>r** r> < • • ■VW «rv» » » * •••» ♦ '♦ * » • » • ■ -V«»'» s « »-«•« r » * * v W « ' < " O ’ ’ v « ' > .............. , , , ♦ » * » » » » » ♦ • » ♦ * * » * * * ' r ' September 18,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 7 School Daze Continued from front page Now our accounts can really help you take off. building an academ ic Tower of Babel, my neighbor was quick to point out that he believed w hat we are seeing is one o f the most sophisticated and lucrative pow er plays ever devised in academia. “ This caper is going to outperform those tw o classics; METRIC and the NEW MATH. W e will see a wealth of new power bases established in the education com m unity - and new for­ •squ« iw« Nanludut wide nee tunes m ade.” My friend also pointed out that in a recent article titled, “ W hat Should Students Know & W hen? (NEA Today, S e p t ’91),” Executive Director Bill Aldridge of the National Science Teach­ ers Association (NSTA) inadvertantly made a telling point for a long-term position of mine; Mr. Aldridge said, “ W e look upon students who enroll in even three years of high school science as future scientists or engineers - but in EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED NATION, all students study at least three years o f high school science. There we go again; the man is making acase for FOREIGN IMPORT because like 99% of the whites in­ volved in education, he doesn’t know that m the average ghetto high school before W orld W ar II (like mine in St. Louis), THREE AND OFTEN FOUR YEARS OF SCIENCE W ERE RE­ QUIRED. G eneral Science I & II, Biology I & II, Physics I & II -- and for future physicians, Chemistry I & II. If parents want to know “ what-and- w hen” about their childrens’ know l­ edge, they are going to have to O R ­ G ANIZE and PARTICIPATE in the system. That “ information retrieval” barrier cannot be breached unless they do (see my “ Perspectives” column, The Theatre Mask Ensemble C W i t h Security Pacific Bank, you can go a lot further. Because right now we’re offering substantial discounts on air travel to over 150 destinations on Northwest Airlines. You can fly practically anywhere in the U.S. for as little as $268 per person round-trip. Hawaii is as low as $318. And a visit to L.A. is only $178. Jerry Mouawad. Carol Usebnan anti company are trained in the renowned Lecoq approach to mime theatre, contemporary fiance, physical comedy and Iradilional mask styles They add their own inventive variations with American flair, to create characters that are more than human and stagings that dely categorization Is it theatre, mime, comedy, dance special effects or illusion9 It's a provocative sojourn into the familiar and unknown It’s easy to qualify. All you need is a Security Pacific checking account. Then when you .•-.••.-s;«/. »-/• page 2). IMAGO ome voyage wilh IMAGO Io a world of five humai • animation, where farilasy and ultra-realistic illusion are Ihe height ol enler lamn teni 1 lie rnasks/coslumes are ingenious, llx? music is original, arid the performers are masters of mime dance and drama All come together in imaginative performances that move from ihe whimsical to reflection and back again -'"Î'-ÏL ■f-*’’'- *'«** • 1 •• " * . , * ' — • k .* * ” •».., . ■ ■ .. ■ ■ r • l If there is something that can be done with a mask that these performers fail to do. it's hardly worth considering entrancing and clever." • ... » • v \ , SEA r TLE PO STINTELUNGENCER I visually beautiful as well as intelligent.'' 'r ’ SAN ANTONIO LIGHT I “ . highly entertaining THE OREGONIAN " a kind of special smorgasbord of mask. mime. ■ . S A N ^ ^ A N C IS C O CHRONICLE complete one of the transactions listed below, you’re entitled to certificates tor round-trip discount ■■ > ■ - tickets on Northwest Airlines. Each certificate is good for one round-trip flight per person. 1) Deposit $5,000 or more in a CD with a term of 6-months or longer. Or: Open a Savings BuilderM Account with a minimum deposit of $500 with Automatic Funds Transfer from your checking. (2 certificates) •• a. ' 2) Get a $5,000 (or greater) qualifying loan or line of credit. (2 certificates) 3) Open a Visa' or Mastercard' account. ( 1 certificate) M aiw yeinonl » k J Tour Dneclon ARTHUR SHAFMAN IN T I LTD . 723 Sevenlh Ave NY. NY 10019 (212) 575-0488 Imago will perform at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Intermediate Theatre on October 4, 5, 6 & 11, 12, 13, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 and Sundays at 2:00 and 7:00. Tickets, $15.50 for adults and $9.50 for children, are available at the PCPA box office, TICKETMASTER outlets or by calling (503) 248-4496. Imago recently received a $20,000 grant award from the Meyer Memorial Trust to create new work and present it with other repertoire at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts. This program is also made possible by grants from the Oregon Arts Commission and the Rose Tucker Charitable Trust. If you like, you can earn up to six travel certificates by opening additional accounts. The Northwest Airlines certificates are trans­ ferable, and you can earn WorldPerks frequent flyer K-- mileage. For more information, visit your nearest branch, or call 1 -800-551 -FAST; in Portland, call 222-FAST. No T h e W eig h t Loss P lan F o r People W h o L ik e To E at. