Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 11, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6„.The Portland O bsener...September 11,1991
Portland Suite University and five
area colleges - including two in South­
west Washington - have joined together
to help students tind and register lor
needed classes at the last minute with­
out having to check with each individ­
ual campus.
PSU and the five colleges - Port­
land Community College, Clackamas
Community College, Mt. Hood Com­
munity College, and Clark College and
Lower Columbia Community College
in Southwest Washington - will be tied
together in a special telephone network
during a two-day period, Thursday and
Friday, September 19 and 20, allowing
instant access to information on course
availability. Classes begin at most
campuses the following week.
A Registration Hot Line will be
available in each institution’s central
advising office. The hot lines will be
staffed by operators who will identify
open class sections and register stu­
dents by telephone. In other words, it
all the sections of a particular course
are filled at one campus, students will
be able to check with the central advis­
ing office which, using the hot line,
will determine the availability ol that
course at the other campuses and, if
necessary, register the students imme­
This two-day pilot program was
developed by the Portland Area Uni­
versity-Community College Liaison
Committee. If successful, the program
could be expanded in the future.
A nearby A rm y Reserve unit needs bright
people to tra in in certa in specialized skills.
In return, we re w illin g to help pay o ff a
qualified student lo a n - u p to $20,001). You
could also qualify fo r another $18,000 for
college e x p e n s e s -a ll fo r p a rt-tim e service,
usually one weekend a m onth plus tw o
weeks' Annual Training.
T h in k about it. T hen th in k
about us. Then ca ll.
282-2120 or
OACW Clubs Hold Gala
The Fluer De Lis Club of the Ore­
gon Association of Colored Women s
Clubs, Inc. held their 37th year Anni­
versary w ith a picnic at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Bell on Labor Day
weekend. Over one hundred guests were
in attendance. There were games, prizes,
fun for everyone who came, and plenty
of delicious food.
Carrie L. Holiday, State President,
reported that there is room for more
women, from 18 years old and up, to
join the organization. If you enjoy the
company of other Christian women doing
busy work in and around the commu­
nity, then this is the organization for
you. For more information, contact
Carrie L. Holiday — 281-9829.
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Peninsula Park
Community Center
' /
All classes at Peninsula Park
Community Center give children an
opportunity to develop movement skills,
social skills, and self-esteem. By pro­
viding a non-threatening environment
away from home, children can have the
satisfaction and die success of express­
ing ideas, making suggestions, and
contributing to the group in a positive
way. Class activities stimulate imagi­
nation and creativity.
Group social skills, such as learn­
ing to listen, cooperation, following
directions, and respecting others are
important parts of the class. When chil­
dren accept the challenge and take the
risk, they are instantly rewarded for
trying their best.
Peninsula Park Fall Registration
runs Sept. 16-27 at Peninsula Park
Community Center, 700 N. Portland
Blvd., Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm for pre
school to adults.
For more information, call Penin­
sula Park 823-3620.
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Oregon’s Fastest Growing
Business Networking & Sales
Just a Reminder! 3 Week
Advance Notice
Mark your calendar for
Thursday: Sept 26, - 6.31 PM/
Travelodge - Coliseum
It’s another Oregon Business
Network "After Hours” Meeting
Bring Plenty of Business Cards
and Meet New Members,
Guests & Contacts!
This is your opportunity to
promote your business product
or services, increase your
public relations and have a
competitive edge with some of
the areas businesses owners,
professionals and other sales
Remember, the more people
know you, the less they
remember your competitor!
‘ Business Attire - No Host Bar
•Promotional Door Prizes
‘ Your Business Guests Invited
Too ‘ Free Admission
RSVP - 244-5794, ext. 38
1/ • • • • • *
Vision Screenings
Portland State
University, Area
Community Colleges
Join In Registration
Hot Line Experiment
Urban League Opens
New Center
The new Whitney M. Young, Jr.
Education and Cultural Center will open
September 16,1991 at the Urban League
Plaza, 10 N. Russell. The new center,
which promises to be one of the most
comprehensive, after-school educational
resource centers in N/NE Portland, will
provide tutorial assistance for grades 6
through college sophomores. There will
be group sessions on motivation, sell-
esteem, study skills, study habits, etc.
Housed in the center will be a complete
reference library which will include
audio visual aides. There will be guest
speakers and many other supplemental
aides to assist the students.
Pre-registration will begin Septem­
ber 9 and will continue through, and
include, September 13,1991. Registra­
tion will begin at 3:00 pm each evening
until 7:30 pm Monday through Thurs­
day this week.
The center’s hours of operation
will be from 3 - 8 pm, Monday - Thurs­
day. If you need any information, con­
tact Gloria Phillips, Program Coordi­
nator or Judy Venable, Parent Coordi­
nator at 280-2600 from 8:30 am to 5
There will be an “ Open House”
on September 27, 1991, from 2:30 to
6:00 p.m., open to the general public.
Free back-to-school vision screenings for children age three to students age 18 are
-tviil ible now through die academic year at the Pacific University Cascade Campus
Family Vision Center, 600 N. Killingsworth (across from the Portland Community
College Cascade Campus).
e w
a r
Free vision screenings provide important information about e y e c l a r i t y of
vision and how well the eyes are working together as a team. Screenings are p
ticuTiriv beneficial for detecting and preventing vision disorders in children ages th
through æ - tire years when learning skills such as reading and wntmg are formed.
Vision screenings take about 20 minutes to complete and do not cause discomfort.
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Pacific’s Cascade Campus Family Vision Center provides extensive vision care
services for all ages including comprehensive vision examinations, specialty care,
and eye glass dispensary for our patients. Payment for services is made according
¡o individual and family income. H ie Cascade Campus Family Vision Center prides
itself on providing high quality, affordable vision care lor the entire fami y.
For scheduling free vision screenings and more information about the Pacific Uni­
versity Cascade Campus Family Vision Center, please call.
Silky T errier, 7 lb., 6" lull. Black and
silver; silver head; tan on face & paws.
Please help me. Tearful mom wailing.
C a ll
Lost on the corner of 18th &
Killingsworth at 7:30 p.m., 9/6/91 across
a from white house next to blue apart­
P acific U n iv ersity
C ascade C am pus Fam ily Vision C enter
M o t h e r s A g a in s t P r u n k
6(X) N. K illing sw orth (across from the PCC Cascade Campus) • 240-5319
P r ic in g
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