Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday 288-3326 24 Hr. Appt. Line Call fo r appt. today. Daryl Lewis Owner/Manager O pen at $10.00 $5.00 $10.00 Deep Reconstructor Cream Rinse H ot Oil $5.00 $7.00 $10.00 Brush Cuts Box Cuts Style Cuts 9 :0 0 a .m .M o n . - Sat o r t Expect The Best! ) Loo k To Be S u re Y our ’ Safeway tor y ° urnO Guide t ° r SbopPir)5»o lis t of co mPlete saie this on spe ciais at Sateway week Thru ttlectW PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE training programs at The Fall Home & Carden Show: • • • • Interior Design Building Construction Organic Gardening Landscape Technology (booths 227, 228, 240. 241) Or call 244-6111 to see w hat else PCC has to offer. PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE —IDUCAT1ON THAT WORXS- FOR YOU! «S H O » T Approx. 5-Pound Packages Be sure to stock-up. Divide your 5-Pound package into convenient serving packages and freeze to use later. 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