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK S M™ T h ,L N ^ r a S ^ ^ ^ n ^ i m p l y , dt S etu n r, P>c,lK C . .K - p x .t« ’" r. Travel r, mu,, be corapferad H M « i k ' . - r ___ a 7 , JS a ^ Ipha High School Principal Victim of Plane Crash ’^ P v X V n i r N a ’ t i e B r If you’re having a hard time losing weight, the problem may not be a lack of willpower, but w hat you’re forced to e a t T h at’s why our Personal Choice* ■ Program works so well. You get a wide ■ variety o f delicious real foods. And you ■ can choose the foods you like. W e’ll show you how. It’s so flexible, we know you’ll find the pow er within you to lose weight. And there’s a Weight I I I 15. IW 2 Some h.njhng lee,. « ¡ W .n J ra .e , 4,e no. .. ... ..I »Ar > nmt- 4n,t restrtètlsXÌS appls 'Tempe. A Z LSfct ¿.embN. ,c . ..nuled „ mJ ........ Official Statement by Urban League of Portland: President Dr. Darryl Tukufu on Pillay Hate Crime The hate crim e com m itted Monday at the George Pillay family hom e dem ­ onstrates that racial prejudice and intol­ erance are far from dead in our society. The person or persons who spray painted the threats inside the Pillay home proba­ bly live in our own com m unity. The fact that the victims of their attack are visi­ tors from a distant land makes m e espe­ cially sad. Along with our sympathies, the Urban League has offered its coun­ seling and support services to the Pillay family. This case has probably attracted more media attention because the vic­ tims are natives o f South Africa, a coun­ try where racism was institutionalized (using the American slavery system as a model). This w eek’s incident causes one to wonder what are the differences between South Africa and our own country today in terms of racial atti­ tudes. H B IB IB I .............“..... ■ W hile this attack reaches the front pages, we w onder how many other hate crim es are going by unnoticed. Last year 202 hate crimes were reported in M ultnomah County. In just the first six months o f this year 165 were reported. Clearly, prejudice is on the rise in our com m unity. W hen hate based on race becomes so common, we begin to wonder how such a situation could develop. Racism can enter a society in subtle ways. Is it really any different for people in profes­ sional positions to make racist remarks in a downtown cafe or at a private party? Is that any worse than violating som eone’s home while they’re away? O r arc these just two sides of the same coin? Perhaps this is a good time for us all to examine our consciences and to prom­ ise ourselves to work harder to make prejudice unwelcome in our communtiy. You’v e Gu« It In You To I« O ff You." Join Any Class Anytime For more information call (collect) (503) 297-1021 Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (new members please arrive 20 min. early) Tillamook Park Bldg 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. Mon. Tues. Wed. 9:30 a.m. & Thurs. Fri. 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. T em ple B aptist C h u rch 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m. (Brown Bag Lunch Class) Holladay Park Medical Center Debby Norman, who was identi- cd Monday as the victim of Friday s lan ecrash n carth c“ FlyingM ranch, as principal o f Multnomah Education ervice D istrict’s Alpha High School i Gresham. Ms. Norman was selected princi- a lo f Alpha in August o f 1990. Prcvi- usly she was Coordinator of the Cur- culum Department for Multnomah ESD (89-90), a curriculum specialist (86- 89), a teacher at Multnomah E S D ’s W ynne W atts Alternative School (83- 86) and was Vice Principal at R ock­ w ood Middle School (81-83). Alpha is an alternative high school program for cast county students. The staff of Alpha and Multnomah ESD are greatly distressed at the loss o f this friend and colleague. - . O pening Soon N ationw ide Ins. 919 N.E. 19th 1225 N ortheast 2nd A ven u e (503) 233-4567 N O R T H PO R T L A N D R ivergate C om m unity C h u rc h U niversity of P o rtla n d 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. 4737 N. Lombard St. Columbia Hall Tues. 7:00 p.m. (Enter from Portsmoth) Wed. 5:00 p.m. Committed to Carter Opportunity Tor A d Americans 24-Hour Job Line 239-3116 An Equal O pportunity Employer ,♦-*M-A « >fc4 *4 5 M * • ’ '- ' T - ' - • ’ * * '• é « « «««.<<< < t4 - tv i q¡ . »Ma' IfGACV 3- •S Í.' I S -•t,. r » Sili matter where you want to go, Security Pacific Bank will help you get there. A Legacy Member ©1991 Weight Watchers International. Inc. All rights reserved WEIGHT WATCHERS and PERSONAL CHOICE are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. • s ' ’ S ' i f t le » 3. *■' « - r.K