Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 11, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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    September ll,1991...T h e Portland Observer...Page 7
Kaiser Permanente Receives “Partners in Change’
Award From Four Community College Programs
Fall Swim
New UNCF CEO To Bring New
Visibility To CAMPAIGN 2000
The Portland Bureau of Parks and
Recreation is offering fall swim les­
sons at Colum bia Pool, 7701 N
Chautauqua Blvd. Several levels of
lessons are offered tor children and
adults, non-swimmer through sw im ­
mers level. Children six months and
older can participate in the lessons.
Morning, afternoon, and evening les­
sons are available. The swim lessons
begin in m id-Septem ber at a cost o f ten
30-minute lessons for $17.50. W alk-in
registration begins immediately and
continues during operating hours of the
For more information contact
Colum bia Pool.
Today at Portland Community
C ollege’s Cascade Campus the first
annual “ Partners in Change’’ award
was given to the northwest region o f
Kaiser Permanente to honor an out­
standing record o f support for Port-
land-area single parent women and
displaced homemakers.
Since last fall Kaiser Perm anente’s
Transition Program has provided com ­
prehensive health care in the Portland
area for approximately 600 women and
children associated with programs which
help single parents and displaced
homemakers enter the work force. The
four programs honoring Kaiser Perm a­
nente are Life and Career Options,
C lackam as C om m unity C ollege;
W omen in Transition, Mt. Hood Com ­
munity College; New Directions, Port­
land Community College-Rock Creek
Campus; and Project Independence,
Portland Community College-Cascade
Displaced homemakers and single
parent women are often thrown into the
job market, often unexpectedly, when
they lose their primary means of sup­
port. M ost are divorced or widowed. In
Oregon, Census Bureau survey statis­
tics show us that there were more than
130,000 displaced homemakers in
On the recommendation of an executive search committee formed in the
spring of 1990, U.S. Representative William H. Gray, III (D-Pa) was
elected to become the United Negro College Fund's new president and
CEO. The appointment becomes effective on September 11, 1991. Mr.
Gray, who was the House Majority Whip and is presently the highest-
ranking African American in Congress, is expected to bring new visibility
to CAMPAIGN 2000. Pictured left to right: Joseph D. Williams, chairman
and CEO of Warner-Lambert Co. and chairman of Phillip Morris
Companies and national chairman of CAMPAIGN 2000; William H. Gray,
III; and Dr. Haywood L. Strickland, vice president and national director of
Stopping Drunk Drivers:
Get Involved
(NU) - Individuals can make a
difference in combatting drunken
driving, experts agree. A key. says
one, is getting involved.
A recently revised brochure,
“Drinking and Driving You Make
the Difference." outlines just how
individuals can help. I he 14 page
publication is published by Allstate
Insurance Co.
For a free copy, see an Allstate
The Weight Loss
Plan For People Who
Like To Eat.
Named Coca-Cola USA Manager,
Community Relations
Y o u 'v e G o l II In You To (k.1 II O il You."
Join Any Class Anytime
Adrienne Green
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(503) 297-1021
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(new members please arrive 20 min. early)
Temple Baptist Church
2108 N.E. 41st Ave.
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9:30 a.m.
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Fireside Room
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Coca-Cola USA has named A dri­
enne Green, manager. Community R e­
lations, African-American Consumer
Markets. In her new position, Ms. Green
will be responsible for brand emphasis
Coca-Cola USA salutes Miss Elks of the World, Latonya Campbell, as
she cheerfully accepts congratulations from (I to r) L'Dina Robinson, Elks
Grand Directress, Beauty and Talent; Richard Franklin, manager,
Conventions/Special Events, Coca-Cola USA; and Calvin Drew, Sr., Elks
Grand Commissioner, Beauty and Talent during the recent 92nd Elks
Grand Lodge Convention in New Orleans. Co-sponsored by Coca-Cola
USA, the 23-year old annual beauty/talent pageant showcases more than
20 young women from every corner of the nation who compete for
awards, scholarships and prizes.
