i. Page 4...The Portland Observer...Seplember 11,1991 i Portland Observer RELIGION Preaching Jesus From The Old Testament Creator of heaven and earth Very lew BY MICHAEL LINDSEY of these God fearers actually became D ean o f proselytes (converts) to Judaism, per­ N o rth P o rtla n d B ible C ollege haps because of the required rite of T he text for the Sunday School circumcision and the legal rituals which lesson (International Senes) for next had developed around Judaism by the Sunday is Acts 13:26-39. We encour­ time o f Christ. age you to attend the Church o f your Recall from Acts 11:19-24 (last choice this w eekend, and study Cod s w eek’s text) that Barnabas and Saul/ W ord with His people Paul w ere leaders in the first church to O ur Bible lesson this week is part actively w itness and incorporte Greeks o f a serm on preached by the apostle and other Gentiles into the church. Paul Paul on his first missionary journey. fully intended to present the gospel B arnabas and Paul had come to Pisidian message to Gentiles in this Antioeh as A ntioch (A cts 13:14), so called to dis­ well, but he wisely looked for the most tinguish it from the far larger city A nti­ receptive people first-b o th the Jews och (o f Syria) where they had previ­ and the God fearing G entiles to estab­ ously preached and taught (13:1-3). The lish a base for church growth. sm aller Antioch, a highland town in the By way of application, we should m iddle o f Asia Minor (present-day ask ourselves this question: Am 1 seek­ T urkey), had strategic importance for ing out those non-Christians who have the spread of the gospel of Christ. It was the most interest in spiritual things, and the civil and military center of the area, prayerfully presenting Christ to them? and a Rom an Colony, sitting on the Like Paul, we would not exclude any­ m ain trade routes from Syria to Europe. one from our witness, but we would Right away Paul and Barnabas recognize G od’s liming in preparing sought out the Jewish synagogue and hearts for the good news ol Christ. attended the Sabbath meeting. They W hen the Lord Jesus sent out his heard the readings of the Law and the disciples to announce the kingdom of Prophets (two sections of their Bible), heaven, he instructed them that in each and then were invited to bring a "‘word town they should seek out a worthy o f encouragem ent” (13:15) to the as­ person (Matt 10:11), a “ man o f peace” sem bly,. It was not unusual for a visit­ (Luke 10:6), and build their leaching ing teacher to get this privilege; the ministry out of that person’s house. When Jew s generally looked forward to re­ God directed Peter to preach to the very ceiving a word from their brothers, and first G entile, he did not pick out a hard­ Paul gave an address particularly well- ened p a g a n -h e chose Cornelius, a suited for this audience. (Compare the “ devout and G od-fearing” man, who synagogue scene in Nazareth, Luke 4:16- prayed to God and gave generously to 30, and the message the Lord Jesus the poor (Acts 10:1-4). Though God can brought on that occasion). miraculously save even the most vile But there was another group pres­ sinner and blasphemer, he often pre­ ent in the synagogue each Sabbath. pares the heart of the sinner to receive Paul addresses them as ‘ ‘ those who fear the message, and we should not miss the G o d ” (13:16,26); this does not mean opportunities he prepares for us. the Jews d id n ’t fear God, but that there Let’s resume our look at Paul’s were many Gentiles (non-Jews) who sermon in Antioch. Does it surprise you had rejected the idolatry of the Greeks, how much Paul appeals to the history of the Rom ans, and their local pagan re­ Israel: the bondage and deliverance from ligions, and were attracted to the purity Egypt, the wilderness experience, the and simplicity o f faith in one God, judges and early kings? Il shouldn’t! In our churches the history o f Israel’s captivity has long been a point o f con­ tact with distressof our people. And the mighty hand of the LORD in the plagues and at the Red Sea has been an indis­ putable sign of his power to save and preserve his faithful people. Paul also appealed to the fulfilled prophecies concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This ought also to be a major theme of our witness, especially to the worldly wise skeptic today. The prophecies of the O ld Testa­ ment are in many cases precisely and unarguably fulfilled in the person of Jesus o f Nazareth. They demonstrate that God had indeed spoken through the Psalms and the Prophets, hundreds of years before Christ, and described his birth, life, death and resurrection in detail. This could not be mere chance, or the plot of a deluded rabbi. It was given as proof of the reality o f our salvation. Many do scoff at the idea o f a bodily resurrection, and yet buy into reincarnation or some other theory of afterlife. To any open-minded person, who has not yet received the Lord Je­ sus, 1 would encourage you to check into the strength of the evidence of fulfilled prophecy in Scripture, and other evidences that Jesus really did rise from the dead (for example, see Acts 13:35- 39 in our text, and Psalm 16:10). May I recommend a guidebook which out­ lines the evidence for you: Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell. Many who heard Paul’s sermon turned against him in jealousy (13:44- 45), not because they could refute his teaching. But many others received the gospel (13:48). I’m convinced that most people who refuse to follow Jesus Christ have never seriously considered whether he was all he claimed to be. D on’t you think he deserves your careful consid­ eration? Scripture o f the ‘Weefi Luke 22:64 Sam Johnson Memorial Scholarship Banquet “TWO PATHS” by Tamika Motion Tw o paths lay before me. O nce long ago, W hen summers were long, Anil 1 didn’t yet know. The meaning of heartache, or recognize pain, And look it for granted, That youth would remain. Two paths lay before me, And each o f them led. To what 1 could only. Imagine, ahead. Though I wanted to wander, Down both, for a bit, Life just shook her head, And would have none of it. For one path alone. Is given each person, And we m ust journey down it, The best that we can. The Highland United Church of Christ is again sponsoring the Sam Johnson Memorial Scholarship Ban­ quet on: Saturday, September 14, 1991 7:00 p.m. - 10 p.m. H ighland’s Fellowship Hall This is our 4th banquet and the 10th year anniversary o f the passing of the Rev. Johnson. The Sam Johnson Memorial Schol­ arship Fund was established in 1981 in memory o f our late pastor. In 1983 additional funds were received from Edith Elliot as a m emorial for W ilmar Elliot, a faithful member o f Highland. The Rev. Johnson devoted many years of unselfish service helping young and old alike to help build a better future. We have been able to assist over 1 students in obtaining a higher educa­ tion. Your assistance will help support even more. We take pride in being able to assist students when they call on us. For a lot o f our students, the church is the extended family. We have a wonderful group o f young people at Highland and we will continue our strong support with them. Our special guest banquet speaker will be Richard Johnson, son o f the late Rev. Johnson. Opal Johnson, Banquet Chairper­ son Ella Powell Pauline Doran Lessie W illiams The Rev. Cecil Prescod, Pastor And whether we win, Or whether we lose, Largely depends o n ,... The path that we choose. Chris tian ‘Women A gainst Crime Open Mouse Sunday October 20, 1991 2:00 P M to 6:00 P M 120 MM- Iv y Street Portland, Oregon 97212 282-1316 "Before You Must” - Make a Decision - "Inquire about the services we offer" Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service 281-4891 We are interested in your problems Research works. American Heart Association For Best Results Advertise in the Observer HUD HAS A HOME FOR YOU, AVAILABLE NOW! C y d ' r '’- MM „.-».•25 Alonzo Scoti Jr. Your personal \Sales Rep. 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