• 4 / • • * • ♦ve < •««*< • • ♦ » ♦ v t * * * » •♦ • September 18,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 3 i Portland Observer Scripture o f the RELIGION TAKE. M allory C hurch 3908 A of venue C hrist NE M A L L O R Y IT'S THAT TIME A TH E NEW H O PE M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH P R E S E N TS IT S Minister Gregory Fobbs Bible school, 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 10:45 am. Evening Bible Class, 5:00 pm. Evening Worship, 6:00 pm. Attended nursery for all services Wednesday prayer meeting and bible study, 7:30 pm. i s c i p l e s o f C h r i s t God's Presence promises Power through Jesus Christ In Good Times and Bod Times S E P TE M B E R 18, 19, 2 0, 1991 7 :0 0 PM N IG H TLY SUNDAY SCHEDULE M ollorly Avenue Christian Church D A N N U A L GOSPEL M U S IC W ORKSHOP" AVENUE Matthew 13:3 Matthew 77:28 GRAND CONCERT "Come to me all you who ore weary and heavy loden and I will give you rest" SATURDAY, SEPTEM B ER 2 1, 1991 7:00 PM THEME: L e t E v e ry th in g T h a t H as B re a th P ra is e th e Lord." Psalms 150 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm G U E ST CO NDUCTO RS: LOCAL P O R TL A N D AND V A NC O U V E R C O M M U N IT Y M U S IC D IR E C TO R S Denise FI. Bell. Pastor Inter-racial Congregation REGJSTER EARLY !! R e g is tra tio n F ee: Sunday School M orning W orship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer S 5.00 (D is c o u n te d lo r F a m ily ) 126 N.C Rlberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 For A d d itio n a l In fo rm a tio n , P le a s e C all th e C h u rc h at 2 8 1 -0 1 6 3 , 9 :0 0 am to 1 :00 pm o r 2 3 6 -8 7 0 8 . J n n l N e w H o p e M is s io n a ry B a p tis t C h u rch 3 7 2 5 N c -1 h G a n te n b e in A v e n u e P o rtla n d , O r e jo n tT lts s m n a r u 288-1092 ^ B a p t i s t C ftlju r c l) Advocating 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 Church Phone: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7 Jesus Loves You! A lle n Temple C M E C l , urch "Before You Must' Psalm 34:3 4236 (corner NE of 8th Eigth Avenue & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 - Make a Decision - "Inquire about the services we offer" Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service (503) 287-0261 281-4891 Phillip S. Nekon Pastor We are interested in your problems Pastor Wcndcll Wallace è personali) invites voti to he bis special guest at MARANATHA CHURCH New Worship Service Come expecting worship services, with contemporary music, practical preaching from the Bible, and sharing from personal experiences Service times are: Early Sunday Morning Worship at 8:00 AM (New) Sunday School at 9:30 AM Regular Sunday Morning Service at 10:45 AM Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening Service at 7:00 PM Sunday, "Maranatha Live” : KPDQ 93.7 FM at 11:00 PM Sunday, Septem ber 8, 1991 at 8:00 A M & 10:45 A M "HOW TO HANDLE LIFE'S DEEPEST HURTS & TOUGHEST PROBLEMS” Sunday, Septem ber 8, 1991 at 6 :0 0 PM "RESTORING PURPOSE IN OUR GENERATION" Wednesday, Septem ber 11, 1991 at 7:00 PM "MARANATHA’S VISION' Prayer for healing every Service 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 288-7241 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7 :0 0 P.M. Pastor. Rev James CF. Faulkner Them e: W h atever you're going to do fo r th e Lord, do it now I Peter Iv .l 1 VANN & VANN un FUNERAL Dear United Negro College Fund Supporter: Yes, it is that time of year again. It is time for you and your friends to lace up your walking shoes and join the throngs participating in the 2nd Annual United Negro College Fund’s Walk-a-Mile to Save-a-Mind Walk- athon. As with last year’s Walk, this event promises to be one of the high­ lights of our community’s end of summer activities. There will be en­ tertainment, food, gifts, and prizes. Joining us will be a celebrity from The Portland Trailblazers. Our goal is to raise over $35,000 and we expect over 500 walkers like yourself to help us achieve this goal. The 10 K (6.2 miles) Walkathon will be held: Date: September 21,1991 Place: Grant Park (Begin & End) NE 33rd and U S Grant Pl (3 blocks north of Broadway) Time: 7:30 a.m. - Registration Walks begins at 9:00 a.m. Sharp! We are pleased to have U.S. Bank and U S West Communications as our title and contributing sponsors again, providing services for the Walkathon. Express Graphics Printing and NW Strategies, Inc. have also contributed services supporting the Walk. KPTV will be on hand to tape portions of the Walk to be highlighted on this year’s Lou Rawls Parade of Stars Telethon on Sunday, December 29. If you have any questions and/or need additional information, please contact the United Negro College Fund office at (503) 223-8890. We look forward to seeing you and your friends at Grant Park on September 21! Sincerely, Barbara J. Pilot and Veronica Carter Walkathon Co-Chairs D IR E C T O R S Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving the City of Portland for over 37 years In your hour of need Vann &Vann are there to serve Cleodus Vann 503/281-2836 5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 97217 MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuy er. Research works. A D V E R T IS E io th e American Heart Association 0