Creed o f the black Press
Maranatha Church
T h e Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away
from social and national antagonism s when it accords to every person,
regardless of race, color, or creed, full human and lcagal rights. Hating no
person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to gclp every person in the
firm belief that all arc gurt as long as anyone is held back.
Wholesale & Retail
Hundreds of Wigs
9:30 a.m.
O pening Soon N ationw ide Ins.
919 N.E. 19th
For your everchanging lifestyles
Rivergate Community Church
University of Portland
4737 N. Lombard St.
7:00 p.m.
promotions, special events, youth pro­
grams and college and university re­
Ms. Green joined the Coca-Cola
system in 1988, first as business de­
velopment manager and later as key
account manager for the M id-Atlan­
tic Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc.
In addition, she has nearly twenty
years o f experience with governm en­
tal and education institutions.
A native of Louisville, Ky., Ms.
Green holds a B.S. in Business M an­
agem ent from the University o f L ou­
Before m oving to Atlanta, Ms.
Green actively served on the boards
of the American Lung Association o f
the D istrict of Colum bia, the Florence
Crittenden Youth Home and the An­
thony Bowen YMCA. She is a mem ­
ber o f the National Association of
M arket Developers, Junior Achieve­
ment and Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror­
ity, Inc.
12:15 p.m.
(Brown Bag Lunch Class)
4222 N.E. 12th
(Enter on Skidmore)
colleges in these programs. And be­
cause we work with an existing pro­
gram, administrative costs can be m ini­
mized and more people can be cov­
ered,” she added.
“ Because of this special help, my
four-year-old daughter Katie was able
to gel an operation which helped her to
hear again,” said W omen in Transition
student Rosalie King, a 35-year old
single parent o f three children who
lives in Gresham. She had constant ear
infections and was living in pain. She
had tubes im planted in her ears and
now is beginning to live a normal life,”
King said.
Another student, Phyllis Haas, who
lives in Boring and has been enrolled in
the Life and Career O ptions program,
said she had received a life-saving tra­
cheotomy from Kaiser Perm anente
doctors. Prior to enrollm ent in the pro­
gram, she had had trouble breathing but
could not afford the medical care to
properly diagnose and remedy the
Dan Saltzman, chair o f the P o rt­
land Community College Board of
directors, hosted the ceremony. Saltzman
is an ardent advocate o f non-traditional
programs which assist women with
entering or reentering the work force.
Coca-Cola USA
Adrienne Booth Green
If you’re having a hard time losing
weight, the problem may not be a lack of
willpower, but what you’re forced to eat.
T hat’s why our Personal Choice*
Program works so well. You get a wide
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It’s so flexible, we know you’ll
find the pow er within you to lose
weight. And there’s a W eight
W atchers m eeting near you to help.
Tillamook Park Bldg
Oregon in 1989. Single parent women
push the statistics much higher.
To help Oregon residents who are
medically uninsured, last fall Kaiser
Permanente began the Transitions Pro­
gram. This program extends medical
coverage at no cost for up to two years
for people with no health insurance who
participate in an Oregon D epartment of
Education training and education pro­
gram. The Transitions Program is for
low-income single parents and displaced
homemakers - and their eligible de­
pendents - who are upgrading skills
and education in order to enter the work
force and become self-sufficient.
Oregon D epartment of Education
representative Hilda Thompson presented
the “ Partners in C hange’’ award on
behalf o f the four community college
programs to Kaiser Permanente Health
Plan Manager Denise Honzel.
Honzel said K aiser’s Perm anente’s
program is “ part of a national effort by
Kaiser Permanente to help the medi­
cally uninsured and underinsured by
offering health care coverage at no or
low cost.”
“ O ur program assists people striv­
ing to become self-sufficient, produc­
tive wage earners. W e are very pleased
to be able to work with the community
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.
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5:00 p.m.
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