Page 8...1 he Portland Observer...September 18,1991 Health Care Costs Public Lecture Inner-City Residents Receive Affordable Vision Care glasses, are coordinated by members of PCC’s Opticianry program ” says Steven K. Fletcher, Director o f C om ­ munity Relations for the Pacific U ni­ versity College of Optom etry. The Center is open Tuesday through Fri­ day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. According to Fletcher, services at the Cascade Campus Vision Center include com prehensive vision exam i­ nations, free vision screenings, spe­ cialty services, and a patient dispen­ sary for prescribing eyeglasses. “ This Vision Center is unique to the inner- city Portland com m unity because it is one of only a few resources offering vision care to resident o f North and Northeast Portland and particularly because it is the only facility in this region providing care based on the patient’s ability to pay. Fletcher points out that the Cascade Center charges a full fee of $48 for a comprehensive vision exam ination. However, he says that many patients actually pay much less than the full fee and as little as $ 10 for an exam ination because their indi­ vidual or family income is low. Glasses are also available at discounted rates based on income. Fletcher says that the Cascade Center frequently cares for patients who would have gone w ithout care if charges for services would not have been reduced because of low income. “ The Cascade Campus Family Vision Center is dedicated to serving Portland’s inner-city community and providing quality care regardless of income’ ’ says Fletcher. As exam ple of this community service philosophy, BY STEVEN K. FLETCHER Director of Community Relations Pacific University College of O ptom etry Residents of North and Northeast Portland have access to quality, afford­ able vision care services for the entire family at the Pacific University C as­ cade Campus Family Vision Center. Located 600 N Killingsworth (across the street from the Portland Com m u­ nity College Cascade Campus) Pacific’s Cascade Family Vision Center is a joint operation o f the Pacific University College of Optometry and the Portland Community College (PCC) Opticianry Program. “ Vision care services at the C as­ cade Campus Family Vision C enterare provided by Doctors of Optometry and interns from Pacific’s College of O p­ tometry while dispensing services, including the fitting and adjustm ent o f Terry Porter, of the Portland Trailblazers, and the Urban Entertainment Coalition invites you to an evening of music, and Hors D'Oeuvres Saturday, September 21, 1991 Portland Marriott 1401 SW Front Avenue 7 pm - 12 am Donation S30.00 per person A non-profit organizatios Tickets available at One Stop Records - 284-2435 Fastixx- 224-8499 Studio 14 - 287-2557 TH IS L A N D Help protect America’s soil and water today. Gave us our past... It can give us our future We owe it to our children. “ Health Care C ost Containment: Why Caps on Health CareExpenditures W on't W ork” will be the topic o f a free, public lecture by Carl M. Stevens, Monday, Sept. 23, 7:15 p.m ., in the Council Chamber, Lewis & Clark Col- legae, 0615 SW Palatine Hill Road. Stevens is professor emeritus o f econom ics at Reed College. He has authored or co-authored more than 30 studies dealing with how to make the health care industry more efficient and how to finance health care in underde­ veloped countries. He received his bachelor’s degree from Reed C ollege and his m a s te r 's degree and doctorate from Harvard University. He has con­ sulted for or worked on projects funded by the W orld Health O rganization, the W orld Bank, Inter-Am erican D evelop­ ment and USAID. Stevens’ presentation is sponsored by the Lewis & Clark College E co­ nomics Department. For more infor­ mation, call (503) 768-7625. The Cascade Cam pus Vision Center is now offering free vision screenings throughout the school year for chil­ dren age three through students age 18. This free vision screening cam ­ paign is being held to detect and pre­ vent vision disorders that, if left un­ treated, may hinder the learning proc­ ess. Free vision screenings are also available for adults age 18 and older throughout the year. Screenings may be scheduled by simply calling the Vision Center during regular business hours. According to Fletcher, “ The free screenings offered at the Cascade Campus Vision Center are an excel­ lent and affordable way of testing clarity of vision, eye health, and how well the eyes are working together as a team. He says that screenings are particu­ larly important for children ages three through 10 - the years when learning skills such as reading and writing are formed. “ During the past several months,” says Fletcher, “ we have been increas­ ing our efforts to inform Portland’s North and N ortheast comm unity about the availability o f affordable vision care services for all family members. It is our desire to continue to provide high quality care at affordable rates and to keep spreading the word about this service so that community m em ­ bers can receive the care they need. For more information about the Pacific University Casacde Cam pus Family Vision Center, and for sched­ uling free screenings and exam ina­ tions, please call 240-5319 during regular business hours. Kaiser Permanente Offers Parenting Classes Several classes open to the public are being offered this fall and w inter through Kaiser Perm anente. To regis­ ter for any class, call Kaiser Perma- nente’s Health Education message phone at (503) 286-6815. Class times are 6:30 - 8:30 pm unless otherw ise noted. Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Sponsors Twenty-First Annual Legislative Weekend Including workshops, Legislative Braintrust and Issue Forums The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. will sponsor its 21st Annual Legislative W eekend (ALW ), “ Defying Odds, Expanding O pportu­ nities: The African American C hal­ lenge,” September 11-15 at the W ash­ ington Hilton & Tow ers, 1919 C on­ necticut Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. During the ALW more than 20,000 people will attend issue forums, w ork­ shops and legislative braintrusts on both Capitol Hill and at the W ashington Hilton & Towers convened by CBC M embers; as well as attend CBCF sponsored fund-raising activities, in­ cluding the CBC Spouses 15th Annaul Fashion Show, the CBCF Prayer Break­ fast and the CBCF Annual Awards Dinner. S om eof the nation’s leading schol­ ars, elected officials, public policy experts, and public opinion leaders will participate in the various issue forum s and workshops addressing issues such as the deterioration in urban centers, civil rights, the impact o f redistricting and reapportionm ent on the Black com m unity, access to quality educa­ tion on Black college cam puses, the dilem m a facing the labor m ovem ent and the survival o f the Black male. Legislative Braintrusts will con­ Preferred Carpet Cleaning Licensed - Bonded - Insured Quality Guaranteed Office Cleaning Specialists CALL Stan Wiley, Inc. Introduces Exclusive Real Estate Hotline Oregon gets innovative, convenient information system 24 hours a day ^ P o in te rs 'For Parents Hook Four Kids On Science Parents and teachers are finding new ways to get youngsters interested in the fascinating world o f science. Children are naturally curious and have lots o f questions about how the world works. “ By helping them ex­ plore those questions, we can show them that science is not a collection o f isolated facts and strange vocabu­ lary words, but rather a unique, pow­ erful and interesting way o f finding out about the universe, their world and them selves." says Joseph McInerney, director of the Science Education Office at the Alcohol. Drug Abuse & Mental Health Administra­ tion (A D A M H A ). Science, he adds, is for anyone w ho wants to know how things work— from ants to automo­ biles, from the brain to ecology Free classroom materials are avail­ able to spark students' interest in sci­ ence. These include “ Let s \ isit a Research Lab." a colorful poster, ac companied by lesson plans. Animals and Science," a student brochure: and “ Animals and Science: What 'ton Should Know. What Y ou ( an Do A Teacher’ s Guide. Patents and teachers can order these by writing to A D A M H A Information. Rtn. I3C-O5. 5600 Fishers Lane. Rockville. MD 20857. Stan Wiley Inc., Realtors today unveiled the Stan W iley Real Estate Hotline, a com puter-based telephone information system for Oregon and Southwest W ashington home buyers and sellers, according to Bert W augh, Stan W iley president. “ The Stan W iley Real Estate Hotline is the industry’s most innova­ tive vehicle to hit the m arket since the Multiple Listing Service,” said W augh. “ O ur system is one o f only 12 in the nation.” The Hotline, developed by BriteVo- ice Systems of W ichita, Kansas, is used exclusively in Oregon and Southwest W ashington by Stan W iley and allow s potential buyers and sellers to access a variety o f real estate information by phone at the push of a button. The Stan W iley Real Estate Hot- Line will be on line Septem ber 23, 1991. Stan Wiley Realtors, Inc. is a 15 office residential and com m ercial real estate firm servicing all o f O regon and Southwest W ashington. For more information contact, Bert Waugh 503/646-7826. vene on Thursday and Friday, Septem ­ ber 12, 13, on Capitol Hill with CBC M embers covering topics such as: the crisis is health care for the elderly, the Resolution Trust Corporation and the erosion o f A m erica’s financial institu­ tions and a U.S. post sanctions strategy related the South Africa. A special briefing and lobbying session opposing the nomination of Clarence Thomas will be held Thurs­ day, Septem ber 12, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Cannon House Office Build­ ing, Room 345. The Annual Legislative W eekend is hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization com m itted to assisting the policy makers o f today while helping to prepare the leaders o f tomorrow. Congressm an Alan W heat (D- M O.5) chairs the Foundation and LeBaron Taylor, vice president and general m anager o f corporate affairs for Sony Music Entertainment, Inc., servers as vice chair. Rondalyn Kane is executive director. The CBCF Press Office will be located in the Adams Room at the W ashington Hilton & Towers from M onday, Septem ber 9, at 9:00 a.m. through Saturday, Septem ber 11,1991. Roland Reed (503) 654-7188 Jeannette Fegan School of Early Learning _______________________________________________ « w w you want more for your child than babysitting? At Jeanmnette Fegan School, your child will learn all the basics for a good Educational Foundation. Cultural differences Social Studies Foreign Language Arts & Crafts Moral/Spiritual guidance Nutritious meals Social Behavior Writing Phonics Number and Number Concepts Clean and spacious classrooms & playground If You Want The Best For Your Child, ENROLL NOW! Openings, Infants to 3-yr-old, 4-yr and kindergarten 287-5656/Hours: 6:30 - 6:00 606 n . e . Fremont Licensed With the State Of Oregon, Trained staff. MRS C’ s WIGS Wholesale & Retail Hundreds of Wigs Find out what you can do. Call 1-800-THE SOIL. For your everchanglng lifestyles D s O il S ei I.TO heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Si. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30-6:00 • Naomi Sims • Bornfree • Michael Weeks And other name brands Everything from current styles to specialty wigs unique hair ornaments Hair beads & beauty supplies Mrs. C's Ebony Essence Cosmetics BEAUTICIAN Zuri Cosmetics 281-6525 Sales -Service -Parts \ £ U W O N ZAVENUE GkÁSS 4 STUDENT DISCOUNTS 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont ) Me Murphy 's Appliance Center 286-2557 10O% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING A WEAVING ' s j ______ j_ _______ ' s ' s ________ L. For All Your Maintenance and Landscaping NEEDS! Weed Control, Lawn Insect Control, Moss Control and Pruning _ N ,. V 4011N.E. Union Ave. Portland Oregon 97212 288-3233 OYD LORRAINE HLAVINKA All Types of Auto Plate and Window Glass Picture Lawn Landscape Maintenance Storm Doors and Windows 781-6659 4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Portland, OR Head Fixer/Jim McGowne Woman-Owned I < e f f t t t t e > e t » e » • 4 • * .*. * *> A 1 *,♦ ........................ * • • * * * * • A **«*■♦ % * • Phone 249-5886