September 25,1991...The Portland O bserver-P age 3 i Portland Observer RELIGION Vickers Assumes New Position M o u n t O liv e t B a p tis t C h u rc h To R e lo c a te by M a ttie On September 15, 1991, the con­ gregation of the Mount Olivet Baptist Church drove across town in buses, vans and cars, which was led by a motorcycle escort, to its new, intended location in North Portland. When the motorcade arrived at the site, there were people, who had gone on ahead of the escort, already milling around and inspecting the site. There were people next door, at the Flea Market, whose necks were seriously craning to see just what was about to happen. Where did all these people come from? In four years, the congregation has grown from six hundred-plus members to over twelve hundred. It was sug­ gested that they expand their present location on 116 NE Schuyler -- but, there would have been a problem with parking. City code requires that there has to be one parking space for each family represented. There are six hundred forty-seven families. And each Sunday the Lord is sending more and more down the aisles to “ salvation.” Mount Olivet is currently holding its Sunday worship services at the Stone C a 11 i e r - S p e a r s Ann outside play areas and other features. Mount Olivet has been an integral spiritual force in the Portland commu­ nity since 1907. The first location was Southwest Broadway and Everett; then, in 1921, the congregation of 76 people, moved to 116 Northeast First and Schuyler. During that time period, there weren’t many black churches. Mount Olivet was the only black baptist church. Blacks were having problems purchas­ ing property and getting credit. It was a struggle all the way. But — with God at the helm, there was no turning back. In 1987, Dr. James E Martin be­ came the eighth pastor of Mount Olivet Baptist Church. The church experienced tremendous growth. Dr. Martin came Tower Church, on Northeast 30th and with the desire for Mount Olivet to be Sandy Boulevard, which is a Seven- well organized, efficient and a powerful Day Adventist Church. The Seven-Day force in the Portland community, A Adventist recognize Saturdays as their TEACHING CHURCH WITH A sabbath and on Sunday the Stone Tower REACHING MINISTRY. Growth was congregation had no scheduled activi­ so ovcrhelming that it became neces­ ties -- so, this became the ideal location. sary to hold three Sunday morning wor­ Its size and location were perfect. The ship services — 8 am, 10 am, 12 noon. It Mount Olivet congregation has been was burning out die pastor and the choirs. worshipping at this location for one The committees involved with the build­ year and one month. ing search had to revamp their strategy On the fifteenth, Mount Olivet and now look for another place of wor­ journeyed to the site of their next home, ship until the new permanent site had to hold a brief but meaningful prayer been located and a purchase was final­ service, to let everyone see where their ized. next church will be, to see the archi­ The property at North Chatauqua tect’s drawings and see, first-hand, where and Willis has been purchased. The things are to be located, witness God’s construction will commence in January faithfulness and to have a delicious snack. 1992. If weather and circumstances The architect, Denorval Unthank, permit. Mount Olivet will move into its the son of the late Dr. Unthank, who new home by August of 1992. They are was Portland’s first black physician and “ Building Their Vision for God’s who also has had a park named in his Glory.” honor, ex pained how space will be used, Prayer is the KEY and the contin­ where the sanctuary will be, where the ued FAITH of all will unlock the door - gym will be, the offices, the educa­ to the new building. tional facilities, the kitchen, the multi­ purpose room, the music room, the M allory 3908 NE M A L L O R Y A D ay A t A T ime When you think no one cares. Find a end to share your thoughts, then take it A day at a time If no one understands, Even a close friend, Ask the man above for, A day at a time Don’t worry about what others say, their gonna do it any way, So take life, A day at a time h Just do your best, The Lord will do the rest, A day at a time Sharon A. Vickers, daughter ot Tho­ mas and Dorothy Vickers, has accepted a position as Elementary School Principal at die California Suite School for the Deaf in Fremont, California. After serving as Program Chair Per­ son for the Columbia Regional Program for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired for the past three years in Portland, Ms. Vickers assumed her new position August 30,1991. The California School for the Deaf - Fre­ mont, has the largest student population ol any school for the deaf in the United States. Ms. Vickers becomes the first Afri­ can-American to assume principalship at die school which is located in northern California, approximately 25 miles front San Francisco. Although she will miss her family and friends in Portland, Ms. Vickers is looking forward to her new tenure. No one knows what lies ahead, Remember what Jesus said, Then take life, A day at a time Take time for yourself, Find inner-peace, Only you can do it, A day at a time r He gives us no more than We can handle, Let go and let God, Pray diligendy and ask for Strength, all in Jesus name, A day at a time ï For those that believe. And keep the faith, We are blessed, to cope with loss, hurt & Pain, for nothing remains the same, but with help from that mighty man above. He’ll be there for you, A precious day at a time Don’t try to judge for who are we, Only sheep in Gods eyes, Only he can heal the hurt & pain, With love and understanding, A day at a time R AVENUE Luke 22:64 When all seems lost. And there’s no hope, Pray for a day at a time ARRI I ASM as OA C hurch of C hrist Scripture o f the : - , •;? .; • C.-r.-- •X ■ iT H i A. . , This poem is dedicated to a very special lady in my life, hopefully f o r e v e r ^ This one’s for you, Ms. Joyce Washington Payne. & Minister Gregory Fobbs A T T E N T IO N !!! ▼ Snake skin belts - $85° Bible Study 9:30 am. Morning Worship 10:45 am. Men’s Training Leadership Women’s Bible Class 5:00 pm. ▼ Sheer polka dot blouses - 17 ▼ Snake skin shoes - $109°° ▼ Lizard shoes - $127°° 00 Evening Worship 503-281-7164 6:00 pm. 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Your Community. ▼ Silk shirts - $25°° D e- t o fe : 1 y e a r a n n iv e r s a r y s a le SUNDAY SCHEDULE v- >.■ S sv Storm Poors and Windows 4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 606 N.E. Fremont Phone 249-5886 w o m a n -o w n e d Licensed With the State Of Oregon, Trained staff. 4236 NE Eigth Avenue (corner of BA * Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Melson Pastor J* • ■->7 » - . ■ . . . . . . • ; . * * * • ' -, I)« .* . ' ' . V. . ' • , A < • V < »S. » *