September 11,1991 ...The Portland Observer...Page 5 ENTERTAINMENT Turn Loose the Voices Practice Makes Perfect by Nikesha Hunter Hoinestyle Cooking „ Family Dining < Catering * Specialty Menu i. My name is Nikesha, and I think everyone should set goals and always try their hardest in all they do—w hatever the challenge, w hatever the test, w hatever you are striving for, give it your best. It can be dancing, singing, speaking, reading, or just to be a good person. There is one thing you have to do to be able to achieve any of these challenges. It is to practice! You must practice to achieve any goal. There are no goals that you cannot achieve if you practice and try your hardest. Practice is a word we d o n ’t like to hear, but it works. Just like you have to put time aside for homework, put aside time to work toward your goals. If you like to dance, m ake up a dance to your favorite song. M ake sure it has nice words so you can do it anywhere. Make a routine and do it for everyone until you have it right. Look for a place to show it like talent shows, fairs, or cable television. But do it everyday. You can do the same for singing or acting. For acting you can go get books at the library on m onologues, or a play you like and memorize it. Do it everyday. Make up a costum e that can show what you are. Make the costume simple so people will look at you, not the costume. W hen you like it, find a talent show, fair, or cable television, outlet. Do it for everyone. Singing is the same way. Find a song, learn it, and then practice regularly. Sing for everyone. Try to save to buy a tape that has music on one side and words on the other. Try a new challenge. Follow it through. Anything is possible with practice. If you want to practice to be a good person, here is a way. Think about two people you have been mad at or aggravated with. W hen you can say their name in your head, think about one thing you like best about that person and tell them the next time you see them . An honest complim ent can warm and renew old friendships. All things need practice and it’s always worth it. G O FOR IT!! Your Friend, Nikesha Hunter 1992 Young Miss o f A m erica Preteen Queen P.S. There is a cable television show called T.O.P.S., “ Talent On Parade Show case,” where anyone can perform, but you do have to audition. W rite me at the Portland O bserver for more information. Ethnic Female Needs Capital Investor »Down Home Cooking At Its Very Best! .C a tfis h .R e d S n a p p e r .B B Q R ib s .S te a k s .T u r n ip G re e n s .C o r n b r e a d .C h itte rlin g s .Y a m s .B la c k e y e d P e a s .S w e e t P o ta to P ie s . P e a c h C o b b le r .6 A M B re a k fa s t . H o t F o o d E x p re s s L in e 1 1am - 2 p m . M a s te r C h a rg e . V is a . A m e ric a n E x p re s s Steen’s Kitchen 7332 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. TURN L O O O SETH E VOICES is a new musical theater production pre­ miering at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center this week. Created and performed by twenty-three local chil­ dren and teenagers, the show brings to life their insights on how we treat people we consider different from ourselves. Through music, theater, and dance, TURN LOOSE TH E VOICES presents an extraordinary picture o f the impact of facing prejudice, and an equally extaordinary picture o f hope. It cele­ brates a vision o f ourselves as people who can overcome fear and m istrust of one another and learn to find value and strength in our diversity. The cast of TURN O LO O SE THE VOICES is a racially, ethnically, and economically diverse group o f young people, ages 8-17, who were chosen based on auditions. The show is pro­ duced by Young A ctors’ Forum , and co-direcied by Will W eigler and Chisao Hata. The original songs have been developed by the cast under the direc­ tion of musical producer Susan Ring. The show ’s musical director is Danny Osborne. TURN LOOSE THE VOICES plays from Septem ber 20 - O ctober 6 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave. Performances are at 8 pm on Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 pm on Sundays. Tickets are $9 general admission at the door, or $7 in advance (subject to service charge) at all Fred Meyer Fastixx outlets. Call 224-9458 for outlet locations and phone orders. For information on group dis­ counts call 234-9458. TURN LOOSE THE VOICES is a musical that will be enjoyed by adults and children alike. It is a reaffirm ation of the pow er we all hold to affect the community in which we live. D on’t miss it. Pitre Production presents A Benefit fo r the Black Repertory Theatre A Youth Talent Extravaganza “Push The Positive“ Rosemary Allen, Director Pine Street Theatre 221 S.E. Ninth & Pine September 2 1 ,1 9 9 1 1.00-7:00 pm (a full night o f entertainment) Fun fo r the entire family (under 12 admitted free) * Superb youth entertainment * Top local artists Gospel singing Shirley Nanette * Boka Marimba * Norman Sylvester *Benny Wilson * Brenda Phillips * Paulette Davis * Time to M ake a Change* Andrew Clay * Bam Bam Unique toy and game industry 2 8 8 - 0 0 9 7 ............... v r r I A » D ’ Admission: $10.00 (food included) For ticket information call* 284-7930 or Pine Street Theatre * 231-8382 Portland Observer * 288-0020 ... a d ’ s O S ervice il heating oils A M E R IC A ’S F A M IL Y T R A D IT IO N F O R 12 1 Y E A R S '. Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel St. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 ‘A lusty show that spells community theater at its best Willamette Week (i., il / . ‘The funniest play o f the summer. The People s choice! “PASSIN” Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 8pm Sundays at 7pm - now thru September 15th THE PORTLAND BLACK REPERTORY THEATRE IS BACK! at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center 5340 N Interstate Reservations 287-3959 "A must see!" Tickets available at: ■ Music Millennium Record Stores JaBell’s Beauty Supplies Mrs. C ’s Wigs One Stop Records BR O U G H T TO YOU B * Jeannette Fegan School of Early Learning Tue. SEPT. 17 thru Sun. SEPT. 22 P o rtla n d M e m o ria l C o lis eu m Do you want more for your child than ________________________ — babysitting? Present this ad at the door only and receive ' ‘ m o for o n e '' FndMtyBr family admission price on Thursday,Sept. ‘ hades o lo r Nutritious meals Social Behavior W riting Phonics Number and Number Concepts ÎV H J 5 IC m il l e n n iu m *cthnic A rt works Gallery Presents. 2 3 R D & N W JOHNSON 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 Clean and spacious classrooms & playground If You Want The Best For Your Child, ENROLL NOW! " W o r k s o f C o lo r" 2Slh September 5th by: Charlotte Lewis Yvonne Mani pon Charles Tatum N E. Thompson • Porllnnd, Oregon 97212 <1 Cultural differences Social Studies Foreign Language ArLs & Crafts M oral/Spiritual guidance 3 2 N D & E BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 COLISEUM BOX OFFICE and »1! Gt JOE'S kaw ©21 save $3* _ „ w ith c o u p o n , from FRF.D MFYF.R W ed sept w t ^ Including CMC. AUDITORIUM A PCPA Offices frervic» charge added at autlrttl ’ JOPMt BY p HoN E: (5 0 5 ) 2 4 8 -4 4 9 6 Thu SEPT 1 9 ....................... V3OPMt.....7:50PMt Fri. SEPT 20 - < '0PM £ your tickets IN PERSON: o S p in * A t J e a n m n e tte F e g a n S c h o o l, y o u r c h ild w ill le a rn all th e b a s ic s fo r a g o o d E d u c a tio n a l F o u n d a tio n . WAYS TO GET n ig h t itrrv 250 7 all « ^ reserved _ o $ 7 .5 0 - 8 9 .5 0 - 8 1 1 .5 0 PRICE INCLUDES TAX , * * * * » ♦ » * ♦ * * * * **** * * A * «»****«** Openings, Infants to 3-yr-old, 4-yr and kindergarten 606 n . e . Fremont 2 8 7 -5 6 5 6 /H o u rs : 6 :3 0 - 6 :0 0 Licensed With the State Of Oregon/Trained s ta ff.___ plus CLASSICAL MILLENNIUM liant to EAST SIDE LOCATION. (SO3,2ÍÍ-J77» Give. American Heart Association V G«l,fry Hours - Th«. - Sul. 12-6 4 illix-ks North of Hranhnni bbr-l M ti Él ÉÉÉ .JÍrf * • * ‘ i ’W A * • • » *•*** 4 * * 4 f *s*-^4* * * * it ... ■ ■W & Ä ? * ■ • *. * ** *. « ». a V» * W I